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Avocado plant died - I planted avocado plant last sping after loosing once previous winter. I am from kalkallo in victoria. We have an issue of damaging wind from north. And frosty mornings during winter. I dont ...
  By Jayp 6 days ago (0 responses)
Kestral seed potatoes - I'm trying to do the same. I know it's been some years now, but did you ever source the seed potatoes? If not, did your method yield a decent crop?...
  By ChipChap 8 days ago (2 responses)
Vietnamese OrangesVietnamese Oranges - Arvo - does anyone have a contact for Cam Sanh orange/trees in Western Australia please?...
  By Jibso 9 days ago (17 responses)
Moorpark Apricot Tree Still Has Some Leaves? - Hello, Yes, I have two apricots, planted back in a bout december, and I am awaiting another one (bare root) in the mail. As for pruning, definitely prune in winter, just be sure to seal the cuts wit...
  By PlumRob 15 days ago (3 responses)
Pruning PassionfruitPruning Passionfruit - Could possibly be getting overwatered. They don't like having wet feet.If you have clay soil it may be that it's pooling around the roots and they're sitting in water. They also don&#03...
  By ElleAitch 16 days ago (504 responses)
Need smyrna fig, have caprifigNeed smyrna fig, have caprifig - Hi Jeremy! Just wondering if you have any excess Capri cuttings you could spare? I'm Sydney based and really want to try and get some wasp pollination happening...
  By Elle WD 17 days ago (33 responses)
Sour Cherries - Fruit fly,do they stingem? On the south coast near bodalla,yes the maggots are here....
  By Exorchardist 19 days ago (0 responses)
Marcot a Cherimoya - Thanks Danny. You have saved me from disappointment & wasted effort. ...
  By Moyna 23 days ago (2 responses)
Wanted: Shikuwasa plants - ka_who, I'd be interested too - once youve had it tested. have you ever had any fruit off your tree? how did you even get it in the first place?...
  By Adrian Citrus 23 days ago (6 responses)
relocate the mango treerelocate the mango tree - Hi Susan, how did you go with your relocate in Perth? I’m hoping to do the same and same time of year so would be fantastic to know how your tree fared? Thanks :) Ren...
  By RenK 24 days ago (22 responses)
When do Sundowner nectarines ripen - Data on various nursery websites, for maturing of Sundowner nectarines, varies from early to late. Can anyone, especially in WA provide, concrete data?...
  By TimJoh 25 days ago (0 responses)
Horopito Plant Horopito Plant - Horopito plants are already grown here by a number of people, including the cultivars Red Leopard and Red Glow. Plants should be readily available in Spring but I’m wondering what you would use them ...
  By Linton 30 days ago (4 responses)
exotic Vinesexotic Vines - Hi, I found your answer about Tonkinese creeper , Pukalani vine. I'm very interesting to get this plants. Would you consider to sale some cutting or seeds? I'm in Melbourne ...
  By Honeybee 31 days ago (58 responses)
Is anyone getting Cherimoya or custard apple fruit? - Cold ought not be a problem for cherimoyas They grow well in Bolivia mountains “ they like to see the snow but not feel it”. Local saying ...
  By Velella 37 days ago (6 responses)
Pea Eggplant SeedsPea Eggplant Seeds - did you manage to get the seeds? I'm after some as well...hope someone can send to Werribee......
  By Ekm 48 days ago (152 responses)
Best tasting finger limes - I see there are a few different varieties of finger limes available. Which ones have you found taste the best? I didnt want anything too bitter or sour tasting or we likely would not eat it much....
  By RDavies 48 days ago (0 responses)
Different guava cross pollinationDifferent guava cross pollination - Did your feijoa have any flowers yet? I was just wondering whether you were asking about cross pollination in advance. If it did have flowers but no fruit, then why not plant a second feijoa for cross...
  By Edward3 49 days ago (3 responses)
Lime fruit browning Lime fruit browning - Unfortunately, this is one of the negative traits of the variety. Tahitian is a great tasting lime, but it doesn't hang well on the tree when mature. When left to ripen fully on the tree, it de...
