BenW's Edible Backyard
01/12/13 Updated:
19/01/21 Frost: |
Fruit Tree Forum ContributionsBenW Forum ContributionsPoison removal - It's hard to say without knowing what was used. If it was glyphosphate or garlon it's pretty much inactive once it's in the soil. Grazon or other picloram containing herbicides can cause an issue for 2 -9 months, depending on how sensitive the thing is..2734 days 5hrs Low chill kiwifruit male - Cheers. I think I have your address somewhere - if not I know I have your email address. I'll send in a week or two - yours might be starting to move by then but mine are sound asleep for a while yet, so grafting should still be fine :)..2734 days 6hrs Which apple variety has the best nutrients - You're overthinking it... the differences will be marginal, especially in the broader context of your overall diet. Plant one you like to eat :) A multigrafted tree that will spread the crop is better, and apples are super-easy to graft, even with i..2734 days 6hrs Low chill kiwifruit male - I've killed 2 A kolomikta (males) and an A Pilosula from Yamina... I don't have the Rubicaulis, though i have considered it. I have arguta's growing well though. A red, a green, a male and the issai variety...2749 days 1hrs Low chill kiwifruit male - Oh, BTW, someone has kindly sent me a piece of Actinidia melanandra. Gender unknown but I'm prepared to risk it (hopefully a female that my other males can pollinate). Are you interested, or you have enough Kiwi?..2754 days 3hrs |
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