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Betel Leaf

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Tom starts with ...
Hi all,
Wondering if anyone know's where I could buy a Betel Leaf Vine? I'm doing a lot of Asian cooking calling for them. Not related to Betel Nut of course, which is illegal in Australia!
I think the formal name is Piper betle (a member of the pepper family).

Any help would be appreciated!

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2nd January 2008 6:27pm
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Irma says...
Hi, the botanic name is Piper longum sy. P. sarmentosum; comm. name La lot, Vietnamese name. You can buy this in Asian veg. shops; put some cuttings in a glass with water and they will be producing roots in no time. The plant likes a wet dark position protected from frost and midday sun; best under big trees.
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2nd January 2008 7:55pm
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Tom says...
Tried the above to no avail. Does anyone know where I can get a plant complete with roots?
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6th March 2008 12:51pm
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Tran says...
These plants go wild from Brisbane to Cairns. I have seen Vietnamese shops in Melbourne selling it for $1.50 a bunch. Irma is right you buy a bunch remove leaves except top bit and recut the bottom and put in a glass jar then it will root as describe by Irma.
I understand that it would be hard to find them in your local shops but try to buy them when you have a chance to go to sydney or Brisbane but only where lots of Vietnamese live. They use in ormelet and for wraping mince meat.

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6th March 2008 7:23pm
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Tom says...
Betel leaf is the leaf Betel nut used to get wrapped in before being chewed. No other relationship between the highly illegal in Australia nut, and the highly legal leaf (a member of the pepper family).
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6th March 2008 7:23pm
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Tom says...
Thanks Tran,
Actually did manage to get my hands on some(fresh too). So remove all of the leaves but say half of one? Then leave in water - in the dark or partial light? Maybe I'm just not patient enough!
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6th March 2008 7:56pm
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Tran says...
Hi Tom,

In tropical QLD this plant is spreading everywhere because once a stem touches the ground, roots just form.

I would choose a bunch that has more sort of long sermi hard wood stems. You could see that at the joint of a stem there would be some roots just started to appear. Remove big leaves for cooking then recut a bit at the bottom so water can go through the stem then put in a glass jar fill with water. To speed it up you should use water with a touch of warmness to help speeding the process. Good luck.
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7th March 2008 7:21am
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Tom says...
Just an update for all that helped me.
One of many shop-bought betel leaf cuttings out of a bunch has taken and is now growing.
Thanks to everyone for your help!

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8th May 2008 7:10pm
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Andrea says...
Hi Glenn, Yes had it recently at: Thai Rim Nam, 2 Cremona Road, Como (sydney south) Ph: 9528.2700. Great spot on sunny day to sit on terrace with views towards Georges River. First time had Mieng Kam and now trying to source Betel leaves in Sydney south. If you know anywhere.....want to make it myself. Delicious!!!
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Andrea Barnett
7th June 2008 3:21pm
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Anonymous says...
I found the plant at 'All India Foods' in Woolloongabba once but I killed it. I hate it when I make these great chance plant finds, stick it in the ground and it dies. I haven't seen it there since but they might know where to get it.
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18th June 2008 3:30pm
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siklopz says...
Betel leaf is tropical and hardy (hard to kill but not cold hardy). contrary to the above, once the cutting has grown a good set of roots it will do fine in full sun although you should probably give it some afternoon shade if the sun is harsh where you live. i keep mine in a hanging basket with a SW exposure which is full afternoon sun where i live (40 degrees north approximately). also, keep the plant in a well draining mix and water frequently when it is hot-evenly moist.
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14th July 2008 6:51pm
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trikus says...
It grew as a ground cover further north , the Betel leaf is differet .
A friend grows it well in Maryborough so it is not ultra tropical .
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Picture: 1
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16th July 2008 8:52am
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Andrea says...
Finally found supply in Sydney in Marrickville Vietnamese grocer. This was in June, trying to make it grow roots. Put in warm darkish place and is putting out new shoots now (8 weeks later) but no roots! Should I plant it out? Tks
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Andrea Barnett
22nd August 2008 6:24pm
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Anonymous says...
Hi Andrea,

Not just yet. You should wait until it has some roots to be sure because the ground is still cold so it will get rotten. You could plant inside though.

Good luck.
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22nd August 2008 7:30pm
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Andrea says...
Thanks Anon. Have planted on shoot indoors, the rest Ill wait as its doing really well in a glass of water. Will keep you posted!
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Andrea Barnett
30th August 2008 9:22am
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siva says...
Hi Andrea
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4th September 2008 4:01pm
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Andrea Barnett says...
Hi Sive,
Bought betel leaf as cut stems - no roots, from Vietnamese grocer in Marrickville - I trust its the real thing! Unable to view your photo though, so dont know what you have. But look at blog from trikus above as there is photo there.
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Andrea Barnett
4th September 2008 6:50pm
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Andrea Barnett says...
Hi again, Update...just wanted to mention that my patience has paid off and my Betel leaf is finally taking root. Spring has sprung!
Hint: cut stem just below knobbly bit as this is where roots shoot from, and place in glass of water near a heater.
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Andrea Barnett
10th September 2008 6:48pm
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Debi says...
I believe there is a thai restaurant in Newcastle that sells this dish - my friend just told me about it and he loved it
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13th September 2008 9:23am
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David says...
I own a Asian Supermarket in Bundaberg and a customer is looking for betelnut leaves for thai cooking can any one help 0418775286 David
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20th September 2008 11:10am
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fruitist says...
Betel Leaf vine grows like mad in Brisbane. Who said Betel Nut is illegal in Australia. Here is a photo of the Betel Nut ingredients I took recently. The long green "sticks" are the fruits of the Betel Leaf Vine. They are used instead of the leaves. Not shown is the lime powder. The other photo shows the real tree with fruits.
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Picture: 1

Picture: 2

Picture: 3
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17th October 2008 4:48pm
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Tran says...
I think there is a confusion with this betel leaf and nuts. They are totally different.

