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Pandanus amaryllifolius

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lynn starts with ...
does anyone know where a pandan plant can be purchased?
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18th February 2008 1:33pm
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San says...
They grow wild in Darwin.
I brought back a few plants for Asian friends & neighbours, but they rarely survive for more than 2 winters in Sydney's cold climate.

You could buy frozen leaves from Thai grocery stores near Castlereagh Street (and Sydney's Chinatown) if you want them for cooking purposes.

This plant is rarely found in nurseries, but if you are going to Broome, Karratha, or Darwin, I could give you contacts of people there who has Pandan plants in their backyards.

You sometimes find them in fruit & vege stalls at Darwin's Parap Market and other weekend markets.

Good Luck !!

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18th February 2008 4:21pm
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kim says...
Lynn, Have you tried the fruit shops run by Vietnamese. I have seen Pandan plants being sold in Vietnamese shops in Brisbane. They are also difficult to keep alive even in Brisbane.
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greenbank, Qld
18th February 2008 9:20pm
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lynn says...
san and kim,
i think i have masochistic tendencies where plants are concerned - i want to grow one for the thrill of growing it, rather than just have them from the grocer's. i don't know when i would ever have the opportunity to go to darwin to buy a plant, and then would i be able to bring it back with me to sydney?
i really appreciate your responses - at least i now know where to start looking.
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18th February 2008 10:16pm
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San says...
As far as I know, you can bring Pandan into Sydney if you wash all the soil away from the roots.
Those that I brought in were 'soil-less' and the roots were wrapped in wet news paper to keep then alive during the flight.
Just declare them at quarantine if in doubt.
Cheers !!
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19th February 2008 10:34am
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juanita says...
Where can i get pandan plant in Melbourne? Does anyone know pls!?
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21st February 2008 12:47am
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kim says...
Propagating them is not difficult even in Brisbane. I have had success putting the plant in water and roots will form in a couple of weeks and then I pot them out.
I am also trying them out in various positions of the garden. Two next to the shed getting morning sun, one next to my 22,000litre water tank getting some overhead sun and 6 in pots which I move to the greenhouse in winter. They all survived the very severe frost we had this winter but 3 weeks ago one of the pots just died over a few days. I cannot see any reason why it did this.
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greenbank, Qld
21st February 2008 5:33pm
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juanita says...
Thank you Tran for the info...I'll give them a ring & i'll try "ceres" as well.
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21st February 2008 6:29pm
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Anonymous says...
I thought Pandans are propagated from the tiny shoots/baby plants that arise from the parent plant.
So, for those who had success propagating it, please give us a bit more details of your propagation technique.
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25th February 2008 2:19am
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Rahaidi says...
I agree with Kim that there is a good strike rate of propagating these plants through water.

Your best bet as you say is to get it from the "pups" (those that are branched out in soil from the parent plant). You have a better chance if you leave the pups to grow to about 10-20cms tall. The more roots initially from the pup the better.

Before separating the pups soak the parent plant with diluted seaweed concentrate a day before just to give the plants a bit of zip before the operation. Sharp secateurs will do the job away from the parent. Get as much roots from the pups as possible. Wash away the excess soil from the pup and simply dip them in a bucket of fresh water. Make sure the leaves from the pup are above the water and let it sit for a week or two. Use fresh water daily. In about a week and a bit additional roots will start to form. When you're happy with the growth you can plant it out to a seedling mix that has good drainage. In between soak plenty with the seaweed mix to give it a better chance.

Note: Strike rate from the aerial rooted pups can be propagated but are harder to survive. Best way is to get the pups from soil.

Tips: For those in colder areas or in Winter. You can still grow them the trick is in winter to put them under cover away from wind and rain and water them sparingly. A lot of them die, not just because of the cold but the excess water from rain or from reticulation that is held stagnant at the top of the plant. The stagnant water combined with the cold in winter will kill the plant in a few days, so cover them and they will be alright. In summer the additional water soaking is no problems.

I have several of these grown pretty healthy this way in Perth near the coast but obviously under cover (shade cloth) amongst my palms. The leaves are prized in asian cooking from pandan cakes to rice dishes. One or two is all that
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25th February 2008 10:30am
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kim says...
Rahaidi has described it very well. I have also noticed that the Pandan does not like full sun and the potted ones are under shade cloth.
I have a friend who has one growing in the ground and covers the plant with a blanket every night during winter season. Seems to work as it has survived for years.
Rahaidi, do you have a problem with mealy bugs? I use white oil for those on the leaves but I notice that they also attached themselves to the roots in the potting mix and these are hard to treat.
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greenbank, Qld
25th February 2008 7:19pm
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Rahaidi says...
Hi Kim, I've only used white oil on the leaves for these critters. I haven't had them on the roots.

What you can do perhaps is to make a solution of confidor in a bucket and simply dunk the potted plant and leave the top free. Leave it in for about 30 mins and take it out and let it drain. That should fully saturate the pot with the treatment.

I generally do this process just with water for my potted plants once a season to get rid off excess salts and other residuals (from water and fertilizers) that build up over time.

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26th February 2008 11:16am
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Shaun says...
Hi Rahaidi,
Have you got a spare "pup" or two of the Pandan for someone keen to try it out in Perth, please ?
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27th February 2008 1:50am
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Rahaidi says...
Sorry Shaun but the ones that I have propagated I've given away already this season.

I've got some of the pups coming up but they're too small at the moment for separation.

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27th February 2008 12:27pm
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andy says...
i grow a pandan here in sydney (hills district). takes plenty of tender loving care, esp from autumn to spring. anywhere below 15 degrees and they start to suffer.
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2nd March 2008 4:51pm
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Shaun says...
OK, Rahaidi.
Please keep me informed when your 'pups' are big enough for dividing.
I would like to try growing a plant for the 'challenge' that Pandan plant poses.
Cheers !!!

p/s: BTW, which area of Perth are you in Rahaidi ?
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3rd March 2008 1:01am
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Josh says...
Hi I would love to buy some pandan plants. Please email me if you have any for sale.Thanks.
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3rd March 2008 9:33pm
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juanita says...
same as here, i would like to buy one too..Thank you.
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4th March 2008 3:59pm
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lynn says...
me too! i'm keen to buy one as well.
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4th March 2008 6:38pm
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Peter says...
Andy - or Rahaidi

I'm also keen to buy a pandan plant - I live in Sydney. If you have any to spare please let me know.


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Peter R
5th March 2008 10:14pm
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Josh says...
I have a friend who is going down to Darwin,I have requested for her to bring some pandan plant back for me.How many plants do you guys want and at what price.
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6th March 2008 9:05am
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lynn says...
ummmm....i don't want to be greedy, so i'll say one plant. i don't know how much the plant should be; what do you think is reasonable? one other thing to take into consideration - is it going to be too much trouble? - i live in sydney...
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6th March 2008 10:05am
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Rahaidi says...

Shaun I'm in coastal Mindaries.

Although these a tropical plant, they're actually very resilient provided the conditions mentioned as above being frost free/protected.

In summer conditions under shade-cloth patio/amongst other potted plants. Mist/hose the area to increase humidity and it will go off.

They prefer to be more pot bound so don't go big with pots but do provide quality soil mix. I've also added a layer of dried lupin mulch to retain moisture and to provide nitrogen in its breakdown.

Since we use it for some recipes I've only used slow release fertilizers and have spoilt them with weekly seaweed showers.

Only cut/use a few leaves at a time from the base. They're can get quite woody if you use too much I guess but they do like to set clumps. With these growing at various heights you will get a very green tropical/leafy visual display.

One of my favourite Malaysian dishes is Nasi Lemak which basically uses coconut milk with these pandan leaves thrown in when cooking the rice. The aroma is heavenly and with grilled fish on the side...yum.

With some interests perhaps its something that Daley's can provide in the future ?


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6th March 2008 12:15pm
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aNON says...
get somebody from Kununurra to send down, they grow wild upi there.
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6th March 2008 1:32pm
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Anonymous says...

I'd really like to get one or two plants. Maybe they could just be posted bare-rooted in a jiffy bag to save on freight? I'm happy to pay say $15 for two.

Let me know if that's OK and I'll send you my mailing address

Many thanks

Peter (Sydney)

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7th March 2008 8:32am
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juanita says...
Hi! Josh,

One good size piece, bare rooted, keep the roots moist w/ a bit of moss in a ziplock/sandwich bag for $15...or make an offer.

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7th March 2008 5:13pm
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San says...
To give you guys an idea of the price of Pandan plant in Darwin's weekend market ....
a 150 mm pot with a plant about 6-12 inches (??? cm) tall generally sells for approx $5.00 to $10.00 each (depending on size of plant), at the weekend market.
If you pick the wild plants from the roadside 'bush', then its free (of course).
Similarly, some locals will give it to you for free (or others may only charge a nominal $1.00 per plant if you dig them yourself) if they got Pandan growing wild in their backyard ....
just remember to wash off the soil, and wrap the roots in moist news paper when you take it on board the aircraft.
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9th March 2008 2:16am
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Sylvia says...
Hi, I'm in metro Perth. Can anyone tell me if the Pandan plant can be bought from any local nursery such as Waldeck? Where can I buy this plant to grow?

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26th March 2008 9:59pm
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aNON says...
Darwin Plant wholsalers have them as does Flame tree Nsy in Kununurra. The beauty of buyinbg from the latter is that it has already been through quarantine.
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28th March 2008 2:46pm
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Sylvia says...

Do you have the websites to these 2 places mentioned? I'm in Perth metro area and if possible would like to buy locally. Do you know of any local metro nurseries that sell the pandan plant? I don't mind buying online if the cost is reasonable.

Thanks for your reply. :)
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28th March 2008 11:42pm
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Roger Goebel says...
Hi Pandan grows well here near Innisfail but I am not current with the movement restrictions. You would need to check with your State's Biosecurity or whatever.
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Innisfail area
29th March 2008 7:28am
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Josh says...
Hi guys sorry for the late reply. I just receive my plants. The plants look horrible after transportation. If anyone is still interested it is available but only if you can collect the plants from Canberra.
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29th March 2008 1:14pm
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Josh says...
BTW my email add is cherubi@kittymail.com
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29th March 2008 1:26pm
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Shaun says...
As far as I know, no nursery in metro Perth stock Pandan plants.
Many in Perth have search and 'comb' through all the the metro garden centres, but to no avail :-( .
You will have to get them from private collectors or growers in metro Perth.

If you know of people who fly-in & fly-out of Karratha to bring pandan to Perth for you, then I know of 2 houshold there who got Pandan in their backyards.

Cheers !!
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30th March 2008 1:33am
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juanita says...
Hi! Roger do you sell your pandans? How much would you sell for one plant? It'll be a long distance from innisfail to melbourne.
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1st April 2008 12:19am
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gayle says...
I have just become interested in growing a pandanus. Although I am in a unit I have flourishing mango, paw paw, coconut, etc. There is no tropical plant that cannot be grown in the right microclimate in Perth. There are commercial mango plantations just 30mins from here and fruiting coconuts south of Geraldton which is cooler than where I am at Greenmount. I will check with a lady at Midland Sunday markets who seems to be able to get most things.
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Greenmount WA
4th April 2008 2:06pm
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Anonymous says...
My Pandan will be 2 years old this September. It is the only one that survives of the 6 rooted cuttings that was given to me by friends in the Pilbara.
The other 5 that were grown in pots all died within 3-6 weeks .... this surviving one (that I thought was the weakest at that time of transplanting) was buried into a corner of the flower bed.
The Pandan's growth is very slow ...as slow as my Mundo grass .... only a few cm per 4-6 months. But after the recent rain, this Pandan now shoots up 3 little 'pups' at its base. I hope the coming cold weather would not kill it.

So, I need plenty of expert advice from those who had success with Pandan in Perth.
Looking forward to read your opinions in here.
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5th April 2008 10:41pm
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jessica says...
my friend bought the pandan plant for me at the Canning Vale market for $8.00.
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13th April 2008 1:14am
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Anonymous says...
Hi Jessica,
Which store is that?
Does Canning Vale market open on weekdays?
I could hardly wait to get there to buy a plant for my good self ;-)
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14th April 2008 2:41am
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Roger Goebel says...
Hi Juinata, I have a few spare pandan plants and could send one bare rooted through the post at $10 plus postage but for Victoria it may need a spiraling white fly freedom certificate which I should be able get from our local DPI&F. The Victorian authority phone number should be 0392109390. Is it a local call for you. If so please check if Pandan is considered a host for SWF.
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Innisfail area
17th April 2008 9:32am
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juanita says...
I only want to try 1 plant if it'll survive our cool weather down here..I don't think we need to go thru all this swf freedom certificate just for 1 plant, do we?
Let me know how much the postage will cost me & here's my contact email id
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18th April 2008 1:03am
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Anonymous says...
Hi Jessica,
Could you find out from your friend which store sells Pandan plant in Canning Vale market, please.
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19th April 2008 9:53pm
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Sylvia says...
Hi Rogers

How much are you selling your Pandan plant? Winter is approaching....I'm not too sure if itz the right season to try planting.

I'm in metro Perth, so if I were to get it thru you, it shouldn't be too much trouble right since we are in same state?

Any advice for planting pandan?

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20th April 2008 2:03am
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juanita says...
I think Roger G. is from Innisfail Northern Qld not from Perth...I don't think winter is the right season to plant this ultra tropical pandan, unless we keep it in the hothouse.
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21st April 2008 12:45am
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notshy says...
So I just bought a pandan plant today.

I've just got it into a self wateriing pot with good potting mix.

How should I nurture it?
- ferterliser requirements?
- Sun or shade?
- how often to water?

Any tips most welcome.


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24th April 2008 1:47pm
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People who Like this Question Thithi
Anonymous says...
Hello Jessica,
Are you there?
Please let me know the Canning Vale store that has Pandan plants for sale.
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25th April 2008 11:22pm
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susan says...
Hi everybody!
I'm so pleased to find pandan enthusiasts!
I'm the UK and can only find cut pandan leaves from Oriental grocery stores.I've only come across the plant from an Ebayer in Thailand and am unsure of our import restrictions.

I've dipped my leaves in some rooting hormone. 3 of these I've potted up in compost and another 2 I've suspended in water- just as an experiment.

Do any of you have experience with growing pandan from its leaves?

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27th April 2008 9:59pm
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Rahaidi says...
With the onset of colder/wintery weather upon us here in Perth, I recommend moving your potted Pandan plants to a sheltered location. Free from the cold/dry air as well as from the rain. They will certainly die quickly when the extra water gets trapped on their crown. If the upper leaves start to wilt then thats a sure sign. All you need is to move them under the gutters/eaves and just water them occasionally during the cold spell (but not on the crown).

For those that are north of the river I think there are oriental shops that might sell these plants. Ones I saw was a while ago at Girawheen.

Like palms these plants like to be pot-bounded, so try to pot them in smaller bags or pots.

Tip: Create your on bonsai bag for planting. Get any of your old plastic pots drill heaps of big holes (5 cents size) along the sides and bottom (the more the better). Cut up some shade-cloth material and place them at the bottom and sides. Add your soil and plant in. The extra drainage holes plus the shadecloth material will make the plants root out naturally with secondary roots rather than the tap/main root rolled around/pot bounded.
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28th April 2008 1:59pm
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Tran says...
Hi Rahaidi,
Many thanks for your valuable advice. Much appreciated.

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28th April 2008 3:34pm
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susan says...
oh well... my attempts to grow pandanus from leaves have failed. The leaves appear to be wilting. Have just ordered from one ebay for
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29th April 2008 10:47pm
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San says...
Hi Rahaidi,

Thanks very much for the tips to grow Pandan.
May I ask which shop in Girawheen had the Pandan plant, please?

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30th April 2008 11:28am
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Rahaidi says...

Hi guys, no probs happy to share the info.

With regards to the oriental shop north of the river. Its a Vietnamese local grocery shop along Marangaroo Drive in Girawheen. Theres a set of shops there and next to the Shell station.

Actually you might try your luck with any local oriental shop. Ask them if they have or know where they sell these plants.

Hope you guys have some luck in getting them here in Perth.


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30th April 2008 12:08pm
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Sylvia says...
Hi Rahaidi

Thanks for the info...I know which shops you are talking about along Marangaroo Drive. Itz within the Newpark Shopping Complex isn't it? I used to shop there. Seriously, I never pay attention to those plants they sell at the Oriental shops. Now I think I'm going to open my eyes wide to see if I can find my pandan plant.
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3rd May 2008 12:16am
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juanita says...
Hi! Rahaidi,
Is it possible to buy one from your reliable source as long as it's not too dear...I can keep it warm away from draught & frost in my small gh, hopefully it shld survive thru winter.
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5th May 2008 1:33pm
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Susan says...
Well... my pandan plant from ebay has arrived!! Paid USD$30 for it including shipping. 2 bulbs have arrived- Leaves are about a foot long with a 2 inch stem/bulb. Now the next question is if they'll survive!
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7th May 2008 11:09pm
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juanita says...
Hi Susan,
Do you keep your pandan plant in a gh/hh (hothouse)?...Give it TLC & for sure it'll survive...Good luck.
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8th May 2008 1:41am
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susan says...
Juanita: Its getting warmer and I was thinking of putting them outside. They're just sitting on my south facing kitchen window sill for the moment.

Rahaidi: is this what you mean by soaking the roots in water?

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8th May 2008 4:43pm
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Rahaidi says...
Hi Susan, congrats on your new puchase. looks like you're doing the right thing. Leave it in there for a week and bit. Just wait until it grows some more roots, then plant it out. Remember to replace the water daily and not to overfill it. Make sure that the crown isn't submerged in water, otherwise it might rot out. Keep it in a relative warm area at this time with indirect light and its better to plant them out to pots when theres warmer weather around.

Good luck I'm sure you'll have success with it.
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8th May 2008 6:03pm
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Susan says...
Hi Rahaidi,
Thanks a lot for your moral support! I'll keep you(and the rest of you in the forum) posted!
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8th May 2008 6:39pm
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juanita says...
Hi Roger,
Im still interested w/ your pandant plants & i've already emailed you..
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9th May 2008 1:03am
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susan says...
Hmmm.. one of my pandans isn't doing too well (its the one in the background in picture 2 posted 08/05/08) I think the roots were rotting so I've cut them off the stem :( I think there are some fine roots remaining. Does anyone know if I can dip the stem in rooting hormone and perhaps wrap it up in moss/cotton wool?
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11th May 2008 7:47pm
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susan says...
I've decided to pot up both my pandans as they were starting to look really sorry for themselves. I've dipped the smaller one (pic1) in some rooting hormone and am now crossing my fingers that both will survive!
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Picture: 2
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13th May 2008 1:43am
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Tran says...
It would not hurt to do that and hope for the best. Good luck Susan.
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13th May 2008 9:10am
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susan says...
Well, its official. My pandans are dead. :(
I wonder if its worth forking out another
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16th May 2008 6:50pm
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Sam says...
I have a Pandanus amaryllifolius growing inside my house. I have it for well over three years and is doing very well. I put it under indirect light. I have no problem with it.
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Indiana, USA
17th May 2008 6:57am
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juanita says...
Hi! Susan,
Sorry to hear that your pandans didn't make it...I think it's worth to give it a 2nd try...Hope for the best this time.
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23rd May 2008 10:45pm
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Anonymous says...
I thought Pandan's botanical name is Pandanus longifolia .....
that was what the Garden Guru program called when they did the Gardens of Malaysia.

So, could Pandanus amaryllifolius be a different variety of pandan from P. longifolia?
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25th May 2008 10:36pm
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juanita says...
Hi Roger,
Thanks for your beautiful & healthy Pandan...It's been potted up & now sitting comfortably among the orchids in my mini gh..I'll post a pix here soon...Btw, i've already emailed you.

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28th May 2008 10:21pm
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Roger Goebel says...
Botanical names can change and rechange so I don't get too hung up on what is the current one other than making sure you are talking about the same plant. After saying that, the attached photo is of a plant identical to what I grow and use and what David Thompson of Sailors Thai Restaurant uses. These plants are in the Townsville botanical Garden Palmetium and marked Pandanus amaryllifolius. A search for longifolia did not give me a pandanus with edible leaves.
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Innisfail area
1st June 2008 7:13pm
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juanita says...
Hi Roger!

This is how your Pandan A looks like now, still goin strong..I hope it'll survive & will give me lots of babies (plantlets).
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2nd June 2008 12:59am
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Anonymous says...
I think it is also listed somewhere as Pandanus ordoratissima (or something like that, with a meaning of having fragrance or smell).
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2nd June 2008 3:14pm
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Roger Goebel says...
Yes Anonymous, as that is what I thought it was years ago but P. odoratissimus is a bigger pandanus that flowers with a smell.

Juanita, that plant travels better than I do.The pot size looks OK if you can keep it warm enough. On that sized plant, up here you could expect plantlets next year but don't be in too much of a hurry to pot them up. Let their roots develop or they will sit in the pot and look at you for ages.
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Innisfail area
2nd June 2008 6:05pm
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juanita says...
Hi Roger,
Yeah,i think that pot is too big & it worries me a bit...I'll transfer it into a bit taller & narrow pot if i could find one asap...Im not sure whether those expose big roots need to be burried in the mix?
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2nd June 2008 11:48pm
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Roger Goebel says...
Those roots are fine as they are Juanita. Like most pandanus the roots act as props and putting soil around is likely to cause problems.It is the fine roots that need to be in soil. In the photo the soil level looks fine.The pot size looks OK just sit back till spring and keep it warm,soil and air.
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Innisfail area
3rd June 2008 8:06am
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Carmelita says...
Hi Roger,
Can you tell me where in California can I buy pandan plant.
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California, USA
5th June 2008 9:14am
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Perla Y. Wee says...
I own a nursery in New Jersey. I always like to collect unusual plants. I have several plants from Australia. I was in Australia, New Zealand and Fiji just to find sources of plants. Recently, a friend of mine gave me this Pandan plant.I potted it but it is not doing anything.Does it need full sun? What type of medium should I use.Moreover, can somebody help me where to purchase this Worsleya plant. There is one person in Australia and he is very arrogant. I will never buy plant from this person. Our website is www.dragonagro.com.
Thank you
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Perla Y Wee1
New Jersey
5th June 2008 11:08am
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Larry says...
Hi Rahaidi,
I would love to get a hold of a pandan
plant. My email address id larryb@iinet.net.au
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5th June 2008 5:07pm
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David says...
Hello everyone.

Didn't realize there was a whole lot of people discussing pandan growth here!

I was wondering if Roger still had any pups left?

I'd be happy to try pandan here in forsty Shepparton. I actually have curry tree, galangal, kencur, piper sarmentosum (kadok, boesenbergia and a sarracenia pitcher plant growing in my warm bathroom. I hope I can keep the pandan alive! Just love the smell of the leaves in cooking.
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Shepparton Vic
7th June 2008 7:28pm
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Roger Goebel says...
Hi David,
We can organize something but give it a month or two to get through this winter. What email address can I get you on?
With this interest in pandan we should be running a parallel chat on uses and recipes. Did you know that pandan leaves are suppose to repel cockroaches!
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Innisfail area
7th June 2008 7:49pm
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David says...
Never heard of that use! They smell so nice, funny that they should scare roaches!
I think your suggestion is a good one. I'll be patient and wait out the winter. After all everyone seems to be saying that we're in for a real freezer of a season.

My email is dktchew@hotmail.com

Been growing a few things like yacon, purple congo potatoes and some unusual fruits. Just planted some seeds for stir fry greens here. Hope it's not too late.

