Nicg's Edible Backyard
01/12/13 Updated:
01/12/13 Frost: |
Fruit Tree Forum ContributionsNicg Forum ContributionsTropical fruit trees successfuly grown in melbourne - Hi Linton, me too if you can spare some seeds. The zambala seeds you sent me are as snud as a bag in the shade house,lets hope for a result there...4175 days 1hrs Cucamelon - Hi Ivepeters, I would like to try these here in Perth, If you still have the packet of seeds, I would like to buy them off you,i dont i've ever seen them in Bunnings seed section. My contact is days 0hrs Pepinos2 - Hi Mike, my mother has them in her garden, she lives in Rivervale, they grow tall and as healthy as couch grass,they are just about indistructable plants, BUT as the old dear says! PLENTY PLENTY SHEEP MANURE and PLENTY PLENTY WATER! Sounds a little over ..4179 days 1hrs Ackee tree - Hi baglady, i have seeds to sell please leave email i will be in contact..4182 days 2hrs Moving fruit trees2 - Plan B, its cheaper and quicker than starting again, hire or borrow a small covered trailor...4183 days 6hrs |
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