Betel leaf (Trikus picture 1) is from a GROUND COVER plant. Leaves are mainly used in wrapping meat similarly to grape vine leaves. In Thai and Vietnamse cooking we use it sometimes.
It has a special herby smell.

betel nut (pic 1, 2, 3) is used with lime powder and a kind of vine leaves look very much like betel leaves but much lighter in colour and it is from a VINE (NOT FROM A GROUND COVER). People chew a piece of roll made up of a vine betel leaf, a piece of betel nut and a touch of lime powder. When you chew the roll your mouth will turn red. They say it is good for your teeth because of lime powder. In Vietnam, betel leaf vine climb on betel nut palm.
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17th October 2008 6:00pm
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tr says...
tran , you are so correct , must admit had a little laugh at the comment of being able to grow a palm from a piper leaf , wow anon , must be GOD to be able to do that .. and as far as I know Areca catechu is still a legal plant , damn there are tens of thousands growing up here . I know they do struggle out of the tropics and may not bear well even in Brisbane . Many other Areca spp. are used for similar stimulant effects , some even reputably stronger . One has a very attractive red crownshaft A. macrocalyx and has been spread far and wide . Another similar looking palm Actinorhytis calapparia has much larger seeds and has supposedly magical medicinal powers .
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19th October 2008 8:08am
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fruitist says...
Tran and tr, I am having a good laugh at of your command of English. I have read through all the messages posted here before mine and no one had shown any erronous misunderstanding between Betel Nut and Betel Leaf. If you were laughing at my message, read my message again repeatedly and tell me which wordings of my message show my "confusion"? I know who you are "tr".
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19th October 2008 3:14pm
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trikus says...
the 4th post down , someone has posted ;

aNON says...
your not supposed to have the leaf cos then you can grow the nut.

enjoy your informative posts 'fruitist' and in now way was I denigrating anything you said . I wonder why I am listed as being Tr sometimes instead of trikus .. maybe when I use IE instead of Firefox .

I think the leaf in question should be called Piper leaf and not betle leaf , that just leads to so much confusuion . I hate common names for uncommon plants.
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19th October 2008 9:31pm
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fruitist says...
Trikus, thought you got "confused" with my post judging from the fact that no one responded to the 4th post for many months.

Instead of using the Betel Leaves, natives in Borneo used Pepper leaves. Years ago, my neighbour in Borneo had some Pepper vines and Iban ladies used to ask for some leaves when they passed by the house.
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20th October 2008 8:46am
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Katherine says...
Does anyone know where I can buy betelnut in Brisbane? I mean the nut, the pepper stick and the lime all together.
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30th October 2008 4:18pm
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Ellen says...
I think you have a better chance by searching at Asian - Lao /Cambodian grocery shops, or Papua New Guinea grocery shop, you'll definitely find them .
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1st November 2008 8:23am
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fruitist says...
Interesting that the Areca catechu palm can start bearing at 5 or 6 years old for about 20 years. Thereafter it become sterile for another 30 years until it dies.

You can buy the whole package in Cairns Rusty market. There is only 1 stall that sells it. It is not easy to find but you won't miss it if you walk past it. You will see a few dark skin ladies sitting much behind the table doing nothing. The stall sells only that stuff.
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1st November 2008 1:32pm
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trikus says...
STRANGE ! I see a reply on the main page , but when I click on the thread , it is gone . I found a plant yesterday that may be the Piper betle I got years ago ..
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5th November 2008 7:56am
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saliva says...
We are full time betel leaf(piper) seller in Malaysia,we are trying to expand our market through out overseas. Please contact us if you have any information regards to this.

Please contact me Mr.Saliva Kumar( +60192707353)
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Picture: 1

Picture: 2
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6th November 2008 3:33pm
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Adam says...
Although the culinary herb is called "Betel Leaf" it is a different species of pepper (Piper genus) that that used to wrap betel nuts. The latter is Piper betle. The culinary herb is Piper sarmentosum. I'm not sure if this is exactly the same thing as Piper longum (Long Pepper) in which the dried fruit is used as a spice.

You can buy plants for Piper longum(Long pepper), Piper methysticum (Kava Kava, used for making Kava), Piper nigrum (culinary black pepper), Piper sarmentosum (culinary betel leaf) from "All rare herbs".
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10th November 2008 3:51pm
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Andrew Cavanagh says...
When they're cultivated cuttings are taken from the top of the mature fine about 1 metre long with at least 3 of the lobes (a 1 metre cutting is likely to have a whole lot more than that).

The vine cutting is buried with one lobe underground and one lobe at ground level (both will root).

Here in Cairns the plant grows like a weed and is a very attractive ground cover.
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Andrew Cavanagh
29th December 2008 7:40pm
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rev says...
so which is in the flecker botanic park

betel or longum?

i also read that the native bangalow palm ( Archontophoenix) has arecoline ins the seeds and is used in PNG

ther active alkaloid in betel chews is reported in the literature have both antiparasitic effects (esp tapeworms) and also increase learning ability

good stuff
in moderation
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1st January 2009 5:05pm
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chris says...
Andrew I will be in cairns in around 7 weeks time . How can I obtain some cuttings?
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10th January 2009 10:01pm
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vick says...
hi i m looking for the beltel leaf plant. can any body suggest the viatnamese grocery shop which sells the plant or leaf.
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18th January 2009 11:49am
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Anonymous says...
I assume you mean the one for cooking.
Most Vietnamese shops in Springvale, Footscray, Richmond in vegies section. Just ask for "la lot" you then soak in Water until rooting then place in soil.
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18th January 2009 8:56pm
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Rev says...
Go to Machans beach
theres a house on the same street near the post office
the la lot is spilling out under the fence into the nature strip. Or just prune fleckers groundcover patch

i checked the plant at flecker and its la lot

i picked up a P nigrum in Innisfail
$11 - and a good size
P longum
P cubeb
P methysticum
P auritum
P novae-hollandiae
are all available mail order or pickup one place or another in Australia

so where do I find living plants of the real B betel - for chewing
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North Queensland
21st January 2009 1:18pm
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Andrew Cavanagh says...
Chris the plant is growing as a ground cover in front of the Cairns central shopping centre.

