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Pitaya Dragon fruit in all different colours available at Daleys Fruit Tree Nursery
Pitaya Dragon fruit in all different colours available at Daleys Fruit Tree NurseryAstringent and non-astringent varietiesUse these promo codes to get special offers when placing a new orderGrapes available now

May L's Edible Backyard

Joined: 00/00/00 Updated: 23/03/21 Frost:

About My Edible Backyard

Why May L Love's Edible Plants

 I love the taste of really fresh produce,  the convenience of food just outside my door,  and the better nutrition. 


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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

May L Forum Contributions
Pandan plant for sale in melbourne - Hi Bockky, I'd love to have a few of the smaller plants, preferably the $18- ones. I'm also a Westie so am happy to pick up whenever is convenient to us both. Regards, May..1888 days 1hrs
Pandan plant for sale in melbourne - I'd like some plants. How can I get them?..3249 days 5hrs
Pandanus amaryllifolius - I am so excited to stumble upon this forum. I've been looking for a pandan plant for months! And so have 2 of my cousins. Please, please have you any for sale? I work in the Western suburbs and can save you the postage! ..3251 days 7hrs

Fruit Tree Forum Likes

May L has LIKED the following:
Pandan plant for sale in melbourne - Hi, I got a few pots of pandan plants for sale in Melbourne. The price range from $18 to $45 dependent on their size and years of growth. Their pics attached with wine bottle for comparison. These plants are for collection as I can't post them. Pleas..Liked Question 3249 days 5hrs

Bay Tree (Seedling)

May L's Edible Fruits
Update: 3249 days 5hrs

Comments: - Very small,  never grew much. In a large pot.

Planted: 2011

Water Given in: Spring

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Curry Tree 10/10

May L's Edible Fruits
Update: 3249 days 6hrs

Comments: - Really useful in my curries.  Very low maintenance.  Grows well in a pot on my front porch.

Planted: 2008

Height 1 metres

Growing: In a Pot

Qty: 1

Sun/Shade: Medium Sun

Fertiliser or Organics Used: Osmocote

When I Fertilise: Spring

Pest Control: Never had need so far!

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Basil - Sweet 8/10

May L's Edible Fruits
Update: 3249 days 6hrs

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Dwarf Lemon - Meyer (Grafted) 5/10

May L's Edible Fruits
Update: 3249 days 6hrs

Comments: - Taste of fruit and ability to grow in a pot. 

Planted: 2013

Height 0.8 metres

Growing: In a Pot

Water Given in: Spring

Fertiliser or Organics Used: Osmocote Citrus food

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