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Milk Kefir Grains

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Anonymous starts with ...
Dear Mary, I'm very interested and i'm from Canberra
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16th July 2013 11:01am
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MaryT says...
OK I've had a few request for the grains so have now depleted my supply to just what I can use. They multiply so will have more to share in the near future. Watch this space.
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17th July 2013 3:21pm
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Jason says...
I'll get some one day when you have spare. Always been wondering if the species in Kefer would set my immune condition towards the good direction or make it worse :0. Some bacteria work well some not. Getting a stable culture has been the difficult part for me but Kefer is very stable. I just haven't tried it yet.

Just like I haven't tasted the glass of rotten orange juice that's been bubbling away nicely here on my desk all week to see if I can find a magic culture.. lol but that's just out of fear more than anything else. I started the orange juice from a 6 month old saurkraut that I was too scared to taste so who knows what's in it :p
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18th July 2013 1:59am
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Original Post was last edited: 18th July 2013 2:02am
MaryT says...
Wow Jason, please don't be too brave. I did extensive research into the Kefir milk before I put it in my mouth. I'm Chinese so dairy food is not normally in my diet other than an occasional flat white and a dash of milk in a cup of tea so I am amazed that I am now addicted to the stuff. I even made cheese with the surplus, to spread on toast. Now that the weather is warming up I'm sure I'll have more in no time. Not sure how they'd travel to Portland though. I'm waiting to hear if others received theirs in the mail.
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18th July 2013 9:51am
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Julie says...
Mary, have you heard of water Kefir? Apparently just as good for you as the dairy version.

How did you make the cheese? Sounds interesting.
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Roleystone WA
19th July 2013 6:16pm
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MaryT says...
Julie, nothing can be simpler! I use a plastic coffee filter lined with cheesecloth put over a jug and strain the yoghurt overnight and voila! Cottage cheese on toast in the morning! The reason I'm giving most of the grains away is because they do multiply and I don't want to overdose; but it is yummy. Good enough to take the place of butter though I love butter. The yoghurt is also useful to put on curries to temper the heat.

Anyway, the exodus was a great success. I've been sending grains to other suburbs in Sydney and the ACT and they arrive within 2 days in a ziplock bag inside a standard envelope. No charge, btw.
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20th July 2013 7:03am
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Original Post was last edited: 20th July 2013 9:35am
MaryT says...
Jason if you'd like some grains you'd better send me an address but I have put you on the top of the list. I'd like to know how they'd travel to Portland (Victoria?)

Here are pics of a great gadget: I think $5 at Woolies:
it has a built-in strainer with a handle but best of all it has a little clip that you can use to 'hang' the strainer over the container so straining the kefir milk couldn't be easier! The grains can live in the strainer inside the container.

Once the amount builds up it makes kefir milk at record time so I give any excess away as they muliply as I don't want to mess around with larger amount than this.
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20th July 2013 10:05am
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MaryT says...
Jason I now have milk grains for you. Please let me know if you would like some. My email address as above.
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26th July 2013 9:02am
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Jason says...
Thanks for sending those Mary. I've read today while reading about Kefir that it can have a side effect of lowering your IgE levels. Given that mine were over 4000 before I started taking drugs to lower them (2000 now) (normal is under 200) it could turn out to be excellent stuff for me.
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3rd August 2013 12:44am
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MaryT says...
Jason, I tend to think of it as a good food rather than pay too much attention to health claims. Expectations often lead to disappointment. I need to be careful I do not take too much because I use full cream milk and that's extra calories and cholesterol to add to my normal diet. That's why I'm giving away the excess.
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3rd August 2013 8:14am
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Original Post was last edited: 3rd August 2013 8:16am
Jason says...
Well I don't listen to claims by health shops selling things, I'm only reading scientific papers. Sometimes there's a difference between mice and Jason's but usually its the same. I have experimental blood tests every couple of weeks so we will soon see :). Imho the bacterial load in your gut is the brain for everything in your immune system, getting it right after its been broken is the problem.
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3rd August 2013 2:18pm
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Original Post was last edited: 3rd August 2013 2:20pm
MaryT says...
I would be interested to hear if it works for you or not; and how. I'm convinced that it would do no harm, other than the cholesterol problem for me.
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3rd August 2013 3:17pm
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Jantina says...
MaryT after having appendicitis about 6 weeks ago they drenched me with very useful but vile antibiotics for 12 days, and after I came off them I had all the symtoms of Irritable bowel Syndrome ie cramping, frequency (about 20 times a day)looseness and bleeding.A glassful of Kefir twice a day has sorted me out and there are no problems now. Tried going without after a week to see what would happen and the symtoms returned albeit milder. So now I go without once a week to see where I'm at and there is steady improvement.
I have a girlfriend with Crohns who has also had helpful results.Will have a go with your cheese idea, thanks.
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3rd August 2013 5:45pm
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MaryT says...
Jantina, that sounds encouraging. I find it calming and helps me sleep :)
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3rd August 2013 6:44pm
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MaryT says...
Jason I read that report and thought it funny that the allergy specialist's comment regarding the success of kefir reducing IgE levels in mice was:

"We need much more supportive evidence before a human trial could be contemplated"

and yours: "Sometimes there's a difference between mice and Jason's but usually its the same"

I bet if your levels are reduced by taking the milk kefir that specialist would say that it proves nothing :)

The thing is no one can make any money out of this so no one will invest money in a trial until someone can isolate certain components of the kefir and artificially (read cheaply) reproduce them to be put in a pill. THEN maybe they would admit no, ADVERTISE that it works. Not only that; I bet a large number of specialists will be invited to a "conference" at a swanky hotel in an exotic location for a weekend to hear "experts" proclaim the invention of a miracle cure and little sample packets of pills will be distributed to specialists around the world to push the drug (along with pens, clocks, cute toys, stationery, jackets and other goodies emblazoned with the name of the new and improved kefir pill). Cynical? You bet.

They should make these sorts of bribes illegal.
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4th August 2013 6:40am
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Julie says...
Spot on Mary! I've read several reports of Pharma companies doing exactly that with a number of natural remedies. Then they ban the original substance, or try to. It's infuriating!
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Roleystone WA
4th August 2013 7:54pm
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amanda says...
I scored some water Kefir in Bridgetown today!? (Health food shop had some)
Tasted some kefir in coconut cream and it was delicious!?

Have no idea about water kefir - but about to learn. It likes a seashell in it's culture jar.. :)

I also bought some lyophilised Kefir culture ("Turkish yoghurt" Kefir..?)

I hope I can keep them both alive...

(along with my Mother of Vinegar...)

Lol...it's getting very crowded near the fire place here....
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Leschenault (150km south of Perth)
6th August 2013 7:13pm
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Inahdi says...
Hi Amanda, did they have a much available? I've been having no luck finding water kefir in Perth. We go to Bunbury semi-regularly so I would be happy to add on a drive to Bridgetown for our next trip.
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12th August 2013 10:34am
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amanda says...
The owner of the shop said she has them at her home also...so I reckon if you rang the shop and arranged for some in advance then it would be easiest...

She may even be able to send them.
I'd offer u some but have a few folks waiting already and mine not growing all that fast in the colder weather -plus I am a complete novice :o)

Or - try this company Cultures Alive - they ship microbes around the place too...
I am going to order the milk kefir as the starter cultures in the health food shops are not the same as the "real deal"

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Leschenault (150km south of Perth)
13th August 2013 9:16am
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MaryT says...
hey Amanda do you think the postal police would allow me to send you some milk kefir? I have surplus atm. I'm leaving for o/s on Saturday so let me know before then. The only other worry is that they may not survive a long trip - worth a try, I reckon.
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13th August 2013 10:03am
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amanda says...
Hey MaryT - that's an incredibly kind offer :o) But fortunately I have found someone local to swap some water kefir with!

I drank my first bottle of kefir water - which I had added fresh slices of ginger to and then kept in the fridge for a cupla' days...it's pretty addictive stuff!? Like an earthy, pleasantly mild sweet and very softly spritzed ginger beer..

Can't wait to try it with coconut water!?

PS - have a safe trip! :)
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Leschenault (150km south of Perth)
14th August 2013 4:42pm
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Original Post was last edited: 14th August 2013 4:43pm
MaryT says...
That's good, Amanda. We were wondering about the sugar in the water kefir - what are your thoughts on that? Not so good for diabetics?
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14th August 2013 6:16pm
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Inahdi says...
Cheers Amanda, I will look into it next time we head south. MaryT, my understanding is that the sugar is converted, but not sure if that makes it diabetic safe.
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14th August 2013 11:07pm
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MaryT says...
Thanks, Inahdi. No, I'm not sure about that sugar in water kefir either. In any case I do not have a habit of drinking flavoured water or juice. Dairy was not my thing either but I find the milk kefir useful for making yoghurt and cheese. I like the yoghurt in my curries, salad dressings and cream soups and the cheese on toast with smoked salmon, avocado and even banana/figs dusted lightly with icing sugar and cinnamon.
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15th August 2013 6:16am
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John Mc says...
The closest thing to flavoured water for me are the young coconuts sold in supermarkets for that purpose. Each coconut contains on average 500mm of coconut water. They make a very cheap drink @ $1.75 to $3 each. Even paying $3 each, still cheap for a 500ml drink.
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15th August 2013 6:57am
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MaryT says...
John the coconut flesh is also yummy after you drank the water . It is soft and creamy when the coconut is young.
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15th August 2013 7:31am
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amanda says...
The cheese making sounds interesting MaryT...might have to ask more about that down the track please...?
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Leschenault (150km south of Perth)
15th August 2013 1:00pm
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LizB says...
Hi Mary
I just came across this page and was wondering if you still had any excess kefir grains?
I've been using store bought kefir powder to make coconut milk and goat milk kefir for my leaky gut and I think it's helped a lot. But I'm really keen to try some real grains!
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Liz B
2nd October 2013 7:44pm
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MaryT says...
Hi LizB, sure I can send you some grains. Just email me at the address above and leave your address. Mine are milk grains so you would need to feed it with milk. You can ferment/sour coconut milk with it but the grains will eventually starve to death; it needs mammal milk, I believe.

I have been receiving requests for them constantly since I posted initially so it's lucky the stuff multiplies. :) Just had some kefir cheese with smoked salmon tonight. Yum
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2nd October 2013 8:47pm
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Leslie says...
Hi Mary
You really are doing a wonderful generous thing in donating all this kefir. I live in Sydney and was wondering if you had some spare grains that I could buy ?
Kind Regards
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Neutral bay
3rd October 2013 11:53pm
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MaryT says...
No, Leslie; I don't sell them but am happy to send you some. The kefir grains are meant to be shared. I received mine from a friend who brought it to my door. It's the least I can do to spread that goodwill around. I live within walking distance to many mail boxes in every direction and the post office so it's not trouble popping an envelope in the post. Oh I just realise you're in Neutral Bay! You can call around if you like.
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4th October 2013 7:00am
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fletchersmum says...
Hi Mary, just stumbled across this while Googling nectarines! o_0

I was wondering if you had an excess of kefir grains still if you'd consider posting to Melbourne please?