If you carefully grabbed a few cuttings from there no one would ever notice the difference or care (if you take cuttings from where the gardeners will have to cut it back you will be saving them a little work).

You can also buy the plant from Limberlost nursery in Redlynch (near the train station).

And it grows at the botanical gardens at Centenary Lakes (so you can identify it.
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Andrew Cavanagh
21st January 2009 1:28pm
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rinu says...
i want to buy some betel leaves,betel nut.anybody know which shop at brisbane sell these thinks.please tell me.
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21st January 2009 1:31pm
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Prav says...
Can anybody tell me is the betel leaf plant is available in WA ?
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Perth WA
30th January 2009 12:32pm
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virginny says...
Does everyone know that chewing betel nut causes cancer of the mouth and pharynx ? Not to mention tooth rot and hideous discoloration.
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31st January 2009 8:12am
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Rev says...
Black tea will also increase risk of throat cancer.
And coffee will increase your risk of bladder cancer.
but most of us wont get these cancers. Heavy use puts you at higher risk.

Betel doesnt rot teeth. It damages the gums through the excessive use of burnt lime, which is there to liberate the Arecoline in the nut. This is in heavy users!not social users
The receded gums then expose the teeth.
Betel has a reputation of strengthening the teeth, which it probably does by the lime addition supplying calcium to the diet, by the antibacterial activity of the betel pepper and by neutralisng the acid in the mouth.
There would be many factors in oral health in betel chewing areas - diet, lack of dental services, diets rich in sugar - Asian countries IME have a sweeter tooth than Australia.

as for cosmetics. Thats cultural.White teeth are not natural either for an adult - but our youth centred culture still aspires to it. Stained mouth or stained tooth is considered attractive in traditional communities, some blacken the teeth.A betel chewer will have a clean mouth and no tapeworms! Betel chewing is ritually associated with both hygiene and hospitality

the effect of Arecoline is like nicotine. mild stimulating and appropriate for company
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North qld
13th February 2009 12:43pm
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Rev says...
I now have both P sarmentosum and what i beliwve is the true P betel from another online vendor

I can confirm yet, but it is not the same as the culinary leaf plant i collected in cairns.

The leaf is more coarse and its definitley a vine. It is not P nigrum as i have that too.

in the past ive been sold P kadsura as P betel. This plant is young so im hesitant to make a call till it gets a chance to grow full sized leaves.
By the end size of the leaf it will help me rule out P kadsura.
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North qld
13th February 2009 12:51pm
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Dr.Ganesh Bhat says...
Hi Rev,
I fully support your opinion about chewing betel leaf+Arecanut+lime. In moderation it will not have any ill effects on health. My father in India has been chewing the same during the last fity years or so. In India it is called "paan beeda". People chewing "paan" after lunch or dinner is very common. There will be a "paan beeda" stall near every restaurant in India. The social ill effect is spitting the left out chew is just like spitting chewing gum or tossing the cigarette butts.
Will u pls tell me where can I buy the betel vine through mail order? I live in Perth.
Cheers, Ganesh.
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DrGanesh Bhat1
13th February 2009 4:54pm
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Jonathan says...
Hi Guys,

I am currently trying to find Piper betel L. plant or fresh leaf in Melbourne. I am not looking for P. sarmentosum which is used in cooking as the purpose is medicinal.

I have tried a few tropical nursery, specialist nurseries and herb grower with no luck (including all rare herb)

Any idea where I can get some in Melbourne? Alternatively I am happy to purchase some interstate as long as I can ship it to Melbourne (i.e., only Eastern states is not limited by quarantine laws)

Thanks in advance
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14th February 2009 11:59am
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Jonathan says...

can you please tell me which online vendor sells P. betel?

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14th February 2009 12:01pm
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Jantina says...
Shipards Herb Farm lists Betel pepper and Betel leaf. www.herbsarespecial.com.au or www.herbs-to-use.com they mail order interstate.
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Mt. Gambier S.A.
15th February 2009 8:35pm
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Rev says...
Yes thats where i got mine.
and after this wet weather and repotting into a 200mm pot
the new growth looks spot on..
large leaf, pliable but not tough, but not so delicate as P sarmentosum

i think i have a winner finally :)
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North qld
18th February 2009 11:43am
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chris says...
Andrew thanks for the info. I shall follow your advise.
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28th February 2009 3:21pm
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denise says...
From an Indian supply shop in Aucklland I bought a ground cover piper called PAAN. They use it for helping them pray. It makes a nice ground cover and very prolific
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auckland kiwiland
6th March 2009 6:43am
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Adam says...
"Paan" is the name of the wad of betal leaves, betel and spices that is chewed in Southern Asia and India after meals or for special occasions.
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6th March 2009 7:26am
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bobby says...
where can I find betel plant in Sydney
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2nd April 2009 11:31am
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Ellen says...
which betel plant ? the one eating with the palm nut and lime ? Can't help you there .

But if you meant the other one that the Asians uses to skewer meat on and BBQ with it, then not the plant but the leaves, you can get them at any Asian grocery shops,

