Pre Order or Pre Purchase Fruit Trees or Plants

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Pre Purchase Fruit Trees


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Pre Order Fruit Trees and Plants

Blueberry - Sunshine Blue


Sunshine Blue has it all. This semi-dwarf, versatile semi-deciduous blueberry features showy hot pink flowers that fade to white in spring, yielding large crops of delicious berries. Sunshine Blue tolerates higher pH soils better than many other blueberries and it is self-fertile. It is is a Southern Highbush with the low chilling requirement of 150 hours makes it suitable for the subtropics, but we find it is surprisingly cold-hardy and a wonderful addition to patios and gardens in cooler areas.
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Dragon Fruit - Pink Panther


Small to medium sized fruit with magenta coloured flesh, very sweet with berry flavours. A highly productive, self pollinating plant, producing fruit at an early stage. cereus Happy in full sun or part shade. A hybrid dragon fruit, Hylocereus guatemalensis setaceus
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The jaboticabas habit of producing the fruit directly on the trunk makes this a striking tree. Fruit is similar to a grape with a sweet and aromatic flavour. The new growth is a coppery colour along with their beautiful honey scented flowers makes it a very ornamental tree. Bears heavy crops of quality fruit that can be eaten fresh from the tree. Often fruiting up to 3 times per year. Time from flowering to fruit being ready to eat is only 30 days. More Information: California Rare Fruit Growers Association.
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Pomegranate - Wonderful

$49.00 ($49.00-$99.00 choose a size)

A large, deep purple-red fruit. Flesh is deep crimson in colour, very sweet, juicy and of a delicious vinous flavour. Seeds not very hard. Good for juicing and eating out of hand. Plant is vigorous and productive. Best commercial variety in California.
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Oak - Red

$34.95 ($23.90-$34.95 choose a size)

The northern red oak is a beautiful tree for cooler areas where its autumn foliage can really be appreciated.

Brazilian Cherry - Black Beauty


This selection of Brazilian Cherry ripens to a black colour with exceptional flavour. A highly ornamental shrub with spreading branches and aromatic foliage. The young bronze foliage is deep, glossy green when mature and deep red in cold, dry weather. The fruit is delicious eaten out-of-hand or as an ingredient in jelly, sauce and pies. Refrigeration enhances the flavour.
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Black Sapote - Chocolate


This variety was selected by John Picone at Newrybar. He describes it as excellent quality and texture. Closely related to the Persimmon this attractive glossy foliaged tree produces a fruit often called the 'Chocolate Pudding Fruit'. Delicious when eaten as a desert with cream and a touch of Rum or vanilla
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Olive - Arbequina

$49.00 ($49.00-$149.00 choose a size)

Self fertile. Low chill. Origin: Spain. Small fruit, table olive pickled green. Early harvest. Commercial oil producer.Frost, coastal conditions and salinity tolerant. Cold hardy. Grows well from Cairns to Tasmania. Medium vigor and compact shape makes it ideal for backyards. Performs well in warm climates. Suited to pots and hedges.
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Carambola Starfruit- Kary Seedling


This star like fruit has five golden wings that reveal a star-shaped pattern when cut crosswise. The juicy transparent flesh has a citrus quality with a floral accent and is delicious eaten fresh, made into juice or into a delicious chutney. Seedling grown from the popular Kary selection, which we have found to begin cropping in 2-3 years.Carambola trees have an attractive weeping habit, producing a profusion of pink flowers. The foliage is delicate on young trees, and our potted plants are known for their older leaves to turn yellow and drop during transport to conserve energy. This is not a problem long term. With care and acclimatisation they will bounce back
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Soursop - Kyogle


This grafted selection was made from a tree cropping in a frost free region of Kyogle. The fresh flesh is juicy and slightly acid producing a rich creamy thirst quenching juice. Also known as Graviola or Guanaban. Prefers a tropical climate but worth trying in marginal climates by the enthusiast fruit grower. But its more than just a sweet treat. Graviola has antimicrobial and antioxidant properties, too. This has led some scientists to explore graviola as potential treatment options for a range of serious illnesses, including cancer.Although some laboratory studies do indicate that graviola may have anticancer properties, there isnt any clinical evidence that graviola can treat or prevent cancer in humans.Keep reading to find out what the research says about graviola and cancer and what you need to know about graviola supplements.
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Mamey Sapote - Grey