Thank you
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4th October 2013 2:01pm
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MaryT says...
Sure, fletchersmum, but I cannot guarantee that the grains won't deteriorate in the post to Melbourne. I guess it would be OK since it survived the trip to Portland.
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4th October 2013 2:41pm
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fletchersmum says...
Thanks for that Mary. I can send you some money for postage. How do I get your email address or pm you here?

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4th October 2013 4:21pm
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LizB says...
Thanks Mary :) Thanks for the tip also re mammal milk. I am really looking forward to trying proper kefir (and seeing what it does healthwise).
I've been off all other dairy for ages so making cheese and things will be great :)
Thanks again :)
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Liz B
14th October 2013 3:27pm
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MaryT says...
No worries, LizB; will put in post tomorrow. I have received your email with address.
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14th October 2013 6:32pm
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MaryT says...
I have had a lot of requests for milk grains; sent to eight people in the last ten days and have now depleted my supply to what I need for myself so won't have extras for a while. LizB and DianaK; your grains are going out this morning.
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15th October 2013 10:35am
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Jason says...
Mine are still going well :). For those interested I've noticed there are several people selling milk and water kefir grains on ebay for very little cost.
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15th October 2013 8:54pm
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Phil@Tyalgum says...
My 'grains' have disappeared but the culture is still forming as I just take a tblsp out of the current batch to make up a new one... am I missing anything?
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16th October 2013 8:16am
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MaryT says...
More information please, Phil. If your grains have shrunken so much I guess you are either keeping them in the fridge for too long or not feeding them properly? Or you have eaten the grains? The idea is to strain the grains off as the milk thickens then put fresh milk with the grains ad infinitum.

P.S. if you have eaten them I heard that they can survive in your gut and do their thing there, as long as you drink milk :)
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16th October 2013 8:45am
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Original Post was last edited: 16th October 2013 9:00am
Jantina says...
I have plenty of kefir grains if anyone wants them, mine are grown in milk.
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16th October 2013 9:19am
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Phil@Tyalgum says...
Perhaps I ate them unknowlingly.. am still enjoying what am creating, sour, creamy, can't get enough of it since Mary sent me the original culture. Might need to replace them next time we do a swap Jantina x
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16th October 2013 8:20pm
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MaryT says...
Phil it's probably worth while straining the yoghurt to see if there are any grains there - if so, isolate them and feed them with fresh milk. If they're there they will grow. Otherwise I can send you more in a week or so. They grow very fast in the heat. It's shocking in Sydney today; hot and windy and smoky from fires.
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17th October 2013 5:44pm
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peter3000 says...
Hi Jantina,
ill have some grains to try, let me
know if you need my address.
thanks in advance.
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17th October 2013 8:59pm
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Jantina says...
No probs Peter, still have your address. Will send them on Monday so they are not languishing in a PO somewhere.
Phil I'll send you some too.
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18th October 2013 8:25am
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Phil@Tyalgum says...
I think my problem is that we eat it when it has set like a junket, rather than drinking it..harder to find the grains like that as it doesn't strain easily. Will sift through my current batch and see if I can find anything. Interestingly it still performs well even tho I just transfer a tblsp of my culture into the fresh milk each time, maybe I"m just making yoghurt or curdled milk
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18th October 2013 10:44am
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MaryT says...
Phil as long as it works for you; I'm sure there is no right or wrong way but maybe you are 'missing something' without the grains. Maybe not.

Doing it your way would eliminate the bother of having too much of the stuff; it grows like the triffids. The advantage of having the bulk is that it would set any amount of milk super fast. It's handy for me sometimes because some of my friends like the yoghurt but don't want the bother of making it. They love it when I bring them a small bucket of the stuff when I visit.

What I find is that after straining the thickened milk (before it 'sets') and letting the milk sit for a day or two it will continue to thicken and set. This could be because I don't use a fine sieve (see pic) so small bits of the grain escape to do their thing. :)
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Picture: 1
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18th October 2013 11:17am
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Phil@Tyalgum says...
Thanks Mary, yes my grains must now all be internal in nature! I don't have anything which looks like what you have in your sieve, it doesn't seem to clump together like that. I did buy a plastic sieve like that from Woolies but nothing rubbery in nature has appeared in it.
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18th October 2013 11:52am
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MaryT says...
They don't really clump together; here's a better picture. That's what they looked like when I sent them to you. Yes, you probably ate them lol.
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Picture: 1
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18th October 2013 12:42pm
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Anonymous says...
Hi MaryT do you change your milk every 24hrs or do you keep it going for longer by putting it into the fridge.
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18th October 2013 3:16pm
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MaryT says...
I normally keep them on the kitchen bench but when I end up with too much I slow it down by putting it in the fridge for a break. I change it twice a day because usually it's thick by then but I don't drink it immediately after I strained the grains off. I find it more palatable if I keep the milk in the fridge for a day or two; it also gets thicker as it sits especially as I like to let it go back to room temperature before I use it.

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18th October 2013 4:38pm
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Anonymous says...
We change ours every 24hrs, we just seem to go through so much milk.
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18th October 2013 8:22pm
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Nathalie says...
Dear Jantina, read your post of 16th Oct -- I would like some, please! If you live not that far from Turramurra -- I can pick-up!
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18th October 2013 8:47pm
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Original Post was last edited: 18th October 2013 8:50pm
MaryT says...
Anonymous that's why I give them away - to keep the volume down. :)
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18th October 2013 9:40pm
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Jason says...
I only use it to reculture my gut imho it works just as good as the most fancy probiotic mixtures without the dodgy soil based organisms some lesser scientific probiotic mixes have. The bulk of cultured milk I'm drinking is normal yogurt without the common s thermophilus (dodgy) that they use in a lot of commerrcial yoghurts. I let the yoghurt go for 24hours. The Kefir takes about 24 hours to go firm at room temp here even with a cup full of grains.

I've been doing the 24 hours on the kefir then adding blueberry jam to the strained milk afterwards and leave that in the fridge for another day. That gives me some kind of zingy bubbly stuff that tastes OK.
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19th October 2013 3:20am
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Original Post was last edited: 19th October 2013 3:24am
MaryT says...
Jason I am so glad to hear that you find the grains work well as a probiotic. I find it is helpful to me too, particularly in getting a restful sleep.

I drink mine neat and put it on cereal. I use it in cooking. I think I might need to start eating them like Phil to reduce the bulk. :)
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19th October 2013 6:48am
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Jantina says...
Nathalie please send me your address and they are yours !
jantinarohde at activ8 dot net dot au

don't think Turramurra is anywhere near Mt Gambier SA
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19th October 2013 9:33am
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Jantina says...
Nathalie I went to send you an email to say that the grains are in the post and somehow sent your email into cyberspace instead (I'm good at that sort of thing). Anyway when they arrive just wash them in good quality water then put them in a container and add milk. All done!

Phil and Peter yours have gone too :)
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23rd October 2013 2:04pm
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peter3000 says...
mine arrived today, thanks again.
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25th October 2013 9:29pm
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Nathalie says...
Dear Jantina -- the grains arrived safely. Thanks a lot again!
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28th October 2013 3:51pm
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apd358 says...
Help needed
where can I get some water kefir grains from?
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28th October 2013 4:36pm
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Jantina says...
I could be totally wrong but I think you just use the regular kefir grains but just put them in water instead of milk.
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28th October 2013 5:54pm
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apd358 says...
I don't have any kefir grains at all so I wanted to try either milk or water ones.. do you know where I can buy them from?
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28th October 2013 5:58pm
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Julie says...
Jantina, I spent a lot of time reading about kefir, and there are definitely two types of grains. They are not really interchangeable.

apd, my health food shop has milk kefir grains, but not water kefir. Try your local store.
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Roleystone WA
28th October 2013 9:06pm
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Jantina says...
Thanks for that info Julie, always something else to learn. Do you remember where you read it as I would like to mbe better informed.

apd358 my email is posted on the 19th of Oct in this thread. Send me your address and I'll send you some milk kefir grains,
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28th October 2013 11:16pm
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Jason says...
In theory everyone's kefir grains will be composed of different bacteria and fungi over time just like sour dough or cheese but the diffences between milk ones and water is pretty big. They might slowly adapt from one food source to the other given enough time. If you get lucky.

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29th October 2013 1:26am
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Jantina says...
Jason call me dumb but how would you get water grains in the first place?
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29th October 2013 8:18am
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apd358 says...
thank you so much Jantina, is there any type of milk that I have to mix it with? We use A2 milk but want to move onto goats in the future
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29th October 2013 1:15pm
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Phil@Tyalgum says...
Jantina, my grains arrived as well today, a bit slower with the post here as you can appreciate, but the grains were still discernable in the ziplock bag. Thanks so much.
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29th October 2013 5:03pm
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Jantina says...
Most welcome Phil :)

apd358, I milk Jersey house cows so that's what I use. I imagine goats milk would be suitable too but I may stand corrected again.
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29th October 2013 10:43pm
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MaryT says...
Jantina, thank you for diverting some of the kefir traffic away from me as I am still trying to clear a backlog of 'orders'. They keep coming! I like to think that those who persevere with the care of their grains will enjoy better health.

apd358 I agree with Jantina that goats milk would be fine; any mammal milk will do. Not UHT milk though.
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30th October 2013 7:16am
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VF says...
Jantina, I've used the grains you sent me in Goat's milk - works fine. :)
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30th October 2013 9:53am
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Jantina says...

MaryT one of the bits I like best about this forum is the sharing of which I have been a lucky recipient several times.
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30th October 2013 9:54am
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Jantina says...
Thanks VF.
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30th October 2013 9:55am
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apd358 says...
thank you so much everyone and especially Jantina looking forward to using them
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30th October 2013 10:15am
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Viren says...
18 Iluka place,Hebersham 2770 nsw
Could you send me some kefir grains please.
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Hebersham 2770
30th October 2013 2:32pm
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Jantina says...
Ana and Arthur your grains have left the building, Viren yours will go tomorrow.
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31st October 2013 10:58pm
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MaryT says...
I agree with you Jantina. Other forum members have been good to me, too. This is a good way of spreading that good will. :)
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1st November 2013 6:03am
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Phil@Tyalgum says...
Interestingly I have a culture from Mary T which the whole household fights over in the morning , but it is more like a junket and is very creamy in texture. I think as we discussed I actually ate the grains at some stage but I still transfer a tbsp from it each time I make up a new batch. Jantina's grains have worked instantly despite being in the postal system for a week, and I now remember the zingy flavour which is generally described - will treat this more like a beverage. I wonder what would happen if I combined the two?
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1st November 2013 9:57am
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Original Post was last edited: 1st November 2013 9:58am
Jason says...
Jantina heaps of people on eBay have fresh water grains. Some international culture shops sell them dried also which will come out of dormancy after you fed them up.
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1st November 2013 3:34pm
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Jantina says...
That's interesting Phil, Jason did point out that each persons kefir would be a little different according to the bugs predominant in different environments. I think I would mix a bit together to see what you get just for fun.