As for the plant you can either try to grow it out from the stems, or fast track.
Go to Bonnirigg garden centers they have it sometime. Or you can order it direct from allrareherbs.com.au .
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2nd April 2009 11:39pm
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bobby says...
thanks Ellen for the info.I meant the leaf plant.I'll try the BGC.
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4th April 2009 9:02am
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Ellen says...
Tell me how it goes, last resort, If you can't find any there, then I'll give you 1, I managed to pot 1 out 2 months ago, it's small but b/c it's in a small pot it managed to have a little vine growing.
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5th April 2009 9:06am
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Rev says...
If you dont get any joy, ill be grabbing a shopping bag full of plantlets when i go to cairns next. Ill pot them on into tubes and they would be ready by late winter/ early spring.
email me if you are interested. reville1@gmail.com
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8th April 2009 12:23pm
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Rev says...
sorry i mean the cooking betel.
Im going to propagate the chewing one too but itll take longer.
If you want to trade im still looking for Piper longum, P guineense
and most other spice plants. thanks
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8th April 2009 12:28pm
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vish says...
i dont find betel leaf vine in melbourne
i inquiredin many vietnamese grocery store. cud any body help meto get please
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8th April 2009 10:08pm
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Ellen says...
sorry, you're too far from me vish, otherwise, you could come and pick up 1 from me.
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9th April 2009 11:43am
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vick says...
Hi Rev

thanks for tip for the house In MANCHAN STREET. is it in melbourne cud u also please provide the name of the nursery who provide mail order becose i inquired about the same in some queesland nurseries and i did not find any. this wud be greatly be apperciated
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9th April 2009 11:51am
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vick says...
Hi Rev
is Mnachan street in Melbourne? Could also please provide the name of the nurseries where i could buy by mail order becose i inquired with some queensland nurseries but no success.
This will be greatly apperciated
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9th April 2009 11:56am
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Ellen says...

if you're interested in getting it through mail order, and through Queensland nursery, try allrareherbs.com.au they have both species of the betels .
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10th April 2009 5:14am
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Rev says...
it wasnt in melbourne
it was in a suburb of cairns called machans beach. dont know the street but i know how to get there.
i dont even know if theres rules bout promoting other sites off this one? havent seen anything.
to be safe if you want to email me i can contact you later, and if youve already found one then all teh better
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15th April 2009 5:07pm
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Irma says...
Hi, is not all year around. Best time April, May; Box Hill shops,and Victoria Rd Vietnamese veg.shops Melbourne.
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15th April 2009 6:05pm
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Irma says...
Piper sarmentosum Roxb. is the correct name. Native to China, Cambodia, India and Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Phillippines and Vietnan. Used for wrapping food or as an ingridient for various kinds of curries. Piper betel L. the leaves are pressed togheter to dry then they are used to wrap Betel nut: Areca catechu L. The nut fresh or cured is sliced mix with lime paste and species then wrapped and chewed, this is kept in the mouth and chewed slowly. The salive turns red and is spat out. It is said to cause stimulants effects. This is a practice in South East Asia and also in some Pacific Islands such as New Guinea. I would not use Piper betel for my cooking. Irma Blanco.
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15th April 2009 6:24pm
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Rev says...
The inflorescence of P betel is also used in the quid, i think for added flavour.
Islanders and Papuans called it 'Mustard' or other names.
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18th April 2009 4:22pm
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vick says...
Thank u Irma and Rev
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18th April 2009 6:50pm
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bobby says...
Didnot find any at BGC.I'LL buy the one you've potted.Where can I pick it up from?I live at Sevenhills.

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20th April 2009 5:30pm
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Ellen says...

email me emmanuel19972000@yahoo.com
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20th April 2009 8:19pm
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Katie says...
You can get Betel leaf from Paddy's Market Asian staff (corner) at entrance near seafood section. I bought some yesterday to make Miang Moomg (sp?) parcels.
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27th April 2009 12:56pm
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Bimalendu-Agriculturist says...
Want to sale good quality betel leaf.
Over the year available..............
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New Delhi
9th July 2009 3:24pm
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Bimalendu-Agriculturist says...
please contact me i can supply betel leaf and plant as per your requirement.
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New Delhi
9th July 2009 3:28pm
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rev says...
Sorry bimalendu

but our 'quarantine matters' govt policy
sees it fit to import grain, GMO grain meal and pulse meal easily on a commercial basis
( see where your dry soup beans come from)
but you cant import it to grow
or for personal use

the bad news is for importers
the good news is that we can grow most of what we need here
its just very few have yet
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9th July 2009 8:08pm
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amanda says...
Yea rev .. and imports pork from countries that have "post-weaning systemic wasting syndrome" in their pigs.. just the name of it makes me feel ill... what the hell disease is that??
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9th July 2009 11:25pm
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Marc says...
Don't know about australia...but here in Canada..I just got to the nearest India Pann Store and buy them there. Hey Tom if there is any Indian Bazzar in Australia...thats your best bet. Good luck.
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24th July 2009 4:31am
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Ellen says...
It is very easy to grow betel leaves, just stick the stalk back into a pot with good potting soil at the beginning of winter, throughout winter every 2-3 days give it a bit of water to keep the soil moist, by Spring it will spurt up for you .
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24th July 2009 4:42am
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Ramani says...
Just started a betel farm in Andhra Pradesh, India. In 6 months should have the first harvest. If you are interested to have betel leaves or saplings let me know.
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Andhra Pradesh
24th September 2009 4:43am
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Dr.Ganesh Bhat says...
Ramani, it is not easy to import any live plants and fruits into Australia due to quarantine regulations. Only large scale horticulture business firms will be able to meet those stringent requiremtns!
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DrGanesh Bhat1
26th September 2009 1:35pm
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Marc says...
Hey Ellen,
I actually tried that, but it didn't work. How long does the stem have to be? Because I got betel leaves and cut of its small stem, and planted that stem in a pot with good nutritional soil. But it didn't work, I attempted that many times. but still no luck. Got any suggestions?
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Toronto, Ontario, Canada
27th September 2009 2:51am
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Ellen says...
Hi Marc

I hoped you didn't exposed your propagated Betel cuttings pot out in winter time when you've tried it. As Canadian winter is much harsher than a DownUnder's winter.

Take a look at my betel leave plant, that is 2 years old.

When you try to propage through cuttings, choose stalk that is a bit bulky at where the leaves going to spurt out (where I mark #1)Or It is also here is where the roots will spring out from if you bury this into the soil deep enough .

Now I know Canadian winter is quite long, your propagated betel plant-pot cannot be place outside but if you don't have green house then place it where it does get plenty of sunlight/light (place it against a window pane but not touch it since you don't want the coldness to transfer through the pot touching the window glass surface)

Now I've seen how those asian groceries package these herbs, you don't have much choice when choosing to buy asian herbs, freshness is almost nada .
But the older the stalk/cutting you choose for propagating the better the successful rate it will be Marc.

