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Mexicola Avocado

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Anne starts with ...
I found this Avocado Tree growing on a vacant block of land in Glasshouse Mountains, Qld.
After doing some searching on Google.
I think this may be a Mexicola Avocado tree.
The fruits are plum sized with a bloom on the skin, like a plum; and the skin is very thin and edible.
The flavour is strong of Anise; A very delicious fruit.
They are ripe now (January 19th).
Does anyone please have any information on Mexicola Avocados in Australia.
Thank you for your time.
Best regards,
Anne Osborne
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Glasshouse Mountains
19th January 2014 9:14pm
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Markmelb says...
Hi Anne - very interesting Avo - sounds like your on right track and probably a B variety - can u cut in half and are they ripe to eat yet? They are quite tiny with that one cent next to it?
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19th January 2014 11:05pm
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jakfruit etiquette says...
Mexicola was used as an Avo rootstock in Australia.
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jakfruit etiquette
20th January 2014 1:05am
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Jason says...
In Mexico you can by seedling fruit that look like this, some I saw have almost white flesh.

In any case this is the first time Ive seen these small fruit with edible skin growing in Australia so it's as very rare tree. Chances are its extremely cold hardy (at least minus 8c) maybe more than that.
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20th January 2014 1:44am
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Anne says...
Dear Markmelb,
Thank you very much for your reply.
I have been able to cut them in half and they are nice
The stone is fairly big in relation to the flesh.
The flesh is light to mid green in colour.
I really hope the tree does not get cut down if the block is sold.

Thank you again.

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Glasshouse Mountains
20th January 2014 6:16am
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Anne says...
Dear Jakfruit Etiquette,
Thank you for your answer.
maybe the rootstock overtook the rest of the tree.

Thank you again.
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Glasshouse Mountains
20th January 2014 6:19am
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Anne says...
Dear Jason,
Thank you for your reply.
The flesh on these ones is greener than most other Avocados.

I think this Avocado is Mexican in origin because the leaves have a strong anise scent.
Interesting that the flesh also tastes of Anise.
Thank you again.

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Glasshouse Mountains
20th January 2014 6:22am
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Markmelb says...
Hi again Anne - sorry what I meant was if you could post a photo of The Avo cut in half with seed in situ and another with seed removed - would be of interest - be also interesting to propagate that plant further and grow a few from seed you have also?
ps- how big is the tree? as my searches say that Mexicola can get as tall as 80ft - can u maybe get a photo of tree from a distance with someone standing next to it for reference?
Found this Video talking about Mexicola And Thr Mexicola Grande - Jason do you know if grafted Mexicola is available in Australia??
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20th January 2014 8:32am
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Original Post was last edited: 20th January 2014 8:30am
Anne says...
Dear Markmelb,
Thank you for your reply.
We have eaten all the fruit but one which is not yet ripe.
I will post a photo when we cut it open.
I think this is still a young tree, maybe only eight or nine feet in height.
I will take a photo of it from a distance.

Thank you also for the link.
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Glasshouse Mountains
20th January 2014 10:34am
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gimme says...
Anne, i don't know if it is a variety worth propagating. Maybee some knows? If so, I would be interested in getting some scion wood off the tree to make new trees, and distribute to those interested.... I don't know if I can graft in summer/autumn but I'll give it a go.
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Brisbane, Qld
21st January 2014 11:04am
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Original Post was last edited: 21st January 2014 11:03am
Anne says...
Dear Gimme,
Thank you for your reply.
I think if you were able to create some new trees that would be great because this seems like it could be a rare variety.
I am trying to get some of the stones to sprout.

One issue with this variety is fruit fly because of the very thin skin.
But the taste is exquisite.

If you want details of where the tree is, you can e-mail me at:

Thank you again.