  By QRcode 51 days ago (2 responses)
Dwarf red dacca banana Dwarf red dacca banana - Sadly , my experience is all bad. Profuse growth , huge leaves. ……no fruit. Tried to pull them out after 10 years but suckers pop up Checking recipes for suckers...
  By Velella 58 days ago (4 responses)
What depth raised garden for dwarf avocado? - That was good to watch . It looks like I will have to go quite high with a raised bed. Higher than I was hoping. Thanks for the link, I will watch a few of his videos...
  By RDavies 58 days ago (2 responses)
citrus bugs - I bought an old vacuum cleaner from marketplace. Best $40 I ever spent. I’ve had no fruit off my lime for about 3 years and I was concerned the tree would eventually die. The wand keeps us ...
  By Susanscalliwag 61 days ago (32 responses)
Tropical Fruit Trees Successfuly Grown in Sydney/Wollongong/NewcastleTropical Fruit Trees Successfuly Grown in Sydney/Wollongong/Newcastle - Just an update - right now there are more than 10 jackfruits on the tree. We will probably lose some over winter, but some will survive. Here is a photo of one taken last year which ripened OK....
  By Edward3 66 days ago (185 responses)
Yellow jaboticaba - Hi. I have this plant in Sydney and it is a good looking bushy plant. But I don't think the fruit is all that good - large seed and not much flesh. I would not recommend it for the fruit. The sma...
  By Edward3 66 days ago (1 responses)
Please help!! looking for Manihot Grahamii (Hardy TaPlease help!! looking for Manihot Grahamii (Hardy Ta - Hi NT Plantie! I would love to grab a cutting or small plant. Can we chat off this cursed forum? siahn.davis@gmail.com :)...
  By SiBF 66 days ago (12 responses)
wine grapes hervey baywine grapes hervey bay - I have all the Daley's varieties,and most are pumping except Achilles. I presumed the variety rights status ment it was a good one,but it could just be the local condition,soil etc. Anyone have...
  By Exorchardist 84 days ago (39 responses)
monkey pot tree Lecythis pisonis - Did you have any luck?been chasing this tree for ever. Hope I can get my hands on it one day...
  By Reynner 85 days ago (1 responses)
Scion wood inWA - Can anyone in WA supply scion wiod for Hunter or/and Tilton apricots and Sundowner nectarine. I am trying to extend my harvest season! ...
  By TimJoh 89 days ago (0 responses)
Questions about growing a mango treeQuestions about growing a mango tree - You know, growing mangoes can be really rewarding, but it does take some know-how. Between the R2E2 and Kensington varieties you mentioned, I'd recommend going with R2E2 if you're just start...
  By treeremovallansingmi 92 days ago (29 responses)
ORANGEGLO WATERMELON - I gre this a few years ago and loved it! I skipped a few geowing years because of life, and now my seeds are no longer viable. I REALLY want to grow this again. Does anyone know where I can buy some s...
  By MaddieNQ 93 days ago (0 responses)
Ne mango varieties Ne mango varieties - Hello, Just a question for ivepeters: How do you get such healthy mango seedlings? I'm looking to raise some and would just like some tips. Yours look very healthy, that's all. Cheers, P...
  By PlumRob 94 days ago (4 responses)
Mulberry tree not fruiting - Cheers. Enjoy some fresh berries when the season comes!...
  By PlumRob 95 days ago (3 responses)
Pruning neglected dwarf granny smith / leprechaun Pruning neglected dwarf granny smith / leprechaun - Hello, I'd be glad to give you some advice, but I would need some information on the tree first. 1: How old is the tree? 2: Has it fruited yet? 3: Does it have any major wounds? 4: Some phot...
  By PlumRob 95 days ago (1 responses)
Feijoas for cooler places - Hi Mark, I am in Canberra. Grateful if you could advise me where I could get grafted ones here. Also can I graft feijoa in spring or all seasons in Canberra? Thanks! ...