Thanks Roger!
Look forward to trying the pandan when it gets warmer.
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Shepparton Vic
7th June 2008 8:26pm
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juanita says...
Simple Pandan recipe & it's one of my fav..

Pichi-pichi..cassava patties w/ coconut
1 cup grated cassava (or frozen cassava from Asian store)1cup pandan water (boil pandan leaves w/ water), 1cup sugar, 2 teaspoon lye water (available in asian food store) 3 cups fresh grated coconut.
Squeeze the juice from the cassava & discard. In a bowl, combine cassava, pandan water sugar & lye water. Mix well & pour into small muffin pan. Steam until soft & translucent, approx 5 mins. Remove from pans & roll in grated coconut...serves 4
yummmy! bonapetite (spell?)
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7th June 2008 8:55pm
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Anonymous says...
Garden Gurus also named it Pandanus tectoris .....
anyone familiar with this botanical name?
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8th June 2008 2:07am
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Carmelita says...
Hi Roger,
I would really like to have a pandan plant, I am fr. Los Angeles California,if you could tell me nurseries in Los Angeles that sell pandan plant. My e-mail address is greenjadecharm@yahoo.com. Thanks a lot Carmelita
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California, USA
8th June 2008 7:17am
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juanita says...
Hi Carmelita,
I know one of my forum mates from US was able to get her 2nd Pandan plant in Florida..She ordered her 1st Pandan from Thailand thru ebay.
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8th June 2008 6:00pm
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Carmelita says...
Hi Juanita,
Thanks for the info. But would like to find one here in Los Angeles, CA if anybody knowns of a nursery that sells it. Would like to know how much is Roger selling his pandan plant including postage. Many Thanks.
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10th June 2008 7:35am
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Anonymous says...

Try this http://www.toptropicals.com in Florida they do have online shopping.
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13th June 2008 5:38pm
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Carmelita says...
Thanks Anonymous, the site was good lots of tropical plants like jasmine sambac also my favorite & smells so good.
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15th June 2008 7:30am
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Pamella says...
Hello, can anyone tell me where I can get a pandan plant from Sydney. Pls email me, prettychick909@yahoo.com.au.
Thank you.
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25th June 2008 4:56pm
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Pamella says...
Hi Roger
I am based in Sydney. Would you consider selling me a pandan plant? Please email me cost & postage - prettychick909@yahoo.com.au

Many thanks.
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25th June 2008 7:38pm
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juanita says...
I wonder where is Roger?
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26th June 2008 9:14pm
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Shaun says...
Roger ....... the pandan plants are going like hot cakes !!
Business must be good ... how abut setting up yor own nursery for Pandan ?? .... hahaha ;-)
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29th June 2008 1:38am
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Pamella says...
I just bought one from Shipards Nursery Brisbane, Phone (07) 544 111 01

The plant arrived in good shape and healthy.

Hope this helps.
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2nd July 2008 3:41pm
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Dorothy says...
Hi Pamelia
How much would it cost?
I really wanted to get one but worry it not survive here.
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10th July 2008 9:11pm
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Rose says...
Hi Andy of sydney (hills district),

How's your pandan plant? I'd like to grow one, too. I live in Toongabbie, NSW. Is there a nursery nearby that sells it?
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11th July 2008 5:16pm
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trikus says...
Once this plant gets established it really spreads . Friends closer to Innisfail have massive colonies along creek banks that have withstood a few floods. I have broken of many pups a few times now , in just the 2 years my plant has been in the garden .
I was advised to plant it very deep .
It seems to lean over , and the ofsets root into the ground . I listed and sold several on ebay . But I think they need to be rooted well for any chance of success .
Winter would not be the best time for dividing , and I am not certain they would thrive in temperate climates without much pamparing .
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12th July 2008 7:57am
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Dorothy says...
Are you still having them?
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14th July 2008 12:13pm
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sally says...
Hi,at long last I have managed to get my pandan plant to thrive in the house. It has been 3 months since I got it. Will it last the winter, I wonder.
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15th July 2008 12:50am
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Dorothy says...
Good luck Sally
Hope it survive.
maybe you need to get a good sunny spot for it and not too cold. Let me know if it survive thru the winter.
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15th July 2008 11:08am
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Pauline says...
Hi Rahaidi

Where can i get the Pandan plant in south of the river as I don't drive that much. The other day I was reading a Thai recepie book and they said that now days we can get Pandan juice as well. If you know anything about that can you please let me know.

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Cannington, Perth
19th July 2008 12:19am
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Pamella says...
Hi Dorothy

$25 per plant & $17 postage, arrived next day in good order

Hope this helps
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21st July 2008 7:23pm
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John says...
canning vale markets have lots of asian shops, they have the plants in the warmer months.

cnr bannister and south st.
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29th July 2008 11:02am
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Shaun says...
I am trying to keep my hopes up .....
however, I think my Pandan plant that is planted in the garden bed may finally die this winter ......
it had survived 2 previous winters ....
but this winter is particularly cold and wet ....
and I noticed that the Pandan leaves have all gone yellow and 'wilting' in the cold ....
don't know if it is too late to dig it up and repot it to a more sheltered spot. :-(

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WA / Perth
6th August 2008 11:49am
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Thao says...
Hi Roger,

I wonder if you still have any pups left to sale.

I live in Sydney and would like to have one in my garden to use for cooking.

Look forward to hearing from you. Thank you.
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6th August 2008 3:08pm
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Juliana says...
Hi Roger

I am interested in getting a bare rooted Pandan as well.
Please let me know if you still have any to sell.

My email address : julianalah@yahoo.com
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7th August 2008 12:28am
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Juliana says...
Hi Juanita
What type of paper work did you get to have the pandan tree sent to you in Melbourne? I am keen to get 1 plant for myself.
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7th August 2008 12:32am
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juanita says...
Hi Juliana,
There's no paper work involve & Roger sent it to me barerooted all the way from innisfail.
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9th August 2008 5:49pm
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David says...
Roger, I think you might have a ready market for pandan down south here! If you have any left, I'd be grateful for some.
Please email me dktchew@hotmail.com
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11th August 2008 11:14am
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Carmelita says...
Hi Roger,
Do you still have some barerooted pandan for sale? I really would like to have one.Pls e-mail me how much it will cost me including postage. Thanks so much. greenjadecharm@yahoo.com.

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LA California
15th August 2008 7:13am
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Roger Goebel says...
Hi all , Yes I do have a couple of pandan plants spare but after finding the plant movement regulations on the inter net (the Govt staff I talked were not all that helpful) for plants into Victoria (I don't know about New South Wales)it looks like no plants can be sent from the north without expensive treatments and certification, unless they are going to be grown outside.It would have to be a unique location to grow a pandan, outside, all year round in areas that get any frost or lengthy cool periods. On the brighter side,of the hundreds of pandan plants that I have seen, the only pest to date is an occasional grasshopper taking a couple of bites out of a leaf.Has any one else seen any pests on Pandan? Attached photo is of a larger plandan I planted out in early June. It went backwards till 2 weeks ago.
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Innisfail area
15th August 2008 7:13am
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Yunni says...
Hi Roger I would like to purchase some too if you still have them I have bought plants in Ebay from Queensland with no hassles. I bought water chestnuts and taro and they're just starting to sprout ^^
My email address is yunnyjm@hotmail.com
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Central Coast
15th August 2008 9:15am
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Shaun says...
Yeah, this winter is particularly cold .....
my Pandan that survived in the garden bed outdoors for the past 2 winters had just died :( ......
well, more like rotted away in this winter's wet & cold ......
so now I need to acquire a Pandan plant to replace the one that died.
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19th August 2008 8:09pm
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Rahaidi says...
Shaun sorry to hear that. All of my potted ones have survived being relocated under the eaves for the winter. They only had water once a week and their leaves are all healthy dark green in colour. Will have to repot them soon with all this sunshine about.

Meanwhile they have been given a soaking of seasol just to perk them up some more.

Someone mentioned that you can get them at the Canningvale markets so you could try there. However be cautious about buying ones that are too small. They might have been separated too early and subsequently might not have 'rooted 'enough. So greater care is needed for these ones. You certainly wouldn't want to take leaves off for cooking when they're too small as it would further decrease their growth at this initial stage.
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20th August 2008 11:04am
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Jo Tjoa says...
I have pandan plant that looks like nearing the end of its live. We brought it all the way from Sunshine Coast and was thriving until about two months ago. All the leaves are wilted and drying. Is it dying? Do you think I can revive it? My husband cut all the leaves out in our desperate attempt to save it. It has few little 'babies' coming out from the sides not shooting from the root. Does anyone know whether at this stage it is worth removing one of the babies and take it inside the house (which would be much warmer)?
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Jo Tjoa
20th August 2008 4:44pm
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Anonymous says...
mine is in exactly the same situation. It is inside the brick garage with sunlight from windows and the door is closed most of the time. May be it is too cold in Melborne to grow this plant. My fourth attempt in 4 years
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21st August 2008 9:13am
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Shaun says...
My Pandan in the flower bed that died had 3 'pups' (or babies sprouting from the main stalk) when it died :(
I was hoping that it would survive this winter, and I would get more plants from it ....
it is heart-breaking after caring for the Pandan for 2 years and see it survived 2 winters, thrived and bear pups, then it died 'pre-maturely' :(
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WA / Perth
24th August 2008 12:20am
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Pamella says...
Hello Jo Tjoa
Leave the plant as is, bring it inside and keep watering it. Add some manure and hopefully it will survive ! make sure when u water it, the babies get a drink too... Good luck.
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25th August 2008 1:54am
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siva says...
hi Roger Goebel
i would like buy pandan plant from you
send me detail of payment.
than you

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25th August 2008 3:19pm
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Chiv says...
Hi Guys,

Andy and Rose, any upate on any plants in the Western Sydney area???? If someone knows of any can you please point me in the right directions...am planning on tracking one down for a present. I saw a website www.allrareherbs.com.au which provides the plant from Dec-May....but if I can find a cheaper alternative it would be great,in a short timeframe.


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Western Sydney
27th August 2008 11:06am
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Jasmine says...
Hi everyone,
So glad to find a forum full of Pandan enthusiasts!!! I'm also after a pandan plant.

If anyone (Andy, Rose??) have one to spare, I'd be happy to buy it from you. Otherwise, I might have to source it from that Brisbane nursery Pamella bought from.

Jasmine (spunkyjazz69@gmail.com)
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South West Sydney
28th August 2008 3:53pm
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Andy says...
My Pandan's in 'intensive care' at the moment, not doing too well this winter. I do have 2-3 babies sprouting by the side of the mother plant but I cannot be sure they will survive if I transplant them at the moment. I got to say, sometimes I wonder whether it is all worth the effort considering that it grows so well and wild back in Singapore/Malaysia.
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30th August 2008 9:18am
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mae says...
hi all,
I am in melbourne. where can i get pandan seeds? do they have seeds? all plants do , don't they? also, anyone know where i can get lemon grass ?

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31st August 2008 9:07pm
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trikus says...
Pandans are dioceous , and I have never seen one of these flower .. I have grown other larger spiny spp from seed , and they are easy ..
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1st September 2008 8:58am
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Jasmine says...
Sorry to hear about your pandan, Andy. May they soon be better...
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South West Sydney
1st September 2008 3:43pm
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juanita says...
Hi Mae
I don't think edible pandans bear seeds & you can get lemon grass from BigW, Kmart, Bunnings or from any of your local nurseries.
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2nd September 2008 5:14pm
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MH says...
Hi Rahaidi
May I know what kind of soil did you grow your pandan in. Does it have to be very free draining, like with some coarse sand in the mix?
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7th September 2008 8:07pm
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Rahaidi says...
Hi MH, I have mine on a mix that drains well for potted plants. Since they will be in pots all the time its best to get a quality mix from your local store.
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8th September 2008 5:38pm
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Scott G says...
I have a plant that looks like the pandanus in in this thread but I am not sure if it is the same. How can I tell? I crushed a leaf to check for a strong aroma and didn't get much.
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Scott G
The Gold Coast
8th September 2008 6:02pm
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Shaun says...
Before my Pandan died this winter, it gave off a very strong aroma that almost perfumed the whole of the flower bed......
and that was the only time I could proprtly smell the pandan scent from my 2 year old plant.
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WA / Perth
9th September 2008 1:19pm
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Jennie says...
I'm living in the hills district in sydney too. I'm sick of buying frozen or precut pandan leaves.

Does anyone know of any source in Sydney?

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12th September 2008 5:36pm
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Jennie says...
oh my goodness..didn't realise how bad my grammer can be after a nap!!

mum used to put a BIG bunch of knotted pandan leaves at the back of the pantry to make it smells good and for keeping the roaches at bay.

talk about the flexible use of pandan leaves huh!?!
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12th September 2008 6:03pm
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sally says...
Hi, There seems a lot of pandan enthusiasts from Australia. How about some from UK?? I have finally manage to keep my pandan plants alive for 5 mths since planting in UK. I do not want to lose them now. Giving lots of TLC at the moment. My challenge will be this winter!!
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13th September 2008 12:10am
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Mun says...
Some 4-5 years ago I saw a large pandan tree growing luxuriently in Brisbane. It is worth considering planting in an exposed northerly aspect adjacent to the north wall, something which worked for a friend who managed to grow a curry leaf plant in Melbourne. Like the Pandan, the Curry Leaf is a tropical plant.
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30th September 2008 6:37pm
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MH says...
Hi Rahaidi,
Thanks for info on potting mix. May I know how long does the pup take to grow into a big plant, like when you can pick the leaves. It probably grow very fast in the tropics, I'm not sure in area like Perth.Is it alright to leave the plant out in the rain in summer? Thanks.
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1st October 2008 2:24pm
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Rahaidi says...
After separation and upon conditions the pup might take a couple of years develop and muture fully. In those early years you wouln't want to take any leaves off as they need it to well essentially grow and yes in its ideal world like the tropics it will grow quick and lush.

In Perth and probably for Melbourne the only trick you need to make them survive is to keep them in pots (so they're portable) and keep any moisture off them in the colder months. In summer the rains are fine but do keep them out of the winds and direct sun otherwise they'd burn and the winds will rip and crease the leaves. Best spot is under some underover/filtered patio.
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2nd October 2008 11:23am
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Shaun says...
I am in Broome at the moment .....
the Malay satay-man who gave me 2 Pandan plants many many years ago had passed away and the family moved to Perth ..... so all the pandan plants that grow free & lush in his backyard were disposed by the new owner of the house.
However, I had made contacts with locals here who may have plants for sale in 3 to 6 months time .... they are:
1) Fusion Herbs & 12th Mile Cafe @ Yamashita Street (@ 12th Mile, an outer suburb of Broome)- Number can be found in telephone directory.
2) Broome Organics, (owner is Wayne Howard) - Number can be found in telephone directory.
3) A few local town residents, whose number I cannot disclose in public forum.

Will discuss the difficulties of growing Pandan in Broome later ..... I am at internet cafe at the moment.

I hope to bring some cuttings back to Perth in a few days time.
So, please wish me luck.
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WA / Perth
14th October 2008 8:33pm
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Ira says...
Hi Mae
If you come to Sydney you welcome pick up a pot of lemon grass from my place, just email me.
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21st October 2008 11:40am
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Shaun says...
Have potted the pandans ..... hope they survive
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WA / Perth
23rd October 2008 1:57am
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Shaun says...
I am suffering from a bit of time lag at the moment ....
so, I'll be brief....

There seems to be much trouble growing Pandan in Perth and Broome (and also in Karratha).
The only place where I know Pandan seems to grow trouble free is in Darwin.

1) Perth - my experience with a Pandan that grow in the flower bed outdoors for almost 31 months:
The cold and wet winter in Perth seems to be a major problem for Pandan plants.
They put out new leaves in spring, then get slightly burnt during the hot Dec-Jan heat spells, and by 'autumn' some new roots and 'pups' will emerge. It will survive outdoors if the winter is mild, and it is not exposed to too much rain.
My beloved 31 month old Pandan finally died during the last winter, as it was the coldest and wettest and 'longest' winter thus far.
The 2 previous winters were milder, drier and 'shorter', and the Pandan managed to pull through the cold months.
The Pandan seem to die from root and crown rot.

2) Broome - experiences and feedback from local growers there.
The heat and dry spells in Broome seems to pose a problem for Pandan plants.
Locals there seem to think Broome is too hot to grow Pandan properly. Some think Pandan may grow better in colder climate (this is contrary to the experience in Perth).
The leaves of Pandan tend to get burned and dried up in October, and most death of Pandan plants occur in Nov/Dec/Jan, despite constant watering.
Most of the plants' growth occur in Apr - Aug (and these are 'winter' months in Perth).

3) Thailand, Indonesia and the Philippines - observations of sites that Pandan thrives:
Pandan in the tropics grow in full sun, and can be seen growing along ditches and paddocks.
Despite the heat in the tropics, the leaves do not burnt.
They grow in 'wet' soil and don't seem to suffer from root and crown rot.

So, it appears that Pandan plants don't like cold and wet winter, nor hot and dry summer.
Perhaps, warmth and humidity is the key to growing Pandan successfully.
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WA / Perth
27th October 2008 12:51am
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Rahaidi says...
Hi Shaun, sorry to hear about your loss. Its definately not a plant that you want to plant out in the ground here in Perth. Our weather conditions here are too 'extreme' for it too survive in the ground. However if you left them in pots under patios they will do very well. I have had mine for several years now and will repot them soon with the warm conditions upon us.

I got these from my inlaws who have been growing them in Perth for a long time. They had about ten plants ready to go before last winter but belatedly left them in the elements too long. They didn't survive. She hopes to have some later on.

So the story is leave them in pots under a patio. Put them amongst other potted plants to create the added humid conditions. Never leave them in the open. You might think from all this that is a hard-basket type of a plant , but personally I really think that the plant is easy to look after.

The fresh leaves are no comparison than the ones you get from frozen sections on the oriental shops and the aroma of the pandan plant itself is heavenly.
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27th October 2008 10:02am
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sujee says...
I live in Melbourne, does anyone know where i could find a pandanus plant in melbourne?
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1st November 2008 11:15am
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Mrs Turner says...
Hi to all Pandan enthusiasts,
I am interested in buying a plant, anyone who has a baby to spare please let me know at sahaja1@yahoo.com including price, postage to Belmont NSW and how to pay. I have been looking for this plant on the internet for 2 years and I am glad to find it in this forum.
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Belmont NSW
3rd November 2008 12:30pm
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Lynn says...
I would like to buy this plant if anyone here is willing to sell - even a small young plant. pls email me Milycap @ gmail.com
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Gold Coast
5th November 2008 1:04pm
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Ling says...
Hi! I have been looking for a Pandan plant eversince I moved here and thats almost 1.5 years now!
If anyone has a bud to share or know anywhere SOR where I can buy, that would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks in advance!
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Perth WA
2nd December 2008 4:29pm
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Shaun says...
Hi Ling,
If you read further up the posts in this thread, someone actually said you could get Pandan Plants from the Canning Vale Markets (SOR), or at a Vietnamese shop along Mangaroo Drive (NOR?).
Cheers !!!
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WA / Perth
2nd December 2008 7:19pm
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John says...
I have seen them at Yeo's store in Belmont, thats not far from your place..Shaun.
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4th December 2008 1:53pm
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Roger Goebel says...
Hi all, I have just come back from a quick visit to Melbourne . I took some pandan plants to a shop in Chapel Street called F.L.O.W.I visited this place earlier in the year and I think Colin has as good a chance of growing pandan in Melbourne as any one.Lets see what he can do.Attached photo is of Basil in his shop.
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Picture: 1
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Innisfail area
4th December 2008 2:39pm
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Ling says...
Thanks John & Shaun! I'm heading to Canning Vale this weekend so keeping my fingers crossed. Yeo's just around my workplace actually so I will swing by there.
I have been a good girl this week so here's hoping a pandan plant is sitting there waiting for me! :)
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Perth WA
4th December 2008 2:57pm
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Anonymous says...
Hi Roger, do you have any more Pandanus to sell? How big is the plant?

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Surfers Paradise
4th December 2008 5:41pm
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Piggy says...
Hi Roger, are they selling the pandan plant at F.L.O.W. now? May I have the address please?
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7th December 2008 8:35pm
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Shaun says...
Hi John,
Where is Yeo's at Belmont located? ..... Is it near the Forum ?
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WA / Perth
8th December 2008 3:51pm
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John says...
Yeos is an oriental merchant that sells takeaway food as well. Asians swamp the shop each weekend for the yummy treats and food, as well as to buy groceries.

This round eye joins in as well !

It is on Belmont Ave, opposite the ANZ bank both being on the north side of Belmont forum.
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9th December 2008 9:53am
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Yitan says...
Hi Roger, I would like to buy a few (about 3 small ones) from you. Could you please email me yitanwon@gmail.com. TIA, yitan
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Bundall - QLD
9th December 2008 10:48am
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Shaun says...
Thanks for the info, John ....
I'll try to join in as well, too, if they got Pandan plants to sell ;-)
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WA / Perth
10th December 2008 1:18pm
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Ling says...
Hi Shaun, I called Yeo's that day and if you haven't already find out, they do not have stock at the moment. The lady say to try when the weather turns hotter. *shrug* Not sure why.
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Perth WA
22nd December 2008 5:41pm
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Gail says...
I am trying to grow Pandanus tectorius (those which are common on the beachfronts in Queensland) from seed. I have tried several methods - soaking the seed, planting it deep in a pot, letting it lie on top of the soil, half submerging it in a pot and leaving the tops out. I have had several shoot - the ones planted deep in a pot. They now have several shoots above the ground but on inspection, have no roots appearing yet. Has anyone grown these from seed, and if so, can you tell me how they progressed. I have planted another 40 or so seeds so hope to grow them successfully
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28th December 2008 12:36pm
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Lucy says...
I have 8 pulps (ranging from 20 to 25 cm long) which have at least 3 roots each without soil and 5 big plants with diameter of around 2 cm or more with extensive roots systems in soil FOR SALE.

they will not be ready for another month (or 2 weeks for pulps) because I repoted the big ones and the pulps are still rooting so I want to make sure they are ok before selling them.

Are you interested? pulp one $8 each, the big one $ 25 each pick up by yourself.
Please email me on s.lucy8868@yahoo.com
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Clayton, Victoria
29th December 2008 1:01pm
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Lucy says...
Here are the pups pictures. I will post the big plants in soil soon.
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Picture: 1

Picture: 2
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Clayton, Victoria
31st December 2008 5:24pm
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Lucy says...
These big ones are in pots for sale for $25 each
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Clayton, Victoria
31st December 2008 7:01pm
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Ed says...
Just curious, but is there a possibility of grafting a Pandan onto a more climate suitable rootstock like the Agapanthus?

Would that even work or would the Pandan just end up inedible?