Jason, I didn't word my question very well.What I meant was how would you create water grains in the first place?
Just leaving water stand wouldn't do it would it, after all our water sits in tanks for months on end and doesn't do anything that I can see.Milk on the other hand goes sour.
And what do these water grains look like? my milk grains are white like little cauliflowers, are water ones clear ? sorry I'm a very curious person always wondering about things.
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1st November 2013 4:17pm
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Jantina says...
MaryT perhaps we should swap a few grains just to see what the other has.

I just remembered that sometimes I add a little bit of Xylitol (a type of low GI sugar)and a dash of vanilla and drink my kefir like that, it tastes a lot like Advocate (of which I'm rather fond).Anyway I gave a glassful to a visitor who thought I could make money with it, ha ha.
And also my sister's kefir which came originally from me now tastes different to mine and hers is much thicker. So Phil perhaps the grains I sent you will end up the same as the ones from MaryT in your environment.Very interesting!
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1st November 2013 4:25pm
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Jason says...
Jantina I don't think anyone can even agree how milk grains first got going. Someone managed to recreate them by using a sheep intestine in milk?. All they are is a cluster of fungi and bacteria growing happily together and off each other. But getting the species involved just right seems difficult without stealing it straight from nature :). The milk ones have different species and more of them than the water ones.

The health benefits seem to be from overcrowding of non human friendly bacteria and fungi that we build up over time by eating lots of grains. I read a fair bit about it because I'm trying to modulate my broken immune system with bacteria and food. Kefir seems to be a good thing so far, its hard to get any life out of pro biotics in the shops and most commercial yogurts have bacteria that causes inflamation (s. thermophilus) so I've been making my own without that one in it.
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1st November 2013 5:52pm
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Jason says...
Also xylitol is an anti fungal so it could affect the culture.

The culture I got from Mary tastes sour, doesn't go very firm (less than yogurt)! And smells somehow like wool or wet something. Definitely fungal activities going on.
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1st November 2013 5:55pm
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Original Post was last edited: 1st November 2013 5:58pm
MaryT says...
Jantina I would be happy to send you some of mine. Please let me have your address.

Jason maybe it's sheep that you can smell? :) If it came out of sheep's gut then it must have their DNA.

It's all quite fascinating.
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1st November 2013 7:12pm
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apd358 says...
Thanks so much Jantina, looking forward to receiving them and then making it : )
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1st November 2013 11:50pm
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apd358 says...
Thanks Jantina, I got the grains today.. have washed them and put them in a jar with milk. Do they normally smell funny?
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5th November 2013 4:24pm
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Jantina says...
MaryT could you email me your address please, my email address was posted on 19/10 and I will email you back my home address and send you some of my grains to experiment with:)

apd358 depends on what you call funny, the smell changes a bit according to how long the batch has been brewing. Just went and smelled mine and it smells a bit of alcohol and milk and is a bit spritzy.
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5th November 2013 5:06pm
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MaryT says...
Jantina I have just sent you my address.

apd358 some days my kefir milk smells more sour than others.

Must admit mine never 'sets' as thick as some commercial yoghurt; it's more like thick whipped cream. It's not heavy and dense, but thick. Hard to describe. I strain it twice a day, morning and night then leave it in the fridge for at least a day but as long as a week or more. Occasionally I make cheese and the cheese is like whipped ricotta? Again hard to describe.
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5th November 2013 6:04pm
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apd358 says...
Yes thats the smell, sour. I washed them a few times and then put them in the jar with the milk. Does it have to be covered up with a cloth?
Thanks Mary and Jantina for your advice
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5th November 2013 8:31pm
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Phil@Tyalgum says...
I now have three cultures on the go.. Mary T's original which sets like a junket, nice as a dessert or for breakfast. Jantina's grains which do the zingy effervescent thing which is what I strain and drink. Plus a combination of both which I have just started - I have high hopes for the health benefits of this new combination
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5th November 2013 8:55pm
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apd358 says...
Wow phil that sounds very interesting! So with the zingy effervescent one do you use milk, coconut milk or water?
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5th November 2013 11:19pm
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Phil@Tyalgum says...
I'm fortunate to have a dairy around the corner so I use raw, unpasteurized milk. There is a little too much cream in it but it still cultures well. Most milk has a certain amount of antibiotics in it which is unavoidable unless you source an organic product. I wonder if it suppresses any of the natural bacteria in the kefir.
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6th November 2013 8:15am
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apd358 says...
Lucky you Phil.. I do intend to eventually go towards goats milk once I get the hang of how to make kefir properly : )
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6th November 2013 4:09pm
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Apple says...
Hi, Mary

Bumped into your website whilst researching on kefir, just wondering if you have any spare milk kefir to share.

Please let me know.

Thank you,
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10th November 2013 10:42pm
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MaryT says...
Hi Gabby, I am sending three lots out today/tomorrow and may/may not have enough to send you any after that. However if you send me an address by email I will put you on the list and send you some at the next mailing.
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11th November 2013 7:50am
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MaryT says...
Gabby I actually had four lots to send so won't have any for you for a couple of weeks. Lynn, James, Zoe and Jantina - yours are in the mail.
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11th November 2013 10:51am
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MaryT says...
Jantina your grains arrived - it does look different to mine; yours actually look like grains; mine never did. Also there are bright yellow bits of cream (?) that looks like butter - your jersey cows must have rich milk.

I have rinsed them in some milk (I don't have 'good quality water', just Sydney Tap), drained them off and put them in milk. Can't wait to see if I get a different result to mine.
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11th November 2013 11:38am
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Jantina says...
Yes MaryT the yellow bits are cream, as the grains stand in their milk for 24 hours the cream rises, there's usually about half an inch of cream on about 2 inches of milk. If you checked out the size of my hips you could see that I'm in good paddock !!! LOL I run my little dairy on the bribery system (lucerne hay) and the cows reward me well for it. I was unable to get any lucerne at one stage in the dry and had to give them ordinary hay. They were not happy!
A friend said said "No wonder, they have been getting Tim Tams and now your giving them Rice Crackers!"

So yours never looked like grains you say, well it will be interesting to see what they do at your place over the next few weeks.
I have spare grains if you want me to send them to Gabby.

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11th November 2013 6:02pm
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MaryT says...
Thanks Jantina; I never heard from Gabby again. Some people ask on the forum but never contact me by email and others asked by email and not on the forum. Some ask for grains but never supply an address so...

Wow you feed your cows with lucerne; no wonder. I use supermarket organic milk. :)

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11th November 2013 7:14pm
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Rene&#039; says...
Milk and water kefir sold at ALive Organics Morley
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13th November 2013 12:51am
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Rene&#039; says...
Milk and water kefir sold at ALive Organics Morley
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13th November 2013 12:51am
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MaryT says...
Had a bit of an accident with the milk kefir. Jantina's grains seem to have fattened but the milk only thickened very slightly. Yesterday I stirred both mine and Jantina's with the same spoon without thinking and this morning both batches are very thin whereas usually mine would be quite thick. It's warmer today so hopefully they'll wake up and do their thing.
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13th November 2013 7:11am
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Jantina says...
Oh dear, my grains must be standover bullies MaryT. If they don't revert to your normal kefir perhaps someone you sent yours to will return some to you.
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13th November 2013 8:19am
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MaryT says...
I'm not worried; Jantina. They'll sort it out in the end. I still have tons of yoghurt in the fridge and I know there are grains in them. :) And my friend who gave me the original grains can give me more if I need them.
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13th November 2013 10:29am
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MaryT says...
Jantina my grains have fought back and is making creamy yoghurt once more - put some on my spicy pumpkin soup tonight - yum.
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13th November 2013 7:24pm
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Phil@Tyalgum says...
I also have a hybrid of Mary T's and Jantina's... it is thick and creamy and the grains are also multiplying, Jantina's in a seperate container make a nice thin sour drink with grains whereas Mary T's original batch are a lovely junket-like dessert or breakfast treat but smooth. Thanks to you both, just hoping Richard doesn't put the jars through the wash..
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13th November 2013 7:38pm
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Original Post was last edited: 13th November 2013 8:06pm
MaryT says...
Thanks for the feedback, Phil. I often wonder how mine are doing in other people's homes.

Jantina yours is less sharp than mine, which is a nice change. Mine came from a Greek girl who claims they came from a goat herd in Greece (just kidding, I think)
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14th November 2013 5:17am
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Jantina says...
Sounds good MaryT, I'm really looking forward to trying yours. There is no end to the interesting things in this world.
As to the Greek goat herd, I suppose they could have come in many years ago when AQIS did not exist,and the old folks kept it going( just like they let me in wearing my little wooden farm clogs)!

Phil I'm delighted to have been able to give you something you enjoy(and which is good for you).
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Mt Gambier
14th November 2013 8:26am
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Jantina says...
Your kefir has landed MaryT. Now awaiting the results. Thank you very much.
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Mt Gambier
15th November 2013 9:18am
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MaryT says...
Oh good, Jantina. Thanks for yours! It's doing nicely but behaves quite differently to mine. Yours froths up; mine just laze around turning creamy.

I'm sure the clogs would be allowed in even today. A few months back I came home with a ton of organic matter - spear, bows and arrows, sword, axe, masks, bowls, shells, bone, hollow logs, you name it from PNG and they just waved me through after looking at my 'weapons'. :) Though your clogs might be more deadly. haha
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15th November 2013 9:58am
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Jantina says...
Hi MaryT, interestingly your grains which I washed and put in fresh milk on arrival have not thickened up. It has stayed thin like my original lot, I was careful not to cross contaminate. Will give them the taste test this morning. How long do yours take to thicken.
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Mt Gambier
18th November 2013 7:58am
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MaryT says...
Jantina, It may take a few days to recover from the trip. Just strain the milk off (you can taste that) and start again with fresh milk. Giving it a stir now and then gets it going faster.

How long it takes to thicken depends on the ratio of grains to milk. The greater it is the faster it turns so if you want to hurry it up use half the amount of milk to start. I find that when my stock is down it takes longer to thicken. When they build up it takes a matter of hours and when there's a lot and they are fat and hungry it is almost instant. It is quite scary.