  By Satyanti 95 days ago (15 responses)
Finger lime loosing leaves - I only got my plant 5 days ago, I planted it in a 70L pot in my backyard where it gets about 5-6 hours of light. its is in 1/3 premium potting mic and 1/3 citrus. I have been giving large amounts of w...
  By Charliesparrow 100 days ago (0 responses)
Why are the leaves on my lime tree going yellow?Why are the leaves on my lime tree going yellow? - I have had this lime tree for about 1 year now but the leaves have recently started to yellow (see attached image) and a few of the leaves have started to curl upwards. It's outside in a large...
  By rosshodgekiss 103 days ago (0 responses)
Recommendation needed for feature tree in pot - I'd like some recommendations on a feature tree that's suitable in a large pot for SE QLD region. It will be placed in a 5m*5.5m central courtyard surrounded by 3m tall window/wall on all 4...
  By iforgot 108 days ago (0 responses)
Breadfruit TressBreadfruit Tress - I would love to buy or trade some seeds/seedlings with you!...
  By KnotofNature 110 days ago (35 responses)
Spinosad to get rid of leaf miner? - Nowadays what I can find is Yates tomato and vegetable dust. 0.5g/Kg spinosad (+ copper oxychloride and sulphur). 500 gram of dust for $10.98 at Bunnings. [Link]...
  By davewastech1 114 days ago (15 responses)
CHOKEBERRY PLANTS - Hi, Does anyone know where I can get these in Perth WA please? ROBC Ph. 0417769744. ...
  By ROBC 116 days ago (0 responses)
Finger Lime - I have a finger lime tree purchase from your nursery some time ago with the letter S on the tag. I am hoping this helps identify the tree, as I would like to purchase another one. Thanks Dallas Heard ...
  By Glen20 119 days ago (0 responses)
When to Feed and Prune a Mango TreeWhen to Feed and Prune a Mango Tree - Spray management :- I was listening to Jerry from ABC gardening AUS  .  He uses Wettable sulphur from Flower stage  to pea size fruit  every 3 weeks and after that once every month for fungal con...
  By sandy31 122 days ago (66 responses)
Dragonfruit Dragonfruit - Thank you! We purchased another variety via Daleys fruit recently so fingers crossed for the next fruiting season. ...
  By Veronh 123 days ago (3 responses)
Epiphyllum guatamalense monstrose - I visited an epiphyllum collector yesterday and there were lots of fruiting varieties. Some were loaded with delicious tasting fruit. There is a place for them in areas to cool for dragon fruit or wit...
  By allybanana 123 days ago (3 responses)
Summer grafting - Yes, it is an alternative but I had two takes in 18 attempts. . That’s lower than I get with more conventional grafting. ...
  By Velella 124 days ago (2 responses)
Lemon tree leaves wiltingLemon tree leaves wilting - From around Christmas time when they emerge, spray the summer/autumn flush with an oil spray. Be careful not to burn the young leaves in the process--half strength may be adequate. This really only n...
  By QRcode 130 days ago (3 responses)
Pecan variety best for far South Coast NSW - planted one from seed 10 years ago now 8 metres tall Has been fruiting lady 6 years. Nuts in two layers of shell drop in March....
  By Jill file1 134 days ago (5 responses)
When to prune cherry treeWhen to prune cherry tree - Thanks for the link edward3... I think I need to do some pruning now as the branches are reaching for the heavens and is seems a waste to wait for winter where they could another half metre taller. ...
  By notsosqueezy 138 days ago (2 responses)
Tiger nuts - Hi Linda, Did you ever manage to get a hold of these? I'm growing them, but I don't think it's a very well-adapted variety, so I'd love to upgrade. Rob...
  By Robertiton 143 days ago (3 responses)
Camucamu berryCamucamu berry - Hello does anyone have access to Camu Camu seeds, I’d love to buy some! Please contact me maggiesnuff@gmail.com. I had some seeds get destroyed by quarantine, I’d much rather buy some from Austral...
