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Christine's Edible Backyard

Joined: 01/12/13 Updated: 01/12/13 Frost:
Location: Lake Macquarie

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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

Christine Forum Contributions
Citrus in pots3 - Hi Mish, Thanks for your helpful info. I've bought two humungus half wine-barrels for my citrus (got to go away on a camping trip first) ...will probably follow your advice although they are growing like mad just with good quality potting mix at the mom..5144 days 10hrs
Citrus in pots3 - Hi everyone, I have several young fruit trees now and they are all growing well, i.e. fig, mulberry, blackcurrent, blueberries and citrus. However, I realize that I should have potted the citrus into larger pots. I plan to buy some half barrels for them..5180 days 16hrs
Citrus in pots2 - Hi everyone, I have several young fruit trees now and they are all growing well, i.e. fig, mulberry, blackcurrent, blueberries and citrus. However, I realize that I should have potted the citrus into larger pots. I plan to buy some half barrels for them..5180 days 16hrs
Citrus in pots1 - Hi everyone, I have several young fruit trees now and they are all growing well, i.e. fig, mulberry, blackcurrent, blueberries and citrus. However, I realize that I should have potted the citrus into larger pots. I plan to buy some half barrels for them..5180 days 16hrs
Citrus in pots - Hi everyone, I have several young fruit trees now and they are all growing well, i.e. fig, mulberry, blackcurrent, blueberries and citrus. However, I realize that I should have potted the citrus into larger pots. I plan to buy some half barrels for them..5180 days 16hrs

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