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Jantina's Edible Backyard

Joined: 30/11/08 Updated: 00/00/00 Frost:
Location: Mt Gambier


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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

Jantina Forum Contributions
Delivery1 - They don't deliver to my place either (17 kms out of town) but I got around that by getting them to deliver to some-one I know in town. That has worked well for me except for one time the driver just left my parcel at a random house. Luckily they wee nic..3924 days 14hrs
Actinidia kolomikta - Good ending :)..3931 days 16hrs
Actinidia kolomikta - Aaargghh MaryT, did you ever get it back? When my daughter had her first child I bought her a pretty braclet which the jeweller put in a little white bag similar to a lolly bag. She only had it for about an hour and while out of the room the cleaner to..3934 days 17hrs
Maqui berry - Rob do have a male and a female? My plant has grown well but I don't know if it is male or female...3936 days 16hrs
Rare fruit swapsale in melbourne southeast1 - Thanks sternus 1, I have one Jason gave me, not sure where it came from but he said it was a good one. It hasn't fruited yet but I can send you a pad with the kiwi cuttings if you want...3936 days 16hrs

Fruit Tree Forum Likes

Jantina has LIKED the following:
Aqis - Someone needs a BIG KICK up the backside for that...Liked Answer 4109 days 19hrs

Longan - Seedling

Jantina's Edible Fruits

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Loquat - Nagasakiwase

Jantina's Edible Fruits

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Wampee - Yeem Pay

Jantina's Edible Fruits

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Sweet Leaf Bush

Jantina's Edible Fruits

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Feijoa - Apollo

Jantina's Edible Fruits

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Feijoa - Duffy

Jantina's Edible Fruits

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Jantina's Edible Fruits

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Green Sapote

Jantina's Edible Fruits

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Peanut Butter Tree

Jantina's Edible Fruits

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Pepino - Kendall Gold

Jantina's Edible Fruits

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Book Discovering Fruit and Nuts by Susanna Lyle

Jantina's Edible Fruits

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Australian Rare Fruit Review Magazine 2008

Jantina's Edible Fruits

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