  By MaddyP 146 days ago (10 responses)
Bandicoots and stripped leaves - With my plum and cherry trees, the culprit is the possum. They also eat up new mango leaves and flowers. If your trees are away from other trees, fence, overhead wires, then a slippery sleeve made of ...
  By Edward3 148 days ago (3 responses)
AQUILARIA CRASSNA PLANTS FOR SALEAQUILARIA CRASSNA PLANTS FOR SALE - Hi All, Anyone here knows a seedlings grower or a nursery owner that do contract to grow Aquilaria seedlings in Brisbane or Ipswich QLD area? Also, do you know how much per plant cost? Please kindl...
  By AgarFarmerX 153 days ago (83 responses)
Fig leaf beetle issueFig leaf beetle issue - As they are caterpillars and chewing the leaves you could use Dipel or similar - Bacillus - it's a bacterium so one of the 'original' biological comtrol...
  By Linda 160 days ago (1 responses)
Guava tree not producing fruit - I've read that some guavas can take up to 8 years to fruit. Maybe yours pushed out flowers but didn't want to give you fruit. If you have some fruit on the tree now, maybe this is the cas...
  By PlumRob 164 days ago (5 responses)
PineapplePineapple - Hi Steve, That's awesome that you found some pineapples with the tops still intact! Here's what you can do to plant them: Cut & Plant: Yes, you can cut off the top of the pineapple...
  By buymyfarm 168 days ago (55 responses)
Can\'t find \'WHITE\' Pomegranate tree/seeds in Australia !!! ? You are my last hope‏Can't find 'WHITE' Pomegranate tree/seeds in Australia !!! ? You are my last hope‏ - hey everyone, I am new to this forum. I have got a white pomegranate tree in my backyard that started to fruit this year. I just came across this discussion. We have tasted the fruit but it is not to...
  By Sam2024 172 days ago (108 responses)

Not Yet Answered - Can you help?

When do Sundowner nectarines ripen - Data on various nursery websites, for maturing of Sundowner nectarines, varies from early to late. Can anyone, especially in WA provide, concrete data?...
  By TimJoh 25 days ago (0 responses)
Sour Cherries - Fruit fly,do they stingem? On the south coast near bodalla,yes the maggots are here....
  By Exorchardist 19 days ago (0 responses)
Avocado plant died - I planted avocado plant last sping after loosing once previous winter. I am from kalkallo in victoria. We have an issue of damaging wind from north. And frosty mornings during winter. I dont ...
  By Jayp 6 days ago (0 responses)

Most Popular

Pruning PassionfruitPruning Passionfruit - Could possibly be getting overwatered. They don't like having wet feet.If you have clay soil it may be that it's pooling around the roots and they're sitting in water. They also don&#03...
  By ElleAitch 16 days ago (504 responses)
Tropical Fruit Trees Successfuly Grown in Sydney/Wollongong/NewcastleTropical Fruit Trees Successfuly Grown in Sydney/Wollongong/Newcastle - Just an update - right now there are more than 10 jackfruits on the tree. We will probably lose some over winter, but some will survive. Here is a photo of one taken last year which ripened OK....
  By Edward3 66 days ago (185 responses)
pouteria lucumapouteria lucuma - Hi Scot. I am interested in Lucuma plants. Can you send me the details via email to tareqhsa at yahoo dot com please ...
  By TareqMelbourn 321 days ago (404 responses)
Seville OrangeSeville Orange - Thanks Jakfruit! shwabiii@gmail dot com...
  By SamB 338 days ago (478 responses)
Problems with White Sapotes *Pics included*Problems with White Sapotes *Pics included* - Hi Amanda, I am looking to plant a white Sapote in Canning Vale. Am wondering if they get attacked by fruit fly here in WA?...