A grafted mamey sapote selection with medium size fruit and a rich flavour. Best suited to tropical and subtropical climates.
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Cape York Turmeric


A beautiful, native turmeric the rhizomes of which are eaten roasted by First Nations people. Wide, pleated leaves grow to between 1 and 2m high, preferring shady habitat. Yellow flowers with striking pink bracts appear from November onwards.A plant adapted to the monsoonal tropics, so water well in summer and allow to become dry in the cool months.
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Pomegranate - Azerbaijani


The flavour of the arils of this variety is something else. Gulosha azerbaijani produces medium to large sized, slightly elongated fruit with a pinkish hue, but the internal arils surrounding the seed are deep red, large and very juicy.

Pomegranate - Elche


One of the most highly valued pomegranates in the world, thanks to its extraordinary flavour and high antioxidant, vitamin and mineral content. Elche comes from the Spanish city of the same name. Elche Pomegranates have to be picked at just the right time: Not too early because, once picked, pomegranates halt the ripening process immediately, and also not too late because they are then at risk of bursting.
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Ginger - Canton


Popular Ginger variety grown in Australia. Used frequently in Asian and south Asian cuisine and is more savory. Slightly larger rhizomes than the hardy Qld variety.
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Blueberry - Blue Rose


A Northern highbush selection best suited to cooler climates. An excellent variety, with good autumn foliage, and large fruit. It is essential that the fruit be left on the shrub until the last minute, as the fruit is very acidic and will not ripen after being picked. When they are fully ripe they make an excellent berry for cooking or fresh eating. The skins will melt after about 10 minutes of simmering and produce a self-thickening sauce that is delicious poured over ice cream. They are one of the few berries that, when frozen and thawed, keep their form and flavour.Tall growing and extremely vigorous this blueberry is prolific. Start picking before Christmas and have blueberries into March. Most important. Blueberries require an acid soil with a pH of 4.5 to 5.5. They also require a free draining loose friable soil. They dislike clay heavy soils. To aide the successful establishment of bushes it is best to build up beds by incorporating peat moss and garden soils at a 50/50 ratio. Peat is preferred as it is naturally acidic.
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Dwarf Jaboticaba - Scarlet


Very sweet fruit with an excellent flavour are produced on a dwarf tree. Takes about 3 years to commence flowering and fruit and is suitable for pots where it is eye-catching and beautiful. Grows to about 2.5m.
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Black Sapote - Superb


A selection originating from north Qld. As the name suggests it is a superb quality fruit. Tends to be seedless if not cross pollinated. Heavy bearing. Also called 'Chocolate Pudding Fruit'. Delicious Trees can be medium to large and cross pollination is beneficial for fruit set. New growth is a light lime green/yellow colour which darkens as the leaves mature.
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Little Kurrajong - Grafted


Grafted selection of Bidwilli, very beautiful small tree with bright clusters of pink/red flowers. Flowers when very young, excellent hardy small ornamental tree
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Kauri Pine Qld


A magnificent tree that is suitable for larger gardens, the kauri has a tall trunk and a large crown. Planted in an open position it will become a magnificent feature tree. Requires a moist soil for best results. Protect from frost when very young. Can also be used for an indoor plant, where its leathery leaves are very attractive
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Grass Tree


A stunning and unusual Australian native plant, the Grass Tree develops a black trunk with bright green foliage above. Grass Trees are a great asset to any garden giving a bold feature. Plant in a sunny well-drained position and do not disturb the original root-ball. They are very slow growing, on average approx 1cm per year.
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Soh Shang


Medium, spreading woody shrub producing plum sized red fruits. The fruit is best when fully ripened, is sweet and jelly like with some astringency. It is often eaten with salt or as juice or chutney. The flesh can be sucked from the seed. It has notable nutritional benefits. The plant fixes nitrogen with the aid of symbiotic soil bacteria and is a good addition to food forest systems. It is originally from India. The native Millaa Millaa vine looks very similar with smaller fruits and overall size. Drought hardy.
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Blueberry - Tifblue