After you choose your victims to propagate, slightly cut the stalks below where I marked #1 in the picture, leaving it 2-3 cm before it reach#1. Now dilute your your soak water with liquid root stimulator grow hormone according to instuction on the bottle.

Soak your cuttings in a glass with the diluted growth hormone, make sure the liquid covered 1-2 cm passed #1 mark. &
leave it soaking for 3 days .

Then plant it in pot with good potting mixed soil that is prepared earlier. After planting it in the prepared pot, give it a good watering. And place it near a glass window so it can get plenty of sunlight / light, every 2-3 days give it a bit of water to keep the soil moist (not soak) . It will take off for you.

Once it is growing, even in summer time you do not put this plant in the ground in the exposed environment, b/c you only have 1 month of good growing season the rest of the summer is windy, this plant can't take that kind of abuse. You only expose it outside, to get rid of the aphids, as all indoor plant, over a period of time the tend to build up with it .

That what me and my mom do when I was back home in Alberta.

Too bad you're so far away, other wise I'd give you this pot (the plant in the picture)

And the stalk/cutting have to be from 15 - 20 cm.
Pictures - Click to enlarge

Picture: 1
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27th September 2009 10:16am
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Rev says...
heres the import regulations for Piper betel
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North qld
27th September 2009 5:59pm
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maran says...
hi fren i am maran here. i am planning to have a betel farm very soon .
if ur interested maybe we can discuss about that
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14th December 2009 10:57pm
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Ram says...
Hello Maran,

I am going to have my first harvest of betel leaf Jan 2010.

Do contact me
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16th December 2009 1:16am
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recher says...
no no no

piper longum is long pepper

piper sarnmentosa is p. sarmentosum

p betle is p betle

syd bot had one once labeled p betle but to my surprise it was shrub-like rather than pure vine

i'm growing p. nigrum, auritum, sarmentosa, an unk piper, and p arborea (?)

too cold for methysicum and yet to locate longum
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24th December 2009 11:30am
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recher says...
betel nut palm areca catechu is legal
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24th December 2009 11:42am
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kumar says...
we are here to help you
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29th December 2009 2:15pm
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khai says...
HI guys,

Just wondering if anyone of you great people can help me in sourcing out betel leaf in melbourne area prefered. I have high demands as my business is booming right now, please feel free to contact me via e-mail add: aus_cm@yahoo.com

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10th February 2010 10:24am
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Rev says...
Even in Cairns markets i coulkdnt get leaf
they have the nuts - there seems a few types with the PNG ones renowned to be stronger
other look more like the longer asian types i saw in Bali this summer

they had the fruits of P betel though, the 'mustard', which can substitute for leaf in flavour but fall short in other ways
i picked a ripe bunch so i hope ill be able to grow seedlings from them

Ive recently planted some piper longum, though might be P retrofractum, in fact im suspect of the latter being identity.
great spice! sweet and hot

The piper ive seen most commonly mislabelled in both horticulture and botanic gdns as P betel is piper kadsura
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North Qld
12th February 2010 1:48pm
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Rev says...
More Areca species getting around now as well

A triandra
A guppyana

also ive read the bangalow palm (Archontophoenix cunninghamiana) seeds also have Arecoline, same as Areca
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North Qld
12th February 2010 1:50pm
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Frank says...
what is the cost for Betel Leaf,per leaf?
And where can i sell a Betel Leaf....
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Meghalaya, India
25th February 2010 8:53pm
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Frank says...
And where is a Betel Leafs is used for?
What is the importance for it....
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Meghalaya, India
25th February 2010 8:55pm
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gaurav says...
any indian grocery store would have betel nut, sweet, and also plain
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1st March 2010 8:34am
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Sohail says...
You can buy it from Srilanka, India, Bangladesh.
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7th March 2010 12:43am
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Sohail says...
I want to start farming of betel leaves.
Can any one guide me on the following.
-How many plants per acre should I plant.
Hoa many leaves I can expect from each plant per annum.
-What average weight of each leaf can I expect.
-How much yield per acre per annum can I expect.
From where can i buy mother plants.

Thanks for your support.
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7th March 2010 12:51am
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jessica foo says...

I am looking for anyone in WA who is willing to sell me a pot of this betel leaf plant. I have tried some websites in eastern states but due to quarantine measures they don't send them to WA. It would be great if anyone could help. My email address is foodie_jess@yahoo.com.sg

