Fruit Tree Packs - Plant Packs
Jaboticaba - Buy 2 Get 1 FREE
A stunning fruit tree where the fruit forms on the trunk of the tree. Jaboticabas are slow growing versatile trees, they are suitable for fruiting hedges and can be pruned to reveal their highly attractive bark.
The free item must be the lowest valued item of those selected in your pack.
Native Plants - Buy 3 get 1 FREE - 90mm Mega Tubes
Plant a native garden with this pack, buy 3 of our native trees or shrubs in a 90mm mega tube and get 1 FREE.
Use the drop down menu to select the plants of your choice.
The free item must be the lowest valued item of those selected in your pack.
Hedges and Screen Plants
Select from our best selection of hedge and screen plants. Buy a total of 16 and receive a 25% discount plus save on freight costs. You can select 16 of one type or a mix of lots of 4 . All screen plants are in 90mm Megatubes and approximately 30-70cm tall
Edible Hedge
Fruiting hedges work well in being able to keep them compact and neat as well as being able to easily cover them to protect from birds and pests. Buy a total of 9 and receive a 15% discount plus save on freight costs. You can select 9 of one type or mix 3 lots of 3 . All edible hedge plants are in 90mm Megatubes and approximately 30cm tall
High Chill Apples Pollinators
These Apples are suitable for temperate climates where the chill hours are 500-800 hours or more. Planting two different Apple varieties is essential for fruit setting, and with this pack you can get 25% off your second apple tree.
Native and Rainforest Supertube Pack
Plant your own rainforest or establish a native garden with the pack. The 70mm supertubes offer you a larger plant to get you started and are quick to establish. Buy 9 trees from our supertube range and receive a 30% discount. Use the drop down menu to mix and match the 9 different plants that you want, or you may select multiple of the same tree if you wish.
Please note adding additional plants to this pack will attract freight on those extra plants only.
Edible Hedge - Freight Free and save 40%
Fruiting hedges work well in being able to keep them compact and neat as well as being able to easily cover them to protect from birds and pests. Buy a total of 9 and receive a 40% discount plus save on freight costs. You can select 9 of one type or mix 3 lots of 3. All edible hedge plants are in 70mm super tubes. Save 40% and receive FREE FREIGHT on this pack.
Bush Foods
Our native bush foods make both an interesting and edible addition to the backyard. They are well adapted to our variable climate so can be low maintenance as well as beautiful. Plant just for yourself or to share with local wildlife too
Dragon Fruit - Buy 3 get 1 FREE
Dragon Fruit are attractive night flowering cacti that produce the most delicious fruits. They come in a range of colours that really impress. Eat fresh, chilled or in smoothies. Some varieties need a pollinator so a group planting is ideal for these fruits
Grape Vines: Buy 3 get 1 FREE
Buy 3 Grape Plants and get ONE FREE.
Great variety and they transport very well. This is a great time to buy and plant grapes in your backyard.
What is best is that you can plant 4 or more different grapes and you won't get bored of the same taste.
If you like the sun in winter but not in summer. Grape vines are great to grow high off the ground. The leaves are lush in summer blocking out the sun but in winter the sun streams in. So be inventive with your grape vines.
The free item must be the lowest valued item of those selected in your pack.
Dwarf Fruit Tree Pack
Select any combination of Dwarf fruit trees from this pack
Bananas - Buy 3, Get 1 FREE
Go bananas with this pack. Buy 3 and Get 1 FREE.
Dwarf Apple - Fruit Tree Pack
These low chill apples are grafted onto MM102, a semi dwarfing rootstock that will keep these trees compact in size.
If you are in the subtropics choose two from the Anna, Dorset, and Tropic Sweet. People in temperate should select from the Granny Smith, Pink Lady, Red Fuji, Red Delicious and Gala. Make sure you select two different varieties for cross pollination.
Use the drop down menu to select the varieties you want for your home orchard, make sure you choose at least two different varieties for cross pollination.
Conifer Pack - Buy 3 Get 1 Free
Conifers are beautiful, sculptural plants for your landscaping project. Mix or match these plants to create your evergreen garden. They are ideal for a uniform hedging or screening effect. Conifers are long lived, for you and futue generations to enjoy.
Buy 3 and get 1 free with this special offer.
Use the drop down menu to select the varieties you want for your garden or arbor.
Garden Herbs and Vegetables
Grow your own herbs and veggies, perfect for pots or kitchen gardens.
Bush Food Garden For Schools
Our bush food pack will allow students to grow their own bush food garden. As the plants mature student will be able to harvest and experience our native Australian bush foods freshly picked from the school yard. The trees in this pack are in 90mm mega tube pots.
Rare Fruit Review, Magazine Pack - Buy 3, Get 1 Free
The Rare Fruit Review is a annual publication that is packed with interesting and inspiring stories from rare fruit growers. Indulge in your rare fruit passion with this pack and save 25%, Buy 3 and get the chepaest 1 FREE.
Perennial Herbs and Spices
Cullinary delights for the backyard garden. Many of these plants are also highly ornamental and aromatic.
Save 15% with this pack.
Grevillea - Buy 3, Get 1 FREE
Grevilleas are wonderful plants for everyone's backyard. They flower profusely throughout the year and are very attractive to native birds and other wildlife. Grow you own with this great pack, please use the drop down menu to select your preferences.
The free item must be the lowest valued item of those selected in your pack.
Propagation Tool Pack
Keen home propagators can get all the tools they need for their garden projects in this pack. Save 15% on all grafting knives, grafting tape, as well as secatuers and girdling tools.
Use the drop down menu to select the items you require.
Freight Free - Pack Save 40%
Fill your box with this special offer that save you 40% off and no freight charges. You can mix and match which 3 varieties you want by clicking on the drop down menus. You can view all these plants individually on our Postage Free Page Here.
Please note adding additional plants to this pack will attract freight on those extra plants only
Nashi Pear Pollination Pack
Nashi pears require cross pollination for good fruit set, use this pack to select two different varieties from the drop down menu and save 10%.
Nashis are famous for their delicious mouth watering crisp juicy flesh.
Sensational Citrus - Buy 3, Get 1 FREE
Fill any spare spaces in your backyard and orchard with sensational citrus with this pack. Perfect as potted fruit trees as well as for planting in your garden citrus trees are highly productive and produce fabulous fruits for eating fresh, juicing and preserves.
Remember you can mix and match citrus varieties. One of each or perhaps you just want to buy 3 of the same plant and get one free. Just make these adjustments below, by clicking on each drop down box.
The free item must be the lowest valued item of those selected in your pack.