This Rabbiteye variety was introduced in Georgia in 1955 and was for many years the standard by which all other rabbiteye varieties were judged. The fruit is firm and light blue, and has a good flavour when fully ripe. The fruit is in loose clusters, is firm and has a dry stem scar, making it suitable for mechanical harvesting. The fruiting period is as for powderblue and the bush is very productive and vigorous, for many years. See below for suitable pollinators
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Dwarf Jaboticaba - Costada


A beautiful, ornamental tree that produces tasty, sweet fruit. Extremely rare. Is known to fruit in two years in the tropics and perfect for pots. Growing in temperate areas is experimental.
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Jaboticaba - Yellow


Yellow fruiting species with a distinctive sweet tangy flavour reminiscent of pineapple. We consider this tree a showpiece. Its lime green leaves have an unusual soft, almost powdery appearance and its beautiful golden green pendulous branches make it a worthy feature in the garden for its highly ornamental nature. The fruit of the black jaboticaba is becoming more popular and widespread (I even found some on the shelf of a local grocery store here in Lismore last week) while the yellow jaboticaba still remains a mystery to many. A prerequisite for enjoying the fruits of the Black Jaboticaba is patience. They can often take 6-7 years to come to fruit. However, we have found the Yellow Jabot produce fruit in as little as 3 years. It is a small bushy tree, usually growing to 3-4m in the subtropics of Australia, however I have seen photographs of the tree, in Brazil (its place of origin), with a couple of young boys perched high in the branches. These trees must have reached 9-10 m tall. The tree has a moderate cold tolerance but is best protected from frost. It is a suitable container grown tree in those areas that do receive frost and can be moved to a sheltered position during the cooler months. They are happy in full sun or part shade and are generally small enough to find a place in most gardens. They are relatively wind tolerant but will not enjoy salt spray. They particularly enjoy deep rich soil pH 5.5 to 6.5 but with regular nutrient application can be grown in most soil types. While the fruits have some similarities to the Black Jaboticaba, they are quite different in appearance, having a slightly furry yellow skin instead of the smooth shiny black skin. The fruit contains a gelatinous whitish pulp which has a pleasant, slightly acid flavor. A single tree will produce fruit, but cross pollination has shown to increase productivity. When planting a jaboticaba, the crown (uppermost) roots should be 2 to 3 inches higher than the surrounding soil levels to provide water runoff. Peat, compost or rotted manure may be mixed with the soil from the planting hole to improve it. The soil should be a well-aerated mixture.
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Palm - Foxtail


First discovered in 1978 in a tiny area within Melville National Park, this palm is now one of the most widely planted in the world. Famous for it bushy fronds and slightly bulbous base, it lends a exotic, tropical look to landscaping. Able to survive heat, salt winds and seasonally dry conditions. Slow growing.
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Dwarf Macadamia - A16


An Australian selection that shows dwarfing tendencies. High yielder, excellent nut quality. Slow growing and wind tolerant. Med - large nut and high kernal recovery. A semi-dwarfing small, compact tree.
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Finger Lime - Alstonville


Mostly seedless fruit with lime green vesicles, the skin is smooth and brown with green tinges. A highly productive selection with excellent quality fruit. Fruits are 7-12 cm long when fully ripe.
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An excellent ornamental shrub. The pitomba produces bright orange-yellow fruit with soft, melting, juicy flesh with a highly aromatic slightly acid flavour. They are good eaten fresh or made into jelly and preserves. Taste comparable to an apricot. Very slow growing, hence suitable as a dwarf fruit tree. Best to grow at least 2 to ensure good fruit set. Can easily be pruned to 2 m
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Finger Lime - Yellow


The yellow finger lime has a beautiful bright yellow skin and very large juice vesicles inside. The balls of juice bubble out of the skin when the ripe fruits are cut in half. Use in chutneys, jams, marmalades, savoury sauces and refreshing drinks.
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