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Peter12's Edible Backyard

Joined: 01/12/13 Updated: 01/12/13 Frost:
Location: adelaide

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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

Peter12 Forum Contributions
Which fig variety is best in these - a white adriatic has green skin and dark red flesh, mine tastes exactly like strawberry jam. black genoa has dark skin and dark red flesh. ..4672 days 12hrs
Tropical fruit trees successfuly grown in melbourne - Anna , I tried for 10 years near Bundaburg and had no luck with soursop , though I did see one bearing in a protected spot in Maryborough [ Qld] ....now mine in the tropics is loaded . Maybe try custard apple and squeeze lime juice on the fruit ;-)..5570 days 2hrs
Mangosteen4 - Rich , I to was surprised at how nice the yellow ones tasted . Very slow sprouting seeds though ...5600 days 3hrs
Jelly palm daleys variety satisfied customers - Those palms are growing on a now bypassed section of the Bruce Hwy . I doubt if it will ever set seed . No sign of any old infloresences on it . And I imagine it would be 20 years old . How long did it take for yours to fruit Vera ? And where are you ? Ha..5607 days 8hrs
Duriun trees have you seen any - Dur Ian , very small image you posted looks like a scan from the very old Tankard book .. What makes you think that info is correct ? .. The most recent Rare Fruit Review has A.lanceifolius as name . Seeds were imported by Peter Saleras' brother , Peter..5630 days 5hrs

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