  By Southacre 354 days ago (520 responses)
Growing avocado in MelbourneGrowing avocado in Melbourne - I have a dwarf Wurtz in the yard, last year 2022 we shared 260 avocados with the next door neighbour. This year will be down under 100. Have no complaints at all about fruit taste. Growing Illawarra ...
  By Ray15 363 days ago (419 responses)
Tropical fruit trees successfuly grown in MelbourneTropical fruit trees successfuly grown in Melbourne - Why are you unenthusiastic about KP? I have only had my tree for one season so no winters yet. I have a fruit on there that must be 15 cm. Alyssa's Tropical Fruit Trees seems to have some that ha...
  By MelbFruit 493 days ago (858 responses)
Gac Fruit anyone?Gac Fruit anyone? - Hi I am growing 12 seedlings and two female cuttings ok - Collombatti Rail - about 20 km inland from South West Rocks, Mid North Coast, NSW. I will work out which vines are male and female and reduce ...
  By HUTTO 606 days ago (201 responses)
maqui berrymaqui berry - Thank you! Can you provide any information please on where to obtain such seeds/plants/cuttings? I know it's easily obtained in WA but they cannot send to QLD. I've written to several nurser...
  By T&P 709 days ago (215 responses)
jujubesjujubes - wzis, I have a Shanxi Li jujube tree which was also producing somewhat shrivelled fruit in earlier times, but his year it produced nice large tasty fruit which I attribute to the copious amount of rai...
  By Edward3 735 days ago (185 responses)
Mango Tree DiseaseMango Tree Disease - You could do a hard prune of the tree. Cut the limbs at about 2 metres from the ground and apply steriprune over the cut ends. Dispose of the cut off limbs which might be affected by anthracnose. You ...
  By Edward3 735 days ago (439 responses)
drumstick treedrumstick tree - Hi, Drumstick trees have lot of health benefits.Both drumstick and its leaves are good for health. ...
  By Farsana 887 days ago (233 responses)
ackee treeackee tree - Hi Anne 1, yes I saw Ackee trees around Cairns many years ago, good to hear some still around....
  By jakfruit etiquette 943 days ago (179 responses)
Cuttings/ seeds/ seedlings SwapCuttings/ seeds/ seedlings Swap - Does anyone have any fruit seeds that will do well in Mackay QLD that they are willing to sell/giveaway. Happy to pay for postage costs as well....
  By Kimeau 984 days ago (755 responses)
Panache Fig TreePanache Fig Tree - Here’s a few pics of some Panache marcots I potted up this weekend. I prefer marcots over cuttings if I have access to the tree and the amount of available wood is limited as the success rate is alm...
  By Danny333 994 days ago (161 responses)
Red bayberryRed bayberry - Bayberry season in Yarra Valley Victoria now - watch for them in Asian Groceries etc...
  By Markmelb 1289 days ago (192 responses)
Chiku / SapodillaChiku / Sapodilla - bhupi - Chiku / Chicu is Sapodilla ...
  By Markmelb 1307 days ago (223 responses)
Guava tees in melbourneGuava tees in melbourne - Thanks for the advice based on your experience!...
  By PAVEL 1329 days ago (317 responses)
Rare Fruit Swap/Sale in Melbourne South/East?Rare Fruit Swap/Sale in Melbourne South/East? - Anyone for exchaning?...
  By TareqMelb1 1341 days ago (213 responses)
Pandanus amaryllifolius - Did you make your own potting mix? I just repotted mine a week ago. This evening I found my premium potting mix has not been drying out. Worrying about root rot, I repotted them after adding 10% - 15%...
  By KhienDFW 1422 days ago (670 responses)
Curry Leaf Tree in MelbourneCurry Leaf Tree in Melbourne - Linton thats the best ive ever seen especially in Melbourne ~ cut it to a metre above ground now it will grow back ~ shame you cant sell it to restaurants? ...
  By Markmelb 1424 days ago (286 responses)
LYCHEE TREELYCHEE TREE - Hi Aaronkoe, Your Lychee looks like got white mite. see attached link for more info. Cheers. [Link]...
