Juanita's Edible Backyard
01/12/13 Updated:
01/12/13 Frost: Location: melbourne * You need your own My Edibles Page to contribute Quick & Easy
Juanita Forum Contributions
Is ginger easy to grow - Tnx! for the helpful hints Mary T & Brain..I'll check my ginger 1st thing in the morning, i hope it's still alive coz i just gave some h2o few days ago.. 4115 days 12hrs
Is ginger easy to grow - I bought my ginger plant from bunnings on march this yr, it was thriving well in pot..@ the moment no sign of life, i hope it'll grow back when the weather warms up in oct.. 4117 days 12hrs
Nashi pollinator - pollinators are william pear or another type of nashi, one w/ brownish skin, can't recall the name.. 4151 days 15hrs
Growing moringa odrumstick tree in melbourne8 - My potted moringa tree is thriving very slow & still alive.. 4155 days 11hrs
Drumstick tree - Has anyone successfully grown drumstick tree in the ground here in Melb? pls give us some helpful hints..Tnx in advance.. 4240 days 16hrs
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