Thank you
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21st March 2010 1:11pm
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Frank says...
what WA stand for
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Meghalaya, India
26th March 2010 5:23pm
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John I says...
Frank, WA stands for Western Australia.
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John I2
26th March 2010 6:31pm
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divay says...
we are the dealers in betel leaves in india over the past 50 yrs now.looking to expand our business overseas.need to know more about the prices and quality in your country.we are for purchase and sale
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india,new delhi
29th March 2010 6:13am
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marc says...
Hey send me all price information about betel leaves...I need betel leaves for my business ....if you can supply sounds great
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9th April 2010 3:23pm
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Ram says...
Hi Divay, I have started harvesting betel leave on my farm since 1 month. The demand is overwhelming. Buyers come (to my farm) with labour and pluck betel-leaves at their own cost. We are paid Rs. 375 per basket of 3000 leaves. Every buyer (without exception) has said our betel-leaf is much superior. All happening beyond my expectation. My farm is in Mehboobnagar district, Andhra Pradesh.
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9th April 2010 6:02pm
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Marc says...
Hey DIVAY send me your contact information plz
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25th April 2010 12:21pm
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divay says...
i can provide u as much supply u need throughout the year.im a businessman in betel leaves in india.kindly provide me the details on yur end
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india,new delhi
25th April 2010 6:20pm
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divay says...
hi marc..sorry 4 the delay..my numb is 9810062611..u can call me any time.plz send me yur e mail adress..will b in touch wth u easily or on facebook...my adress is divaydua@hotmail.com...looking forward 2 hear from u soon...cheers
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india,new delhi
25th April 2010 6:27pm
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divay says...
hi ram
your proposal luks gud 2 me...9810062611 this is my mobile number.plz give me a call so that i can place an order for the basket.plz mail or sms your mobile number as well.im sure we can do profitable business together.thanx
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india,new delhi
25th April 2010 8:12pm
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divay says...
hi david
im a businessman in india,new delhi, dealing in all varities of betel leaves and betel nuts.its cheaper here and can assure you the quality.let me know if there is any requirement.i can send u a sample if you wish
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india,new delhi
25th April 2010 8:27pm
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divay says...
hi saliva
im a businessman in india new delhi dealing in wholesale trading of betel leaves and betel nuts.would like to have a sample of the leaves u sell so that i can order in bulk in future.9810062611..this is my mobile numb.let me know how we can go bout it.pls send me the pricing from yur end.my email id is divaydua@hotmail.com
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india,new delhi
25th April 2010 8:36pm
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divay says...
u luking for sum betel leaves and nuts..rite.well im a betel leaf trader in india and deal in bulk orders.luking at the demand of betel leaves in australia, would u like to import from us and be a trader yurslf there??the margins are huge and profitable
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india,new delhi
25th April 2010 8:42pm
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divay says...
hi katie
can u pls send me the full address of the place from where u got the beetel leaves?
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india,new delhi
25th April 2010 8:51pm
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divay says...
hi denise
can u pls send me the adrress of the indian supply shop in auckland from where u bought the PAAN?
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india,new delhi
25th April 2010 8:55pm
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Navish says...
i'm planning to setup betel leaf distribution channel. can someone give me information on pricing and how the product is packed.
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27th April 2010 6:51pm
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Original Post was last edited: 27th April 2010 7:27pm
Mohammad ali says...
hi dear!
i need the betel leaf paan minimum 200 kg per week,s u have a Possibility so pls Contact with me

Best Regards
Mohammad Ali
cell:+92 312 6197084
Pictures - Click to enlarge

Picture: 1
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Mohammad ali
30th April 2010 7:38pm
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rev says...
hey mohammed
youve matched the wrong pics again

you want paan
but that picture is Piper sarmentosum

ive got som P betel seedlings now
i bougha ripe fruit from rusties market in cairns
where the papuan ladies sell their wares
i planted it and now that its rotted many pepper seedlingsare coming up in a bunch
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north qld
10th May 2010 1:56pm
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rev says...
if you are serious though i can put you in contact with a Papuan guy who works in developing supply chains for fresh produce for his country.
im sure theres no shortage of leaf in PNG.
email me if you are serious and i can put you in contact
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north qld
10th May 2010 1:58pm
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rev says...
Also for people in cairns
try the vietanmese place on the same block as the night markets

they do a very tasty Bo la lot
they call it on the menu
:beef in special leaf:
using Piper sarmetosum
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north qld
10th May 2010 2:00pm
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divay says...
hi mohammed
yes ofcourse i can send you the desired quantities.you have to provide me the details of the receiver.the consignment can be send through air/train.also provide me the details of how will you make the payments of the sale and i shall send you the consignments at the cheapest price

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india,new delhi
11th May 2010 3:45pm
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divay says...
hi marc
i had send you the reply and my contact number.u were looking for sum supply of betel leaves.anything further on that end?you can reach me at divaydua@hotmail.com or 09810062611...we are wholesale dealers in betel leaves in india with over 50yrs in this trade.
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india,new delhi
11th May 2010 3:57pm
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divay says...
hi frank
are u dealing in betel leaves?im a dealer in new delhi.are you looking to sell or buy the betel leaves?there is a very good market here.let me know
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india,new delhi
11th May 2010 4:00pm
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helen says...
have plenty betel nut & daka (mustard sticks & leaves)also lime.daka starting to finish fruiting ,betel nut is on. contact me if you want some
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9th June 2010 9:34am
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biju says...
hello dear
actually i am cultivating betle leaves.how can we harvest more leaves.actually it is situated at coastal area.normally our soil is like muddy always and atomsphere normally contains more humidity as usual.

thanks in advance.
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3rd August 2010 5:08am
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Nitin says...
Please see that water should be pass away from the soil. Muddy soil stop roots for growing. use more natural fertilizer. Maintain the temperature near 30 to 35degree centigrade. for maintaining temperatur use Polythene nets. for fertilizer use "Steramea" with "sufala". IF you use four bags stearameal use 1/2bags sufala. mix it and use for plant

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Nitin Patil
12th August 2010 4:20pm
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PoPo says...
Can anyone advise me where I can buy betel leaf in Brisbane Queensland? Is it the same leaf Malaysian used to made Otak Otak?
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Gold Coast
22nd August 2010 9:44pm
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Rev says...
there only two main betel leaf please entertain us with some pictures and recipes, ask some relatives im malaysia to send pictures of the herb and we can ID it
Theres plenty of product of what i think you must mean in nth qld, all it needs is a demand down south

Personally id like some recipes for this attractive, hardy, expansive groundcover
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North qld
26th August 2010 6:36pm
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Ellen says...
you wants fake synthetic eyelashes, you go to the beauty parlor darling, this is a gardening ws for plant lovers. LOL
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30th September 2010 5:39am
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Lucas says...
Helen (09/06/10), My mother in Law is from PNG and wants me to get some daka for her. I would love to purchase some. Or if anyone else has or knows where I can purchase daka from it would be greatly appreciated if you could pass on the details to me at ljwalmsley@hotmail.com


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4th October 2010 9:03am
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jaksi says...
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8th October 2010 1:48am
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frank says...
am doing supply betel leave......
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15th October 2010 3:46am
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DR GUNALAN says...
hi everyone we have beetle leaf farm of our own.. anyone in need in bulk of beetle leaf weekly/fortnight kindly mail me at guna27786@yahoo.co.in or call 0060129110785
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klang malaysia
13th November 2010 9:21pm
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BuaiDaka says...
Helen, I would get to some on a regular basis as we do have wantoks here. Please do contact me. My email address is buaidaka@gmail.com.