  By David01 1485 days ago (227 responses)
Milk Kefir GrainsMilk Kefir Grains - Hi Joy, I have had pretty bad allergies for last couple of years and I have noticed significant improvements ever since I started taking probiotics. I am ready to start making some kefir at home. I li...
  By K Crace 1640 days ago (347 responses)
acha cha fruit seedsacha cha fruit seeds - Good luck Farouk, patience is the key here! Very slow growing tree from seed...
  By bspargo 1652 days ago (308 responses)
duriun trees: have you seen anyduriun trees: have you seen any - Hi, this is not a Durian but a Jack fruit ;) ...
  By Luc Lison 1725 days ago (209 responses)
Betel LeafBetel Leaf - I am selling this plant. ...
  By abbey 1744 days ago (264 responses)
PassionfruitPassionfruit - Oh and here is the vine growing far bigger than I'd expected. I cut it back and now it's twice the size. Woopsie daisy.. ...
  By chickenSniffer 1818 days ago (634 responses)
dragon fruitdragon fruit - All done , Ivy. Thanks, Anthony ...
  By Rannman75 1932 days ago (483 responses)
GarlicGarlic - Just planted my garlic in Sydney and looking good so far. I am needing to know how garlic does in North West Tasmania. Anybody from those parts and growing garlic successfully?...
  By mick777 1946 days ago (311 responses)
asimina tribola/American pawpaw/ temperate custard appleasimina tribola/American pawpaw/ temperate custard apple - Hi Carolyn Yamina Rare Plants Nursery in Monbulk, Vic sells Asimina Triloba &quote;Pennsylvania Gold&quote; a named variety and seedlings too of an unnamed cv. Go to their website and give them a r...
  By Fruitylicious1 2062 days ago (277 responses)
Black Sapote not growingBlack Sapote not growing - My Black Sapote is about 8 years old and is now at least 7-8 metres high. It fruits yearsly, sometimes poorly but it's covered in new fruit now. It always looks very healthy and is in sand 300m from t...
  By Neil 2076 days ago (221 responses)
graviola tree or soursopgraviola tree or soursop - We supply soursop leaves and tea bags to Australia and overseas. Our websites are [Link] and [Link] for more information....
  By SoursopAustralia 2101 days ago (358 responses)
BlueberryBlueberry - @David01 @Jez Hi guys and thank you so much for all your help! Im very much looking to be an active member in this forum. thank you so much again 😊...
  By aura 2174 days ago (526 responses)
BananaBanana - Hi superbrudd Between 1.2-1.5 meters to allow the mat or stool to grow healthily. Happy gardening :-) ...
  By Fruitylicious1 2261 days ago (443 responses)
Ants Nests in Pot PlantsAnts Nests in Pot Plants - I had a type of red stinging ant. My body was eaten alive with terrible weeping swollen sores. The only solution is to remove the plant very carefully and soak the roots in a garbage can filled with...
  By Carolyne 2290 days ago (157 responses)
CoffeeCoffee - Hi Mark, Thanks for your help, i cant see any spider mites on it but ill have another look just in case. ill check out the eco oil too Thanks Steven...
  By Steven 2299 days ago (274 responses)
Fruit fly controlFruit fly control - Glennis, I have no idea if the Qld ff is healthier than other flies' but the only way of getting a decent harvest from your garden or trees is to exclude them from the fruit, either by covering the wh...
  By Slicko 2346 days ago (597 responses)
JaboticabaJaboticaba - Hi Rob19 yes send me an email...
  By Stevo2 2346 days ago (331 responses)
gardening in Perth sandsgardening in Perth sands - Hi Kath I wish you all the luck in your new fruitopia journey. As avid growers we all know that there will be bumpy roads ahead but most of it will be a pleasant and oftentimes sumptuous journey. I...
  By Fruitylicious1 2359 days ago (314 responses)
Wolf BerriesWolf Berries - Thank you Fruitylicious, I definitely have Chinense according to your pics. I have a Barbarum struggling too but not doing a lot as it may be too shaded. I will prune it hard this year and see if tha...