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Perth, WA
3rd January 2009 11:08am
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Jack Fruit and Jilly Pilly says...
' PANDAN ' variety of COCONUT :
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Latitude 33deg 55&#039;0&quot;S
3rd January 2009 12:12pm
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Jack Fruit and Jilly Pilly says...
PANDAN COCONUT : Have you tried the thai and malaysian young coconuts?
Thai : ' Marprow narm hom' - exported to Australia etc.
Malaysian : 'Kelapa pandan'.
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Latitude 33deg 55&#039;0&quot;S
3rd January 2009 12:15pm
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Eve says...
How is your Pandan plant growing?
I am considering sending an order in and would like your feedback on it.
Incidentally, Pandan leaves drank for 3 months apparently will cure gout. According to old cures
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5th January 2009 6:43pm
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RolFlor a says...
PANDAN COCONUT : There is a variety of coconut called the 'fragrant coconut' which is exported,as such,from Thailand to Australia.
It has a pandan flavour and that is why the Malaysians call it 'Kelapa pandan'.
And the thais call it 'Marprow narm hom'or i.e. 'fragrant water coconut'.
If you want to know anything more,just ask.
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6th January 2009 5:26pm
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Manda says...
I would love to get my hands on some of the Pandan Coconut... sounds lovely
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Perth WA
6th January 2009 5:31pm
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RolFlor a says...
Manda : It is sold in some Woolworths supermarkets ,and the other supermarket chains too , for about $2.
And also in asian shops.
Have you seen any yet?
Even if you do find it,the coconuts do taste better in asia ,maybe because the imported coconuts here are refrigerated and maybe fumigated or irradiated etc.
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Picture: 2
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6th January 2009 7:20pm
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Troy says...
Hi Lucy, what are the chances getting those pandan to sydney? any ideas? Im interested to have one if you still have any left
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Sydney, NSW
11th January 2009 5:21pm
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Lucy says...
Hi Troy,

I still have very limited cuttings and plants left. I could send to Sydney by express post next day delivery in most area. Please email me on s.lucy8868@yahoo.com


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12th January 2009 8:02am
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Rahaidi says...
With all this hot weather about the Pandan plants have taken off. For those in Perth I have about a dozen of this seasons cuttings now available in 20cm pots. They have been separated and rooted and on their way. Hope to have some more in a months time to go as well.

Pictures - Click to enlarge

Picture: 1

Picture: 2

Picture: 3
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12th January 2009 11:24am
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foo66 says...
Hi Lucy ,
Do you have any pups left? would like to buy few pups from you to try out , I just send you my contact .Cheer

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16th January 2009 3:05pm
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Alice says...
Hi. Has anyone been able to find a Pandan plant in Perth recently? I haven't had much luck with asian stores in CanningVale or Belmont. The one in Girawheen is way too far for me. Please help.

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17th January 2009 5:50pm
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Anonymous says...
Hi Alice,
Try to contact Rahaidi (rahaidi@hotmail.com) and buy the pups from him.
Cheers !!
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18th January 2009 4:24am
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lynn says...
gee, i started this thread nearly a year ago and i still haven't been able to find a pandan for sale in sydney. i found a plant shop in cabramatta, but they didn't have any plants available.
if anyone can help me, i'm still here....
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22nd January 2009 11:52am
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Myo says...
Check with Lucy (posted above, couple of weeks ago). She kindly sell me one of her plant and it is growing in my backyard now. She has none left but some of her friend's seedlings will be ready to go in a month time. good luck.
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23rd January 2009 9:29am
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Pamella says...
Hello Eve, my plant is growing well, still small though, water it daily, and in the shady balcony.
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23rd January 2009 7:35pm
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Pamella says...
Hello San,
Names of people who can send us pandan plant from the streets of darwin would be extremely helpful.
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23rd January 2009 7:36pm
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Julie says...
Hi Pamella,

How did you look after your pandan in winter? inside or outside the house and how often did you water it? if inside then when did you bring it in? Many Thanks

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24th January 2009 6:35am
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Pamella says...
Hi Julie
I keep them in the laundry in winter, and bring them out on really good sunny days. In summer I leave them in half sun half shade on the balcony. You have to water it everyday. I also use osmocote as manure.

Hope this helps.
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28th January 2009 8:18am
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Julie says...
Hi Pamella,

Many thanks for your help. I am very much appreciated.

Do I have to water it every day even in winter?

Does your laundry have sun light coming


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28th January 2009 8:56am
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prettychick909@yahoo.com.au says...
Hi Julie,

A little water everyday in winter wont hurt. No my laundry dosent have sun coming in.

I do leave the plant outside, on a sunny winter morning/afternoon and bring it in when the sun goes down.

Good luck.
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2nd February 2009 1:04pm
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Julie says...
Hi Pamella,

Many thanks for your useful advice once again. I will follow your instructions.


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2nd February 2009 2:52pm
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Jonah says...
Rahaidi Mate,

If youre still reading this;

Just saw your chat and great analysis of the care of Pandan leaf, I wonder if you could spare me one or two (And maybe even pommygranate)? I live in Perth and I tend to cook and I would really like to have some and grow and nurture some, I am happy to buy it off you if I can.

Just got myself a new home and would love add something that I like

can give contact if you are keen to help,

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12th February 2009 2:55pm
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Rahaidi says...
Hi Jonah, there seems to be some Pandan enthusiasts here in Perth. The ones I have propagated early this season have been snapped up quickly. I still have some more to go though for those in Perth.

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12th February 2009 5:48pm
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Shaun says...
I'll be visiting Karratha soon ....
hope that my Thai and Singapore friends up there can spare my 1 or 2 plants to bring back to Perth .... fingers crossed.

I noted that that some Pandan's fragrance is different from others ....
some have a more herbal-wood (spice) tone to its fragrance, and others have a more flora-honey (sweet) tone to its fragrance ....
is it my imagination, or are they different cultivars of the same variety ....
any experts in this field out there, please comment.
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WA / Perth
12th February 2009 8:48pm
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Rahaidi says...
Hi Shaun, hope you have some luck in getting the Pandans from up north. They should thrive up there.

With regards to the difference in fragrance, I'm not sure but I know that there seems to be two cultivars that I have that are different in terms of the length of the leaves. The longer leaf variety seems to be the authentic one and looks great and are the ones that I have been proagating as of late. However both generates the fragrance and taste that Pandans are renowned for in culinary dishes.


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13th February 2009 9:56am
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Linda says...
Just wondering does anyone know how to induce a pandan plant to produce side shoots?
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27th February 2009 9:38pm
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hong says...
Hi Rahaidi, Can I buy one of those "baby" plants? Please?

My mum's desperate to grow them, and I like the leaves....

Best Regards
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5th March 2009 7:03pm
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hong says...
Hi, juanita

Does your pandanus have any babies? and can i get them off you?
I also live in Melbourne.

email: cameliacheung@yahoo.com

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5th March 2009 7:33pm
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MH says...
Hi Juanita,

How's your pandan plant growing?
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6th March 2009 6:13pm
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Rahaidi says...
Linda the best way to induce offsets is to re-plant the Pandan to a taller pot so that it is potted about an inch below the neck. This of course should be done during the warmer months.

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9th March 2009 9:23am
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Amy says...
Hi Rahaidi,

Can you please let me know where I can get a healthy Pandan plant. I miss it very much in our cooking and find the frozen variety less exciting in flavour.

I have grown one before indoors but lost it to the white mealy bugs. Even with comfidor it did not work.

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11th March 2009 2:43pm
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Linda says...
Hi Rahaidi,

Thanks for the tip. Much appreciated. I have a young plant and hope to get more leaves. I'll repot it next summer. Do I have to wait till it's a much bigger plant?
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12th March 2009 12:14pm
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Rahaidi says...
Hi Amy, sorry to hear of your loss, but having them inside the house is a challenge in itself. They much prefer being outside and getting some natural heat, sunshine and air. I find using white oil now and again helps the plant from leafy critters.

I had some propagated Pandans early in the season but they were quick to go with enthusiasts in Perth. I have another series of cuttings but they aren't as mature as the earlier ones. I'd rather wait until they have a good root set before seeing them go.

I would advise against cutting any leaves when they have recently been propagated. It will set them back. Better if you give them a chance to grow out making them bigger/stronger. Generally the following warmer season should be fine.
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12th March 2009 3:34pm
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Rahaidi says...
Linda we plant close to neck during the initial planting of our propagated cuttings. What we find is that they tend to grow a lot faster than planting them high. So my guess is that you can do the same with yours. Just make sure you use quality potting mix to allow good drainage.

Also give them good dose of Seasol on the base and leaves a night before repotting. Actually I find that they love this Seaweed bath, so if you mix in a diluted amount in your stock-standard 9L watering can to last for week, treat them a little of this and they will reward you with nice deep green and lush foliage.
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12th March 2009 4:15pm
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peter says...
was doing some other searches and came
accross yurunga.com.au
for a source for pandanus plants.
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13th March 2009 7:57pm
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Ellen says...
Peter yugunga.com.au will take folks to a web design/IT page

it's yuruga.com.au
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15th March 2009 5:30am
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peter says...
hi ellen,
thanks for the correction, those
typos sure do come easily.
check out my ninth word and your
second word.
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15th March 2009 4:23pm
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au0rey says...
back in singapore, cab drivers use pandan leaves in their cabs to stop any invasion by cockroaches. pandan's great in chinese deserts, especially those with coconut!

who is selling pandan plants? I would like to buy too because i cannot find in Victoria's nursery. I am in melbourne.
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Melbourne, Victoria
16th March 2009 1:55pm
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au0rey says...
Kim, when u mean putting the plant into water to root, are you talking about putting one of its cut leaves into water to root?
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melbourne, victoria
16th March 2009 1:57pm
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crazyPlant says...
Hello Rahaidi,

Chanced upon this forum and noticed your friendliness [ and others as well] of all replies. Thank you.
Looks like you have green fingers.
Could I please place myself on your list of getting a Pandan plant?
I am from NOR, just starting out in gardening, I need to learn lots from you.
Thanking you and Best Wishes.

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Perth WA
18th March 2009 4:08pm
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kim says...
Hi au0rey,
No, not the leaf. I was talking about the pups you separate from the mother plant. They normally do not have roots or very just a root or two. By putting the stem up(not the leaves) in water, the plant will put out new roots very rapidly and you can then pot them up.
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18th March 2009 4:53pm
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Amy says...
Hi Rahaidi,
Thank you for your advice and I look forward to you contacting me again when you are ready to part with them:)

Just a quick note, in weatherlike this, getting cooler and damper, should they stay outdoors and what precaution should I take please, since having them indoors is not the solution


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20th March 2009 9:48am
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Regina says...
What is the lowest temperature pandan can survive? It seldom frosts where I live but can get down to 35 F a few nights a year. Currently I have my pandan in a 30 gallon aquarium for the heat and humidity. I think it will outgrown that soon.
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Southern California
20th March 2009 9:53am
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kim says...
Not sure what is the lowest temperature it can survive. From my experience, we had a very severe frost 2 years ago. Cold enough to freeze the water in the hose I left on the ground and the 30mm of water in the bird bath. These were in the open away from the house. The pandan that I had in pots were in the greenhouse but those in the ground were planted next to the water tank and garage. They all survived. So the heat radiating from the water tank and walls must be enough to keep them alive.
Hope this helps.
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21st March 2009 7:43pm
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Engelita says...

Would like to know if you still have the pandan plant for sale, I am very interested and can pick them up from clayton, not problem.

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22nd March 2009 4:04pm
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Engelita says...
This is to Lucy,

Hi Lucy,
I am also leave in melbourne, has been looking for pandan leave for very long time, please let me know if you still have some for sale.

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22nd March 2009 4:10pm
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Julie says...
I got a cutting from Lucy a couple of months ago and she has email address in this thread, just email her.

Good luck.
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23rd March 2009 7:59am
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Regina says...
This is to Kim,

Thank you. That does help. I will try one outside next to the house and attempt to keep it alive next winter. As it is so difficult to find a source for live plants, I'll play it safe and keep the other inside. It has only frozen the water in the fountain once in the 25 years I have lived in Whittier and that was on the upper tiers only. Perhaps it will be OK.
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Southern California
24th March 2009 4:51am
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Theany says...
Thanks Rahaidi for your advice from the begining of this thread and I took it seriously beacause I have a baby plant 10cm,where my husband brought from Marangaroo Dr. Perth to Cabramatta since January. Now it is very healthy and double the height. Thanks for this thread for the location to buy it.
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26th March 2009 12:03pm
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Rahaidi says...
Hi Theany good to know that some of the tips works for others as well. Thats a very small plant you have there. Glad thats its pushing for growth now.

Lyn and Amy I have the last lot in 20cm pots if you're interested. I got a couple that are twin set as well. Some of the cuttings have been taken from some mature Pandans, so they should advance really well. Have a look at the pictures included. The height of these alongside the watering can will give you an idea of their relative heights.

All the best


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Picture: 1

Picture: 2
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Perth Western Australia
26th March 2009 5:36pm
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Rahaidi says...
Potting up to Induce Side Offsets (Pups):

Heres a recent set of pictures that I took to pot up a juvenile Pandan plant that was getting too tall with aerial roots. The plant was not cut short this time round as I want to make it spread out with side offsets. You can see the aerial roots coming out and if you look closely to one of the zoomed in pictures some of the offset nodal points (green buds) coming out. The plant was potted up using a taller sized pot and mounded slightly on top to allow better drainage. It was planted up to the neck to induce the plant with side offsets. Expect to see these coming through before seasons ends or before the incoming colder weather to which the plant will be moved to a drier location.

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Picture: 1

Picture: 2

Picture: 3

Picture: 4

Picture: 5

Picture: 6
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Perth Western Australia
27th March 2009 11:01am
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crazyPlant says...
Hi Rahaidi,

Thanks for your reply and posted so many good photos of your plants.

Will email you.

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27th March 2009 6:48pm
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tr says...
Large Pandan suckers I am rooting in a bucket of water . It is taking a while , but here you see roots forming well . Water must be changed often .
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Picture: 2
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28th March 2009 2:41pm
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crazyPlant says...
Hi Rahaidi,

I am still interested of getting the Pandan pup from you. I emailed you couple of days ago. Kindly please email me once you have the time.


my email: riojdej@gmail.com
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29th March 2009 1:01pm
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KAY says...
I'm looking for a pandan plant-Kim can you please tell me where you saw the plants. Also looking for for small limes that you get in Asia, forgotten the name but would love if you can help.
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30th March 2009 4:26pm
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KAY says...
I'm looking for a pandan plant-Kim can you please tell me where you saw the plants. Also looking for for small limes that you get in Asia, forgotten the name but would love if you can help.
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30th March 2009 4:26pm
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kim says...
Kay, Please email me at hakimchiew@hotmail.com
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30th March 2009 4:51pm
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Linda says...
Hi Rahaidi,

Very nice photos. Thanks. Can we propagate form the shoots coming off the side of the plant?
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1st April 2009 5:10pm
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Rahaidi says...

Hi Linda, you can propagate those offshoots that come out from above the plant with varying success. As long as they have some length you can snip it from the main, take out some of the older leaves starting from the bottom and dunk it in water (keeping the leaves/crown above water) to initiate the root set. Give it time for the roots to develop like the picture shown by TR above. Until then they can be planted as per normal (up to neck).

Actually I've also had some success with the tiny offsets that have just grown above the plant which are about 2 inches long. I simply twist these little guys off from the main and just plant it a mix and away they go. They take a little while to get going but they do survive and indeed become a full grown plant in time.

With all these propagation techniques you must keep the fresh water up.

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Perth Western Australia
2nd April 2009 12:40pm
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Lucy says...
To Engelita and every one,

I will have some cuttings available for sale from next week if you are interested
Please email me on s.lucy8868@yahoo.com
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2nd April 2009 12:43pm
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Amy says...
Hi Rahaidi,
Lovely pictures of our pandanus plants. Can you please email me when you have the pups ready for sale. The very last surviving plant I had died in our move to the new house.

Please email me amyfromkl@yahoo.com

Thanks and looking forward to you making contact


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3rd April 2009 3:51pm
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Linda says...
Hi Rahaidi,
Thanks for all the informations. It's very useful knowledge. Is there any plant disease they can get?
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3rd April 2009 8:01pm
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Ursula says...
I bought one from Ebay today - there are 3 left, at $11.00 each plus $8.50 postage.

There's also a larger one but it's only available for pick up from the Gold Coast. If you search for "pandan" it will turn them up.

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4th April 2009 10:29pm
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juanita says...
Thanks Ursula for the info, just bought one now.

To Hong & MH,
My pandan from Roger has already been R.I.P ...it was thriving well for quite a while as you can see on the pix..But somehow it slowly deteriorated & kaput...However, im not giving up,im getting my 2nd plant from ebay & see how i go this time.
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5th April 2009 1:17pm
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Lucy says...
FOR SALE these healthy cuttings have just arrived. I have a limited number of those sizes. I will send interstate (next day delivery in most metropolitan areas ) or it can be picked up in Melbourne by arrangment.

Please email me on s.lucy8868@yahoo.com
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Picture: 1
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7th April 2009 6:24am
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Rahaidi says...
Linda, I guess all plants are susceptible to some kind of diseases or nutrient deficiencies, however I've had much success with these plants. They're quite robust given the right conditions as mentioned from the posts above. The only tricky part is during winter where they have to be relocated to a drier spot. Other than that...easy

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Perth Western Australia
8th April 2009 12:16pm
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Ursula says...
I'm wondering if anyone can clear up what seems to be a contradiction? How is it that you can keep a pandan plant in a jar of water, however if you plant one in a pot, you need to be careful not to over-water it?

I just find that rather curious...
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9th April 2009 10:00pm
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Juliana says...
Hi Lucy

I have been looking around at Asian stores and nurseries for pandan plants to grow in the garden. Have been unsuccessful so far. Am so happy to have found this site full of pandan enthusiasts. Would you let me know the costs to have them shipped to SYdney?
Thanks so much. My email address is : juli_yin@hotmail.com
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12th April 2009 11:30am
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Devus says...
Hi Rahaidi,
I'm very interested on one of this Pandan plant. Do you still have some which I can purchase off from you?

Thanks Rahaidi.

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15th April 2009 12:18pm
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Rahaidi says...

Hi Devus yes I do have some left. I
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Picture: 1
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Perth Western Australia
16th April 2009 12:30pm
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Carol says...
Hi Rahaidi,

I am interested in the pandan plant too, do you have any more left I can buy off you?My email is jadebell22@yahoo.com

Thank you

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Perth, SOR
17th April 2009 1:21am
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Ursula says...
Thank you Raihadi - that makes sense.
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18th April 2009 3:49pm
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Mag says...
Hi Rihaidi,

Can I order 1 pandan plant too?
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S. Australia
18th April 2009 11:29pm
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lynn says...
lucy very kindly sent me a pandan with instructions, to boot. it arrived in very good condition, but is now showing signs of deterioration. it's in water, only the roots, and nowhere near the leaves. the roots are coming along nicely, but it's the leaves i'm worrying about. any advice opinions? as expected, the weather is cooling down.
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22nd April 2009 3:54pm
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juanita says...
I potted up lucy's pandan as well as the one from ebay,...Ill keep my fingers crossed as it's too early to tell yet.
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23rd April 2009 10:04am
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Yvonne says...
Hi Rahaidi,

Do you still have any more pandan plant for purchase? I am keen in getting 2 plant. Kindly let me know.

Thanks Rahaidi.

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23rd April 2009 1:26pm
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Hansen says...
Anyone know of how I can buy a pandan plant in Adelaide?
Or can the bare rooted ones be sent interstate to Adelaide?
Your response appreciated.

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24th April 2009 1:39pm
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tr says...
Getting a bit cold for Pandans to grow well out of the tropics . Just be patient and wait until Spring all you southerners.
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24th April 2009 2:00pm
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juanita says...
You're right TR,hopefully our pandans will be able to stay alive till spring comes...
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24th April 2009 11:59pm
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Milycap says...
The 3 young plants I bought from Lucy are growing well, I've found a good place for them - our bathtub in the guest's section - because it has shelted light and warmer at night. The one which I used some rooting powder is doing better.
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2nd May 2009 11:21am
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trikus says...
These should have been potted up a few weeks ago . But the many fine roots that have developed in the 4 weeks since I posted the last picture show how they can grow well in water .
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Picture: 2
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2nd May 2009 1:05pm
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Shaun says...
Hope some of the local malays in Port & South Hedland can spare me 1 or 2 of ther back yourd Pandan plants to bring back to Perth .....
wish me plenty of luck !!!
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4th May 2009 7:29pm
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Liz says...
Wow - thanks for the growing tips, Rahaidi. I tried to grow Pandan two years in a row about 15 years ago, and both times they died over winter, so I gave up.

I LOVE kaya (pandan-flavoured coconut jam, for anyone not familiar with it... give it a try - they do actually sell it in Woolworths) ...and lots of other Malay sweets... mmmm.... :-)

I'll have to go and see if I can find some at Canning Vale markets to try again (keeping them outside, this time, and making sure they don't get overwatered in the winter!) ...I kept them indoors before, thinking that they wouldn't like the cold.

...and then my uncle looked vaguely surprised and said that they go nuts in Darwin... (he used to live there and he and my aunt have seriously green thumbs...)

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Thornlie (Perth), WA
6th May 2009 4:43pm
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Allegra says...
I need to buy pandan plant, bunga kantan plant, lemon grass plant, curry leaf plant and kaffir lime pant. I am from Melbourne. I am in the food catering business and constantly need there ingredients. Anybody please help me. As long as I can buy all these plants in Melbourne, I will be able to bring my costing down. Thanks.
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8th May 2009 11:11pm
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Milycap says...
Allegra, I can supply curry leaf to you - do you want the plant or the curry leaf only? I can sell both. Contact me at Milycap at gmail.com
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Gold Coast
9th May 2009 6:34pm
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Jennie says...
A message to all the Perth people looking for pandan plants. I finally bought 2 today !!

I went to Canning Vale markets, both the chinese shop and the Sunday markets and there were none. But a person at the markets said that you can get them from a chinese shop in Girawheen and voila they were there.

Its a vietnamese/chinese shop on Marangaroo Drive called Australian and Oriental Supermarket, in a group of shops. Cost $12 and there was still one left when I was there. They are at teh front of the shop, outside.

I just need tips on how to keep it alive !!

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10th May 2009 7:04pm
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Jennie says...

Just read all Rahaidi's posts about caring for my plant over winter. So, I need to keep it under shelter outdoors and not water from the top.

I dont have a lot of other pot plants under cover, will be ok under the eaves by itself ? Should I cover it with a shade cloth ? And would a self watering pot be better ? do i have to put it on a stand ?

Also, i read i should water it once a week, should i just soak it in water (the base) to water it ? and with some seasol ?

Hoping you can help me Rahaidi ?

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10th May 2009 7:36pm
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Rahaidi says...
Hi Jennie, congrats on getting your new Pandan plant. Hope it goes well for you.

Under eaves: should be good as long as its protected by wind and rain. You want to make sure that theres no chance in getting the crown wet from rain in the colder weather.

Shade cloth: Still the same as under eaves, in that you must try to avoid water landing on the crown.

All this applies in the cold season as mentioned before in the warmer months the way you water does not matter.

Self watering pot: Again for the colder months this method of potting might not be good as it continuously draws water from the basin keeping the entire pot wet all the time. In the colder season its best for tropical plants to be relatively dry/moist not wet.

Using stands for potted plants: Yes why not its always best to for any potted plants as it gives the pot a good chance of draining away the water as well as aerating the roots below.

Watering: yes once a week is good during winter even with seasol and definately water near the base and not on the crown.

They're pretty robust really. I think most people here kill them off because of too much water in the seasonal cold months.

Hope that helps

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Perth Western Australia
11th May 2009 12:31pm
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Jennie says...
Thanks Rahaidi !!!

Just a few more questions:

How do you water near the base ? Do you mean the base of the pot or the actual plant ? If its the pot, do you soak it in water and for how long ?

I have put it under the eaves, do you think covering it with shade cloth will help as well ? or maybe I put a shade cloth around the pot only and keep the top clear ?