Room temperature is also a factor. It's been quite cool here and my grains have slowed down, especially now that I only have a small amount after a recent exodus.
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18th November 2013 8:57am
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Joel86 says...
Hi Mary,

Are you still sending out milk kefir grains? I would love to use some for making dairy and coconut kefir? Can I send you an email with my address details?

Thanks so much! :)
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18th November 2013 4:09pm
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apd358 says...
Hi ladies
When I make my milk kefir, the grains gets thick to the top and there is like watery stuff at the bottom, like its separated, is that normal?
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19th November 2013 12:56pm
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MaryT says...
Sorry for the late reply; I was locked out of the forum for whatever reason: Joel86 you can email me with your address and I will put you on the list but it might be a while before I send out the next batch.

apd358 - yes, Jantina's grains behave that way here as well and I believe it's normal - right, Jantina?
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20th November 2013 12:35pm
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Viren says...
Hi Jantina,
I received kefir from you , about a fortnight ago.Thanks very much.
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20th November 2013 9:07pm
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apd358 says...
Thanks Mary, thought it was just me as it didn't do that in the beginning.. they are growing nicely
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20th November 2013 11:46pm
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LauraA says...
Hi MaryT,
I am on the search for some milk kefir grains, would you have any to share when your supply builds up? I could always pick them up as I am in Sydney too.
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24th November 2013 4:49pm
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MaryT says...
Hi LauraA , if you send me an address I will put you on the list. It might be a week or so before I can get to you though. Thanks for offering to pick up but it would be easier for me to package them and send in batches rather than wait around for people to call in one at a time.
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24th November 2013 4:57pm
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EMJ says...
Hi Mary, could you please send me some kefir grains when you next have excess? My family had some years ago and they were fantastic. We made yummy yoghurt drinks and yummy cheese - we even made mozarella! PS I loved reading about the differences between yours and Jantina's grains.... Fascinating! Thank you, Elinor
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Curtin ACT
25th November 2013 11:24am
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MaryT says...
Sure, Elinor. I just sent out a batch today so won't be doing another batch for at least a week, depending on temperatures.

If you email me your address I will put you on the list.
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25th November 2013 1:04pm
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EMJ says...
Wow thank you!!! You are a legend :-) I just sent you an email - pls let me know if you don't get it.....
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Curtin ACT
26th November 2013 7:26am
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LauraA says...
Of course, thank you I can't wait to start!
And to report back of course :)

Thanks again, laura

I'm not too sure where to find your email address to email you - can anyone advise me..
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26th November 2013 7:51am
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Beckylove says...
Hi guys. I'm in Sydney and would love to try and get some milk kefir grains. Anyone have surplus at the moment? Thanks! Becky
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26th November 2013 9:08am
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Annief1 says...
hi, just like to drop in and say hi and a big Thank you to Mary as she sent me some milk kefir grains previously and they are doing great. They have been thick and yummy. I do a secondary fermentation after straining them out.Does anybody else do that?

Other than the milk kefir grains, I've also got some water kefir grains and I have plenty excess grains at the moment. They nearly double after each fermentation. So if anyone wants some water kefir kefir grains let know so I can send them to you. My daughter loves them as they taste like soft drinks and pop like champagne every time we open the bottle.

As for the milk kefir grains, I won't have any excess grains for a while as I have so many friends and relatives wanting some so I will post when I have excess milk kefir grains to share.

Just out of interest, as I've had so many excess water kefir grains, i used them on my plants and they seems to be very happy. But not sure if it's good or bad in the long term.

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29th November 2013 2:15pm
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peter3000 says...
Hi Annie
ive got some milk grains from Jantina
and would like to try water grains
as well my email is growfigtreesat
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29th November 2013 5:58pm
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MaryT says...
Hi Annie, thanks for the feedback. Yes, I always do a secondary fermentation after straining. :)
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29th November 2013 10:25pm
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Annief1 says...
Hi Peter,
I sent you an e-mail yesterday. Please reply with your postal address. I was having issues replying on this forum with my Ipad hence the delay.
If I get your address before Monday, I will post it to you on Monday.

I just need to try doing cheese and use the whey to make fermented vegetables..lots of fun stuff to do.

Thanks again.
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30th November 2013 10:08am
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MaryT says...
Have fun, Annie - the cheese is truly delicious and so easy to 'make'; in fact it's no effort at all. Whenever I have too much yoghurt I just dump it on a cheese cloth over a large strainer and voila! Cheese! I have to try not to eat too much of it :) Even talking about it makes me want to go to the fridge for some :) It keeps for ages too. Ummm I think I have some smoked trout and I've just picked some fresh dill...
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30th November 2013 10:35am
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Diana81 says...
Hi Annie,
I would absolutely love to get my hands on some water kefir. Hopefully you still have some more grains to spare.
My email add is dianakara@hotmail.com
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1st December 2013 3:42pm
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Annief1 says...
TT, Diana81,

I have both sent you e-mails. Please reply with your postal address.

I also have some limited milk kefir grains available as well. Anyone who wants some can also contact me.

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2nd December 2013 10:50am
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Viren says...
Hi AnnieF1,
Iam interested in water kefir.Send me some ,please.email is virenprasad7@gmail.com
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2nd December 2013 12:50pm
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Original Post was last edited: 2nd December 2013 12:50pm
Annief1 says...
Viren, Theresa and Peter,

Grains had been posted today. Depending on your location, you should receive it soon.

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2nd December 2013 2:37pm
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MaryT says...
Another batch went out today: Elinor, Laura, Joel and Virendra. I won't be able to take any more requests for milk kefir until next year. :) Thanks Annie for taking some of the traffic.
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2nd December 2013 2:44pm
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apd358 says...
Hey guys
I also have water kefir if anyone is interested.

I bought some online and it has been growing. I have been using organic sugar, figs and filtered water and it grows nicely
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2nd December 2013 4:10pm
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Annief1 says...

I have posted the water and milk kefirs to you today. You should receive shortly.

If anyone doesn't receive the kefirs let me know. I may have put a bit too much inside but I checked I'm within the standard postage limits.

Mary, happy to share with others when you were also very kind to share with me. Enjoy your holidays.

My e-mail is anniefoo AT HOTMAILdotCom if anyone else require them. just put the heading as kefir so i won't dismiss as junk mail.
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3rd December 2013 2:25pm
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Diana81 says...
Thankyou Annie for kindly giving me some grains. I have just received your parcel in the mail and am about to start fermenting.

Can I ask what type of sugar you've been using in your 1st fermentation to make your water kefir? Do you add any dried fruit to that too? The reason I ask is because your grains look very healthy and plump.

Thanks very much

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4th December 2013 2:55pm
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Annief1 says...

Thanks for letting me know the receipt of the grains. I was concerned that you wouldn't receive them as I put a bit too much grains in the envelope and was afraid it would get rejected.

As for the sugar, I use organic sugar called Organic Mountain Panela sugar from Harris Farm about $4.50 for 500g. Basically any type of evaporated sugar that has all the minerals in it. It should be brown coloured.

I usually use the ratio of 4 tablespoons of sugar to 4 tablespoons of grains to about 2 liters of filtered water. I use tap water kept overnight to let the chlorine evaporate.
I also cut 2 slices of organic lemon and also 8 or 10 pieces of raisons or any dried fruit you want (if you use figs maybe you just need one).
I hope the above helps. Others may have better ideas.
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4th December 2013 3:05pm
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peter3000 says...
Hi Annie,
just recieved mine also.
thank you very much.
yes very heavy envelope and it only
hade a single 5c stamp on it.
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4th December 2013 4:28pm
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Annie says...
There was another 55 cents stamp that probably fell off. I'm glad you got it though.
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4th December 2013 4:48pm
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apd358 says...
Oh my email is apd358atyahoodotcomdotau for those interested in water kefir
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5th December 2013 9:42am
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Original Post was last edited: 5th December 2013 9:42am
Liz B says...
Phil - I got some grains from Mary a few months ago (thank you!!) and I think i've done the same thing.
I thought i was straining them out but really i was just taking about half a cup from the top of a just-finished batch to use in the next one. My kefir is reallly thick now (and delicious since i've started using raw cow milk). I probably have eaten the grains but it still seems to be doing its thing ....
I wonder if this affects the quality/efficacy of the probiotics etc? Somewhere I read that unstrained kefir jsut gets superstrong lol.
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Liz B
5th December 2013 2:45pm
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PhilTyalgum1 says...
Yes I am keeping Mary T's strain of kefir as I really enjoy the flavour and consistency of the batches I make with it.. Jantina's grains are multiplying as well, so I jiggle around with whatever I have in stock. Usually have about four jars on the go at any one time, but am pleased to have kept the two different strains going.
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5th December 2013 4:47pm
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LisaSnow says...
Am so excited to find this forum. Would love some kefir grains, have been looking everywhere to buy them but everybody is out of stock.
Would also be interested in the water ones but don't know so much about them.
My email address is lisasnow44@me dot com if anybody has some. Would be happy to pay for them.
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5th December 2013 11:16pm
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EMJ says...
Hi Mary, thank you for sending the kefir, they arrived late last night and are now tucked up at home with some milk..... Wooot thank you! Let me know if I can ever help you out with anything :-) cheers Elinor
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Curtin ACT
6th December 2013 12:24pm
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MaryT says...
That's good, Elinor. Thanks for letting me know. Enjoy!

LisaSnow if you have no luck elsewhere I will have more next year. Send me an email then.
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6th December 2013 1:39pm
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Annie says...

I have water and milk kefir grains available.
Please send me an e-mail with your postal address. My e-mail address is:
anniefoo AT HoTmail dot com

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6th December 2013 2:02pm
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LisaSnow says...
Thanks Annie. I've emailed you, that's so exciting, having been looking for ages.
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6th December 2013 2:40pm
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MaryT says...
Kefir grains (milk and water varieties) are available on gumtree.com.au from different sellers from $6 to $10 per tablespoon. This is not an advertisement - I don't know these sellers but if there are people who wants to buy the grains instead of waiting for my free grains, they're out there. I am only giving away my excess grains; I won't be producing commercial quantities so when the demand exceeds supply, requests are placed in a queue. :)
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6th December 2013 7:22pm
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LauraA says...
I received my grains, thankyou so much MaryT!
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7th December 2013 8:51am
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MaryT says...
That's good, Laura - enjoy!
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7th December 2013 9:09am
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MaryT says...
Jason I really like your jam idea - I tried it with my sour plum jam and the result is fabulous.