  By chookie2 2377 days ago (187 responses)
BabacoBabaco - Back in 1985 I was a commercial grower with 1000 babacos in Mullumbimby. Great success and first supplier to Sydney markets. Now looking for a young tree on the Gold Coast. Anyone close want to sw...
  By KeithL 2441 days ago (393 responses)
custard applescustard apples - Thanks for the suggestion. Had already tried Perry's.....but no, can't....
  By Linton 2467 days ago (260 responses)
Fruit trees in Perth WAFruit trees in Perth WA - Anyone in the Rockingham/Mandurah area have a kaffir lime I could have a cutting from to try grafting onto one of my citrus trees please? Can swap for eggs....
  By KathK 2545 days ago (162 responses)
Paw PawPaw Paw - For those above after Papayuelo seeds or plants I noticed some of these plants fruiting today at Coffs Habour community garden, labeled as mountain paw paw, and incorrectly as Vasconcellea pubescens....
  By allybanana 2571 days ago (221 responses)
Mango tree not fruitingMango tree not fruiting - Pruning will do wonders for a Mango that has already been fruiting for at least a few years. From my limited observations it is best to allow Mango trees to grow somewhat wild. In their first 'frui...
  By Gregory 2621 days ago (355 responses)
Veggie gardenVeggie garden - People I visited some time ago made their whole veggie garden of slabs on edge. I can't remember how they were held together - maybe with wire? They were dug part way into the ground and were a good d...
  By Julie 2959 days ago (513 responses)
bee hivesbee hives - Fulham gardens. Thanks anyway mate. Il check the gummy add...
  By ben from adelaide 2980 days ago (202 responses)
I have a cherry treeI have a cherry tree - Whoever thinks birds won't eat cooking cherries..please tell the local mynahs who tear them through the netting on my tree....
  By cherrygirl 3141 days ago (171 responses)
mandarin treemandarin tree - I have a imperial mandarin tree in my back yard it's about 3 year old now and going good!! I'm pretty sure the whole was 25cm wide and 35cm deep, they are supper yummy and get about 6 mandarines in o...
  By Ellie 3314 days ago (259 responses)
rasberry bushesrasberry bushes - understood and sent....
  By peter 1000 3981 days ago (200 responses)

fruit tree picturesDon't forget to upload a picture of the fruit tree you are discussing.
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Mango scion wood (31) - Mesona chinensis (148) - Sweet Bush Lemon (1) - My potato plants (2) - Help with cherry and persimmon (1) - Amalfi Lemon (0) - Lemba-Curculigo latifolia (25) - Concord Grapes (6) - Citrus stink bugs (1) - Potting mix for dwarf coconut (0) - Staking Mango tree (2) - Apple trees in raised beds. (1) - Honey Gold Mango (85) - Immature fruit dropping (0) - Fe'i banana plants (2) - Asimina (2) - Wanted: Mexican Flamevine cuttings? (1) - Fiddle leaf powdery mildew (1) - Passionfuit, no pollen on flowers? (4) - Wanted Cuttings: Mexican Sunflower (14) - Apricot trees in Sydney? (29) - mata kucing (0) - White shahtoot espalier (1) - Cotton candy (8) - Autumn crisp grape cuttings Wanted (1) - gold nugget mandarin (5) - OB1 Blueberry - Syd/NSW (2) - Free fruit Trees in Public Places (74) - Macademia Drop (0) - Mexicola Avocado (46) - AVOCADO ,Interesting shape , ' RUSSELL' variety , FLORIDA , U.S.A. (44) - Fig tree variety