Thanks again !
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12th May 2009 2:15am
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Lucy says...
To all our friends who plan to bring Pandan plants indoor over winter months this is a very good article to read:
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12th May 2009 8:55am
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Milycap says...
Lucy, out of the 3 you sent me, the one that I added with rooting powder seems to be growing bigger, which is great.
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Gold Coast
14th May 2009 11:25am
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Lucy says...
Hi Milycap,

That is great. Thank you very much for sharing with us. After dusting your cutting with rooting powder and put in soil, do you water after that? Please give us some details.

Many thanks in advance.

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14th May 2009 11:52am
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Yann says...
Does anyone know where to get one of these interesting pandan plants in/around Melbourne area?? They are so rare I've been having a lot of trouble locating nurseries that stock them. Much appreciated.
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19th May 2009 5:52pm
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Chocake says...
Hi Raihaidi,

Since you're an asian, you know so much about this lovely Pandanus amaryllifolius. Love it for nasi lemak, kueh nagasari & hainanese chicken rice.Need your help about the plant before buying it.I intend to buy a plant. They have it selling over ebay from Malaysia to anywhere in the world. do you think it's ok to put it in the ground upon receipt (it's summer here now) & transplant it to a pot in autumn for bringing indoors? (we have cold winters here). If you put it in the ground, guess it'll be pretty prong to slug attack right?

thanks a lot for your help!
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freiburg, Germany
28th May 2009 7:58pm
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Lucy says...
There is another segment of ABC Gardening Australia TODAY on INDOOR PLANT CARE, how to regconise if your indoor plant needs a drink and if it has been overwatered. The program will be repeated tomorrow after lunch. Anyway, it is a very good one to watch.
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30th May 2009 9:11pm
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Milycap says...
I dip the young plant in rooting powder, pot it and water.
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31st May 2009 11:18am
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Lucy says...
Many thanks Milycap for your hint. Much appreciated.

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3rd June 2009 9:00am
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Shaun says...
The small Pandan given to me by a local Malay living at South Hedland on May'09 did not strike .....
Guess it is getting too cold in Perth now for it to strike, I guess ......
but out of the 6 cuttings that I got from Broome in Oct'08, 3 survived, and seems to be doing OK .....
These 3 are the ones that I grow in well shaded warm area (behind a north facing fence) ......
The other 3 that was grown in full sunlight were killed by the summer heat .....
Hope the 3 remaining Pandan will survive this winter .....
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WA / Perth
5th June 2009 5:07pm
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Yann says...
Dear Lucy,
Would you have anymore of the pandan pups available? Please let me know by email.


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12th June 2009 6:33pm
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jonah says...
Anybody knows why the pandan leaves are browning out? Is it too cold for my preciuous little thing In this Perth winter?

Also when I put it out in the garden I had little snails creeping on the leaves. I hate to put any chemiccals on it but i really don't want my pandan to die!!

Can anyone help?
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9th July 2009 6:32pm
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Shaun says...
My 3 pots of Pandan are also browning out .....
it's probably the cold .....
snails love Pandan leaves, esp the young tender ones when other food are not readily available on cold winters day .....
snails can eat out the crown of your Pandan and killed it !!! ....
sp, bail out all your snails ....
Good luck !!
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WA / Perth
9th July 2009 9:45pm
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Gloria says...
The two pandans I got from Rahaidi at the beginning of the year are doing ok. They have been moved indoor since June. They are in my bathtub, because it is right next to the north window, great for the winter sun. I get them outside in the weekend once in a while when it is bright and sunny.

Hopefully they will survive!

Good luck.
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10th July 2009 10:00am
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Linette says...

Can anyone tell me where in Perth you can find these plants? Thank you.
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21st July 2009 2:30pm
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Linda says...
Hi everyone

Can anyone tell me where I can source/buy the plants in NSW - been rather desperate since moving to rural NSW - can only get them if I go to Sydney.

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Coonabarabran NSW
22nd July 2009 2:40pm
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bere says...
I can't wait to get some in Perth once our backyard is done up. Thanks for all the posts, guys.
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Perth, WA
26th July 2009 6:42pm
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Linda says...
Hi Rahaidi,

Do you have problem with the leaves of pandan plant turning kind of specking yellowish in winter?
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2nd August 2009 11:16am
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Rahaidi says...
Hi Linda. Sounds to me a winter thing to me. I get some of the leaves turning yellow to brown on mine too. I would take caution when the whole leaves of the plant start turning this colour but if its only some it they should be okay. My big ones are left outside in a sheltered place and I get some of the leaves with these symptoms. I don't get frost up my way but I would expect to get some leaf tips curling and turning yellow because of the cold morning air and moisture. Its winter time afterall so with less heat and amount of sunlight you would expect that these tropical plants be very much dormant. I haven't watered mine very much this winter as I'm weary of root rot as we in Perth have had very cold mornings as of late. With the week gone sunshine I have put some of the Pandans out in the sun, but with any chance of rain they will go straight back in. So for this time of the year, don't overdo the watering. Leave them dry. When you need to water them do so during the heat of the winter's day in the sun at the earliest time rather than in the afternoon. Take advantage of the watering supply them with a seaweed extract so it can taken up by the plant then leave it to dry until the next session. They require less attention really in Winter than in summer when these things are done.

Hope that helps.

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Perth, Western Australia
3rd August 2009 12:39pm
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Linda says...
Hi Rahaidi,

Guess what? I found spider mites on the pandan plant! I'm using some white oil. Hopefully it'll get rid of them. Do you have any problem with them?
Does anyone know how to get rid of these critters?
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5th August 2009 4:15pm
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amanda says...
Hi Linda - u can use wettable sulphur for these. I always get red spider mites on my cape gooseberries for some reason. They love dry conditions - I find a good hard spraying with the hose (or leave sprinkler on) especially under the leaves - is a good way to get rid of them. Just do every day or so and see how u go.
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Geraldton. WA
6th August 2009 9:46am
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Tiggerbow says...
Hi Linda,
I have been having a problem with Spider mite too.
Amanda gives very good advice.
I am going to keep the area well watered for awhile.
I have also purchased some predatory mites (Persimilis) from Bug Central (on the internet). Cost $43.50 for 1000 predators to do a standard garden.
I will let you know how I go when I get the predators.

Good luck!
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Perth WA
10th August 2009 3:46pm
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Anastacia says...
Hi Milycap, how are you?

Just wondering, if you've got pandan plant for sale. Am interested to buy.

Let me know please.

Thanks . . . .
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Gold Coast
11th August 2009 6:57pm
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Linda says...
Hi Amanda and Tiggerbow,

Thanks for the tip. The white oil seems to be working. I've moved the plant into a cooler room. When the days get warmer, I'll give the plant a good wash. Heard that the spiders like hot and dry condition.
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11th August 2009 8:26pm
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amanda says...
Hi Linda - is your pandan an indoor plant then?
White oil is a great leaf conditioner for indoor plants (not so geat outside tho') Are u rotating it outside or is it always inside?
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Geraldton. WA
11th August 2009 10:28pm
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Linda says...
Hi Amanda

The plant normally lives outside but because of the cold, I've brought it indoor.
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13th August 2009 10:11pm
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Amelia says...
Hi Rahaidi,

Do you still have them in your backyard ? Can you spare me some to grow in my back garden ?

Amelia ( beehive0507@yahoo.com )
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15th August 2009 1:34am
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Original Post was last edited: 15th August 2009 2:09am
Milycap says...
Hi Anastacia, yes, I have one to spare from when I bought from Lucy. Email me at Milycap@gmail.com You can pick up if you are not too far away. Ring me on 0404309527
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15th August 2009 8:35pm
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cremone41 says...
Hi all,

Anyone in Melbourne have extra 1 or 2 Pandan plant for sale? Thanks :)

Yvonne (cremone41@yahoo.com)

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17th August 2009 12:25pm
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Bret says...
Anyone in Perth who could give/sell me some pandan?
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Perth - Kalamunda
22nd August 2009 1:27pm
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. says...
Hi Amelia,
there is a doctor (GP .... Dr Fong) in Rockingham whose wife has got Pandan plants growing in pots ......
if you contact his surgery, you may be able to obtain Pandan locally there.
Good luck !!
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25th August 2009 6:21pm
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TK says...
You can grow pandan plant indoor in a warm room, large plant pot near a window or with plant lighting. Well drained soil. I grow it in the Fort Wayne, Indiana where the winter is well below zero Celcius sometimes.
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Fort Wayne, USA
30th August 2009 12:39am
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Lee says...
May I know what the plant look like in winter? Does the leaves stay green?
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31st August 2009 11:47am
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Shaun says...
I just come across a Malay man in South Hedland who has got Pandan plants in his backyard .....
arranging to dig a few plants from his garden to bring back to Perth now that its Springtime :-)
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WA / Perth
1st September 2009 7:28pm
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Coen says...
Hi Lucy, do you have anymore pandans to spare? Please email me at yangcoen@yahoo.com.au

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Gold Coast
5th September 2009 11:18pm
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Bret says...
Hi Shaun,
Could I say "me too!"?
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6th September 2009 11:07am
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Shaun says...
Hi Brett,
I'll have to see how many plants I am given .....
would spare you 1 plant if I get my hands on more than I need.
Cheers !!
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WA / Perth
7th September 2009 7:30pm
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etakes2 says...
Hi Regina,
I noticed that you are in So CA and was able to get the pandan plant.

I found a supplier but they won't ship to California (they are in So cal).

Were you able to grow yours?? Can you sell me a couple of branches??

Contact me please you are are willing to sell etakes2@gmail.com

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9th September 2009 5:33am
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Regina says...

I purchased mine through a member of the Rare Fruit Growers Association. I have had mine since last winter and it is quite healthy. Betty, the seller, grows hers in a greenhouse as the climate here is not optimal. Not having space for a greenhouse, I purchased a 30 gallon aquarium to house the plant in. Since it is enclosed I only water every other week. It has quite high humidity as I keep a dish of water in the tank. I also have it in front of a bright window so it gets enough light. I'll look up Betty's email number and send it to you
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Southern California
12th September 2009 9:34am
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Shaun says...
The very kind Malay residences of Port Hedland and South Hedland gave me some plants:
1 small plant potted in a small pot, and
1 bare rooted plant with leaves trimmed soaking in a small bottle of water ....
Hope these will grow and survive in Perth
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WA / Perth
12th September 2009 7:50pm
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Cindy says...

Can pandan leaves be grown in Melbourne? I am still looking for the plant. We used it alot in cooking.

You can reply to mapleleaf13@hotmail.com
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7th October 2009 11:02am
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Uyanava says...
I grow it in a pot on the verandah in my Brisbane apartment. We call it rampeh and its used in Sri Lankan cooking. It dies back a bit in winter but comes back pretty well in summer. If you live in an area of Qld that gets frost, you need to bring it in during that time.
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9th October 2009 9:57am
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Jackie says...

Do you know where I can buy pandan leave plant around Brisbane?

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11th October 2009 11:10am
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Lawa says...
No that it is Spring, does anyone know of some in South Australia who has pandan (also known as screw pine) leaves for sale?
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24th October 2009 5:51pm
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sharon says...

I am looking for pandanus tectorius to plant in Melbourne?

Can anyone direct me to a location (I am near Springvale and tried it there, but no luck) or

if there is anyone in melbourne growing it and can spare or sell?

My email is at mzmflo@gmail.com


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1st November 2009 1:59pm
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Nguyen says...
You can order Edible pandanus(Pandanus ammaryllfolius on WWW.elarishtropicalexotics.com

Good luck

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5th November 2009 12:55pm
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Shaun says...
I think someone actually posted a web link in this thread, where Pandan can be ordered online from a nursery in Queensland.
It must have got deleted by the web master of the forum (because the other nursery is a compatitor???).
I still got the link from my web browser history, so I'll post it for those who wish to order the Edible Pandan:
Hope it won't get deleted

Here is a pic of the plant:
Pictures - Click to enlarge

Picture: 1
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WA / Perth
12th November 2009 4:23pm
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Shaun says...
The Pandan used in cooking is known as "edible" Pandan in most nurseries.
There was a bit of confusion about its botanic name earlier in the forum .....
and I came across this webpage recently:
It is a palm nursery in Thailand ....
its catalogue and description clarify the botanic name of the "edible" Pandan (Pandanus amaryllifolius)

The other Pandanus were also described and pictured, namely:
P. odoratissimus http://www.palmseeds.net/product.detail_27271_en_208029
P. tectorius http://www.palmseeds.net/product.detail_27271_en_1270604
and other Pandanuses http://www.palmseeds.net/product_27271_en

Happy Reading !!
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WA / Perth
12th November 2009 4:44pm
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Joyce says...
Hi Shaun, do you have anymore pandans to spare? Please email me.

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10th December 2009 5:43pm
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Shaun says...
Hi Joyce,
I thought Rahaidi posted 2-3 days ago, saying he has new Pandan pups for sale after Xmas-NewYr .....
has that post got erased?
Sorry, I only got few pots of small plants at the moment.
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WA / Perth
11th December 2009 8:11pm
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Theany says...
Hi everyone,
I've just bought a pot of Pandan from Canley Vale Nusery. $25 for a mature with a couple of pups and $18 for a mature single Pandan. If anyone interested call them on (02) 9723 2688. Regards and Merry Christmas
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13th December 2009 12:15pm
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Ellen says...
holy smoke and all this time, I've been looking, and found nada,

This is like right under my backyard.

Thanks for the info Theany


I am sorry for the trouble I've put you through to get me those pups sis .
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13th December 2009 1:58pm
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Diana says...
Forbidden fruits nursery in Mullumbimby has them for $30 in a pot (page 7 http://www.forbiddenfruitsnursery.com/products/index.htm ). I think they do mail order. They have been fine for me in the past, although sometimes their plants are a sold a bit premature (better than being pot-bound though).

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16th December 2009 12:02am
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Rahaidi says...
For those in Perth I will have some available for purchase in Jan. These are the new seasons cuttings which have finally set root and have gone on after somewhat an extended cool season.

I have some already on the side from peoples' requests so if you're interested my email is listed on this page.


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Perth, Western Australia
16th December 2009 5:19pm
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Terry says...
I have just bought a Pandan plant from the Canley Vale nursery. It is about a meter high with a smaller one at the side. Though the plant looks healthy and robust, the Pandan plant has no smell, even when you crush the leaves?? Can someone help with this?

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18th December 2009 9:15pm
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Ellen says...
That is not Pandan, real cooking pandan are very scented even when you walk by the bush and lightly brushed against it .
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19th December 2009 1:08am
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Susan says...
Terry says...
I have just bought a Pandan plant from the Canley Vale nursery. It is about a meter high with a smaller one at the side. Though the plant looks healthy and robust, the Pandan plant has no smell...

Terry, your pandan is most likely not the amaryllofolius (cooking) variety. There are many plants in the pandanus classification that is from a meter to several meters high. Yours is likely an ornamental plant.
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20th December 2009 9:57am
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Terry says...
There was a faint pandan smell when i boiled the leaves. The root of the plant was matted like a ball at the bottom of the pot and it was quiet difficult get the plant out of the pot. I am not sure if this has got anything to with the stunted smell of the pandan. I have repotted the plant & I will wait and see. Ellen/ Theany have you bought any pandan?? from the canley vale nursery & is it the cooking variety? Any comments from the Pandan experts(Rahidi)re the stunted smell of the pandan.
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20th December 2009 11:29am
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Ellen says...
Hi Terry

I've once passed by the florist shop at canley height shops. And saw that they did carried a big plant similar to pandan, so I went up and touch it, and pinched it to see if it is pandan, the cooking kind. It had very very light pandan scented, so I figured it is only in the same family but not the same genus.

So I never bought it. by the way Terry, pandan doesn't have bulb rooted. Yours must be the ornamental kind.

Last week Nguyet sent me 4 little pandan pups, I am currently soaking it to get it rooted for planting. And they're the genuine kind not the look alike Terry .

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20th December 2009 1:54pm
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Theany says...
Hi Terry, I bought one pandan plant on the 13/12/09, I paid $25 and it is only 46 cm high and it has two more pups on their sides. I wish to let you know all the pandan plants I have in my garden had the fainted smell; I brought 3 plants from Perth last April also have the same fainted smell. I believe that the smell will get stronger when the plan getting more mature. Why did not you ask Kim, nursery owner, he would tell you whether it is pandan or not.
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20th December 2009 5:13pm
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Rahaidi says...
Hi Terry, it would help having animage to look at but what you have described might not be the same Pandan variety described under this forum topic.

The height you've decribed seems different to ones we got growing. Even the very old ones we got barely reaches a meter high. They tend to go out laterally with pups growing on the side.

As people have mentioned before here even the true edible Pandan does not inhibit a strong scent in a pot. As someone said it you get a really strong Pandan smell when the plant dies or otherwise cut a leaf and let it stand for a couple of days (say in the kitchen).

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Perth, Western Australia
21st December 2009 7:53pm
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Amy says...
Hi Rahaidi,

Look forward to couple of plants from you in January and arrange for collection the same way as before please

Happy Holidays and Happy New Year
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22nd December 2009 3:18pm
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Terry says...

Ellens says
Last week Nguyet sent me 4 little pandan pups, I am currently soaking it to get it rooted for planting. And they're the genuine kind not the look alike Terry .

Ellen & Nguyet, can you spare a plant?

Happy New Year
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25th December 2009 3:33pm
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Violet Cactus says...
Hi Nguyet, would you mind contacting me when you have a spare moment? My address is angavar(at)yahoo.com
I'd love to swap or buy some Vietnamese herbs.
Like you, I live in Melbourne.
I can get Pandanus amaryllifolus plants but I have never tried to grow them because I just assumed they would not cope with Melbourne's winter.
Now that I have heard that *you* are successfully growing them I'm thrilled!
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26th December 2009 8:30pm
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Joyce says...
Hi Rahaidi, I'm interested to get some pandan pups from you. Please contact me at jcsy_chan@yahoo.com

Happy New Year, everyone!
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28th December 2009 10:49pm
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Bianca says...
For the Perth people, I just bought a Pandan plant 2 weeks ago from the little Asian Supermarket on the corner of Marangaroo Drive & Templeton Drive, Girrawheen. It cost $8 has has doubled in size since then, it's under the patio amongst orchids & getting watered twice a day in this hot weather. The man at the supermarket, told me to grow it in-doors, however I'm going to give it a go out doors as friends of mine had a huge one growing fully exposed in their front garden in the Beechboro area. The same supermarket also sells a small but delightful range of plants used in Asian cooking.
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4th January 2010 9:05pm
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Nguyet says...
Hi Terry,

I have spare pandan cuttings if you are still interested please email me s.lucy8868@yahoo.com.au
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4th January 2010 10:26pm
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Del says...
I am looking for pandang too. I am in goldcoast... does anyone know where i can get the plant?
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6th January 2010 11:40pm
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Diana says...
Hi Del,

You can get them from Forbidden Fruits nursery in Mullumbimby, see my post above. They do internet orders.

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7th January 2010 10:02am
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charlie says...
Hi Rahaidi,I live in NSW but i would like to purchase a pandan palm. I will arrange freight and costs. please let me know -
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kurrajong nsw
7th January 2010 11:09am
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A hobby farmer in QLD says...
I have some spare pandan cuttings with roots for sale from $5 per cutting.

Further information please contact my friend: Lucy


who will organise the freight on my behalf
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7th January 2010 11:31am
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Lynn Lim says...
Hi I would love to buy a few plants from you. My email is lynnhylim@yahoo.com seems to have problem sending Lucy an email.

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Lynn Lim
Balwyn, VIC
10th January 2010 10:14am
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Mik says...
Hi Bianca,

I am sorry to ask you this but is there any chance that you have the name of the store, or may be contact details of the asian store which sells the pandan tree?

I live quite far away down south so does not always go to up north.

Thank you.

Regards, Mik
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11th January 2010 11:49pm
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Lin says...
Hi, would anyone know where to purchase pandan plant or seeds in Brisbane? Thank you very much.
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13th January 2010 3:41am
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Jennie says...
Hi Rahaidi,
My Pandan plant is now growing a small pup. Can you please advise if and when I should seperate it ? and what is the best way to do it.
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14th January 2010 3:33pm
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april07 says...
Hello Lin

Once I been to Brisbane - China Town. One of the chinese herbs shop sold the pandan plant, unfortunately I didn't get it as someone nagging me.
They only sell them when the season. Maybe this is the right time.
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Northern NSW
15th January 2010 7:11am
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kim says...
Hi Lin,
Not sure which part of Brisbane you live but I have occasionally seen Pandan plants for sale at the Vietnamese shop called Bac Thien in Darra. Have not been there recently though.
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15th January 2010 2:56pm
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Diana says...
Hi Lin,

Fobidden fruits, a couple of hours down the coast at Mullumbimby (or they will send it, or they sometimes have a stall at market days such as the BOGI market in Windsor), have them in stock. http://www.forbiddenfruitsnursery.com/products/index.htm, click on page 7. They are $30.

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17th January 2010 6:58pm
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dippy1 says...
Hi Kim, what part of the plant do you use to put in water? Is it a leaf or a clump of leaves or maybe the root part? We would love to grow these plants but have no idea what part of the plant to use,
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18th January 2010 5:03pm
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dippy1 says...
As a follow up to my last post, can you grow pandanus from a branch cutting?

Thanks again
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18th January 2010 5:15pm
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trikus says...
scroll up to May to see a few pics of cuttings I rooted in a garbage can.
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18th January 2010 7:02pm
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Violet_Cactus says...
David from Shepparton are you still here?
Just wondering where you bought your purple congo potatoes....
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24th January 2010 10:29pm
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Grendel says...
I got one of Rahaidi's Pandan plants last year and managed to nurse it through winter (it was looking pretty sad by spring) however it has now bounced back very well - particularly over the last month when I added some mushroom compost and placed in under the frangipanni tree where it can get good levels of dappled light.

It is now producing an aerial pup which I take it is a healthy sign. I know it is harder to get these to root - has anyone tried applying rooting hormones to the aerial pups to propogate them?

If I leave the aerial pup alone will it form a seperate branch?
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2nd February 2010 6:43pm
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Hi Grendel,

Aerial pups will eventually grow roots if leave them on the plant long enough.

The best time to remove them when there have some roots and at least 20cm long.

They are then soaked in luke warm water, change daily, in the shade for about 1 months until roots grow properly (big and tiny white roots).

Now, it is time to dust in rooting hormone and plant. The best time to do it is December/January.

If leave them alone then they will form multiple branches.

I have done it before and it was successful.

Good luck.

Happy growing.
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2nd February 2010 9:23pm
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Gay says...
re the PANDAN thread. . .Sorry! I haven't been through all the posts to check if someone has already offered this info. I've just received 2 pandans in excellent health from
www.allrareherbs.com.au (QLD)
Check out their website for costs, etc. and keep in touch to see when their mailing takes place! Very highly recommended! :-) I'm planning to keep mine in pots and inside during winter on the north side of the house. Fingers crossed!! Good luck to everyone who's trying to raise these lovely plants outside their preferred habitat!!
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7th February 2010 2:58pm
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Rahaidi says...
Well they're finally good to go. For those in Perth only I'm afraid. I got some bigger ones (two seasons old) too for those interested. My email is listed on this page if you have any queries.

Pictures - Click to enlarge

Picture: 1

Picture: 2

Picture: 3
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Perth, Western Australia
9th February 2010 1:57pm
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Grendel says...
Jujube - thank you for the advice, it is much valued. I will wait and watch what it does over the next few weeks.
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9th February 2010 8:46pm
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Mary says...
Hi Rahaidi

Your pandan plants look so green. May I know what do you feed them besides seaweed solution? Thanks.
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10th February 2010 8:32pm
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Charles cant spell says...
With no knowledge on the subject, are your plants under cover Mary. A lot of plants that don't like the sun loose there bright green if they get to much sun.
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Perth Innaloo
10th February 2010 11:52pm
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Rahaidi says...
Hi Mary, yes I agree with Charles regarding plants undercover usually exhibit that extra shine. These were grown/bred undercover as they're tropicals. Nothing special with regards to feeding just a good diluted seaweed/chook poo tea mix daily. Especially during the growing months.