Jantina I suspect your grains were originally water kefir grains from the way they produce bubbles. Mine never bubbled. I've given up trying to segregate them; I'm not disciplined enough :) So now I think there's a bit of each in the other, just different proportions.
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8th December 2013 11:31am
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Jantina says...
Hi MaryT, apologies for my disapearance from the forum, we have been away and over run with visitors. I got confused with which was which in all the hooha and also gave up trying to keep them separate and now have hybrid grains and am quite happy with the result. Someone offered me water grains to try so now awaiting their arrival.
Interesting if mine were originally water grains. Might put some of my milk ones in water and see what happens.

Phil , if you can keep 4 jars going at once and not get confused I'm very impressed with your organizational abilities :)
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Mt Gambier
9th December 2013 12:05pm
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MaryT says...
Hi Jantina, it's good to know that our two strains of kefir are joining forces and living in harmony - though I wouldn't know it if there's a war raging in those containers :) I'm going away myself so will wait till the new year before getting more of the original grains from my Greek shepherd descendant friend :) Phil I can send you some of that then so you can have an extra jar to care for lol
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9th December 2013 12:38pm
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phil@tyalgum says...
Soon my house will start looking like a scene from "The Blob"...
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9th December 2013 12:42pm
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Annie says...

I have posted you milk and water kefir grains today. You should get it soon.

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9th December 2013 8:27pm
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MaryT says...
My figs are ripening though they're under a jacaranda tree. Kefir cheese with fig is good but amazing when topped with bacon and grilled. I will miss my figs more than anything while I'm away.

Have a happy holiday everyone.
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10th December 2013 7:36am
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Jantina says...
Hope you have a wonderful holiday MaryT.

I could send you some Kombucha tea starter,and Kimchi starter Phil, that would round out the cast :) and maybe add sourdough starter.
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Mt Gambier
10th December 2013 9:29am
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Annie says...

I didn't know you needed a starter for making Kimchi. I'm going to try my hand at it this weekend. I saw some diy videos but I didn't see any mention of starters.

Do you mind giving me some info on it. I only saw them use salt.

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10th December 2013 10:46am
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Jantina says...
Hi Annie, I don't think a starter is mandatory for kimchi and I haven't actually got around to making some myself but I have a friend who makes it and my understanding is that a teaspoon of fermented kimchi guarantees success.
I do have kombucha tea but my comment to Phil was mainly meant as a joke in response to his kitchen looking like a scene from "The Blob", didn't mean to intimidate you about your kimchi attempts.
Good luck with it.
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Mt Gambier
10th December 2013 4:24pm
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LisaSnow says...
Thanks so much Annie, my Kefir and Soda grains arrived today. I put the kefir grains straight in milk as it's such a hot day. Do you think it'll be OK to consume as it's so hot. It's a bit smelly (perhaps that's how it should be?).

Can you please help with the proportions of rapadura and water for the soda grains? It looks like about 1 tablespoon of the grains. I think it's about 1 cup of rapadura but that seems like a lot. Do I add about 2 litres of water and I think I need to heat it up a bit so the sugar melt. I presume I then let it cool so the grains stay alive.

Thanks for you help and thanks so much for the grains. I'll take care of them and keep in touch with how they are helping.
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10th December 2013 8:27pm
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TT says...
You don't need Kimchi starter nor require a teaspoon of fermented Kimchi. Never heard about that.
Have seen and read that one of ingredient to add are salted shrimps and/or salted anchovy juice. You can easily get them at Korean grocery stores.
Preparing Baechu(cabbage) is one of important process of making kimchi.
Have fun making them.
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10th December 2013 9:35pm
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Original Post was last edited: 10th December 2013 9:34pm
Annie says...

Thanks for the info. I have never made kimchi before. Only watching YouTube videos on some peoples blogs. I just hope I don't get myself into hospital!!!!!

I use the following proportions for water kefir. Others may have a different method.
I use 4 tbs of water kefir for 2 litres of water with 4 tbs of organic rapadura sugar. I also add approx 10 dried raisins / currants and a slice of organic lemon. I use about half to 1 cup of hot water to dissolve the sugar and let it cool to room temperature. Then I add everything together.
As for the milk kefir, I presume the smell is a sour smell. Just rinse and it should be okay. It might take a few days to get accustomed to the new environment.

I watched someone putting fresh oysters in it. But I'm not game enough. I might try one with and without shrimps. Thank you.

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11th December 2013 12:30am
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TT says...
You can either add or omit oysters. It's a personal taste/choice. There are so many ways of making Kimchi and not one household makes this healthy dish the same. ^^
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11th December 2013 9:09am
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Mousie says...
Just wondering if someone can answer this for me?
I have never tried kefir but was given some grains about 10-12 days ago in a zip lock bag. I put them in the fridge where they got pushed to the back and I forgot about them. Are they still okay to use or not?
Thank you in advance
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Gold Coast
11th December 2013 11:00am
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kim14 says...
Hi Mousie

You can try brewing a few batches and see how you go. They are supposed to be very hardy so I think you will be okay. It might take one or two batches before they bounce back so don't drink the first few batches if they smell funky.

Annie, I made kimchi following below recipe - turned out delicious! Better than at the restaurant. I omitted the oyster but next time will try putting some in.

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11th December 2013 11:44am
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LisaSnow says...
Thanks Annie. When you say rinse the grains do you mean under the tap or with a little milk?
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11th December 2013 9:46pm
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Annie says...
Kim, what a coincidence I was reading the same website. Just a bit iffy about the raw oysters. I'm afraid of ending up in hospital......

LisaSnow, I rinsed mine in filtered water.

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12th December 2013 5:42pm
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LisaSnow says...
Not sure I left the soda kefir long enough. It still tastes a bit sweet and doesn't have any bubbles. Is a couple of days about the right amount of time?
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15th December 2013 1:26pm
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Annie says...

To get fizzy soda type drink you need to strain the grains out and do second fermentation in a flip top bottle.
Once strained, you have to bottle it in a flip top bottle such as those beer bottle types. Most people flavour it buy adding fruit juice. I like to add apple and blackcurrant juice (similar to ribena juice). Ferment it the counter for another day and pop it into the fridge. Then you will have fizzy soda type water kefir.

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16th December 2013 12:37pm
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Kim says...
Dear Annie, I would love to get hold of some water & milk kefir grains if you have any of either to spare? So far I have only been able to get the powder. What a great forum!
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Dee Why Beach
16th December 2013 12:46pm
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Annie says...
Please e-mail me at anniefooAT HotmailDotcom with your address.
I have plenty of water kefir grains. I need another day or so to have enough milk kefir grains to share.
If you are willing to wait a few days I can get them out together for you.
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17th December 2013 10:09am
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LisaSnow says...
Thanks again Annie for the sharing of your knowledge. Am about to start second fermenting everything now. Am loving all the experimenting.
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17th December 2013 2:53pm
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phil@tyalgum says...
My kefir just gets better and better.. the hybrid between Mary T's and Jantina's was my best yet this morning. I use raw milk from the local dairy, the cream on my kefir was about an inch thick today, chilled and full of kefir grains. A dairy lovers' dream.
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21st December 2013 6:52pm
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Jantina says...
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Mt Gambier
22nd December 2013 8:22am
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inez says...
Merry Xmas everyone. Would anyone have any spare milk and water kefir grains to spare? Sorry to ask around this busy season but I'm really keen to try as I have been battling with leaky gut and allergies (myself and one of my children)- hoping this might help.
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Picture: 1
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22nd December 2013 10:41am
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Annie says...
I got your e-mail with your address. I have been busy these few days so I only got your message. I have both available and can send you some on Monday.
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22nd December 2013 7:26pm
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Annie says...
I've sent both milk and water kefir to you today. However due to the hot weather, I don't know how it will hold.
It should be okay, you will just need to give it a good rinse before using.
Hopefully you should get it tomorrow.
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23rd December 2013 5:36pm
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inez says...
Dear Annie,
Thank you so much. They arrived today. However, something has leaked as the envelope was wet through. I hope they're ok. I will rinse them and have a go. Merry Xmas! This is much appreciated.:)
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24th December 2013 2:27pm
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LMB says...
Happy New Year everyone :)

I enjoyed reading the comments on this site.

I am hoping that I may be able to receive some milk kefir if anyone has some to spare. I believe it will help me greatly as I have gut and immune system issues resulting from long term antibiotic and cortisone treatment.

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12th January 2014 1:51pm
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lyn says...
Hi Annie
Do you have spare kefir grains?. I'd really love to try this!
Thanks for all the info
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13th January 2014 2:29pm
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Annie says...
Hi LMB and Lyn,

I do have milk kefir grains available. If you send me an e-mail with your address I can send the grains to you. See my earlier post (a few post above) for my e-mail address.

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13th January 2014 3:06pm
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lyn says...
Thank you so much Annie !
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13th January 2014 5:04pm
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LMB says...
That is very generous of you Annie :)

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13th January 2014 7:02pm
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Annie says...
Lyn and Louisa,

I have posted the milk kefir grains to you this afternoon. As you are both in Sydney, it should arrive tomorrow.

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14th January 2014 8:14pm
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MaryT says...
Good on you, Annie. I continue to get requests by email.

A couple of days ago one of the recipients told me that she had not heard of the Daleys' forum: she had obtained my details through Gumtree. I have no idea how that happened.

I guess it's only a matter of time that word would get around about freebies but to slow the traffic and to encourage people to read about the kefir first I have decided not to accept requests without first getting contacted via this forum.
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15th January 2014 6:46am
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Annie says...
Happy New Year Mary. How was your holiday break?

That's very weird about your details on Gumtree. I just checked and didn't see any postings with your details. I hope your e-mail address didn't get spammed.

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15th January 2014 10:19am
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MaryT says...
Happy New Year, Annie. I don't see it on Gumtree either; perhaps they have a forum or members just tell each other about such things. I don't know. I asked for a link but the lady did not reply.
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15th January 2014 11:34am
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LMB says...
Hi Annie,

The Kefir grains have arrived.

I have followed your instructions and will see how things progress over the next 24 hours.

Fingers crossed !!!

Thanks again for your offer and your effort.

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15th January 2014 3:31pm
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Michelle says...
Hi Mary

Happy new year!

I am wondering if you have any kefir grains available??

I never tried them but I've heard so many great testimonials that I'm very eager! And I've loved reading the dialogue and interchange here with various suggestions!!

I looked through all the posts and could find your email up the top..

I'm in sudney and happy to collect if more convenient - if/whenever you may have available...

Much thanks


Ps: loved the thread about kimchi and kumbucha too! They, and cultured fermented vegetables "on my list" for later!
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Watsons bay
19th January 2014 12:59am
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Michelle says...
Iphone typo 8-/

... I'm in SYdney!
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Watsons bay
19th January 2014 1:01am
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MaryT says...
Hi Michelle - yes, I've removed my email address because I've been getting enquiries outside of the forum (from people passing the address to others, I presume). Not that I want to exclude anybody but the numbers were getting difficult to attend to. I won't have extra for a while but will post on this thread when I do.
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19th January 2014 6:33am
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Annie says...

