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Grafted mango
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Peter3000's Edible Backyard

Joined: 01/12/13 Updated: 01/12/13 Frost:
Location: adelaide

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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

Peter3000 Forum Contributions
Limestone powder production process technology and e - figs, they like alkaline soil, and it adds calcium, also good for tomatoes to control blossom end rot...3580 days 20hrs
Limestone powder production process technology and e - i get 25kg bags of fine calcium carbonate locally for about $10.00..3581 days 16hrs
Manchurian apricot - odd i cant get that one to come up if i do an ebay search. the see other items for that seller shows that it is the only item. certainly expensive seeds. have you checked the icon data base to see if they can be imported. i have an excelent apricot..3598 days 16hrs
Manchurian apricot - Hi John cant see two seeds for sale but i can see 5 seeds for $1.22 au..3598 days 19hrs
Cassabanana sicana odorifera - hi john cassabannana have male and female yellow flowers on the same plant. i have seen a lot of passiflora flowers in the past while i was searching for p.antiquinensis and what you have is definately some sort of passiflora...3605 days 20hrs

Fruit Tree Forum Likes

Peter3000 has LIKED the following:
White sapote pollination - Is thinning the crop advised with white sapote? Some clusters on my vista comprise thirteen or fourteen developing fruit and I can't imagine them all reaching full size..Liked Answer 4013 days 20hrs

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