I usually put a spade worth of chook poo in my wheel barrow and add a cup or two of seaweed concentrate and fill it up to the top with my bore water. Its then left overnight and by next morning its ready to go. This usually lasts me the whole week for my potted plants and veggie garden.

I like to feed the Pandans this organic mix rather than using chemicals, as we use the leaves for cooking. Pretty simple but it seems to work.

For max growth try to put your Pandans in an undercover area that receives the most sun/afternoon sun.

These Pandans were grown essentially grown in an shadecloth hothouse and moved to a protected place during the colder months. In all cases they're protected from the Perth windy Swesterleys and the dry morning easterleys.


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Perth, Western Australia
11th February 2010 11:18am
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Wilson says...
I would like to buy the Pandan Plant

Thank you
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22nd February 2010 8:09pm
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Theany says...
Hi Wilson, you can buy Pandanus amaryllifolius at Bonnyrigg Garden Centre: Elizabeth Dr
Bonnyrigg Heights NSW 2177
(02) 9610 5366. They are very healthy plants. I have seen them last week and most of them have a couple of pubs.
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24th February 2010 9:38am
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plantaholic says...
check ebay from time to time. regards
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26th February 2010 8:31pm
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Renie says...
I am from Melbourne. Is there any place to buy a pandan plant in Melbourne??? :( I have being searching every where. Any help??

Thanks Renie...

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4th March 2010 10:44pm
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Original Post was last edited: 4th March 2010 10:46pm
camille says...
Hi Renie,

I'm also in Victoria and looking for a plant so if you have any luck finding a supplier could you let me know?


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12th March 2010 8:36am
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Gary says...
Hi A hobby farmer in QLD, I would love to buy a few plants from you. My email is gashome@rabbit.com.au seems to have problem sending Lucy an email
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19th March 2010 2:39pm
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Original Post was last edited: 19th March 2010 2:42pm
Jasmin says...
Hi Andy,
Do you have any spare plants that you could sell.I also live in Hills District and have been looking for this plant for a very long time.Thanks jasmin
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Hills District
30th March 2010 1:45pm
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Lyn says...
Dear All
I am very new to pandan plant. I had a pot from My friend 2 months back. I have been very careful with it, however, the leaves started to turn yellow and it hasnt been growing since 2 months I brought it back. Initially, I had put it in the open space, now I had relocated it under shade. I had attached the photos for your review. Did I do anything wrongly? What shall I do to make it turn greenery again.....Im so worry that it will say "byebye" to me. Thanks lyn.
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Picture: 1

Picture: 2
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13th April 2010 1:41am
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Hi Lyn,

The plant looks healthy to me except yellow leaves. Most likely due to too much sun or lack of nitrogen. The only thing you could do is either give the plant some blood and bone or some NITROSOL liquid fertilizer (sold in garden stores) or some SEASOL liquid. it may fix the problem if nitrogen deficiency is the cause. Anyway I am sure from now on new leaves will be green. BTW, for newly planted cuttings it takes a bit of time to get the plant to grow more leaves.

For Melbourne and Sydney pandan growers, it is time to think about bringing your plants inside the house in bright,airy area away from heater points if the temperature outside at night is less than 15 degrees for more than a week. Also reduce water now.
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13th April 2010 8:07am
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Original Post was last edited: 13th April 2010 8:47am
Lyn says...
Hi, Jujube
Thank you very much for your precious advice. I will take very very good care of it. Will update you on my pandan.
Thank you
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13th April 2010 11:12pm
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Glenn says...
Would love to buy a plant from you or do you know where I can buy a pandanus from
regards Glenn
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24th April 2010 7:19pm
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Anna says...
Hi Glenn,

You could get from www.allrareherbs.com.au

If I was you I would wait until October before buying any because pandan plant is a tropical plant and winter is just around the corner.
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24th April 2010 8:32pm
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dina says...
hi am lived in onslow 3 hours from karratha really appriciated if you can give me the contact person who is have the pandan plant.

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25th April 2010 9:44pm
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Theany says...
Glen you can buy Pandanus amaryllifolius at Bonnyrigg Garden Centre: Elizabeth Dr
Bonnyrigg Heights NSW 2177
(02) 9610 5366.
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26th April 2010 10:47am
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Laisla says...
I live in Cairns and have the Pandan plant growing in my cassava bed. If anyone wants cuttings, I could mail them to you. My email is la_isla_bonita87@hotmail.com (please put 'pandan' in the title.
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Frederick St
14th May 2010 8:25pm
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Gary says...
Hi Rahaidi,
I could not find your email address, do you have any more Pandan plants?

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7th June 2010 5:27pm
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amanda says...
JP, lets hope it hasn't got some exotic disease....
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Geraldton. WA
21st June 2010 9:05pm
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Hi JP,

It may survive (50-50) if you place it in a vase with luke warm water, make sure the water level just cover the root not the leaves. Change luke warm water everyday for 2 weeks and see if your plant recovers from the transit and the sudden change of the environment.

Good luck.
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21st June 2010 9:39pm
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Shaun says...
Hi dina,
My current collection of Pandan came from Hedland, Karratha and Broome.
I know of 2 persons who had Pandan in Karratha, but I cannot post up their phone numbers in this forum.

I also know of 4 people in Port Hedland and South Hedland who has got Pandan plants. If you ask them, they will give you cuttings, and baby shoots.
If you are in Port Hedland, try to approach the manager of Hospitality Inn. He had many friends who grow pandan in the backyard.
Or go to Ayesha's Restaurant in South Hedland Shopping Centre, and the lady chef there knows of dozens of friends who has got the pandan plants.

Good luck !!
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WA / Perth
24th June 2010 2:31am
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Rev says...
I know where a nice patch is
and being a poor student im motivated to go get them!

if youre having difficulty sourcing then email me

ill get a dozen tomorrow and pot them on.
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north qld
24th June 2010 2:47am
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Mrs V says...
Is there any place to buy a pandan plant in Melbourne???
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Mrs V1
26th June 2010 9:40pm
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Pandan lover says...
Sampa, can you please provide us the information on where to get the pandan plant in Melbourne?

I am eager to try it out once the weather gets warmer.

Thank you.
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Pandan lover
3rd August 2010 12:56pm
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Lyn says...
Hi, all pandan experts,

Thank you for all your last advice. It been 3 months, and my pandan is stil well. However, recently, I just try to transfer the pandan to another pot and added more blood and bone into the soil. I put it at the outdoor for sunlight but I forgot that the wind is quite strong. And when I realised that my pandan become slanted to one side and most of the leaves became very weak and soft. Instead of standing up, it had blended downwards. I have watered the pandan once a week using seasol liquid, however, most of the leaves are turning yellow. What shall I do?? Im so afraid of my pandan.......

Thank you.
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Picture: 1

Picture: 2
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4th August 2010 10:02pm
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Hi Lyn,

You shouldn't have re-poted this tropical plant during winter months. Anyway, it is a winter kind of problem. The plant looks normal to me at this time of the year, the soil is not too wet so it should be ok.

I would bring it indoor until the weather is warmer. In winter months, you normally don't feed these plants just make sure giving it some water sparingly and only give them some fertiliser in active growing seasons: late Spring, Summer and early Autumn.

For yellow leave problem, place them in Shade and give it some blood and bone in late spring but in your case you have already done that bit so the next time would be in December.

Good luck.
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5th August 2010 9:03am
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Altaf says...
Hi Lyn,
Can you please tell me whether is it available in NSW? I am in need of 2-3 seedlings for some experiments.


Dr Altaf, SCU, Lismore
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9th August 2010 5:05pm
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Mei says...
Hi Sampa,
Please do let us know where to get pandan plant as can't wait to grow our own.

Thanks in advance.
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25th August 2010 8:53am
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Shaun says...
This cold winter has killed all my pandan collection ..... all 6 pots are dead !!!
I forgot to move the potted Pandan indoors when I went away in June/July.
They were all rotted and dead from the cold and wet winter weather.

3 of those Pandan had several small pups and I was hoping to propagate those pups to distribute to my fellow shipment syndicate members to increase the availability of Pandan in Perth when the weather gets warmer.
Now it looks like I have to start all over again.
I'll ask my Malay friends in Port Hedland for more Pandan plants when I go there later this year.

Sorry Jimmy, sorry Yong .....
you both have to wait another 12 months before you get your Pandan.
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WA / Perth
26th August 2010 1:07am
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noris says...
Hi, can anyone tell em where i can get a pandan plant in Perth WA. Or does anyone know if my parents can help me bring one in from Singapore.
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4th September 2010 4:41pm
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tecko says...
Hi Noris,

I bought mine where Bianca suggested in this forum (see above - 4 Jan 2010) earlier in the year (sometime in summer)...
at the little Asian Supermarket on the corner of Marangaroo Drive & Templeton Drive, Girrawheen. I was charged $12 for a small pot. It grew quite well. However, because I wanted it to get used to winter conditions, I left it in the open during the last winter, and a lot of leaves have withered. I think it might just be able to pull through ... (not sure yet, so keeping my fingers crossed).
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5th September 2010 10:50pm
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Aaron says...
Hi tecko,

Will try to locate the asian shop that you've mentioned this weekend!

Thanks for the info.
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Perth NOR
6th September 2010 3:51pm
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snottiegobble says...
Good Luck to all of you with your pandans. I just wondered if anyone has seen mature specimens with their wonderful trunks of spiralling old leaf stems? In Darwin they can reach 3 - 4 metres & have these amazing trunks that appear to be threaded .see photo.
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Bunbury/Busso (smack in the middle)
6th September 2010 6:48pm
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trikus says...
There are many different spp of Pandanus .
Some very interesting climbing related Freycinetia as well . Duan Pandan usually only gets approx 1m before sprawling over .
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7th September 2010 11:07am
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Renato says...
Hi. I was just wondering, what would you do if the plotted pandan plant grows much taller than you want it to be? Would you cut its head and wait for it to start branching? If you do that, then the roots will continue on growing. I don't want to use a bigger pot because I have limited space at home.

And how do you get the leaves from the tree?(when you need it for cooking) Do you get the youngest leaves? One more thing, do you remove the whole leaf (i.e. from the main branch of the tree)? Or just cut the leaf?
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13th September 2010 8:59pm
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wardie says...
Hi, desparate for a pandanus amaryllifolious plant. I am in Perth, WA email kscward@lycos.com If anyone has any pup, etc will drive anywhere for it (well, nearly...). Thanks.
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Perth Hills
4th October 2010 2:27pm
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Monica says...
I want to buy 2 plants of Pandanus. Please let me know where and how to get it.
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4th October 2010 6:17pm
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Aaron says...
The above Asian shop owner mentioned that it will only be available in Dec, so will only go back then.

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Perth NOR
5th October 2010 3:12am
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Mei says...
Hi Sampa,
I have sent email to you regarding where to get pandan but yet to receive reply....please share with us where to get pandan plant.
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6th October 2010 6:42pm
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Asian Pandan Plants says...
Hi Rahaidi,
Like the others, I am also into growing all types of tropical fruit trees over the last 6 years. I have been quite successful in most of the fruit trees. I am desperately looking to grow thw Asian variety of pandan plant for cooking and cake making not the Australian variety, please let me know how and where I can purchase a couple of these plants. Much appreciated and hearing from you soon. Cheers, Victor
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Asian Pandan Plants
Lower Hunter Region, NSW
11th October 2010 12:52pm
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Asian Pandan Plants says...
Hi Rahaidi,
Like the others, I am also into growing all types of tropical fruit trees over the last 6 years. I have been quite successful in most of the fruit trees. I am desperately looking to grow thw Asian variety of pandan plant for cooking and cake making not the Australian variety, please let me know how and where I can purchase a couple of these plants. Much appreciated and hearing from you soon. Cheers, Victor
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Asian Pandan Plants
Lower Hunter Region, NSW
11th October 2010 12:52pm
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BJ says...
If you cant find one locally, search on eBay. $31 incl. delivery for a decent looking plant.
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6th November 2010 9:30am
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Somage says...
I wanting to buy pandan for use in cooking. anyone know of a wholesale supplier?
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6th December 2010 2:11pm
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trikus says...
Somage is it the leaf you want to buy ?
The plant would not grow very well in melb .
I just saw long rows planted out at a mates place , he propagates them and just sold 50 + plants [ all he had in stock ] . But I am sure his young son would harvest leaves . He already has many tree ferns he weeds out of the nursery , that he pots up and sells at a market for pocket money.
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7th December 2010 8:05am
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Shaun says...
I have brought back to Perth some bare rooted edible Pandan plants from Hedland.
A few had been promised to friends but I have a few spare ones available.
So, if you are in Perth and is interested in acquiring these spare BARE ROOTED Pandan plants, pls email or call me.
I am only in Perth between Christmas Day till New Year Day.
So hurry !!
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WA / Perth
25th December 2010 9:37pm
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tecko says...
Hi Shaun
Any chance now of getting any of your spare Bare Rooted pandan plants? What's your email or phone? Ta.
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27th December 2010 3:55pm
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Shaun says...
hi tecko,
which part of Perth are you in?
email me your mobile phone number at csoo1@yahoo.co.uk
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WA / Perth
29th December 2010 8:57am
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Shaun says...
Hi Tecko, Hi Hong,
Got your emails and had SMS you.
Pls call me to arrange delivery / pick up.

Tecko, I am bringing the Pandan to my gardening friends' tonight, and you seem to be close by. So, I'll drop in your place with a plant.
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WA / Perth
30th December 2010 3:39pm
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Denis says...
I just bought two pandan plants from the Canley Vale Nursery in Sydney. Both are doubles, with a big and a small plant (pups I guess) in each pot. They seem healthy and well established -- the big ones are 60 cm tall (above soil level). The ruler in the photo is 50 cm long.

Kim, the helpful chap at the nursery, said to:
- Pot them up to 30 cm pots in organic potting mix (he sold me Amgrow Organix Tomato, Herb and Vegie Potting Mix)
- Water them daily in summer with a water tray under the pot to keep them moist
- For local conditions here, bring them inside in winter (essential if you get frost)
- Don't let the central growing part get wet in winter (water the soil instead)
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sydney nsw
3rd January 2011 6:41pm
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fruitist says...
How much is each pot? Please describe the smell of the crushed leaves.
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3rd January 2011 8:02pm
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Denis says...
Fruitist, they were $25 each, singles were $19 I think.
I'm hoarding the plants until my wife returns from overseas so I've only sacrificed the rather dry tip of one leaf. The crushed smell is not strong but I recognise it as the smell of the green pandan sweets in Asian grocery shops.
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sydney nsw
5th January 2011 9:35am
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Lang Chye says...
For those Sydney-siders who are looking for pandan plants: I saw them at a shop in Cabramatta (next to the multi-storey carpark), about 30cm tall in 15cm pots. The seller wanted $35 for each.
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Lang Chye
10th January 2011 4:13pm
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fruitist says...
One plant growing in Borneo.
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16th January 2011 8:08pm
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Mr. Smith from Texas says...
I have recently acquired a Pandanus Amaryllifolius from a local nursery. It is Winter here with 10 Celsius outside temperature. I am keeping it inside the house near a window. The room temperature is 26 Celsius. I will move it outside in about a month. The plant is in a 1 gallon bucket. My question is how do you encourage the plant to produce pups? How do you make the parent plant form multiple branches? Thank you for any advice you all may provide me.
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John Smith
Houston, Texas USA
18th January 2011 9:10am
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fruitist says...
Mr S, have you read through this thread? Answers to your questions are all in various posts.
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18th January 2011 9:37am
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Hi Mr Smith,

This is what Rahaidi said earlier in the thread about making pandan plant to produce pups:

Rahaidi says...
Potting up to Induce Side Offsets (Pups):

Heres a recent set of pictures that I took to pot up a juvenile Pandan plant that was getting too tall with aerial roots. The plant was not cut short this time round as I want to make it spread out with side offsets. You can see the aerial roots coming out and if you look closely to one of the zoomed in pictures some of the offset nodal points (green buds) coming out. The plant was potted up using a taller sized pot and mounded slightly on top to allow better drainage. It was planted up to the neck to induce the plant with side offsets. Expect to see these coming through before seasons ends or before the incoming colder weather to which the plant will be moved to a drier location.


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18th January 2011 9:43am
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Mr. Smith says...
Thank you very much for pointing it out, JUJUBE. I am new to planting of any sort. You all are the best IMO.
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John Smith
Houston, Texas
18th January 2011 10:00am
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Mr. Smith says...
Does new leaves reproduce from the bottom of the stem or only from the top? My plant has 2 new growth from the bottom about 5mm in size. I have added more soil to the pot after reading the earlier post so I can't take a better picture.
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Picture: 2
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John Smith
Houston Texas
18th January 2011 7:37pm
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Hi Mr Smith,

By looking at picture 2, I could see that a root has started to appear directing toward the soil and there should be a bud on that leaf node or will be soon. Leaf could appear from the top of the plant or from a bud at the leaf node.

Good luck.
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18th January 2011 9:26pm
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Mr. Smith says...
Thank you, JUJUBE.
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John Smith
Houston, Texas
19th January 2011 2:44pm
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John Mc says...
Hey Lucy,
Remember this baby you sent me?
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19th January 2011 5:13pm
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Hi John,

Wow! You must have a green thumb. Fantastic!

I only sent you a little baby and it it a mature beautiful plant now. Keep on good work.

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19th January 2011 7:21pm
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Mrs V says...
Hi...where can i get pandanus plant in melbourne?
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Mrs V
24th January 2011 8:55pm
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Waggawanga says...
Hi Roger, have just started a vegetable garden in the backyard. Bought a Pandan plant from Daleys but not the species I'm looking for. I would love to grow a plant of the type you have. Please advise where I can get a plant? Thanks.

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Point Cook
25th January 2011 3:24pm
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jony says...
Hi all,
Firstly, thanks for all the useful info about the Pandan plant.

I have a pandan plant and recently I found some pests on it. I think it may be mealy bugs (from searching on the net). They are white in colour and they're oval shaped.

What should I use to get rid of them? I have some pest oil, but don't want to spray the plant and find out that I shouldn't have.


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26th January 2011 4:05pm
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Original Post was last edited: 26th January 2011 4:06pm
fruitist says...
Do you guys/gals know that Pandan leaves are used for deoderising confined spaces like fridges, cabinets, etc. I think some even feed the leaves to pigs so their poo won't smell much. May be I will try to be more observant next time I drink lots of Pandan flavoured milk.

Another fruit called Kepple Apple (Stelechocarpus burahol) has been used to that effect.
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1st February 2011 7:34pm
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fruitist says...
Hope you guys/gals don't take it that I am a pig from my previous post. I am a human being.
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1st February 2011 7:37pm
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Violet_Cactus says...
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1st February 2011 9:24pm
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Hi Jony,

You could use your fingers or a piece of tissue or a cotton bud going through every leave to crush the mealy bug big and small and it will solve the problem.

Good luck.

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1st February 2011 9:40pm
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Mr. Smith says...
John Mc,

Can you please tell me what the latin name for that plant is in your picture? I placed some arrows around the plant.


John Smith
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John Smith
Houston, Texas, USA
2nd February 2011 2:51pm
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daisy says...
hi San, could you give me phone number of that persone you know who sell pandanus leaves please. Thank you for your help. Daisy
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7th February 2011 11:45am
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daisy says...
hi Rahaidi, do you have pandanus leaves for sale? Me n my cousin in sydney would u like 2 buy some. Let me know please. Thank you for your help. Daisy
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7th February 2011 11:48am
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balvindar says...
Can you tell me where in cdanning vale is this market
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8th February 2011 3:28pm
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balvindar says...
Can you tell me where in cdanning vale is this market
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8th February 2011 3:28pm
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syed sophy calypso says...
You can get this plant in plenty in my place ..... Malaysia

The green leaves you boil in hot water is good for your health ... check Internet .. The goodness of pandan plant ...
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Petaling Jaya, Malaysia
10th February 2011 5:55pm
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Di says...
Gosh, this is one long-running forum on just the one plant! I've come here looking for tips on keeping my pandan alive when it arrives from http://www.elarishtropicalexotics.com/
where I turned to cos Daleys does not stock it. I ordered (unintentionally!) the day Cyclone Yasi hit, and was thrilled to hear that they were back in business within days and have plenty of stock. I;ve ordered from them before but managed to kill the three pups after planting them in the open (they were FINE a whole week in their envelope on a table in my carport). I encourage anyone still shopping for a pandan to check out El-Arish and contribute to Queenslandś recovery!
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13th February 2011 2:07pm
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jony says...
Thanks for the info on mealy bugs, they seem to have gone. I find if I leave my pandan out overnight, I'll find mealy bugs there the next morning. But when I leave the plant indoors - no mealy bugs.

Di - I found this website which has great info on caring for pandan which might help you. http://www.mypandan.com/pandan-care/
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16th February 2011 3:23pm
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Baz says...
Thanks for the blog link, but nearly all the information there was taken in context from this great forum...

Anything with mealy bugs use eco-whiteoil. That should get rid of them without being too toxic for the leaves.
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16th February 2011 3:51pm
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Electricdiscus says...
I got my pandan plant yesterday from Cabramatta for $35. Vey helthy looking, in a good size pot. Keeping it in the pot at the moment as winter will be here soon. Soooo looking forward to cooking with it. Try cut up pandan leaf and put into a pot of jasmine tea, very smooth tasting :-)
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21st February 2011 4:20pm
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daisy says...
does anyone know where a pandan plant can be purchased in gold coast?
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gold coast
24th February 2011 11:40am
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BJ says...
There is a seller on eBay who sells from the Gold Coast. Search there. Or you could drive down to the nursery at Mullimbimby that usually has nice sized ones.
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24th February 2011 2:19pm
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NapaSpy says...

I also brought a few plants back from Hawaii. That species is called pandaus utilis, and not the variety common in SE Asia.

Dept of Agriculture allows export if all soil is washed clean. Wrap in wet napkins and enclose in a ziplock bag. I had some seeds, but they were all confiscated as there were "hitchhikers" in the seed coir.

The pandus utilis has dangerous spikes down the leaves, so care is needed.
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Napa CA
27th February 2011 12:45pm
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fruitist says...
NapaSpy, is it a typo the word "export" in your post "Dept of Agriculture allows export if all soil is washed clean."? Did you mean to say "import"? Also, I assume you brought the plants back into USA not Australia?
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27th February 2011 1:42pm
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NapaSpy says...
Yes, I meant export from Hawaii into California.

My pandan are doing well, even though it is cold here. I keep them in the garage.

Just make sure the crown does not get wet, and keep out of direct sunlight. Three died because they drowned and got sunburn.
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Napa CA
27th February 2011 2:25pm
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Kris says...
I have many Pandan for sale at the moment. www.botanicgardensnursery.com or www.burringbarbotanicgardens.com
regards Kris
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27th March 2011 6:54pm
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John Mc says...
In reply to Mr Smith from 2 Feb this year,
Sorry about the late reply, I've only just this minute stumbled upon it. The plant you have arrowed is a cutting of Ziziphus jujuba rootstock. You have very good eye for detail, it looks lost behind the Carambola seedlings.
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27th March 2011 11:17pm
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Thomas says...
Hi All, I purchased a mature potted plant from this forum. Since then the plant produced some pups and I have replanted them. Some are about 100 mm and 150 mm tall. They are now available for sale. Please email me (suresatu@gmail.com) if interested. Tks.
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30th March 2011 6:13pm
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AilynK says...
I would like to get one mature pandan as I have trouble getting the younger ones to live in Adelaide.
Please help.
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Adelaide, SA
4th April 2011 2:55pm
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Thomas says...
AilynK, I have only one mature plant currently. If you contact me in one year, I may have left over from my present young plants and they may be ready for you to try planting in Adelaide. Good Luck.