I have some grains available. I didn't see your e-mail in my inbox as I get so much junk mail. I replied to your e-mail today.

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21st January 2014 2:06pm
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Chrish says...
Hi MaryT,

I'm new to Kefir and would like to start with Water Kefir. Do you have any grains available?


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Green Point, Central Coast
21st January 2014 7:19pm
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MaryT says...
Hi Chris, I'm afraid I only have milk grains and don't have any of that to spare at the moment. I've been away and still trying to build up my reserves as I came home to a number of requests.
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21st January 2014 7:26pm
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Chrish says...
Hi MaryT,

Thanks for the reply. I've been able to source grains elsewhere and am now on my second fermentation. I'm not going to pursue dairy grains as I'm dairy intolerant.


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Green Point, Central Coast
4th February 2014 3:54pm
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MaryT says...
OK Chris; thanks for letting me know. Good luck with the grains.
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4th February 2014 4:21pm
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Jordie says...
Hey guys,

Just wondering if anyone has any kefir grains to give away. I'm new to fermenting and excited to start! I've lost count of who has available kefir grains or not on this thread... I would prefer water kefir grains but if you have milk or both that would be great.

Thanks! :)
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7th February 2014 4:44pm
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Jantina says...
I can send you some water grains Jordie, just send your address to
jantinarohde at activ8 dot net dot au
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Mt Gambier
8th February 2014 12:27am
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Nancy says...
Hi Guys,

Just wondering if anyone has any spare milk or water kefir grains their willing to share? I've never made kefir before and very keen :)

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8th February 2014 1:03am
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Original Post was last edited: 8th February 2014 1:03am
Jantina says...
Send your address to my above email Nancy and they shall be yours.
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Mt Gambier
8th February 2014 1:24pm
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Joy D says...
Hi Liz,

Do you hvae any milk kefir grains to spare, can you please send me or if you let me, I can come collect it. I live in Crace

thanks, Joy
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Joy D
10th February 2014 1:43pm
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Joy D says...
Hi, Just wondering if anyone has any spare milk or water kefir grains their willing to share? I live in Canberra

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Joy D
10th February 2014 4:49pm
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Annie says...

I have some water and milk grains available. E-mail me your address to me. See my e-mail address in my above posting.

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11th February 2014 11:37am
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Joy D says...
Thanks a lot Annie,

I have sent you a mail with my address, just in case if you dont get it, my email is: jpaliakkara@yahoo.com

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Joy D
11th February 2014 3:16pm
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Joannie says...

Just wondering if anyone one has any milk kefir grains that your willing to share with me?


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11th February 2014 3:47pm
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Annie says...

I've received your e-mail with your address. I ill try to send out today or on Monday as I don't want the grains to be at the post office over the weekend.

Once I have posted it, I will let you know.

Joannie, I have some milk grains available. Pleas see my posting above for my e-mail address. Send me an e-mail with your address and I will send you some.

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12th February 2014 10:23am
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Joy D says...
THanks a lot Annie, appreciate it

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Joy D
12th February 2014 2:33pm
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Annie says...
Joy and Joanne,

I've posted the kefir grains today. You should receive them soon.

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18th February 2014 12:31am
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Bernard says...
Hello, I'm new in this forum.

I've been looking for someone to supply me with Kefir grains. So far I've been using the powdered culture to make my kefir and I heard that powder starter only contains 7 strain of bacteria while the grain contain almost 30 strains.

Anybody here can spare me a few kefir grains? I'll buy them of you.

I live in Sydney, Western suburb.

Thank you in advance!
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26th February 2014 12:25am
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Annie says...

I have some milk grains available. Please see my post above for my e-mail address and e-mail me with your postal address.

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27th February 2014 1:06pm
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GillianH says...
Hi Mary, Annie and Jatina,
I just came across this thread while looking for a kefir "mother" in Sydney. Do any of you have any grains to spare. I'd like to try both milk and water if possible - I'm allergic to dairy, but would like to see if I manage dairy kefir. I live in Sydney. I'm not sure the post is a good idea as they might sit in the sun (in my mailbox) all day until I get home - is this a problem? Alternatively, if you aren't too far, I can collect it. I can't seem to find email addresses. How can I make contact? Thanks Gillian
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4th March 2014 8:34am
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MaryT says...
Hi Gillian, I'm afraid I left my kefir in the fridge when I went away in December and have not since rescued them from there. I think I should be able to revive them but has yet to find time to tend to that. Re email: I am still receiving emails from people who obviously heard about the free kefir from friends who received them from me. I no longer respond to them, again I don't have time/energy. When I do have extra grains I will post here and if people leave their contact details here I will respond.
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4th March 2014 9:05am
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Samakah1 says...
Hi Mary,

Would you have some grains to share with me. If you have run out don't feel bad.
I'm in Sydney.

Thanks much,
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4th March 2014 10:37am
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Annie says...

Do you want me to send you some milk kefir grains? I have some available. They have been growing very well. It will probably save you time reviving yours. Let me know.


I have some milk and water kefir available. If you read my post above you should be able to find my e-mail address. Sending to Sydney shouldn't be an issue. I've sent them to SA without any issues.
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4th March 2014 10:49am
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Original Post was last edited: 4th March 2014 10:49am
MaryT says...
Thanks for the offer, Annie; no, it won't be necessary as my Greek girlfriend has the original grains and I can get it from her anytime I want it. I've just been too preoccupied with other things. :)
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4th March 2014 4:03pm
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Annie says...

It's okay. I'd thought I'd just ask just in case you needed any.

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5th March 2014 2:20pm
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GillianH says...
Hi Annie, thanks for your offer, I have emailed you, hopefully you will receive the details,
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5th March 2014 8:50pm
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Annie says...

Your was sent yesterday. Hopefully you should get it within the next day or so.
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6th March 2014 10:54am
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GillianH says...
Hi Annie, It arrived today. Thank you so much, I am looking forward to my first batch! I really appreciate our generosity!
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6th March 2014 10:39pm
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All says...
Hi There;

Actually Im really interested to try my homemade Kefir. Is there somebody that can help me to get some grains? (Im from Sydney)

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27th March 2014 6:33pm
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Sephera says...

I am really interested getting some Water Kefir or Milk Kefir grains. I am in Sydney. Is there anyone who can help me out please.
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1st April 2014 3:11pm
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Annie says...
Hi All and Sephera,

Due to moving house, I don't have any spare grains available right now. Both my water and milk grains are in the fridge and I won't be able to start making them again for another 2 weeks time.

If you are able to wait, I'll post up here to advise when I have spare grains available.

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3rd April 2014 9:30pm
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T says...
Hi, I am in Sydney and keen for some milk kefir grains too when anyone has some to spare :)
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4th April 2014 9:10pm
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Carol says...

I am in Sydney and would be really grateful for some milk kefir grains and water kefir grains if anyone has some spare.

Thanks in advance
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6th April 2014 8:03pm
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Paula H says...
Hi all,

I'm also in Sydney (Easter Suburbs) and been looking for Kefir grains everywhere. Used them in the past and loved them.

Could anyone be so kind to send me some? I could also pick them up if nearby.

Thank you!!!!
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Paula H
Bondi Beach
8th April 2014 2:37pm
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MaryT says...
You can get any amount of kefir grains on gumtree.com.au for a few dollars. I have finally figured out a way to keep grains at the level I need - eat them! So I am sorry but I won't have excess. Since I started this thread I have supplied free grains to countless people so will now retire.
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8th April 2014 3:05pm
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Paula H says...
Thank you Mary,

I'll have a look in gumbree. Never thought of looking there, just been visiting countless health shops
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Paula H
Bondi Beach
8th April 2014 3:53pm
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Rob10 says...
Hey guys,
I am living in Beacon hill Sydney and have both water and milk grains that i would be happy to share if you would like the pick them up. I have to head OS for a month but when i get back i can grow them up for you. Send me an email inhernest at live.com
Otherwise if you are in the Portland Vic area my mum
is always willing to share her water grains.
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9th April 2014 1:23pm
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Sephera says...

I just go my grains today and they are already doubling. Happy to share if you come and pick them up. In Auburn. Happy to swap for water grains since I don't have those yet.
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9th April 2014 7:13pm
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Original Post was last edited: 9th April 2014 7:13pm
Carol says...
Hi Sephera

I would be happy to pick up some grains from you in Auburn. How do I get in touch with you?

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10th April 2014 9:24am
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Becsta says...
Hi Annie,

I am looking for some water kefir grains. If and when you have any spares I would gladly like some of yours?

Thanks, Becc

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St Peters
20th April 2014 6:44pm
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Trac750 says...
Hi All,
Just wondering if anyone was able to send some milk kefir.

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Yass River
22nd April 2014 1:46pm
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coletteb says...
I have an excess of milk kefir that I'd love to give away.
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St marys
25th April 2014 10:45pm
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Jimbo says...
Does anyone have water kefir grains? I'm about 2 hours south of Sydney and am having a hard time finding anyone here with kefir.

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Southern Highlands
25th April 2014 11:52pm
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Jimbo says...
Hi Colette,

Where are you located? Would you be able to post them?

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Southern Highlands
25th April 2014 11:53pm
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coletteb says...
Hi jimbo, I'm in St Marys near penrith. I'm happy to mail them for you but unsure what I'd send them in?
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St marys
28th April 2014 5:09pm
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Sephera says...
Looking for water Kefir, can provide Milk kefir and heirloom yoghurt in return.
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28th April 2014 7:45pm
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Michelle says...
Hi all

Jacinta or others ....
I've got my water kefir underway... Thanks to mum via Annie!
I'm very keen to now try kombucha tea.... Any suggestions on where I can get kombucha scoobie???? Does anyone have some multiplied spare they can send me in Sydney??

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Watsons bay
29th April 2014 11:02pm
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Sephera says...
Hi Michelle

I have Kombucha scoby I can swap you for some water grains.

Does anyone also have good milk Kefir grains that are slimy and have that kefiran who are in Sydney and want to swap, apparently if you add grains from different batches it can make yours better.

I already have kefir grains.
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1st May 2014 1:06pm
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Original Post was last edited: 1st May 2014 12:57pm
Lucytoo says...
Hi I live in the Sydney's inner west and wondering if any one has spare Milk Kefir grains to share, I'm happy to pick them up Id like to try them to help improving my IBS and general gut health.

Sephera I try emailing you not sure if you got my email and are able to help.

