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Jason4's Edible Backyard

Joined: 01/12/13 Updated: 01/12/13 Frost:
Location: portland

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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

Jason4 Forum Contributions
Maqui berry - Thanks Rob, sounds like yours isn't pollinating. I'm sure the tree has potentially better quality fruit than no fruit :p I will send you an email. I haven't been in the garden much for some years but it's still growing...2788 days 24hrs
Maqui berry - Hey guys does anyone have a Female tree I could get some cuttings from. My male tree absolutely exploded in growth, it's huge. It seems like a perfect climate/soil for them here. But it's a male tree... total failure. Rob19 still around?...2808 days 2hrs
Pouteria lucuma - Paul lives! that's good and you guys have Lucuma and Poshte trees too. geesus things are looking up around here. Now only a bisexual Carob and life would be near perfect...2948 days 0hrs
Prunus mume - Osakadaz, just thought I better log in as I haven't for a couple of years. I went for a walk in my much neglected garden just now with a torch.. The Ume is flowering right now for the first time ever, couldn't say it lost it's leaves as it looks like it's..2948 days 1hrs
Spiders in orchard - No and no..3533 days 3hrs

Fruit Tree Forum Likes

Jason4 has LIKED the following:
Hardy macadamia kinds - Could you suggest me macadamia kinds that can grow in zone 9a 9b ? What are the best hardy macadamia kinds? thanks ..Liked Answer 3858 days 10hrs
Mexicola avocado - Dear Markmelb, Here is a picture of the cut fruit. Thank you. ..Liked Answer 3882 days 3hrs

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