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5th April 2011 4:46pm
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Chloe says...

where did u buy your pandan pot? in brisbane? i am from brisbane too!

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13th April 2011 9:46am
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kim says...
saw 2 pots of pandan for sale ($25 each) at Bac Thien in Darra. This is the shop closest to Ipswich highway.
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20th April 2011 1:38pm
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coral says...
For people in Perth interested in pandan plants, they are being sold in Canning Vale Markets for $18, reasonable good size. They also have small ones for $5.
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9th May 2011 12:56am
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fruitist says...
Is the Canning Vale MArkets open every day or just weekends?
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12th May 2011 7:49am
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Peter says...
Hi Fruitist and coral,
they are open Sunday only, if you mean the Fleemarket, coral, which has plenty of plant sale people.
coral, is this a recent observation with the prize - about one month ago there was a man from up north selling them for $25? Maybe it is the same person, now it gets colder and I guess he want to sell the off before they struggle with the winter.
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12th May 2011 9:08am
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coral says...
Hi Peter and Fruitist,

Canning Vale Market is like a flea market and opens only Sunday, just like what Peter said. I bought the Pandan 3 weeks ago and last week I went again, there were still some left. They also sell the little ones. With Winter coming up, I think it's best to get the grown plants to give them a better chance of survival. The plants are pretty healthy and so far my pandan are doing ok under cover.
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20th May 2011 12:27pm
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Peter says...
Hi coral,
thanks - I might try to get one or two this Sun.
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20th May 2011 2:26pm
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shaun says...
Those who reponded to my earlier post (see above dated 25th Dec 2010) got the Pandan plants for FREE (as my Christmas presents to them ....hahaha).
I gave away almost 15 small to mid size cuttings that the local Malays in Port Hedland gave me on my last trip there.
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WA / Perth
30th May 2011 3:45pm
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Trish says...
You can buy them at Byron Bay NSW on the road into Byron on the right hand side theres a guy who seels them at the front of his property.
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9th June 2011 3:22pm
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Trish says...
Forgot to ask if anyone is growing pandanus around the Morisset/Toronto NSW area? If so could you give me some tips on what they prefer and where they prefer to grow within this area I mean soil structure and position.
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9th June 2011 3:30pm
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John Mc says...
It might be a bit cold there Trish. I'm at Warnervale and keep mine in a pot inside a poly tunnel. Try and keep it as warm as you can over winter.
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9th June 2011 5:53pm
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Galvin says...
Hi Josh,

Did your pandan plant survive over Canberra winter. Could you advise what you did to keep them alive?
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13th June 2011 10:50am
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Galvin says...
Hi All,

I have heading down to Darwin. I only have Friday to get the plant as i am on a business trip. Could you advise me of any locals who can provide me with about 4-5 pandan plants?

Many thanks.
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13th June 2011 10:56am
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Original Post was last edited: 13th June 2011 10:57am
Galv says...
Hi All,

I am heading down to Darwin and have only Friday to buy the plant as i am on a business trip.

Please could you give me the contact of the locals near to Darwin CBD?

Could the plant survive under shelter in Canberra?

Thanks for advice.
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13th June 2011 11:00am
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Ailynk says...
Thanks Thomas, will do
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17th June 2011 10:00pm
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Shaun says...
Sorry for the late reply Galv.
Most Asians in Darwin will know Pandan plant, and you could buy them from the Fri/Sat/Sun markets.
Just ask you hotel receptionist for help and assistance.
It is usually sold potted, and you may need to wash away all soil materials before you take the plants into ACT.
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WA / Perth
19th June 2011 12:03am
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fruitist says...
Limberlost is closing down but they are selling a Pandan edible for $13 in a 6 inch pot. They do delivery.
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19th June 2011 6:56am
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Mike says...
Most local people go to the saltwater centenary lakes park and grab a few small ones from their patch rather get them from limberlost.They seem to handle shade,poor soil and a lack of water pretty well.
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19th June 2011 8:11am
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fruitist says...
Can't wait to be there in August.
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19th June 2011 12:37pm
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Galv says...
Thanks Shaun for your reply. Looking forward to buying a few plants back!
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26th June 2011 9:41pm
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Susana says...
Hi John Mc,
I'm interested in buying pandan pups if you have any spare. I'm in Belmont in Lake Macquarie. And if you are willing to sell me one, I would also like to have a look at your hydroponic vege garden if that is alright.
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27th June 2011 8:13am
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Kris Kupsch says...
Hi Nadia,
the Pandanus you are growing is native and likely P.cookii. The Pandanus mentioned in this thread is an exotic species that does not produce seeds and can only be propagated by division. regards Kris
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Kris Kupsch
13th August 2011 9:55pm
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Daniela says...
Hi There,
would anyone have a pandanus plant (pup) to sell?
I'd love to get one...
Thanks, Daniela
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17th August 2011 9:55pm
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Roger says...
Hi Daniela,
I can supply bare rooted plants at $10 plus postage.
From now should be a good time to plant them.
Good soil in the biggest pot, plenty of water and partial shade especially in the afternoon but keep the pot warm.
Feel free to email me.
Regards Roger
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25th August 2011 9:20am
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Shaun says...
Hi Daniela, if you catch a train to Cabramatta (or drive there), you could buy potted edible pandanus plants from the Vietnamese shops there when the weather gets a little warmer (from Mid September onwards).
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WA / Perth
27th August 2011 10:59pm
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Mira says...
I have pandan plant growing in my backyard here in Perth :)
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29th August 2011 6:53pm
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Shaun says...
Here are some pictures of Edible Pandan plants that I took when I went to Penang, Malaysia, for a holiday recently.
Picture 1: Potted Pandan grown on a Balcony
Picture 2: Potted Pandan grown in someone's Front Yard in a village.
Picture 3: Pandan grown in someone's Back Yard in a village.
Pictures - Click to enlarge

Picture: 1

Picture: 2

Picture: 3
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WA / Perth
31st August 2011 12:56am
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wardie says...
Mira, could you please tell me where I can buy some pandanus plants? I'm in the hills. do you have any spare to sell? Tks.
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perth wa
5th September 2011 5:47pm
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Mira says...
Hi Wardie,

Actually you can buy pandanus plant in a Vietnamese shop caled "Lucky" in Brisbane st, Northbridge. But they don't always have it, ask the shop keeper to keep one for you as soon as they are available. Mine is still growing but no new shoot they can give away yet. I just plant it few months ago hope it will grow well and I can give some for you. Let's see if summer spring can make it grow faster. Good luck with Lucky shop hope you can find the pandanus you have been searching :)
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8th September 2011 6:58pm
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Wardie says...
Hi Mira
thanks, will go and try my luck :) Bought frozen ones and the first batch was good with strong fragrance, but the second batch (darker leaves) has a different fragrance, unlike the typical pandan leaves that I am familiar with. Won't be using these again.
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17th September 2011 12:00pm
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amy says...
Hi Mira,

How do you manage to grow it in your backyard in Perth? Please let me know

I had 4 healthy large plants and only one is alive in a pot. The others wilted away.
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22nd September 2011 5:30pm
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Mr. Smith says...
From one season, how many pups have you all gotten from one plant? I had over 25
pups from soil and 15 aerial so far. More are sprouting from soil and aerial.
The more mature aerial pups that I potted, now has 5 pups of their own. This is my first time growing this plant. I am wondering if this is normal. My mother-in-law has given away the majority of it. If you are in Houston, let me know if you want some for free. I am saving five to experiment with. Two more months and they are coming in the house. This is the plant from January 18, 2011. The original pot is inside the 5 gallon bucket. More soil is added to cover the original pot. This 5 gallon bucket has many holes drilled at the bottom and sides. We had a heat spell this summer and the leaves got burnt. I wonder if this due to the fact that I had removed 15 aerial pups from the area above and below where the cut line was. This area is badly scarred. The top portion was dieing in my opinion. I had to cut it to save the top portion with two aerial pups. The
pictures were actually taken one day after I had cut the plant on Sunday the
18th. You can see the top portion of the stem is wet in the picture, where I had
removed about 10 leaves. I just potted the top portion tonight on the 22nd. Hopefully more pups emerge from the buds on the stem seen in the last picture 7. This portion of the stem is now buried in a pot.

Picture 4: There are 5 live pups and 3 dead one by the cut line.

Picture 8-9: This is what the plant looks like on September 24, 2011. White roots are forming after two days in the soil.
Pictures - Click to enlarge

Picture: 1

Picture: 2

Picture: 3

Picture: 4

Picture: 5

Picture: 6

Picture: 7

Picture: 8

Picture: 9
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John Smith
Houston, Texas
22nd September 2011 5:58pm
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Original Post was last edited: 25th September 2011 6:56am
Mira says...
Hi Amy,

I bought one pot of pandan plant and planted in the ground. Planted 5 months ago still growing but not really great to the point I get excited with new shoot or branches yet. Still alive i can see the green leave coming. The winter might slow them down hopefully the spring will make them grow perky. Hope your last pandan will survive and grow better in this warmer weather. Good luck with your pandan plant Amy :)
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30th September 2011 10:56pm
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Daniela says...
Thanks Roger and Shaun. I'll try to get to Cabramatta first and see if I can get some samples.
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9th October 2011 9:32am
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Amy says...
Hi Mira,

If you know of any place that sells a pandan plant can you please let me know. I will get anther and put it in the ground like you have done and see how it goes. Meanwhile I am going to repot the pandan I have and hope for the best. Thanks Mira:)
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10th October 2011 12:28pm
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Otter says...
Thanks Mira,
I know the Vietnamese shop caled "Lucky" in Brisbane st, Northbridge, Perth.
I will ask them if they have any plants available when I go there next.
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10th October 2011 5:21pm
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Peter says...
Blooming nursery had plenty a couple of month ago...
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11th October 2011 1:16pm
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P Tan says...
Where to find the plant in Melbourne..?

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11th October 2011 1:47pm
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Stromung says...
To Regina
How is your pandan doing right now?
Got any advices for me, because I live in orange county
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12th October 2011 1:15pm
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Stromung says...
To Mr Smith , Texas

Where did you buy your pandan from, it's beautiful? Thanks
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12th October 2011 1:18pm
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Ben says...
I need a pandanus plant. Can you please let me know if you can spare one for me?
Please reply to kailabpaul@yahoo.com
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Los Angeles
13th October 2011 3:08pm
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Ben says...
I need a pandanus plant. Can you please let me know if you can spare one for me?
Please reply to kailabpaul@yahoo.com
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Los Angeles
13th October 2011 3:08pm
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Ben says...
Shaun, Smith,
Can you spare a Pandanus plant with me?
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Los Angeles
13th October 2011 3:10pm
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AilynK says...
Hi Hi, it's almost summer! Does anyone near Adelaide (or able to post to Adelaide) have any to sell, I require adult ones because the pups can't handle the coolness well
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15th October 2011 4:20pm
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Mr. Smith says...
Mr. Stromung,

I bought it locally. The website is http://www.jrnnursery2.com/ I don't know if they ship. I don't know if it is the way I am growing it or if it is the plant. It is very prolific. Good Luck. The plant was $18 for the biggest (picture located at January 18, 2011 post) and $7 for small.


I would love to help you out, but due to state and federal regulations, it is hard for me to do it. I don't know about California, but for Florida, I would have an inspection certificate with the plant to ship it. I have to be registered with the State of Florida and the State of Texas. Too many laws for a regular Joe to help people out. Again, I am sorry. I wish you were local. I gave 25 plants away already.

Have you two tried going to Monterey Park to ask around? I was there 11 years ago. With all the Chinese around, one would surely know where to find Pandan. Better yet, go ask the Vietnamese. I forgot what the local called the Vietnamese side of town.
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John Smith
Houston, Texas
15th October 2011 7:55pm
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Original Post was last edited: 15th October 2011 8:44pm
Stromung says...
Mr Smith
Since we lives on the same continent here, can you splash me with some information such as soil type, fertilizer, watering, lighting to be used on winter ir anything you can tell me to keep pandan alive for years, thanks!
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17th October 2011 10:59am
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Mr. Smith says...

Everything I know about growing Pandanus is from this forum.
Here is my experience so far. When I bought it the temperature was freezing, so I kept it inside of the house for about a month. I did not use any lighting but instead use the sunlight. I open the curtains. When the days were above freezing and not windy, I bought the plant outside. At night, I would bring the plant inside the garage. But if the temperature calls for freezing, it comes back in the house. During the summer, the direct sun of late July and August will burn the leaves. So give it some shades.
I use Miracle Grow Potting soil with moisture control. I don't like it but that is what I use. It is my first year growing plants. The key is to use a well draining soil. If you don't, the root will rot. I played around with the pups that I potted and removed them after a couple months to see the results of the different soil mixture. I even put different soil mixture in the same pot. Where the soil mixture that does not drain well, the root will rot. While the well draining soil area, the root is fine. I am still learning. I use a balance 10-10-10 fertilizer when I remember. So it got fed 4 times so far this year. I grow another plant also. When the leaves turn yellow, I fertilize all the plants.
I submerged the pot in a larger container. I kept the water level about an inch above the pot that the Pandanus is in. Check out the pictures above. The original pot is covered with additional soil and the water is about half an inch above the soil. Check put the pictures from Sept 22 2011 post. You can see the water line stain on the inside surface of 5 gallon bucket. Once I am bored of the plant, I will plant it in nice pot like all the other plants.
During the winter months, just keep the soil moist. Water the soil not the plant.

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John Smith
Houston, Texas
17th October 2011 9:26pm
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Original Post was last edited: 17th October 2011 9:43pm
Stromung says...
Mr Smith
Thank you!! I am thinking of using cactus/citrus potting mix since the plant will be shaded under a bigger tree. What do you think?
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18th October 2011 1:26pm
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Stromung says...

Hello, since you only uses seaweed fertilizer on all seasons, is that actually enough fertilizer for pandan? Or do you use another fertilizer in addition to seaweed?
As far as I know, seaweed fertilizer is 0-0-0
I am just curious because you have so many pups as a result
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18th October 2011 1:29pm
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Stromung says...
Is this pandan
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18th October 2011 1:31pm
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Stromung says...
Sorry photos could not be uploaded
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18th October 2011 1:32pm
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Mr. Smith says...
Mr. Stromung,

I have never used Cactus/citrus potting mix. If it drains faster then Miracle-Gro
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John Smith
Houston, Texas
18th October 2011 5:38pm
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Gemunu says...
Can you send me two plants to Melbourne and how much would it cost?

Thanks Gemunu
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10th November 2011 8:24pm
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shirley says...
For those looking to buy Pandan plant. Purchased mine a couple of weeks ago at Blooming Nursery in Wanneroo. They have plenty and are quite mature. Bought 3 plants and all doing well, as a matter of fact, all 3 has started producing lots of pubs. They cost $18 each.
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Bridgetown WA
14th November 2011 1:29am
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snapnoi says...
Hi Rahaidi

I am wondering if you can spare a few Pandan pups for me? I'm tryign to find a place to buy it but can't find one.

I'm living in Perth.

Thanks so much.

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17th November 2011 4:41pm
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Rahaidi says...
Hi Snapnoi, yes I do but you could also try the place that Shirley mentioned as above as well.
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17th November 2011 5:21pm
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Rahaidi says...
Hi Stromung, nice to hear these plants growing on another challenging continent and doing well, congrats.

With regards to using the seaweed solution as fert. It has been a success for me and the pandans seems to perk up using this tonic. I also use a fish emulsion solution every other week or so to give them the added boost during the growing season. The real reason for me to use the seaweed and fish fert I guess is because they are organic and safer for the environ. Don't forget that we use the leaves for cooking so it makes sense also to use the local and simple organic ferts to splash on the leaves. Just make sure that the seaweed is well diluted so that you can use it often.

The real secret of getting them to grow out (pups) is really as simple as what I have mentioned earlier in my other posts is to keep them pot bound, period. Once they fill out the pot they will shoot out and will produce pup aerially or shoots from the base. I guess it
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23rd November 2011 12:54pm
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Peter says...
Hi all,
so far I am ok with growing it - I just wonder now what to do with the leaves:
They are not fragrant when I crush them. I was told, that they become fragrant during warmer weather - or is it just that they develop flavour as they get cooked?
And do you cut/break they whole leaves off at their base or do you trim the leaves, let's say half and leave the rest of it on the plant?
I will cook some rice tonight - hope there is an answer by then if to harvest or not to harvest...
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23rd November 2011 2:12pm
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Original Post was last edited: 23rd November 2011 2:42pm
Rahaidi says...
Hi Peter, the ones i have don't tend to smell at all (maybe I'm used to them) or maybe it hasn't had a long run of hot days to get that fragrance going. But the one time you know is when one dies off and the typical Pandan smell comes out. You also get that typical Pandan smell after leaving the leaves out a day after being cut, but we tend to cut and cook soon after.

When cooking make sure you bundle a couple of leaves together and tie them into a simple knot to get the flavor out.
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23rd November 2011 2:40pm
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Peter says...
Hi Rahaidi,
thanks very much - I will cut and cook - I edited whilst you answered already my post: Do you cut the whole leaves or do you leave parts of it. And if you cut the whole leaf, how many you take (Half of them, less or more)? I am asking this, so I don't cause too much stress for the plant.
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23rd November 2011 2:51pm
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Rahaidi says...

Peter, they're quite resilient as long as you don't go over the top and cut all the leaves in one shot. As we have many we tend to cut a few from one and use the others next time but if you only had one I
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23rd November 2011 6:27pm
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Peter says...
Thanks very much for your info. I took off 3 older leaves from the base, rolled it up and put it in the rice cooker together with the rice.
But: No Flavour, no smell! Should I have crushed them before?
Hopefully the fragrant component builds up over summer - otherwise I can only think I got sold the wrong plant, but I doubt...the plant is from Blooming nursery and they sound very experienced with pandan. That's where I heard that the weather needs to get hot before the fragrance comes.
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23rd November 2011 8:54pm
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Hi Peter,

If yours has no smell at all it could mean that yours is not the one for cooking because there is another variety look almost identical to the cooking one and has no smell.
I have seen the 'fake' plant, you would not be able to distinguish the real one and the look alike until you pinch a bit of the leave and test it out.

There are plenty of those wrong ones out there I was told. Hot weather will make the real plant grows thicker and greener leaves therefore smell stronger but the leave must have fragrant regardless.
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23rd November 2011 9:31pm
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Peter says...
Thanks Jujube for sale,
it must be very difficult in Perth to get the real fragrant one. I have another one from the Canning Vale markets - maybe this one is better...
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23rd November 2011 10:54pm
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Sharon says...
Hi Ailynk, did you manage to get any Pandan plants in Adelaide as I am looking for one for a xmas present.
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24th November 2011 4:16pm
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RexEdwardFairy says...
Hi there, looks like everyone is either looking to buy a pandan or trying to keep the one they've bought alive! I'm in the latter category. Found my new one (bought from an ebay person based in Brisbane a few months ago) all yellow-lime green and with 'soggy brown" parts at the base (just above roots). Noticed it had a white fluffy web on the insides of the leaves as well, so did a search and it seems I must have mealy bugs. I've now soaked it in rain water, washed down its leaves, pulled the soggy bits and dead leaves off, Pest-Oiled the leaves, left it in the sun a bit to ensure the pest oil dried and... repotted it (ebay seller said to pot in 1/3 mushroom compost and 2/3 potting soil) into a smaller pot. I've given it a seasol drink and have made a humidity tray (pebbles, my old broken lecruset pan (noice decor i know - it's a sick bed I'm not fussy!), and have put it back in its position of shade mostly but a bit of arvo sun - dappled. Anyone see any striking errors in my rescucitation attempts that I need to fix urgently?
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East Ballina, NSW
27th November 2011 1:30pm
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Ailynk says...
Sorry SHaron, still looking
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29th November 2011 2:38am
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Rahaidi says...
Rex, sounds like you have to give it time to acclimatise with

1. locational conditions and
2. seasonal change.

Don't know about the current temps going at NSW at the moment but sounds like you got to go easy on the watering (soggy brown parts). Give it lots of water and humidity when its the right time of the season otherwise you will get root rot. At least give the pot a chance to dry out first before applying any water including water in the pebble tray. What it probably needs now is a lot of heat and sun to get it going. Once the summer temps come in then I'd put it back in the dappled shaded areas.

Be careful of putting too much mushroom compost in your potting mix. This will be okay in the hot seasonal months where it will act as a sponge but in winter the potting mix has to have good drainage and to be dry.
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29th November 2011 11:43am
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Mel says...
Hi Rahaidi,

I have a big pandan plant which had been with me for 3 years now. There're some big aerial pups with long trunks and short roots growing from them. What's the chance of it growing if I cut it off the mother plant. Just wondering if you or anyone had any experience in growing one of these.
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30th November 2011 10:54am
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Peter says...
Hi Rahaidi,
do you know from where in Perth to source the real and fragrant pandan plant? As mentioned, I have two non-smelling ones from two different sources. At least I could practice with them how to get them through winter.
Now it's time to get real thing, but don't know where to look.
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30th November 2011 1:17pm
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Brad says...
yeo's in belmont won't have them (now) till january. :(
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G Hill, Perth
2nd December 2011 2:04pm
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Peter says...
Hi Brad,
thanks for your info. I will keep an eye open in Jan - are they a reliable source of real pandan?
Do you have their address or description where they are?
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2nd December 2011 9:11pm
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PandanDoc says...
for those who live in Sydney, I just listed a dozen pandan plants for sale in Ebay. :)
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5th December 2011 2:54am
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Hansen says...
I once came across http://www.elarishtropicalexotics.com/
They claim to be able to post them to Adelaide from Queensland. I have yet to try.
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7th December 2011 10:02pm
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RexEdwardFairy says...
Thanks Rahaidi for this good advice. I live in the Northern NSW Coast (about 2 hours south of Brisbane) so hopefully not too much acclimatization needs to go on, but we'll see. I left the pandan on the humidity tray for a few days but it definitely didnt like it, so I've since pulled it off. I then broke all rules and whacked it in hot sun all day (to dry out the soggy soil). Which worked. And somehow the pandan seems to have survived that stunt. So now it has a dry-ish soil, has two totally brown leaves (possibly from the day in the sun) and its other leaves are striped yellow...I'm going to white-oil it again soon (bc i dont know if the mealy bugs have been fully killed yet). It's been raining here for 6 days straight now, but I've pulled the pandan inside to keep dryish, not soggy. Here's a few photos. The new growth seems green and okay...we might get thru this! I'll let you know how my pandan-doctor career goes...
Pictures - Click to enlarge

Picture: 1

Picture: 2
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East Ballina, NSW
9th December 2011 4:15pm
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Tri says...
I have some pandan plants but sometimes they are fragant sometimes not ( but not as fragant as the frozen ones that i usually buy from a vietnamese shop). dont really know why. maybe my ones are "fake ones" or just havent had enough sun to build up the fragance.
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12th December 2011 5:20pm
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Amy says...
Hi Rahaidi,

The winter has killed 3 of my plants even indoors. So you have any spare and collect the same way as before please.
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13th December 2011 1:17pm
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Jodie says...
Does anyone in Adelaide SA know where I can buy a pandan plant? My husband being Indonesian I often make a pandan cake but prefer to use fresh ingredients where possible. Would love my own plant. Also after a kaffir lime leaf tree.
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20th December 2011 9:38pm
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Rahaidi says...
Hi Amy, nice to hear from you again. Sorry to hear of your loss. We did have a longish winter here in Perth. We've had some losses too but not as bad as the season before. Now with all the warmth of summer and good dose of water now and again these will start to rocket off.