ID (0) - Avocado Fuerte help (5) - Sapotes Grafting (4) - Carmen Hass Avo (8) - Onion Weed (113) - PAW PAW DISEASE (80) - Double grafted cherry pruning and grafting (2) - Weeping willow cuttings (2) - Blooming Mango Trees (43) - Borers? (2) - Stripping bark (2) - Unstable plum tree (1) - Splotchy Mandarin Leaves (1) - Iluka Blood Plum (1) - Two morphed leaves (1) - How to take care of plants in summer ? (1) - Sick lemon tree (2) - Help with extreme root bound loquat (2) - Lemon Tree leaf curl (1) - Pruning Feijoa in very early spring (2) - Bael Seed (76) - pouteria lucuma (404) - Avocado tree advice (2) - Seville Orange (478) - Is this rootstock? (1) - Keeping Seedless seedless (0) - Orange tree desease (0) - Dwarf Low Chill Cherry (82) - carambola (138) - Fruit Fly Netting (0) - BJ (1) - Problems with White Sapotes *Pics included* (520) - Avocado bark disease and stunted growth (1) - Red Dacca Banana (3) - Mulberry summer prune (1) - Dragonfruit in Melbourne (0) - Growing avocado in Melbourne (419) - Avocado (0) - Mariposa Plum AIr Layer (0) - Illawarra Plum Pine (0) - wax jambu purple help (0) - White spots on avocado (0) - Night Flowering Jasmine (16) - Size on limoncello (30) - Amalfi lemon tree (2) - Red Dragonfruit (1) - Kiwi Sweetie Leaf Spots (0) - Mango scion wood or unusual rare mangoes for sale (7) - Swap and sell Mango varieties (0) - Mangos Grown in Melbourne (15) - Angel peach subtropical. (0) - Possum or bats? (1) - Gardening Australia (2) - Autumn crisp grape cuttings Wanted (0) - Another mulberry root thread (1) - Pomegranate Pollination (0) - Gold Nugget Mandarin (1) - Australian cowplant. Gymnema sylvestre (0) - Persimmon for Brisbane (0) - Jackfruit (0) - Cape Goose berry disease and pests (10) - Sweet Granadilla (2) - Young Mango Tree Mold/Rot (3) - mirabelle tree (72) - Could this be Anthracnose? (0) - Apricot advice - Borer or Canker or other ??? (0) - White Sapote "Kampong" (23) - Pear and Nashi Pear pollination (0) - cinchona (7) - Red Jackfruit (0) - Which feijoa for Melbourne? (26) - Avacado Not Looking Well (1) - Vietnamese orange tree (1) - White Sapote (3) - Plant ID (2) - Mango tree (1) - Feijoa seeds (1) - Jackfruit - cochin scionwood (0) - Citrus on Swingle rootstock (6) - Removal Large Gum Tree (2) - Chestnut Tress (0) - jujube fruit fly (1) - Time to fruiting for dwarf red shahtoot Mulberry (0) - Banana Leaf Ficus (0) - Dekopon in Australia? (138) - Which Prune Plum Tree (2) - Lakatan/ Berangan banana in QLD? (0) - Wanted: Soap Nut Tree (47) - Actinidia polygama (1) - Mango budwood buy/swap (0) - Tropical fruit trees successfuly grown in Melbourne (858) - Pepperdew Piquanté Peppers (3) - Fruit trees growing in pots successfully (73) - Yellow Mangosteen (23) - Dwarf Sweet Cheeks Apple (0) - How I fixed my sick Gardenia (1) - Quassia tree- Picrasma excelsa (0) - SOAP BERRYS (0) - Pepperdew Piquanté Peppers (0) - ultra dwarf ambarella cutting Scion needed (0) - Wanted: Soap Nut Tree (0) - Yeheb Nut/Yebnut (20) - Japanese grape trees/cuttings? (5) - Wanted: Jackfruit J33 and Annona seeds - export NZ (0) - Garden (0) - peach and nectarine tree top disease (1) - papaya male broad leaf (0) - Argan Tree / See (21) - Guava (1) - What would be the problem with my plant? (0) - Lamb Hass (6) - Mango scions available (4) - jaboticaba (35) - Potted Lemon Tree Problem (2) -