from Anne.
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Glasshouse Mountains
21st January 2014 1:29pm
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Anne says...
Dear Markmelb,
Here is a picture of the cut fruit.
Thank you.
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Picture: 1
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Glasshouse Mountains
21st January 2014 1:43pm
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Jason says...
Mark, Mexicola was in Australia at some stage but its a lost variety. This one looks so close to it that its either a grafted Mexicola or a seedling of it. Definitely from the highlands of Mexico anyway. Within 100km of Mexico city I would be sure.
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21st January 2014 6:37pm
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Jason says...
Anne I wasn't referring to Mexicola about the flesh colour but of the small purple Avocados that Mexicans eat skin and all. I think some of them are actually a seperate species. There are several different species of avocado in Mexico not just P. americana. I do think this one is more or less the Mexicola variety
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21st January 2014 6:41pm
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Markmelb says...
Thanks Anne - I wonder how old that Avo plant is and by the looks and your taste reports it would do very well here in Victoria - Start putting some of those seeds in a box of sawdust (and keep moist) as is faster than the toothpick and glass of water technique - when they sprout pop them singly in a large pot and later in year when pencil thick you may start some grafting of that tree - would be a fun long term experiment and Im sure a few of us would be keen to try - Id definitly like to be able to eat the skin - not too keen on Kiwi skin tho bit furry - cheers ark
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21st January 2014 7:20pm
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Anne says...
Dear Jason,
Thank you very much for the interesting information on the Mexicola, it is much appreciated.

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Glasshouse Mountains
21st January 2014 7:29pm
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Anne says...
Dear Markmelb,
Thank you for the tip about the Avocado seeds.
I currently am using the water and glass bottle method!

This is potentially a great Avocado for cooler areas.
It has such a unique taste too, rather a gourmet Avo!
Thanks again.
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Glasshouse Mountains
21st January 2014 7:33pm
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Dan says...
Hello Anne, I would be interested in that Mexicola type avocado you mentioned. I have about 10 different varieties. Maybe we could trade?

I am near Landsborough.
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Sunshine Coast
8th June 2016 1:14pm
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Anne says...
Dear Dan,
Thank you very much for your message.
The Mexicola is currently in flower; and looking very healthy, it fruits around January time.

If you want some scions from the tree, when the time is good to graft.
Please let me know, and I can arrange to send you some.

Thank you again.
Love and Peaches,
from Anne XX.
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Glasshouse Mountains
8th June 2016 3:23pm
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Dan says...
Thank you Anne,

That is most decent of you. Please send an sms or give me a call on 0467 079 008. I am available at any time.

Kind regards, Dan
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8th June 2016 7:29pm
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Dan says...
Hi, Anne. I could probably graft a few this week, if you have time.
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9th June 2016 8:45am
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Peter91 says...
Would anyone be willing to send me a grafted plant of this variety?

If anyone is doing grafts of this please email me at peterantoniw@msn.com
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11th June 2016 6:35pm
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People who Like this Question Anne
Paul W says...
I got some scion a few years ago from Ann and managed to get a couple of grafts to take. The trees are only about a meter high, but are very healthy. Interesting to note that they are in the early stages of flowering too, even though I am down south in Victoria where it is very cold at the moment. Hopefully the flowers will hold off opening long enough for some warmer weather
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Paul W
25th June 2016 11:12am
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pecanbery says...
I would love to buy a graft of this tree if anyone close to Brisbane can help. My number is 0433349267, I would be very grateful.
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Murrumba Downs
3rd July 2016 4:29pm
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Rose Farm Organics says...
Hi Anne I just sent you an email. Let me know if you don't get it.
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Rose Farm Organics
Cedar Vale
21st September 2016 8:31am
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Jodes says...
Very interested in buying a mexacola but am in wa :( does anyone know of where to start looking locally?
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22nd September 2016 7:44pm
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Original Post was last edited: 22nd September 2016 7:44pm
Anne says...
I visited the Mexicola tree today, I have been away overseas travelling for a couple of months and so I have not been to see it for a while.
The block has been sold and construction has started on a house.
The Mexicola tree is still there!
And I have written to the builders to let them know about the tree and pass the information to the owners; I hope they decide to keep the tree!
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Glasshouse Mountains
27th September 2016 8:19pm
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Rev says...
This is amazing
I have been searching for this plant for 10 years now
Is there anyway to get hold of seeds of this?
A grafted plant is great but its really the seedlings thats so important to push avocado growing inland and south
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10th March 2017 1:49am
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Anne says...
Dear Rev,
Thank you very much for your message.
I was able to access the tree for scions and seeds when the plot was vacant.
However, it now has a house built on it, so I am no longer able to get seeds and cuttings.
Fortunately, the new owners are keeping the Mexicola tree; I visited them to let them know of its rarity.
Best Regards,
Anne Osborne.
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Glasshouse Mountains
10th March 2017 7:32am
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Xxchris66 says...
Does anyone have any Mexicola seeds or plants they wish to sell. I saw one on ebay but they wanted $500 for it, just to expensive for my budget. Many thanks.
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15th April 2017 8:17am
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Flo says...
Hi, I am searching for a mexicola. Does anyone have any Mexicola seeds or plants they wish to sell.. Many thanks. Flo
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5th March 2018 11:16am
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Fruitylicious1 says...
Hi Flo

There is a large grafted mexicola avocado for sale at eBay by a seller from Gympie, Qld. Might cost you an arm and a leg though, $499.95.