I've replied via email with regards to your query.

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21st December 2011 12:23pm
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Peter says...
Hi Rahaidi,
some in the forum (including me) have a problem that the plants do not have fragrance. Two possibilities are mentioned:
1) The pandan plant is a non-fragrant similar species ("fake pandan")
2) Someone's pandan plant sometimes smell, sometimes not

I have one from Blooming nursery, the other one from the Canning Vale market and both are absoletely non-fragrant.

What are your thoughts on this please?
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21st December 2011 3:30pm
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Mike says...
I have seen them in SE Asia and commonly in NEQ and have never noticed a fragrance.Asian folk who use them regularly gave me one 18 months ago and it is now 1m with its first pups developing.I just raced to the garden and tore up a young leaf and there is no distinctive fragrance at all.
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21st December 2011 6:23pm
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Rahaidi says...

Hi Pete, I cannot say much with regards to the so called fake ones, but I believe the fragrance issue is not so much about the variety but more so to do with the climate. It tends to emit the fragrance in warmer weather that
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21st December 2011 6:29pm
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Peter says...
Thanks, Rahaidi,
this motivates to try your suggestions. I will update soon about the outcome.
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21st December 2011 7:15pm
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Peter says...
I just had a look at a journal article available online. The fragrant substance is stored in papillae sitting just underneath the first layer of cells on the underside of the leaves and I think what I can see on my leaves (with a 10X magnifier) are plenty of these papillae. The whole underside is of a more shiny, lighter colour because of these!
So if the stress response is correct, I would expect that the fragrant ingridient is especially produced under stress and released by mechanical injury/cell death. This fits very well with the observation that rubbing the leaves, storing leaves or a dying plant releases the fragrance...as long as the papillae have stored the molecule/s responsible for the smell.
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21st December 2011 8:04pm
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brad says...
yay, I just got pandan from canning vale markets from the oriental shop across the carpark from the vegie/meat market etc. they had 2 sizes for ~$12 and $16. not a lot of plants there, so no guarantee if its a far drive. no fragrance yet.

@Peter - just saw your query about yeo's. address etc is here http://www.yellowpages.com.au/wa/belmont/yeos-oriental-gourmet-12637809-listing.html . I don't know anything about their pandan.

@Rahaidi - I'd be interested in seeing if there is any/much difference with your xmas island genetic stock. can you email me via myfirstname _at_ anize _dot_ org ?
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gooseberry hill
21st December 2011 10:38pm
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Peter says...
Very interesting case with this pandan plant. Thanks for your info, Brad. Sooner or later this combined effort of forum people here will bear fruit...
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22nd December 2011 12:48am
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Speedy says...
The pandan fragrance is often not evident until
1. the leaf is bruised and warmed. eg crush a leaf in your fingers, put it in your pocket and forgetabout it fo a while....you'll smell it after a while.

or 2. when it's crushed and heated in food . eg coconut milk etc.

or 3. old leaves that have died or partially dried on the plant.

so if you have doubts about a plant , nip a bit of leaf off, crumple it and put in yout pocket and take a whiff of it (or your fingers) about 20-30min later...
yoou should know for sure then.

as far as genetic variability, most plants I've seen (Sri Lanka, The Maldives, Thailand, Indonesia etc.)
seem to be very simmilar, if not clones the same ancient cultivar.
I believe this to be highly likely as the plant seems to be sterile and Humanity has a tendency to distribute useful plants far and wide.
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Nthn Vic.
22nd December 2011 9:26am
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Peter says...
Just a quick update again (previous post disappeared):I tried by now all the suggestions, but none worked. Will repeat all of it next time, when it is mid-summer. I would appreciate feedback from other people who also try different things to get fragrance out of their plant(s).
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22nd December 2011 11:01pm
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Peter says...
Yes, I asked other people as well and they don't smell it either. On the other hand I smell a meal cooked with "proper" pandan without problems - well that's why I am initially after this plant, because I love the smell. I can also smell certain rice like Basmati, which has been found to contain the same ingridient...
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22nd December 2011 11:29pm
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Mr. Smith says...
The first two pictures are of a 7 inch Pandanus in a 6 inch pot. There is an Echinacea purpurea in there also from seed. The Pandanus amaryllifolius has 4 pups at the base (in soil) of the plant and 5 aerial pups. I wonder if the pot is too small? I think I will put it in a 5 gallon bucket soon.
The last picture is of another cultivar of Pandanus amaryllifolius. It is not fully grown yet. There are three plant in the pot.
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Picture: 1

Picture: 2

Picture: 3
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John Smith
Houston, texas
12th January 2012 3:09pm
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PandanDoc says...
Two things I like to contribute to the forum.

A. The following is an info sheet I gave to friends and customers who obtained pandan plants from me. I hope it helps those who are interested in cultivating pandan in temperate area.


1. Please remember that Pandan are tropical plants, they love hot humid weather and hate cold dark winter months in Sydney; therefore the most critical time in taking care of them is during winter. Many of my pandan plants died in winter months in the past. It was usually due to either exposure to cold weather or over-watering. Nowadays, I bring my plants indoor in mid autumn, when the night temperature falls below 10C. I think the plants can survive temperature as low as 8C, but I don
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18th January 2012 1:19pm
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Eeling says...
Hi Rahaidi

Would I be able to buy some pandan pups/roots off you? Have used the island's pandan leaves before from island neighbour's yard and I've been looking out for something here in Geraldton since 2005 and haven't found anything except frozen ones :( not the same, not fragrant at all, well, has a little bit of fragrance, not much. My email add is eeling1@hotmail.com for contact and further details.

Waiting with baited breath...

Oh, btw, the neighbour I mentioned, they use to have theirs behind their house from direct sun facing west. When the sun rose from the east, trees along the incline kinda blocked it and plus they had a large tree kinda blocking the full sun. Was lush and very green grown in the ground. So, I would conclude it was part shaded.
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Geraldton, WA
30th January 2012 1:25am
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Original Post was last edited: 30th January 2012 1:36am
Adelene says...
Hi all (special shout out to Rahaidi),

I bought a mine from Rahaidi a few years ago and it was surviving really well until now. I just got back in mid-Jan from my month-long break and it seems that my pandan suffered the summer heat under the care of my house-sitter. Most of the leaves dried up and I managed to salvage a little pup about 10cm tall. Had to practically cut off all the leaves off the mother plant so it's now basically a stump.

I just removed the pup from the mother plant and kept as much roots as possible and repotted it back into the same pot. It's a big pot so the 'bald' mother plant is at one corner and the pup on the opposite end. I did trim off some of the roots from the MP because it looked like a mess and I wasn't sure if some of it was rotten. The pup is still green but new shoots seem to dry up as soon as they emerge. The soil is moist, plant is under shade (due to the extreme heatwave) and I did give it a bit of seaweed extract to toughen it up.

Should I repot it in another pot? I noticed ants on my plant today. Do you think it's one of the cause? Please help.

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2nd February 2012 3:20am
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Rahaidi says...

Hi Adelene, your Pandan situation sounds like it was due to heat/water stress rather than due to the ants specifically. With all this heat in Perth at the moment, it will distress any plants to no end without water. You have to keep them wet all the time in the middle of summer.

If the the plant is still drying up even though it has been watered well in the growing season then it could be due to a similar problem that another grower had as of recent. Amy got some Pandans from me a while ago and mentioned it was all doing well but some leaves started to dry up and die off even after regular watering.

My guess is that the plants have not been repotted with a new load of fresh potting mix. When this happens much of the fine bark material eventually composts away leaving the potting mix either as slurry when wet or hard panned when dry. The porosity of the potting material will be reduced because of the composted materal being eroded away. Poke your finger in a few cms down and check. The condition might get worst when the pot has not been re-wetted for awhile making watering difficult next time. You can also get salt and other residual buildup in the soil over time. Clue to this is dried whiteish colour from the bottom of the pot. Burnt or dried tip leaf tip ends might also be the due to this. So don
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2nd February 2012 12:24pm
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Adelene says...
Thanks Rahaidi!

This morning (before I saw your reply) I repotted the mother plant and the pup in different pots. I halved the existing soil, added some peat and mushroom mix (can't remember the exact name but it was mushroom something) and replanted because I was told that you must keep part of the existing soil during transplanting- maybe not for pandans...I don't know.

I noticed that there were messy webby white roots at the bottom of the pot and removed them. I haven't changed the soil since April last year so perhaps it is time for a new potting mix.

What would be a good potting mix? Am keeping my fingers crossed coz I can see really tiny pups forming on the mother plant.

p/s: Attached was my pandan taken in Dec last year.
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Picture: 1
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2nd February 2012 2:14pm
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Rahaidi says...
Adelene, stay away from adding peat and mushroom ammendments into your pot mix. This will be okay in the warmer months but will kill the plant in winter as the peat/mushroom will hold too much water and will make the roots rotten. I'd get the best/premium potting mix that is already bagged up for you to use from Bunnings. Sounds like theres a good chance that you can salvage from the mother plant if you're able to see tiny nodules growing off the plant. I would change over to a new potting mix especially when the new leaves are still showing signs of burn.
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2nd February 2012 6:14pm
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Adelene says...
Ok then. Thanks for the tips, Rahaidi. Will come back with full report in a week. Fingers crossed.

And hopefully the mum and pup aren't too stressed with all the soil change over the past 2 days. Poor things.
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2nd February 2012 7:34pm
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PandanDoc says...
For folks in Sydney, I just listed some Pandan plants for sale on Ebay.
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5th February 2012 7:35pm
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sway says...
Hi Rahaidi, I am also interested in growing my own pandan plant here in Melb, I have a plant in the Philippines. Please let me know how much 1 plant is. U sold one to Juanita also in Melb. a while ago. Many thanks

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14th February 2012 2:42pm
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Original Post was last edited: 14th February 2012 2:46pm
Adelene says...
My pandan is dead (I think), the mother plant is a wooden stump but there were streaks of green at the trunk so I think it's probably not dead dead yet. I did buy the premium potting mix as advised. One of the nodules dropped off *sigh*

I have been watering it but is it possible that it's suffering from root rot?
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15th February 2012 2:27pm
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panda says...
I've found with those plants that appear to have no perfume - if I take some leaves and just leave them (mine are on a bench in the kitchen) for a few days, as they dry out they develop that lovely pandan aroma
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15th February 2012 9:20pm
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Original Post was last edited: 15th February 2012 9:22pm
John says...
Hi Rahaidi, do u still have any pandan plant in stock ? i am based in perth . So if u have one do email me the price also the method to keep it alive
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18th February 2012 9:20pm
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Aaron says...
Hi Guys & Gals,

I just bought a pandan and tumeric plant last Saturday at the Newpark Carpark Girrawheen morning markets. $5 each, not a big plant. Hopefully it can make it thru the winter!

Will try to take photos of it later on.

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Ballajura WA
21st February 2012 12:09pm
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Adelene says...
I just saw some pandans in Canning Vale markets. They look like pandans but unscented- not even when I rub my fingers on the leaves.

The ones I got from Rahaidi were scented.

Btw Rahaidi, I bought a few pots from you last time and the one I gave my friend appeared to be different from mine. After 2 years hers just got bigger (her leaves are longer too) but no pups whereas mine had pups everywhere till it 'died'. Do you have a few types growing in your place?
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21st February 2012 4:07pm
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Rahaidi says...
I've got the two types it seems. One is definately the longer leaf type and the other shorter but more vigorous. Both have the same Pandan fragrance qualities.

At the moment I've got them all propagated so that they'll have a good run thru the upcoming cold season. I've had a lot go this season so hopefully I've got some good ones to go for those interested next time.
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27th February 2012 12:05pm
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Aaron says...
This is the plant I bought at Girrawheen Flea Market on Saturday mornings!

Pictures - Click to enlarge

Picture: 1
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Ballajura, Perth NOR
1st March 2012 3:22pm
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Bimbie says...
Thank you for the info. I have been looking for pandan plants for a long time.
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7th March 2012 4:11am
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Aaron says...
No worries, Bimbie!
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Ballajura, Perth NOR
8th March 2012 4:50pm
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Carazy says...
After ringing around Brisbane and not being able to find anywhere local that stocked them I finally managed to source one.

Bought this at Templex Nursery in Algester. $25- I was a bit of a drive but the lady there was super helpful and they have a large selection of varied fruit trees.

There were about 5 more left and all were in good condition. The longest leaves are about 30cm.
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8th March 2012 7:57pm
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Aini says...
Anyone knows where I can get pandan plant in Melbourne?Thanks.
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10th March 2012 11:30am
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Mavis says...
I have killed 2 samplings already and am about to get my 3rd plant from El Arish tropical exotics(not giving up on my pandans !!) I was wondering if there is any other good tips on keeping my pandan alive in the current Autumn/Winter besides keeping it indoors in a pot, make sure that I don't water, make sure its in a sunny but not too hot spot ? Thanks
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21st March 2012 5:07pm
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Mary says...
Hi Mavis,
I have my pandan plant in a plastic bag or big bottle and sit in a warm spot, indirect sun, watered probably only once in winter with warm boiled water. Uncover the plastic/bottle once or twice. Make sure the soil is not water logged i.e. it drains well. I try to provide a tropical atmosphere for the plant. It had worked well for me.
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24th March 2012 4:27pm
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Jerome says...
Hi everyone,
If anyone got some Pandan plants for sale(the cooking type)in Perth please let me know
It's one of the only culinary plant missing in my garden and in my cooking;-)
Ps Rahaidi you seems to be the pandan guru If you have any plants please contact me thanks a lot
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Cannington wa
25th March 2012 9:30am
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Jenny says...
Hi Rahaidi
I live in Townsville. Do you have any 'pups' I could buy, that you could send me or do you know someone local where I could buy some. Thank you
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27th March 2012 7:45am
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rich says...
i'm after pandan leaves in sydney (preferably not frozen).
apart from castlereigh street asian grocery stores, does anyone know of a place where i can get them?
im planning to attempt to make pandan ice cream.

thx in advance

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27th March 2012 9:19am
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Hi Jenny,

There are some little plants sold in Flinders mall market in the city on Sunday if you are interested. The stall is just in front of the big Tivi new area. They sell fruits herbs, veggies and plants.

Good luck.
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27th March 2012 12:21pm
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John Mc says...
Hi Lucy,
Do you remember what type of Pandan you gave me around 2 years ago? You should see it now.
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Warnervale NSW
27th March 2012 11:37pm
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MaryT says...
Please post a picture of your Pandan, John Mc - Mike gave me a baby one and I'm wondering how long it'll take to grow up :) Pictures show size on arrival 18/1/12 and 26/3/12
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28th March 2012 3:02am
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Hi John Mc,
The one I gave you was the fat, wide leafed and short. Mike gave me the Thai one a couple of days ago.

Hi Mary T,

It takes at least 6 months for the pandan plant to get established in the tropic, longer for cooler area. If I was you I would bring them inside the house from May to October, place the plant near an area of indirect sunlight and water from the saucer, not the top. Anyway, your plant is doing well. Good luck.
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28th March 2012 9:55am
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Original Post was last edited: 28th March 2012 12:58pm
MaryT says...
Thanks for the tip, Jujube. I was wondering how much cold it can stand. I will bring it indoors in May.
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28th March 2012 10:34am
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Hi Mary T,

I think the minimum temperature should not be below 13C.
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28th March 2012 12:21pm
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MaryT says...
Our winter would certainly go below 13C, Jujube so it's definitely coming indoors. Thanks for that.
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28th March 2012 1:27pm
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Mike says...
I think 13c is chicken feed for the pandans and even durians and mangosteens can handle 9c or 10c alright.The lower tolerance could be closer to 4c or 5c.
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28th March 2012 5:34pm
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BJ says...
They get hammered by temps in the 4c range, but recover after a while. I hate winter! Its too cold already!
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28th March 2012 6:15pm
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John Mc says...
Here's the Pandan Jujube Lucy sent me around a couple of years ago.
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Warnervale NSW
28th March 2012 8:12pm
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Hi John Mc,
You have done well with yours. Good job.
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28th March 2012 8:28pm
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Aaron says...
Well done John!

I am bringing my plant in every nite and take it out in the morning. My wife calls it my little baby! hehehe

Hope to see results come spring/summer!
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Ballajura, Perth NOR
28th March 2012 9:57pm
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MaryT says...
That is a splendid specimen, John; it looks like it's going to walk right out of the pot! Thanks Mike for the reassurance; I am getting paranoid about the cold and have already brought it indoors. :) Think I'll take it back outside tomorrow morning. Aaron what you're doing is a good idea.
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28th March 2012 10:16pm
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MT says...
I would like buy one Pandan plant (or seedling) if anyone could send to me via express post to Melbourne. I am happy to collect if there are any one selling in Melbourne, please?
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3rd April 2012 6:11am
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Aaron says...
Thanks Mary.

I have now tasked it to my youngest daughter to bring it in every evening! hehehe
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Ballajura, Perth NOR
3rd April 2012 8:51pm
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Jerome says...
Got this Pandan plant last week but no smell or Fragrance???Any tough on that?
Anyone please....
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3rd April 2012 8:51pm
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Mavis says...
Hi There, I have just got my pandan plant and was so excited with it. But I noticed that the leaves are getting yellow ! Was wondering why this is so ? Is it too hot or too cold or too much water ?? Would appreciate if someone can help to advise me on how to keep it healthy as I have killed 2 previous saplings already and this is my most promising plant yet.

Thanks - Mavis
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4th April 2012 5:03pm
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trikus says...
A week in a dark box tends to do that Mavis .. bad time to be buying tropicals right now .. poor babys will struggle to re-establish now its cooling down . Pandan needs to wilt a few hours or even a day before getting the strong smell . Do not think there is much varition .. sometimes mine smells divine , other times hardly smell it at all ... hey lets start a new one takes ages to scroll down .. wish newest post was on top ... makes it so much easier .
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4th April 2012 7:06pm
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Brad says...
If you're on a pc you can jump straight to the bottom with ctrl-end. Ie press the two keys. Ctrl-home returns to the top

Mobile devices I'm aware of this on jail broken iPhones and Android's dolphin browser has a gesture shortcut for top and bottom of a page.

That said, this feature change request has been around a while. I still prefer one searchable page than lots of little topics to try find info
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G Hill, Perth
5th April 2012 10:00am
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Original Post was last edited: 5th April 2012 2:25pm
john says...
Any pandan for me ... leaving in perth ?
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5th April 2012 7:16pm
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PandacDoc says...
Hi Mavis,
please refer to my post on this forum on 18/1/12 re caring of pandan plants in general. Sydney is having a warm spell,but watch out for cold nights esp if u are living in the west, put your pandan out in the sunshine during the day, don't over water the plant, take it indoor at night unless your are near the coast. Hope this help.
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5th April 2012 8:09pm
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Hong says...
Hi, Can anybody please advise where I am able to get a pandanus plant?
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6th April 2012 1:47am
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Irene Qld says...
Hi all,

I have some spare pandanus plants for cooking from my garden for sale. If you are interested please email me

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Irene Qld
4th May 2012 11:22am
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Nana says...
Hi Mr. Smith,

I have a friend in San Antonio, who has been looking for this Pandanus Plant for years. Do you still have the plant that you might want to sell? Thank you in advance.
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Austin, TX
1st August 2012 3:22pm
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Jessica says...
Hi Rahaidi,
I bought pandan from you 2 yrs ago but they finally succumbed to the winter weather. Do you have any more pandan for sale?
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Jessica foo
1st August 2012 11:04pm
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Rahaidi says...
Hi Jess sorry to hear of your Pandan plant loss. Its been a cold winter and I have lost a couple of plants myself. We should have some more in Spring/Summer.
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2nd August 2012 5:11pm
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Jessica foo says...
Yes this year weather not good for pandan. How do I contact you as I lost your email add as my old MacBook was stolen during a break in. I definitely will buy them when available. Pls pm me at foodie_jess@yahoo.com.sg. Thank you.
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Jessica foo
3rd August 2012 2:14am
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Jessica foo says...
Yes this year weather not good for pandan. How do I contact you as I lost your email add as my old MacBook was stolen during a break in. I definitely will buy them when available. Pls pm me at foodie_jess@yahoo.com.sg. Thank you.
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Jessica foo
3rd August 2012 2:14am
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Nick L says...
Hi Hansen,

I hope to plant a pandan and wondering if it will grow. How is your plant? Do u hv any success?
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14th August 2012 4:30pm
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Nick L says...
Hi Lawa,
I am planning to plant pandan and wonder if u hv any luck buying and growing pandan?
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14th August 2012 4:36pm
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Nick L says...
I plan to grow pandan and wonder how is your pandan coming along?
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14th August 2012 4:43pm
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jykl2119 says...
Hi Rahaidi

When you do have more pandan plant in spring/summer, can I please purchase one from you.
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14th August 2012 10:38pm
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Aaron says...
Yes, the cold has turn some of the leaves yellowish.

I have been bringing it out during the day and back in, in the evening.

Hopefully that will help!

Incidentally, I bought mine from the Newpark flea market in Girrawheen.
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Perth NOR
16th August 2012 2:09pm
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SiewHong says...
Hi Rahaidi, am I able to purchase a plant of you? Thank you
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22nd August 2012 12:44pm
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SiewHong says...
Hi Rahaidi, can you please contact me at jamesnmum@yahoo.com.au
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22nd August 2012 10:38pm
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AilynK says...
Rahaidi, oh master.
help, not sure what's wrong with mine!
Is it because of the dryness or am I not doing something right?

Well, Adelaide's winter was crappy, so I water once every 10 days, put it in my bathroom before I shower for some humidity. But it still has that yellow tip!

By the way, anyone had luck propagating pandan from its leaves?

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10th September 2012 5:24pm
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Original Post was last edited: 10th September 2012 5:32pm
Dida says...
Hi Rahaidi,

With spring in full swing I was wondering ( and hoping) if you have some pandan plants for sale? Thank you
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19th September 2012 4:03pm
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Dev says...
Hi Rahaidi,

I just stumbled on to this forum as I'm trying to grow my pandan plant. I live in Mindarie as well.
My email address is honeybunchup@gmail.com
I would really appreciate if maybe if you could drop by and see what I'm doing wrong in growing this.
I've got mine inside a mini greenhouse at the moment and have attached 2 solar powered led lights to give them light when it is dark. My plant is still alive but looks a little unhealthy.

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25th September 2012 12:32pm
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Dev says...
Hi Rahaidi,

I just stumbled on to this forum as I'm trying to grow my pandan plant. I live in Mindarie as well.
My email address is honeybunchup@gmail.com
I would really appreciate if maybe if you could drop by and see what I'm doing wrong in growing this.
I've got mine inside a mini greenhouse at the moment and have attached 2 solar powered led lights to give them light when it is dark. My plant is still alive but looks a little unhealthy.

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25th September 2012 12:34pm
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Dev says...
Hi Rahaidi,

I just stumbled on to this forum as I'm trying to grow my pandan plant. I live in Mindarie as well.
My email address is honeybunchup@gmail.com
I would really appreciate if maybe if you could drop by and see what I'm doing wrong in growing this.
I've got mine inside a mini greenhouse at the moment and have attached 2 solar powered led lights to give them light when it is dark. My plant is still alive but looks a little unhealthy.