Wantok - WA
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22nd November 2010 1:30pm
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saliva says...
Hi everyone, used of the betel leaf.
The betel leaf is used in a number of traditional remedies for the treatment of stomach ailments, infections, and as a general tonic. It is often chewed in combination with the betel nut (Areca catechu), as a stimulatory. Some evidence suggests that betel leaves have immune boosting properties as well as anti-cancer properties. My email address
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29th November 2010 6:29pm
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kert says...
If Saliva's post were an advertiesement it would be subject to the Trade Practices Act. Said Act prohibits deceptive or misleading claims. Doubtless Mr. Saliva is safely beyond reach in Malasia and has nothing to fear. Nevertheless , is no one offended by such quackery?
Betel nut is a stimulant with addictive properties . It stains the teeth and mouth and is associated strongly with cancers of the pharynx.
Next time someone says how wonderful a repository of knowledge the net is ,think of Mr Saliva and ilk and their ability to give pernicious views credence.
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3rd December 2010 9:31am
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snottiegobble says...
Bad luck folks!! He`s still posting!!!
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Bunbury/Busso (smack in the middle)
3rd December 2010 11:02am
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amanda says...
he he ...just when we thought it was safe....BTW - I heard a great report from Chris Smith (Prof @ Cambridge Uni) on ABC radio this morning about studies on parasitic worm infection and autoimmune diseases....I guess you owe some folks an apology kert. :)

(U can google the ABC programming list and look it up if u like..)

(only 1 day later - and the 'troll' fell for the troll... :)
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Geraldton Mid West WA
3rd December 2010 3:42pm
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Original Post was last edited: 4th December 2010 12:18am
kert says...
It's nice when the usual suspects behave like the usual suspects.
I suppose it's not going to make a difference but antway... worms and autoimmune disease is an interesting hypothesis .;dozens of such are thrown up all the time . It happens that it has seized the imagination of some ,no doubt for its quirkiness .None of this means one should act on it . Can we wait for the double blind placebo controlled trial? Or should we swallow worms straight away because it sounds really beaut. PS Snottiegobble - can you walk us through the thought process that caused you to select your name?
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3rd December 2010 4:33pm
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amanda says...
ahem kert...the studies have already been done actually...and the beneficial chemical that the worms secrete has already been identified. No doubt a synthetic version being developed as I type.

You still owe Jason and Phil an apology :)
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Geraldton Mid West WA
3rd December 2010 4:46pm
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Original Post was last edited: 3rd December 2010 4:56pm
kert says...
Well, I never! Now that a nameless substance has been identified and the unreferenced ?trial has been done I should regard it as established therapy,right? Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proofs. When i see the trial I change my mind . What do you do?
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3rd December 2010 4:55pm
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amanda says...
Suck it up kert :))))

Google it yourself, then get back to us ;)
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Geraldton Mid West WA
3rd December 2010 4:59pm
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kert says...
You are being offensive ,again! Any time soon you will delete me in self-righteous rage. If you cite a trial YOU should reference it. No reference ,no credibility
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3rd December 2010 5:30pm
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amanda says...
He he - no not angry - having a good chuckle actually. Ok - I will look it up and post just to keep u happy :)

BTW: "suck it up" is actually not an offensive term - it translates to "take your medicine"??? Modern slang...
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Geraldton Mid West WA
3rd December 2010 7:03pm
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amanda says...
Ok kert - here are the ref's:


And here is the (free) podcast - can recommend this segment with Chris Smith - very interesting and easy for everday people to follow.


The No.1 podcast (02/12) is the one.

That's all I have time for kert and I am sure u can work out the details for yourself? (but I reckon you might enjoy it, in truth. It also touches on the discovery of that bacteria that lives on arsenic)
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Geraldton Mid West WA
3rd December 2010 7:22pm
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Phil@Tyalgum says...
Hey thanks for the extra info Amanda. A work colleague of mine was looking at getting a total colectomy (removal of bowel) earlier in the year due to ulcerative colitis - since starting the helminth therapy her symptoms have resolved and she's getting married in January. A good outcome, eh?
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3rd December 2010 8:41pm
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amanda says...
Hey - high 5 Phil... ;)

That's a wonderful outcome! Hopefully soon there will be a treatment with less 'yukk' factor for her.

I guess you shouldn't hold your breath for that apology though....

So - shall we get back to gardening again do u think? :))))

(ps - I think I have a crush on Chris Smith's brain actually....)

And yes kert - I would rather swallow the helminths, in the interim, than have to permanently wear a colostomy bag any damn day...
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Geraldton Mid West WA
3rd December 2010 10:38pm
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Original Post was last edited: 3rd December 2010 11:12pm
kert says...
The thing about the internet is it gives undue prominence to the bizarre and crazy. Google "Moon Landing" and you get the Psych Ward's conspiratorial rave not factual info. There must be people on this site that know what betel nut does to you and can grasp that a really good anecdote does not constitute adequate evidence for "worm therapy" but they are silenced by the prospect of being shouted down by a bunch of braying, over-confidant ignorami
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4th December 2010 1:52pm
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kert sydney says...
The level of discussion mimics that which can be found at any "Sportmans' Bar'- loud-mouthed oafs dominating and crowding out anything nuanced or informed. The Bad drives out the Good.
The upshot of this is that I do not wish to engage with the above types and would ask they not respond to my posts . I will do the same . There is no reason for me to "speak" to people who ,under different circumstances , I would cross the road to avoid.
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4th December 2010 2:00pm
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Diana says...
I like the sound of Papua New Guinea grocers as places to buy plants and ingredients, but I have never seen one of these. If I found a Pacific Island grocer with Solomon Islands ingredients, I would buy some ngali nuts (the most melting and creamy textured nut anywhere). I heard a few years ago that someone was intending to commercialize them.
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4th December 2010 5:14pm
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snottiegobble says...
Kert, my username was derived from the coloquial description of a fruit that is produced by persoona species. Attractive native understory trees that are quite common in the south of WA
I just changed the "y" to "ie"
Meantime please just accept for once that not all cures are pill shaped & prescribed by a doctor
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Bunbury/Busso (smack in the middle)
6th December 2010 3:07am
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kert says...
You're entirely correct -cures are not always pill - shaped; they also come in capsules.
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6th December 2010 12:47pm
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Perth Pharma says...
Hey Kert,

I recommend, have a proper read of the details before going on about your jargon of saliva's claims being subject to " Trade Practices Act". saliva indeed was talking about betel leaf and you were talking about the long term effects of betel nut! The nut comes off a palm tree where as the betel leaf, is completely of different species and for your information, it indeed has several medicinal properties claimed, tried and tested for several hundreds of years, including for certain types of cancers and the success was achieved again, based on the malignancy stage!