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Dulwich Hill
3rd May 2014 12:51pm
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Suzi says...
Hi Mary
Do you have any grains? I am from the st George area.
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7th May 2014 4:45pm
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MaryT says...
Sorry Suzi; I stopped making it for a while. Will be getting some fresh grains from my friend soon but won't be offering any in the near future.
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7th May 2014 5:16pm
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Lucytoo says...
Suzi I Got my hand on some grains, will be glad to share as soon as they reproduce no sure how long will that will keep you posted

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Dulwich Hill
7th May 2014 8:33pm
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Samantha Saye says...

Does anyone have any excess milk kefir grains theyd like to part with?? I live about 2.5 hrs south of Sydney

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Culburra beach
10th May 2014 12:38pm
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Original Post was last edited: 10th May 2014 12:41pm
Elke says...
Hi Mary,

you can also eat the grains - I have sooo much of them growing that I sometimes do that. That should be especially beneficial for people that do have lactose intolerance, or are trying to get better gut bacteria. I like your cheese idea an d will try that, definitely!!
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11th May 2014 8:04pm
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MaryT says...
Thanks, Elke. That is exactly what I do. :)
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11th May 2014 10:10pm
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Diana81 says...
Would anyone be willing to give me some water kefir? My mother has high blood pressure and I know kefir would be very beneficial for her.
My email is dianakara@hotmail.com or just let me know on this forum.
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15th May 2014 1:15pm
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Karen54 says...
Jason I have plenty of excess very healthy kefir grains. You are welcome to some if you are iterested. Cheers
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15th May 2014 4:00pm
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Karen54 says...
Sorry just saw this was months ago, oops!
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15th May 2014 4:06pm
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SLN says...
Hi if you are still interested in grains, I have a little surplus that I can share. I live in Canberra, in Barton.
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16th May 2014 1:48pm
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Diana81 says...
Does anyone have any water kefir they could kindly share with me please?
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27th May 2014 1:22pm
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Andrew c says...
Hi anyone that can spare some grain around Melbourne area please?
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Andrew C
27th May 2014 7:59pm
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LouiseP says...
I would SO appreciate some water kefir grains or a kombucha scoby in the Sydney area... I have been told I have poor gut flora and I tasted both Kombucha and ginger water kefir, and would love to make my own. I'm happy to collect
Thanks heaps
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Chatswood west
29th May 2014 11:43am
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Michelle says...

LouiseP & Diana & Seraphera. I am in Sydney. I have lots of water kefir

(My strain came via Annie, then my Mother...and very healthy - abit of a prolific grower)

LoiusaP I've emailed you.
Diana/Seraphera please advise your email if still interested and I will make contact!

Meantime here is a link to some good base recipes to brew



Scroll down to see Recipe - How to make water kefir

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Watsons bay
1st June 2014 8:54am
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Michelle says...
LouisaP - please advise your email & we can make arrangements to get you water kefir. I'm not far from city.


(It's Diana I've emailed)
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Watsons bay
1st June 2014 8:59am
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DaveRau says...
Hi Sonia - do you have any milk grains to spare? I live in Canberra too. Wondering if it would help my 5 month old grandson's colic if his mum drank it while breast feeding.
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3rd June 2014 5:36pm
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Justine_Balmain says...
Hi,is there anyone who would be kind enough to share some spare milk and/ or water kefir grains. I live in the inner west of Sydney, have a car so happy to meet and collect at a place/ time which suits you.

I am 5 days into my first continuous brew of kombucha, so will hopefully have some Scoby's to share before long too.

Many thanks
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Balmain, Sydney
4th June 2014 7:58am
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KerryH says...
Hi there, I'm all read up on kerfir water grains and very keen to find someone happy to share with me. Either by express post or I can drive to pick up within my region. Many thanks
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Queanbeyan NSW
13th June 2014 9:14pm
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Sephera says...
Yes I have Milk kefir grains for pick up. lee.lim @ iinet .net.au
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22nd June 2014 6:42pm
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Original Post was last edited: 22nd June 2014 6:41pm
joeydy says...
Hi, is there anyone who can share some spare milk kefir with me please? i live in Sutherland area and I am happy to collect in city on Saturdays if this suits you better. I can also pick up at Strathfield station on weekdays as i work at Strathfield Sth...travel through Strathfield every day and night.

My email: joeydy515@yahoo.com.au

thanks guys
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Sutherland NSW
24th June 2014 3:50pm
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Original Post was last edited: 24th June 2014 3:46pm
Michelle says...

I have A lot of water kefir - please post your email address here & I can contact you

I'm out at east Sydney 10minsfrom city

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Watsons bay
24th June 2014 9:07pm
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EMJ says...
Hi Dave, I'm in Canberra and can give you some grains if you need. cheers EJ
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Curtin ACT
24th June 2014 9:40pm
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DaveRau says...
Thanks EJ, appreciate the gift. My best email is drvaderau@gmail.com

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25th June 2014 3:28pm
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Veronicarose says...
Dear Mary T,

If you have any left I would love some.
My email is lrl@iprimus.com.au.

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29th June 2014 4:32pm
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TMary says...
Hi Linda I don't think I will have excess until warmer weather returns. My house is like a fridge at the moment.
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Neutral Bay NSW
2nd July 2014 7:04pm
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Newmik says...
I'm in Canberra too and would like to try kefir grains if you have any extra at any time.

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3rd July 2014 12:03pm
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captain says...
hi i read your posts and quite interest to start up however i am currently overseas and wonder if you can share how to start the kefir source/grin? Thx in advance.

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8th July 2014 12:38am
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Original Post was last edited: 8th July 2014 12:38am
kefirnut says...
Hi there,

I am very interested in kefir grains and I saw your post on https://www.daleysfruit.com.au/forum/milk-kefir-grains/. If you still have some spare, would it be possible to pick them up. I am in Burwood, so I can do that any time suitable for you. Please email me back you we can arrange.

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9th July 2014 4:22pm
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kefirnut says...
Hi Colette,

I am very interested in kefir grains and I saw your post on https://www.daleysfruit.com.au/forum/milk-kefir-grains/. If you still have some spare left, would it be possible to pick then up. I am in Burwood on the other end of M4, so I can do that any time suitable for you. Please email me back you we can arrange.

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9th July 2014 4:42pm
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kefirnut says...
Hi there,

I am very interested in kefir grains and I saw your post on https://www.daleysfruit.com.au/forum/milk-kefir-grains/ . If you still have some spare left, would it be possible to pick them up. I am in Burwood, so I can do that any time suitable for you. Please email me back you we can arrange.

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9th July 2014 4:44pm
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Lucytoo says...
Hi my grains have finally outgrown my kefir needs and have a little bit of surpluss to share please email me on tutylu1@hotmail.com I live on Dulwich Hill Inner west.
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Dulwich Hill
14th July 2014 8:31pm
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TessaT says...
Would love some milk kefir grains & water kefir to try if anyone has any to spare in Winter?
Am in Culcairn NSW (near Albury) so may need it posted if possible (Canberra is the closest I can see on here so far!)
Thanks! Tessa
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21st July 2014 6:32pm
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zippey says...
Hi TMary,

My grains produce a very goaty tasting and smelling kefir, I have to use lots of honey and fruit to cover the taste. I was wondering, if I can have some of yours when it gets warmer and they are busy again?

Thanks in advance!
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21st July 2014 9:52pm
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Original Post was last edited: 21st July 2014 9:51pm
MaryT1 says...
Hi zippey when I have surplus I will post on the forum. Meanwhile perhaps someone I have given kefir to can pick up the baton?

A word on taste: they do change from home to home depending on the bacteria you have floating around.
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22nd July 2014 8:17am
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TMary says...
Part of the reason I don't have surplus is I am making cheese. Having it on fig and walnut bread for morning tea.
Pictures - Click to enlarge

Picture: 1
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Neutral Bay NSW
24th July 2014 8:54am
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zippey says...
Hi TMary,

That is very kind of you.

By the way, the taste changed indeed slightly: since it has been a bit warmer, the kefir isn't as yeasty tasting as before.

Also, I think the grains had been a bit stressed when they were shipped to me (They seemed happier now) and I might got used to the taste a bit more. :-)

I'm also happy to share my grains, but I think I need to wait a bit more because they haven't much multiplied yet.

Good luck with your cheese-making task, TMary, let me know how it turned out. :-)

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30th July 2014 11:23am
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Original Post was last edited: 30th July 2014 11:21am
MaryT1 says...
zippey the cheese is always delicious (to me) :) Cheese 'making' is too grand a description; I just let the yoghurt strain until it resembles cheese; it makes itself:)
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30th July 2014 11:41am
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LB says...
Hi MaryT,

I would love some milk kefir grains if possible when you have some available again!

I live in Sydney so pick up wouldn't be a problem.

Thank you in advance.
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30th July 2014 4:40pm
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MaryT1 says...
Hi LB; I probably won't have any for a while but will post here when I do.
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30th July 2014 9:59pm
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MaryT1 says...
I looked at the gumtree site today and there are many posts re milk kefir grains on offer. I wouldn't be surprised if some of them obtained the grains from me in the first place. :) I don't have a problem with that. Why not support home industries. So please try this link:

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31st July 2014 11:16am
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LB says...
Thanks MaryT1, I will keep an eye on the forum posts to see when yours become available :) LB
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4th August 2014 4:07pm
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zippey says...
Hi there,
I have some spare milk grains (a spoon or two) to give away.

We can arrange a pick up in Lidcombe during the day or from Greenwich in the evening.
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10th August 2014 9:01pm
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Original Post was last edited: 10th August 2014 9:00pm
Kate says...
Hi Mary, I'm looking for some kefir grains to be sent to orange nsw. I'm visiting my dad here for a few weeks and he's interested in starting to make it. We make it in nz with milk and coconut water and also make the cheese and love it! Can you or anyone help out? X Kate
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20th August 2014 8:45am
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MaryT1 says...
Hi Kate, I can probably spare a tablespoon if you leave your email address here and are prepared to send me a stamped self addressed envelope when I email you my address. Now that I have exhausted my fridge and freezer supply I have started to make it again.
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20th August 2014 9:45am
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Pei says...

I would like to start making kefir, does any have a space tablespoon of kefir grain you can send me? I am in Sydney.


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23rd August 2014 9:33pm
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MaryT1 says...
Hi Pei, please see post above yours.
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25th August 2014 12:23pm
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Pei says...
Hello Mary,

This is my email, bromaddict@yahoo.com. I'll send you a self stamped envelope once I have the information.

Thanks Mary!

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27th August 2014 9:34am
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MaryT1 says...
Hi Pei I have emailed you. Please don't forget to address the envelope to yourself. :)
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27th August 2014 10:18am
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MaryT1 says...
Pei your grains are in the mail and should reach you very soon - please look out for them. I did email you with instructions.
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2nd September 2014 8:16am
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BenW says...
Kefir. Don't think it's for me but after reading this thread a while back, I did notice this milk bar in Gilbert St, Preston, Melbourne had it for sale.