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25th September 2012 12:37pm
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Dida says...
Hi Dev, may I ask where did you get your pandan from? Still looking for a plant, figured there are many variaties, many for cooking and some very well suited for our climate here. Still no plant found though.
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2nd October 2012 2:24pm
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Aaron says...
Hi Dida,

In the middle of summer, you can try the flea market at Girrawheen Newpark carpark on Saturday mornings. That is where I got mine last year.

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Perth NOR
2nd October 2012 2:31pm
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Original Post was last edited: 2nd October 2012 2:33pm
Pandanmania says...
Potted Pandan plant sale...just go to gumtree.com.au Type 'Pandan Plant' available in Sydney
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10th October 2012 8:58pm
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Pandanmania says...
goto gumtree type 'potted Pandan Plant' available in Sydney
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10th October 2012 9:00pm
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Pandanmania says...
Pandan Plant available in Sydney. goto gumtree
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10th October 2012 9:01pm
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Mr. Smith says...

Sorry for the late reply. I do not sell them. I only give it away to the local church congregation. Here are two sources in Houston:
www.jrnnursery2.com has them all year long.

Hong Kong Supermarket has them around March
11205 Bellaire Boulevard Houston, TX 77072
(281) 575-7886
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John Smith
Houston, Texas
14th October 2012 5:09pm
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Katherine says...
Hi Rahaidi,
Can you please let me know if you have any pandan plants for sales. My email is katc.111@hotmail.com

Thank you.
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Katherine 73571
22nd October 2012 6:39pm
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Hardif says...
Hello Rahaidi,
I would like to purchase a pandan plant and if you have any me email is hardifjosan@gmail.com

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16th November 2012 2:43pm
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Lian says...
Hi all

Anyone have pandanus for sale in Perth at the moment or know of anyone/anywhere with plants available.

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31st December 2012 1:00am
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Aaron says...
Hi Lian,

There is info on my 02 October 2012 post.

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Perth NOR
3rd January 2013 12:58pm
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Johnkor says...
Do anyone have any spare pandan plant to spare to sell?
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5th January 2013 3:02pm
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Pandandoc says...
I just listed 40+ pandan plants for sale in Sydney on Gumtree Aust www.gumtree.com.au under Home and Garden section.
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6th January 2013 8:29pm
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John Mc says...
I'd be interested in one but you don't post.
It's easy to post plants if you change your mind, when I post, I remove the pot and replace most of the soil with some damp coco-coir to lighten the parcel, wrap it up tightly so the roots stay damp and throw it in a cardboard box from the PO with some crushed newspaper as padding. They arrive alive and well.
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6th January 2013 9:15pm
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electricdiscus1 says...
Hi All, I just got my Pandanus plant from Bonnyrigg Garden Centre NSW! The larger plant is $39.95 and the smaller one is $22.95 the smaller one is in desperate need of a new pot and mostly yellow but the larger one are so healthy looking and very mature. Planning to keep them in the house during winter. Some of the smaller plant are producing pups so with a little TLC, i am sure it will come right :-)
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Picture: 2
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9th January 2013 3:34pm
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Original Post was last edited: 9th January 2013 3:46pm
Gonny says...
Spotted your great tips on growing the Pandan plant. Would you happen to have any Pandan plants/pups for sale or maybe know where I can purchase around Perth/Joondalup area. Many thanks Gonny.
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13th January 2013 12:03am
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Lian says...
Gonny - There is a seller on GUmtree I contacted a few weeks back - thinks they will have some at the end of Feb. They are south of the river-I'm also north. Would be happy to get 1 for you if and when they are available (and depending on cost of course!)
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North Beach
15th January 2013 12:03pm
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nickg says...
hi all, i have 5 pandan in 30lt pots with handles small bushs with pups already.leave email address if interested.
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19th January 2013 8:54pm
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nickg says...
sorry, forgot i live in Perth
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19th January 2013 8:58pm
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jfsmblair61 says...
Nick I am heading up to Perth this week how do I get in touch with you?
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21st January 2013 10:16pm
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Original Post was last edited: 21st January 2013 10:17pm
nickg says...
Hi jfsmblair61 you can call me on 0488 026 614
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22nd January 2013 10:33am
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nickg says...
i have only 4 potted panda plant in 200mm pots last ones till next season.
leave details i will be in touch.
No dreamers PLEASE.
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30th January 2013 10:08pm
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Lian says...
Hi Nick

I'm interested in getting a pandanus-my email is lcyeap@me.com

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North Beach
30th January 2013 11:54pm
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nickg says...
Hi Lian,
my emails to your address keep bouncing back!
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31st January 2013 8:08pm
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Lian says...
Hmm can you try this one Nick Lcyvet@iinet.net.au
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North Beach
2nd February 2013 11:16pm
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SharonW says...
I am looking for a pandanus plant that are used in cooking in Adelaide. Does anyone know where I can get one and any tips on growing it in Adelaide?
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9th February 2013 10:03am
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Kat says...
Hi Nick, if you still have pandan plant for sale, I am interested. My email is katc.111@hotmail.com
Thank you.
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Katherine 73571
11th February 2013 4:48pm
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nickg says...
Hi Kat,
just emailed you.
Jamie have not forgotten you, i have 1
put aside for when you come up!
Only 2 left available this sat.
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11th February 2013 9:06pm
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Angelkbaby says...
Hey Nick,
I'm interested in getting a pandan plant too... My email is angel.k.baby@gmail.com... Please get back to me soon.
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14th February 2013 12:07am
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Kat says...
Hi Nick, I have replied your email. Can you please get back to me. Thanks.
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Katherine 73571
14th February 2013 11:37am
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Alex says...
Hi Andy,

I was wondering if you are able to sell me some of your pandan plants? I've been looking everywhere for some, but they are not available until much, later.
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21st February 2013 11:48pm
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trikus says...
This very tropical plant struggles out of Qld . GAve all my suckers to friend for her business . Chopped off top from very tall branch . New shoots coming on this base 1.5m tall .
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22nd February 2013 1:23pm
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Katherine #7357 says...
Hi Rahaidi,
Do you have any pandan plants for sales?
My email is katc.111@hotmail.com
Thank you.
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Katherine 73571
6th March 2013 5:16pm
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milycap says...
I have Pandanus Plant for sale (between 8 - 10inches size). Anyone interested, please contact me @ milycap@gmail.com
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8th March 2013 9:06am
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Kay says...
Hi Rahaidi,

Please let me knmow if you have any pandan plant for sale. I have been looking for one everywhere.
my email is kayherath@gmail.com
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15th March 2013 8:32pm
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Craig says...
Hi all

Vietnamese shop @newpark shopping centre opposite the chemist and near the butcher has some Pandan plants for sale $20.

I bought one today only about 8 -10 though so be quick.
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16th March 2013 6:36pm
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Mabon says...
I am looking for the following plants/trees if anyone has them for sale in the Northern Suburbs, Kaffir Lime (citrus hystrix DC), Calamansi (citrofortunella microcarpa) and Pandan (pandanus amaryllifolius)
Thank you
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Ocean Reef/Perth
18th May 2013 10:05am
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chongchai says...
Hi, I'm from US n i just bought a pandan plant. I just received it yesterday in about 3-4 inch pot. Can you advice me what to do from here like: where to transplant into a bigger pot n when and how to cut the leaves of this plant. can you tell me what slow release fertilizer and what seaweed shower weekly? I will bring it in during winter and what do i do then?? Pls advise.
Thank you
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28th June 2013 11:23pm
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Hi Chongchai,

If your plant has been in pot and not root bound then you do nothing, just give it some bone meal or anything that high in nitrogen (NPK formula in fertilizer bag or bottle where N number is high) only in warmer weather but not in winter. May be some seaweed water direct to the soil.

In winter, bring the pot inside with saucer underneath, place in a bright area but not near heater and add water to the saucer occationaly nothing else. DO NOT WATER THE LEAVES IN COLD WEATHER.

Good luck.
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29th June 2013 7:54am
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panadan dan says...
Are you willing to send me the contact details of the person in Karratha that has the Pandanus Plant. We go there often and can bring one back to Perth.
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panadan dan
8th August 2013 4:47pm
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Angelkbaby says...
Desperate for a pandanus amaryllifolius... I live in perth... Anyone selling?
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12th August 2013 1:21am
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KDance says...
Hi Angelkbaby,

I have just received a pandanus. If you would like to have this, please email me at dance.law88@gmail.com, i can plant some for you.
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29th August 2013 11:40am
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Serene says...
If u have pandan plant to sell to me , pls let me know.
I grew up in Asia country where using pandan leave in our cooking, as well as in the car or even cupboard so as to get rid of insect is part of our life.
I really miss Pandan plant.
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17th September 2013 4:52pm
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starling says...

You can buy a pandanus here. It ships Australia wide. There are only two left.

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17th September 2013 8:45pm
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Serene says...
I read from internet there are 60 types of pandan plants.
I saw some of the photos from the internet, and realise that some of them actually can grow very tall. I aware those that can grow very tall are also pandan plant. The type of pandan that I want is those that use in Asia countries e.g. Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia where we use in chinese cooking as well as in the Malay cooking. e.g. the chinese use it to cook the Hananese Chicken rice, the Malay use to make the Katupak. It has nice fregrance. In Singapore people also use them as insect repelance. People will put them in the car, cupboard to get rid of the cockcroaches. I want this type of pandan plant.
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25th September 2013 12:25am
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Anonymous says...
Large Pandan plants now available in Sydney, near the city:

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5th October 2013 8:15am
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Think First says...
If you had bothered to check your facts-
before posting your DANGEROUS RECOMMEDNDATION TO USE CONFIDOR ON AN EDILBLE PLANT you might have spared poisoning an unsuspecting person or their child - who knows how much damage you have done

The laws you have broken include:
Poisons Control Act 1964
Regulation 20 C: Health (Pesticides) Regulations 1956.

In future do not give advice unless you can be quite sure it is sound.
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Think First
13th October 2013 8:51pm
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Ursula says...
Really Think First, there is no need to be so rude especially when Rahaidi has been so generous with sharing advice. Your information is for confidor tablets. If you had bothered to check YOUR facts, this confidor spray http://www.yates.com.au/products/pest-control/insects-concentrates/bayer-confidor-garden-insecticide-concentrate/ is safe for use on edibles (read about the witholding periods). Possibly this was the confidor Rahaidi was referring to. Anyway, the advice was to just dunk the potted part in the solution leaving the top free.
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13th October 2013 11:28pm
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Original Post was last edited: 13th October 2013 11:30pm
Amy_gal says...
Hi, I'm new here and currently staying in Perth. Such an interesting chain of discussions on Pandan plant. I'm wondering is there anyone who (eg Rahaidi, or Nick) is willing to sell the extra Pandan plant to me in Perth? Been searching and checking the Internet but none of the nurseries are shipping the plant to WA. If there's any, do drop me a note at wseamy@gmail.com. Thanks in advance.
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Bayswater, WA
1st November 2013 4:43pm
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Luke7 says...
Hi, can anyone tell me if there is any laws or regulations against sending pandanus plants or seeds through the mail?
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5th November 2013 4:47pm
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trikus says...
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5th November 2013 5:11pm
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sternus1 says...
Depends. WA might be a problem, you'll get away with it 999999 times out of a million everywhere else.

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5th November 2013 5:14pm
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Luke7 says...
Ok thanks, well it seems fine for everyone else.
I have sprouted pandanus seeds if anyone is interested. They are from the native species that grow along the qld coast.
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5th November 2013 8:59pm
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Verns says...
Hi to all you pandan freaks , if you are perth and you want pandan blooming nurseries in wanneroo on trichet rd has heaps of then. $18 for a good sized one I have been going there for years , also has every tropical fruit you can think of
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6th November 2013 12:46am
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Kitten says...
Hi, everyone. I am in L.A. California. I located a Pandanus Amaryllifolius. I plan to buy and cultivate it for the leaves that I hear repell cockroaches. Have any of you had this work for you?

I will receive a plant ten inches tall plus roots. I read that Pandan plants do not make it at times. I want mine to survive and thrive. What exactly, step by step, can I do in the first weeks so it will be likely to do well? I am new to growing plants. I need detailed help on absolute basics.

I have a southern and slightly western exposure. Sunlight is good and lights the room a little. On my small patio of 5 x 15 feet I have full unblocked sun, except for a foot-wide strip of shadow near the building. I have no yard. It is about 58 F. here now at night and 75 to 80 F in daytime. Summers can go up to over 100 F. or more. Winters may at times get cold enough to freeze at 32 F.

I am interested that someone said they are growing a Pandan in a thirty-gallon acquarium, near good light of a window, with water inside a bowl for humidity, and it works well. This sounds like it is expensive. Do I need to do this? If so, I need a lot of specific advice on the details of how to do it.

Another person interested me when they said they planted the Pandan in water rather than soil or planter mix at the start, and it was working well. Is this the best idea?

Thanks so much in advance for any help you can provide.
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7th November 2013 8:50pm
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Amy_gal says...
Hi Verns,

Do you have the name of the nurseries in Wanneroo? Thanks.
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Bayswater, WA
19th November 2013 2:33pm
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Otter says...
This looks like the one.

Blooming Nursery
Address: 121 Trichet Rd, Jandabup WA 6065
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21st November 2013 1:23am
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Lian says...
I went to blooming nursery in search of Pandan last week- they had a heap of very healthy looking plants. $18 from memory. They are on a bench amongst the tropical plants in one of the big shaded areas. Huge nursery- every fruit tree you could think of!
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North Beach
5th December 2013 8:52am
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Tara says...
Hi I live just south of Mindarie if your family ever have any more pandanus for sale I would LOVE to buy a pair for my front garden quite established if possible , worth asking I thought ;) thanks !
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19th January 2014 6:08pm
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nicg says...
Hi All
I have a Pandan plant in 30t pot with handles 2yo with approx. 8-10 pups ready to transpant available.
Gwelup WA.
0403 256 679 if interested.
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20th January 2014 12:27pm
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Mira says...
This pandan I bought last week in wanerroo market Perth wa
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10th February 2014 1:12pm
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Maylyn says...
I'm from San Diego, California. I ordered and received a Pandan plant 5 days ago in a FedEx package and it survived the trip. I put it in water for the first 2 days and then transplanted in a pot of soil. Since then I have been watering it 3 times a day and kept it indoors and sometimes outdoors in the shade. Now it is wilting and I don't know what to do! When I use a moisture sensor, it shows WET. Today I decided not to water it thinking it might be too wet. PLEASE HELP before it dies on me!
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San Diego
15th April 2014 5:27pm
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Original Post was last edited: 15th April 2014 5:26pm
sternus1 says...
You're overwatering it.

this is what you're doing to it:

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15th April 2014 5:29pm
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Rahaidi says...
Hi Maylyn, watering it three times a day is excessive, especially when just transplanted. You could've got away watering that many times if your'e in the middle of summer but it looks like you guys are heading into early spring there. Try to leave it in a dry warm sheltered place outside for the moment and back off the watering and see how it goes. Looks like its got a good chance to survive as the new crown growth in the middle looks healthy.

When transplanted ones turn out like this, I normaly cut away the wilted outside leaves. I find the wilted leaves eventually weaken and turn yellow/brown anyway and the Pandan comes back strong. Don't forget to spray them with some seaweed extract to help them perk up.

Good luck
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15th April 2014 6:23pm
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Maylyn says...
Thanks for answering my question, Rahaidi and sternus1. My intention was not to drown it. The supplier from Florida suggested the frequency of watering and I guess it was based on the weather there which is currently much hotter than San Diego. I will water it once a day and hopefully it will survive the "in"experience!
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San Diego
16th April 2014 9:41am
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HQuek says...
Hi KDance,

Been looking for pandan plant and read on this forum that you may have some to spare. May I know you still have some, I am ok to buy it if requires. Thanks.

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14th May 2014 2:44pm
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rae says...
Hey guys,
Like some of you, I'm looking for a couple of pups to plant - would anyone have any to sell reasonably please? Not sure if I'm looking for seeds, pretty sure the edible daun pandan doesn't usually propagate by seed. But if I'm wrong (garden beginner), I'd be more than glad to have seeds to grow from as well.

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1st June 2014 12:08am
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JamesT says...
Does anyone have a pandan plant for sale in Sydney?
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16th September 2014 7:34pm
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Original Post was last edited: 16th September 2014 7:34pm
TMary says...
I think Canley Vale , and Cabramatta will have it soon. Also Paddy's.
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Neutral Bay NSW
16th September 2014 8:38pm
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Pandandoc says...
I have several pandan plants for sale at Malabar. Please contact me on unandng@gmail.com
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29th September 2014 9:27pm
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Rampe says...
I live in Victoria. My pandan plant is protected in the cold months by keeping it inside a stainless steel wine rack covered with cafe curtain material. The pot is surrounded with a reptile heater mat with a timer. The whole thing is covered with a blanket and kept under cover in the night. Leaves are sprayed with water regularly and the roots are watered very sparingly. I am very satisfied with the growth and have 2 pups.
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30th September 2014 1:00pm
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Grace-yi says...
Hi everyone,

Thought no harm to ask..

So wondering if anyone here has a spare pandan plant [the one for cooking] to swap for baked/steamed goods if necessary. Can't afford $$ to buy one as they seem to be selling above $10 and I feel bad as it is when my store bought re-grown died..

Email me at

Thank you,
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Palmyra, WA
23rd January 2015 3:31am
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chocake says...

am thinking of bringing a pandan plant from Asia to western Europe in May (by plane). Several questions tho:

1. should I get the short leaf or long leaf variety?

2. would it be fine to bare root it?

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12th April 2015 9:46am
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cheamanda says...
Hi just wondering if anyone can help me get started with trying to grow my own pandan in Karratha? Happy to purchase specimen from Darwin or elsewhere in WA. Not sure if I purchase from online sellers, they seem to be from East coast Australia or Malaysia, doubt they will get through WA quarantine...
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21st April 2015 7:23pm
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Bockky says...
I am from Melbourne Australia and have a few pots of pandan plant up for sale. Various prices for different sizes.. From $25 - $80. Let me know.
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9th September 2015 5:20pm
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May L says...
I am so excited to stumble upon this forum. I've been looking for a pandan plant for months! And so have 2 of my cousins. Please, please have you any for sale? I work in the Western suburbs and can save you the postage!
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May L
Taylors Lakes
12th December 2015 5:17pm
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Original Post was last edited: 13th December 2015 2:20am
Jh1 says...
Hi Kim, Do you have any Spare Pandan Shoots or a plant my wife is looking everywehere. We are in Brisbane.

Gav n Jen
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22nd March 2016 8:15am
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Theposterformerlyknownas says...
Oxley Nursery had a few big ones quite cheap a few weeks ago. they were about $20 IIRC and had multiple offshoots, so you could get lots of plants out of them.
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23rd March 2016 10:06am
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syke says...
Need some advice about the pandanus amaryllifolius plants!

I am based in melbourne and summer starts today...should I re-pot or plant it in the garden?And why does the plant have no fragrance, is it because it's still small (20-25cm)?
thank you in advance! appreciate all the help.
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1st December 2016 12:23pm
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Susan3 says...
Hi Skye, If your plant have no fragrance it is likely that you have an ornamental variety. Try to crush a whole leaf to double check. I believe they are tropical but with care can also grow in subtropical area. I have a plant in the greenhouse that died in winter even if I kept it protected and in the sunny part of the greenhouse. My first plant died when I left it outside in winter. It does not like getting too wet and too cold in winter. So I won't recommend planting it outside in your area. If it is not the fragrant variety, I suggest to sell them as ornamental tropical plant and start over.
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2nd December 2016 9:30am
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Trikus says...
Smell is strongest on wilted leaves , pick a day or 2 before using .
Waterwell pots best , or Queensland climate ;)
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2nd December 2016 9:39am
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Pandandoc says...
I have listed on Gumtree selling my surplus pandan plants in Sydney.
Sorry, no posting.
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5th December 2016 10:12pm
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jenniferpaisley says...
Have you looked on ebay to buy pandan plants?
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Mission Beach
23rd February 2017 10:08am
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HQ says...

For those in Perth. You can get Pandan plant from Fred in gum tree or Canning Weekend market late spring and summer. Good luck.

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25th December 2018 3:06pm
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Candy234 says...
Hello guys,

Is it possible to grow pandan plant in the ground in Perth?
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27th February 2020 1:37pm
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Potty Bob 1 says...
It will definitely grow in a pot .
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Potty Bob 1
3rd March 2020 6:26pm
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Phillippe says...
I was given a Pandan plant last week and potted it accordingly. I water the plant every 3 days, keeping the soil moist as the pot have very good drainage.

However, the last 3 days the leaves started to curl and getting dry even I have water the plant .

I googled for info/assistance, read more info and found this forum as well.

Attached are photos of the plant when I first got it and today after I removed it from the pot on the understanding I had provided too much water and due to the cold weather.

What should I do now?
Much appreciate assistance from the forum. Thank you.
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15th May 2020 10:06am
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Michael says...
Hi Candy234,

I've gown a couple of pandan plants in Perth, but always in pots. Cold rain seems to kill them faster than herbicide, if you had a completely covered and protected outdoor area it might be possible to grow one in the ground, but otherwise - a large pot and make sure to shelter it completely in the winter!
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15th May 2020 11:42am
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KhienDFW says...
Hi. We recently got 3 pandan plants locally and he potted them in the last 60 days. It's very hot (>100F in the last few days), windy, and dry (<30% humidity) over here in Dallas, Texas. I was told the pandan plants need to stay in the shade and not over 2 hours of early/late day under direct sunlight. Filtered light is the best. Water every other day from the base only. That is totally against what I know about how the plants grow in Malaysia/Singapore/Thailand/Indonesia.

Care to share a picture of your plants in their current growing location and a short description how your plant is wintering down under. Later..
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30th August 2020 7:13am
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Sarath says...
My Pandan plant in Melbourne, Australia. It comes indoors in the cooler months and is in the bathroom near the window. I lightly water the root area once in about 3 days and spray water lightly on the leaves every other day. On sunny days when the temperature goes over 15C I take it out to the garden for a few hours.
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30th August 2020 10:14am
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KhienDFW says...
You have a thick growth of healthy plant. I was told to keep the soil lightly moist in the winter. Water them once every 10 days and definitely avoiding the crown and leaves.

Our daily temperature reached over 100F in the last few days. The plants were given a half gallon of water every other day. They stayed pretty much in the shade.

Potting mix in Australia looks so different from what we could get in US. Premium quality potting mix consists of sphagnum peat moss, perlite, and limestone. Well drain but the potting mix can really hold moisture.
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31st August 2020 1:55pm
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Sarath says...
Hi Khien, I water the plant very sparingly every few days during Winter and give the leaves a light spray if water. Though the plant is indoors in Winter it is kept beside a window to get as much heat and light as possible. In the warmer months it goes outdoors and sits under the canopy of a three to avoid burning due to too much Sun. The potting mix is free draining to avoid root rot.
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3rd September 2020 8:47am
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KhienDFW says...
Did you make your own potting mix? I just repotted mine a week ago. This evening I found my premium potting mix has not been drying out. Worrying about root rot, I repotted them after adding 10% - 15% of perlite to the existing potting mix.

My smallest plant is giving me a big surprise in growth. I can see several leaves starting to emerge from the lower leaves. This is interesting since my plants are new growth and probably less than 3 months.
About the Author
4th September 2020 12:24pm
#UserID: 23873
Posts: 4
View All KhienDFW's Edible Fruit Trees
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