Image of a lemon tree in a pot with a blurred backyard behind it.

(1/2) Image of a lemon tree in a pot with a blurred backyard behind it. By Lainie [All Rights Reserved, One Design License Agreement] (Photo Credits)

Advanced Fruit Trees are much older and more developed often being able to fruit in the 1st year

(2/2) Advanced Fruit Trees are much older and more developed often being able to fruit in the 1st year


Advanced Fruit Trees

Advanced fruit trees are older and more developed plants. Many are only available for pick up as they are too big for boxes.

Advanced Fruit Trees and Plants

Dwarf Apple - Tropic Sweet


A low chill, deliciously sweet and crunchy apple. Bears two weeks before Anna. On a semi dwarfing rootstock, ideal for backyard plantings and container specimens.
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Muscadine Grape - Noble


Most popular red muscadine grape for wine or juice production. It is self-fertile. Yields and disease resistance are high, and berry ripening is fairly uniform. Flavour is less musky than most muscadine grapes. Excellent fresh eating or good for wine making. Exclusive to Daleys this is a recently released Florida variety. They are vigorous vines and should not be planted where they can escape into native bushland, as they would quickly smother trees and shrubs around them.
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Pluot Plum - Black Adder


Graham Richards kindly gave us this low chill Pluot Plum to trial from his low chill breeding program. First fruiting this season, excellent flavour and texture. A Pluot is a cross between an Apricot and Plum- however more Plum characteristics are present. The Black Adder has Purplish- black skin with an amber flesh turning a deeper colour when very ripe. Pluots normally require cross pollination to set fruit. Try cross pollinating with another Pluot or a Japanese Plum variety- like a Mariposa. We are currently assesing its ability to self pollinate and will update our growing advice with those results. Ensure adequate sunlight, free draining fertile soil for maximum yields and healthy productive trees. Being low chill, it will produce fruit where winters are mild but may still not thrive in areas with hot summers. Protection may be beneficial.
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Dwarf Mulberry - Black


This mulberry has a very low chill factor making it ideal for our subtropical climate. Pruning after fruiting allows it to be kept under 3mtrs, and also encourages multiply cropping throughout the summer. It is best to pick the fruit when ripe, as it doesn't ripen further off the tree. A benefit of a mulberry tree is that the fruit ripens over an extended period of time unlike other fruit that often ripens all at once. The fruits of the black mulberry, considered the tastiest and most versatile of the mulberries are large and juicy with a good balance of sweetness and tartness. The fruit of the dwarf black mulberry is the same as that on the large black mulberry that we all know and love. The fruit is large, resembling a blackberry, sweet and luscious. When not devoured fresh it is ideal to use in jams, wines and mulberry pies. (Dwarf Mulberry Tree Video )This variety performs excellent in the Subtropics. There has been feedback that this variety doesn't perform as well in Temperate Climates.
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Cherry - Minnie Royal


Minnie Royal cherry is showing good promise as a low chill producer of fruit with a stand out flavour. It is a medium to large size red cherry with a firm texture Fruiting can be as early as November. The tree is very productive and has been known to set heavy crops in southern California. Chill hours can be as low as 200 hours.
Buy 1+ @$59.00ea usually:$79.00ea Pick Up Only Pick Up Options

Malabar Chestnut


Also known as Saba Nut, this medium sized, fast growing tree is grown in many parts of the world. It is grown mainly for its edible seeds; however it also makes a suitable potted indoor plant or outdoor specimen. The large white flowers are very fragrant, another reason to have it in the garden. Overall, this versatile tree is a handsome landscape addition The seeds can be eaten either raw or roasted. When roasted or fried in oil they taste like chestnuts or cashews, raw they taste like peanuts and keep for months in a cool, dry place. They can also be ground and used as a flour substitute when baking bread. The young leaves and flowers are cooked and delicious eaten as a vegetable. Production starts within a few years. The large, white, self-fertile flowers display spectacular clusters of 10cm cream-white stamens. The fruit is a woody green five-valved pod up to 30cm in length. The capsules that follow burst open when the seeds are ripe. The plant grows well in mild inland parts and coastal areas. The plant will tolerate brief exposure to low temperatures but won't tolerate frost. A frost-free location with some protection from hot, drying winds is the best choice for the plant. It will take full sun to partial shade. Malabar chestnuts are not overly fussy about soil as long as it is well drained. They are semi-deciduous.
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Canistel - Grey


Canistel Grey is a large elongated variety with a unique shape, ripening in late winter/Spring in the subtropics. Canistels are best eaten when they are at their optimum ripeness to achieve a creamy consistency and a sweet custard flavour. Their flowers are formed on their branches, a feature called cauliflory, enabling them to be pruned to keep them small. They tolerate the subtropics quite well.
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Little Kurrajong - Best Pink


This grafted selection flowers early. The large, bell-shaped flowers are usually deep pink and occur in clusters at the ends of the branches. The flowers are very spectacular and are followed by seed capsules which contain many large seeds.
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Japanese Raisin