I'm not certain it wasn't a processed product but the sign certainly suggested it was home made :)

The place was closing up when I went past but any interested Melbournians might want to stop by and report back.

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Kinglake West,3757,VIC
2nd September 2014 10:35pm
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MareaT says...
I am interested in receiving kefir grains - how does the process work?
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Allambie Heights
3rd September 2014 2:35pm
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TMary says...
Hi Marea, please see my post on 20th August but it may be a couple of weeks before I will have excess.
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Neutral Bay NSW
3rd September 2014 4:00pm
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MaryT1 says...
It seems that the grains I sent to Pei were 'removed' and she only received the envelope. I was not aware of this happening before. Don't know what to make of it.
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3rd September 2014 9:25pm
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MareaT says...
email: mareat@bigpond.net.au

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Allambie Heights
4th September 2014 5:31pm
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MaryT1 says...
Done, Marea
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5th September 2014 9:25am
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Diana says...
The Lost Seed sells milk kefir grains ($20, seems reasonable), also Kombucha starter and a few books on fermentation. I am thinking of ordering some from them.

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5th September 2014 8:14pm
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anabel says...
Hi Mary, would love some of YOUR milk kefir if you have any available. In turn I'll offer my surpluses. Love this thread.x
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12th September 2014 3:59pm
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Original Post was last edited: 12th September 2014 4:06pm
TMary says...
Hi Anabel, will email but there is nothing magical about MY grains; you can get them everywhere these days. I am away so won't be back on deck for a few days.
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Neutral Bay NSW
16th September 2014 7:00pm
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ace says...
Can i get you to send me some. Thanks. My address is 146 prince edward st sydney. Thanks
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17th September 2014 2:16am
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Anya says...
Hi Mary, I would love some water kefir grains if you still have any to send please let me know! Thank you...
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Coogee Sydney
20th September 2014 1:39pm
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Anya says...
If you do have any milk or water kefir grains spare my address is 10/4 major st Coogee 2034. Thank you!!
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Coogee Sydney
20th September 2014 1:41pm
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TMary says...
I have spares OCCASIONALLY - please see my post 20th August to apply. Milk grains only.
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Neutral Bay NSW
20th September 2014 1:58pm
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Anya says...
Hi Mary, yes would be more than happy to send you a stamped self addressed envelope if that's what you mean? That would be great! Thank you..
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Coogee Sydney
20th September 2014 2:04pm
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MaryT1 says...
Marea and Peisia, your kefir grains are in the mail. Please look out for them.

Anabel I have emailed you with my address.

Anya I do not have your email address.
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24th September 2014 8:39am
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Andrew c says...
Hi All For the Melbournians, I have maybe two batches ofkefir grains to give away (or a swap for some seedlings?) OK if you have nothing to swap. I am in northern suburbs of Melbourne.
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Andrew C
28th September 2014 8:00am
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anabel says...
Hi Andrew, I have iris bulbs(yellow I think) are you interested in swapping grains for that?
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29th September 2014 5:59pm
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Andrew c says...
Hi Anabel that sounds good. I was not fussed either way. You are most welcome the grains. What's your email?
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Andrew C
29th September 2014 7:38pm
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zippey says...
I have spare milk kefir grains. I live in Sydney. If someone is interested to get some: please post your email here and I send you my address.
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1st October 2014 11:58am
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People who Like this Question TMary
anabel says...
Hi Andrew, I've sent an envelope to Mary, but I don't know when her keifer will be available. So if you don't mind, heres my email address. If I get a 2nd batch, I'll give it to a good home! anabelm@optusnet.com.au
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3rd October 2014 1:47pm
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Tan2 says...
Do you still have some kefir grains ?I'd happy to collect them.thanks
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2029 Rose Bay
6th October 2014 10:03am
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Original Post was last edited: 6th October 2014 10:18am
MaryT1 says...
Anabel I have now received your envelope and will send the grains next Monday. Peter I will send yours at the same time.
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9th October 2014 10:58am
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Tan2 says...
MaryT1 or Zippey
If you still have some spare milk grains, I would send to you a stamped self addressed envelope.
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2029 Rose Bay
10th October 2014 2:28pm
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MaryT1 says...
Hi Tan2 I won't have any for a week or so but if you leave your email I'll let you know.
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10th October 2014 6:51pm
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Tan2 says...
Thanks MaryT1!
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2029 Rose Bay
11th October 2014 9:10am
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MaryT1 says...
My local woolies is selling the Systema container with a bonus strainer at half price. Less than $2.50 each. I find them excellent for making kefir milk: give it a stir, lift the strainer and 'hang' it by the clip then once drained, pour the milk off, put the strainer (with grains) back into the container and add fresh milk.

It's a bit big if you're just starting with a tablespoon of grains but use it once they multiply.
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11th October 2014 10:52am
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zippey says...
Hi Tan2,

No problem I have plenty. Please post your email here so I can email you my address so you can send me a self-addressed envelope to send you the grains.
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12th October 2014 12:46pm
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Original Post was last edited: 12th October 2014 12:46pm
anabel says...
Thanks Mary T1!!
got the systema container in preparation.
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12th October 2014 2:57pm
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Original Post was last edited: 12th October 2014 2:56pm
Bernard says...
Hello everyone.

I got about 2 portions of WATER Kefir grains spare.

Let me know if any of you want some...

First come, first serve basis.
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12th October 2014 7:44pm
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MaryT1 says...
Peter and Anabel your milk grains are in the mail. Peter I have not sent to S.A. before so I hope they will get there OK. Please let me know if they arrive.
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13th October 2014 8:42am
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Tan2 says...

Thanks Zippey!!!

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2029 Rose Bay
14th October 2014 9:47pm
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Original Post was last edited: 14th October 2014 9:52pm
MaryT1 says...
I have said that the kefir needs mammal milk to survive but a friend has kept hers alive in soy milk. However, hers doesn't multiply like mine does on organic cow's milk.
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15th October 2014 9:02am
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peter3000 says...
Hi Mary,
mine arrived today safe and sound.
thanks again.
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15th October 2014 5:54pm
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MaryT1 says...
That's good, Peter - thanks for letting me know. Enjoy.
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16th October 2014 10:14am
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MaryT1 says...
Tan2 your envelope arrived; will send grains on Monday. (That is, if you are A.V. from Rose Bay).
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17th October 2014 1:07pm
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People who Like this Answer: Tan2
Tan2 says...
thanks MaryT1!
it's me AV
looking forward!
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2029 Rose Bay
17th October 2014 9:08pm
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MaryT1 says...
Tan2 your milk kefir grains are in the mail.
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20th October 2014 9:06am
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Tan2 says...
Thanks MaryT1
my grain arrived!!!

thanks again!!!
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2029 Rose Bay
21st October 2014 4:12pm
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MaryT1 says...
That's good Tan2; thanks for letting me know.
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21st October 2014 10:52pm
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anabel says...
Thanks Mary! Am enjoying my keifer grains every morning. Anabel
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23rd October 2014 1:49pm
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MaryT1 says...
Well done, Anabel.
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23rd October 2014 2:22pm
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zippey says...
Hi Bernard,

Oh great, I would love to try water kefir, do you still have some? I have plenty of milk kefir grains if you want some too?

My email is zippey@gmx.net

Thanks in advance!!!!

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4th November 2014 5:51pm
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Rabbit says...
Hi Mary,

wondering whether I would be able to get some milk grains as well when you have some spare!

I will also be more than happy to send a self-addressed envelope. :)

Please email me at alinjapan at gmail.com

Thanks heaps!
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16th January 2015 9:19pm
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Rilakkuma says...
Hi All,

Happy New Year. :)
Wondering whether anyone is able to spare some milk grains~~
I would love to give them a good home. Unfortunately I don't have anything to exchange...:(
I live in Sydney btw.
Please let me know!
angelina.lao at gmail.com
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21st January 2015 9:41pm
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sami says...
Hi Bernard, I would love some water kefir grains if you still have some?

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24th January 2015 5:17pm
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kiimmii says...
Hi Mary,

I would love to have some milk grains if you have some extras.
I have been suffering from irritable bowels for years, and heard kefir water could be the answer.
Please let me know, I can send through a self addressed envelope.

Thank you very much.

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Lidombe Sydney
16th February 2015 5:02pm
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Loly says...
Hello everyone! Hope you are doing great!
I have been trying to get some milk grains nut have not been successful, I live in Sydney, I was wondering if someone had any spare ones that would like to share goth me! also tips about how to grow them or recipes would also be really appreciate it :)
Thank you!!
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20th April 2015 11:11pm
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Fay says...
Hi everyone, there's a lot of people selling kefir grains on eBay
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23rd April 2015 11:54am
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Thanh says...
Hi, where can I get milk Kefir grain around Sydney inner west please? Thanh
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14th December 2015 2:09pm
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bronny says...
Hi Mary, Do you still have milk grains? For making Kefir?
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8th May 2017 8:52am
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Julie says...
Mary left the forum some time ago.
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Roleystone WA
9th May 2017 8:30pm
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Astrid1 says...
I have a water kefir grain and I am interested in how to prepare a water kefir for sending with mail and how long they can survive under these conditions. Thank you for advice!
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Enter Postcode First,0,NT
15th May 2017 6:57pm
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Original Post was last edited: 15th May 2017 6:58pm
Julie says...
I received mine in a plastic bag when I bought it online. I have since sent grains to a number of people also in plastic. No preparation needed.
They seem to be OK for at least 2 or 3 days - don't know if they could go longer.
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Roleystone WA
16th May 2017 9:18pm
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Astrid1 says...
Julie,thank you!
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Enter Postcode First,0,NT
17th May 2017 9:11pm
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Original Post was last edited: 17th May 2017 9:12pm
Tan2 says...
I was wondering if someone had any spare milk kefir grains that would like to share.Based in Sydney,I would send a stamped self addressed envelope. Thanks
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2029 Rose Bay
13th November 2018 9:50am
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Alex Parker says...
I have some grains I can share in the melbourne area (bayswater) if anyone is interested. I can post to Sydney as well.

And yes, Mary you can eat the grains. I do it all the time. Here are some benefits eating the grains:

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Alex Parker
20th March 2019 6:57pm
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K Crace says...
Hi Joy, I have had pretty bad allergies for last couple of years and I have noticed significant improvements ever since I started taking probiotics. I am ready to start making some kefir at home. I live in crace and would love to get some milk kefir grains and get started on my first batch. Thanks
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K Crace
30th January 2020 1:22pm
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