Happy gardening :-)
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8th March 2018 6:10pm
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Original Post was last edited: 8th March 2018 6:24pm
David01 says...
Hi Guys,

If you want a rare tropical seeds which are not available in Aust, then go to US site http://www.fruitlovers.com. Cheers
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9th March 2018 9:55am
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Flo says...
this looks great. do you have experience with them ? do you know if they take the scion cuttings off fruiting trees ?
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10th March 2018 8:41am
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David01 says...
Hi Flo,
No. I think they sell mainly seeds and perhaps some Scions. However, I suggest you to contact them via email for any questions/concerns. fruitlovers@fruitlovers.com. Cheers
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10th March 2018 10:48am
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Original Post was last edited: 10th March 2018 10:50am
Fruitylicious1 says...
Hi Flo

Normally, scion of grafted fruit trees were harvested from a superior fruiting and mature specimen. Oftentimes, they will bear fruit in their 3rd year. I had a grafted hass avo before and it flowered as expected in its 3rd year after planting in the ground.
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10th March 2018 3:51pm
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Mango Mike says...
Just be careful re buying scions from overseas..... It maybe that Avocardo wood is not allowed to be imported..... You can't import Mango scionwood.... I would check first before spending dollars for an item I maybe can't get into the country. If you do check Please advise so we all know..... FruitLovers has got a very good record..... Mike
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TBC says...
Hi Anne... Just wondering if you ever got around to selling and of these seeds or seedlings... Regards Tim
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Mount barker
7th October 2019 2:05pm
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FernGirl6 says...
Hi Anne, I was also wondering if you have managed to sell and seeds etc? I have been looking for Mexican varieties of avocado forever, I wish there were more in Australia! I would be very interested in buying from you. Thanks, Jessie
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Mount Barker
26th October 2019 9:27am
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Anne says...
Dear Tim,
I used to send the scions to people when the block was vacant.
So the Mexicola lives on :)

Love and Peaches,
from Anne XX
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31st October 2019 7:06pm
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Anne says...
Dear Jessie,
I never sold any, just posted the scions free to anyone who was interested.
Now the block is built on, I can no longer do this but I spoke with the new owners and they have kept the Mexicola tree on the land.
I saw someone was selling a graft of the scion I sent them for $500.00 on Ebay!!

Love and Peaches XX <3
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31st October 2019 7:09pm
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becrule35 says...
Hi mark did you manage to get any scions of this variety off Anne too? I would love to get some too. But she can’t get them anymore 😩 but I will pay for postage and time etc. we need more of these trees growing in Australia and especially Victoria needs more cold hardy types.
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4th October 2020 2:26pm
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becrule35 says...
Did you end up grafting any for your self Anne? Or get any seeds growing etc?
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4th October 2020 2:27pm
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becrule35 says...
Hi Anne can you email me or text me the details of the address to this home with that lovely avocado Mexicola looking tree? I will contact them and ask them if they can kindly save me some seeds and Pay them for posting cuttings And seeds. I was hoping someone you have given cuttings to would return the favour and help me out (I would pay postage etc of course) but no one has been on this thread for a while now sadly.
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5th October 2020 7:22pm
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becrule35 says...
I sent you an email but it bounced so it’s no longer a valid email address. My number is 0402276347 and email is becrule35@yahoo.com.au
Could you please contact me and let me know details of this house with that tree.
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5th October 2020 7:24pm
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MoleMole says...
Hi guys,

This thread has seemed to go cold but I have some very exciting news! I'm 90% sure I've found a very large Mexicola tree in Glebe, Sydney. The leaves have the very distinctive anise scent when crushed. There is lots of fruit on it but it won't ripen till later this year. Once that happens I'll be able to get a positive ID. More than happy to ship scions too at receivers cost!
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25th October 2023 10:26am
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People who Like this Question Markmelb
Markmelb says...
You need to see fruit as Bacon is a massive flowerer and has anise leaves but Mexicola is much stronger si wait till you see fruit next spring as Mexicola goes black skin and is thin skinned and edible plus slight anise taste ive read
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26th October 2023 12:02pm
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