A fast growing tree that produces small raisin like fruit stalks which can be eaten fresh, cooked or dried. The Raisin Tree is deciduous and can grow to a height of 21m but in the open is more commonly around 9m with a single trunk and a rounded head. They have handsome, large, glossy green, cordate leaves which can hang from the stem. The flowers are small but are clustered together in great masses and are cream in colour.
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Elephant Apple


Medium sized tree to 15m, attractive corrugated foliage. The knobbly fruits can be used in curries, jellies and jams. Highly ornamental fragrant flowers. Prefers a tropical location, marginal in the subtropics. Great for Food Forest canopy tree. Fruits are ripe when a yellow colour- pick fruits only when ripe as they will not ripen further. The outer Petals can be prepared and eaten, the gelatinous pulp is often combined with sugar if consumed raw. Medicinal properties and a beautiful shady ornamental tree in warm climates. This tree is found growing in Tropical Asia, and is loved by elephants.
Buy 1+ @$9.90ea usually:$19.90ea Pick Up Only Pick Up Options

Pomegranate - Elche


One of the most highly valued pomegranates in the world, thanks to its extraordinary flavour and high antioxidant, vitamin and mineral content. Elche comes from the Spanish city of the same name. Elche Pomegranates have to be picked at just the right time: Not too early because, once picked, pomegranates halt the ripening process immediately, and also not too late because they are then at risk of bursting.
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Flowering Peach - Alboplena


A spectacular double white flowering peach putting on a brilliant display in Spring. An excellent specimen tree for small spaces or grand designs. Quite adaptable to a varied site conditions, but prefers moist, well drained fertile soils and a position receiving full sun to part-shade. Flowers best in full sun and when pruned annually, immediately after flowering. Often requires spraying to prevent leaf curl.
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Persimmon - Hachiya (A)


The large conical fruits are deep orange and very sweet when fully ripe. Very similar to the Nightingale persimmon.
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Custard Apple - Golden Emperor


A self fertile Custard Apple with a dwarfing habit making it ideal for backyards in warmer climates. The fruits have a lower seed count then some varieties. This is a new release custard apple that will produce good crops of tangy sweet fruit for you.
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Pots and Tray set - 0.75ml x 12


Our most versatile pot size, 750mL volume, 90mm bottomless square pot, in a convenient 12 pack with a plastic holder tray.
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Peach - Double Jewel (TM) cv. Zaiwel


Pink double blossom and red coloured skin over yellow fleshed fruit. A mid-season variety with good quality, tasty fruit. Good for fresh eating, drying, juicing and cooking. A quality Fleming's 'Pick of the Crop' trademarked Peach cultivar
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Hanging Basket


Hanging baskets with coir liners for small pants or hanging vines. Perfect for Strawberries, Native Violets, Ruby Saltbush, Hoya, Jade vine, Richmond Birdwing, etc.
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Jujube - Thornless


Large fruit is oval or pear-shaped and turns deep red when fully ripe. This is an excellent variety for drying but also tastes great when eaten fresh. Cross pollinate for best results. While the Jujube is mostly thornless, but not entirely, the roots can sucker and will produce very thorny stems and these must be constantly cut off, as the plant grows.
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Plum x Cherry - Little Chum


A cherry plum cross with attractive smooth red skin. The flesh is golden-yellow in colour and very juicy when mature. Firm texture with a small seed. The flavour is excellent and well balanced between the plum and cherry parentage. Pollination is currently under evaluation but it will cross well with mid to season plums such as the mariposa, santa rosa or satsuma.
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Mango - Keow Savoey


Considered the best of the green eating varieties in Thailand where it is prized for its crunchy flesh texture and nutty sweet flavour. It is mainly used as a green salad vegetable. When ripe it turns a soft green/yellow. Semi-translucent pulp with overripe flavours. Oblong dark green fruit weighing between 170 and 390 grams with a polyembryonic seed
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Mamey Sapote


Underneath the Mamey's leathery coarse brown skin is a brilliantly coloured, sweet and creamy flesh. The salmon-pink flesh has an exotic flavour similar to sweet pumpkin pie with spice. Unripe fruits can be cooked as a vegetable.
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Hazelnut - Turkish Cosford


A universal pollinator. Thin shelled nuts harvested late Feb/March Used fresh, and for roasting and cooking, Hazelnuts are very high in protein. Semi erect growing tree to approx 4 5m. Prefers temperate climates.
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Hazelnut - Ennis


Jumbo Nut, high yielding. Preferred variety for all markets. It requires cross pollination with the Halls Giant. The tree is moderately vigorous and has few suckers and is an abundant cropper. The shell is moderately firm and light brown with pronounced darker-colored stripes. Nuts are large and attractive, averaging 4.2 g, and have a kernel percentage of 48%.
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Hazelnut - Halls Giant


Halls Giant is the main pollinator for Ennis. It does not produce a big crop of nuts but it does shed large amounts of pollen late in the season. Every planting of hazelnuts should contain at least 20% pollinators.
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