P.S: Apparent from your previous posts, you are fond of references!! so here's one http://www.ayurvedictalk.com/medicinal-values-of-betel-leaf/1511/
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Perth Pharma
24th April 2011 9:56pm
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Original Post was last edited: 24th April 2011 10:03pm
kert says...
Hmmm. Not sure WhAT YOU ARE TRYING to say although it does seem you are getting your panties in a knot. Would it be impolite to say that your reference is not of the highest value . Nonetheless I am of a libertarian bent and have no problem with people doing daft or dangerous things to themselves.
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25th April 2011 8:24am
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amanda says...
Speaking of "drugs" - what is this "legal marijuana" plant that everyone is talking about? Does anyone know if it is actually a cannabis plant - or is it something else?
I am not interested in using it myself - but I am very curious as to what it is exactly?
(I hope no-one minds me asking this question here...)
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Geraldton. Mid West WA
25th April 2011 11:40am
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Julie says...
Saw something in the newspaper - can't remember it's name now. Out of curiosity I Googled it and it was incredibly expensive. Mind you, I have no idea what marijuana costs, so maybe not.

Interesting that an article warning us about this 'legal' drug gave me info so I could buy it. Probably not the intention!
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Roleystone WA
25th April 2011 7:51pm
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amanda says...
It's probably Yak dung Julie!? LOL! I have friends who say it looks just like the real thing....? Buggared if I know. Apparently it's flooding the mine sites also..
I was wondering if it's safe and/or just a rip off. It must be something that is botanically simliar looking..? Curious.
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Geraldton. Mid West WA
25th April 2011 9:29pm
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Xiem says...
Re Amanda's question about THC-free marijuana:

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27th April 2011 2:24pm
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snottiegobble says...
I have been told by a reliable source that it is made from incense scraped from incense burners, but it makes you crazy! ( last 3 attempts to post this were deleted & I wonder why??)
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Bunbury/Busso(smack in the middle)
27th April 2011 7:29pm
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amanda says...
Well...I thought it might be the Salvia species. ..but that's illegal here (think Miley Cyrus on U Tube - oops!? ...legal in the US but still a "trip")
From what I can gather - legal pot is herbs laced with synthetic cannabinoids that were developed for lab testing re: studying the effects of cannabinoids on the human brain - and 'they' are "legal" (for now) and undetectable - of course - hence the flood into the mining industry - I used to test these guys and the Ministry of Justice clients too...they will go to extraordinary lengths to avoid detection....
To be honest - I know many people are using this stuff - it's called Kronic. The scary thing is that many people are also on antidepressants too.
Whatever - it's their body. If anyone reads this now tho' - maybe stick to the illegal stuff....it is a known quantity (for 100's of years now) IMHO :)

I was just being my usual busy body self, that most of u know by now... ;-)

Ps - it is marketed as "incense" SG. This post will be deleted also (fair enuf' too) I was just interested if it was a bona fide plant species or not. It's always a worry when something is marketed as a "secret ingredient"...?
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Geraldton. Mid West WA
28th April 2011 4:00am
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amanda says...
Xiem - I don't want to be rude - but grow up...? Tobacco is el natural too? The history of tobacco and cannabis is as ancient as each other...from either side of the Pacific. And nicotene was once used exclusively by shamans and considered a spiritual "herb"...So - what happened?
Nature made these plants with these ingredients - not for our exclusive pleasure - but to maim or kill that which would eat them...think about it.

You can smoke Oleander too...but would u?

(ps - the receptors for THC in your brain did not evolve for the plant - they are there for your own bodies natural cannabinoid receptor system...just like u have "natural" receptors for the endorphins and "natural" opiates you produce too... receptor systems don't work quite the way many folk think....eg: the ingredients in many antidepressants target the sites for serotonin uptake - you know those sites were there many thousands of years b4 antidpressants came along....for all we know there could be psychoactive compounds in tea..we just don't have a compatible receptor in our brain for them..)

Ok - off my soap box now.. sorry.
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Geraldton. Mid West WA
28th April 2011 4:17am
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Original Post was last edited: 28th April 2011 4:43am
Jason says...
Everything I've ever heard or read about Salvia tells me it's about the worst drug you could ever try. Being slowly unraveled into the dark cold universe until there's nothing left of you which is the typical Salvia trip doesn't sound much fun. A lot of people give up drugs right there and then after that experience
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28th April 2011 4:48am
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kertr says...
Anyone notice this is a fruit forum? Bet there ia a forum elsewhere to discuss psychactive substances.PS it's spelled nicotine ,Amanda. But I'm sure you knew that.
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28th April 2011 7:58am
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Xiem says...
Dear Amanda

That post wss purely for information, not to put a point of view across. I don't smoke or support marijuana.

So sorry to have offended you.

I say goodbye to this forum - it is far too nasty for me.
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28th April 2011 11:52am
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J says...
I find it ironic that people who are willing to eat apricot kernels to cure cancer(!) find the thought of using marijuana for medical reasons or pain relief to be a problem. Xiem was an active, polite member of this forum was she not? Seems a shame she is leaving because of the perception of people being nasty on here. I find this forum to be the most helpful, friendly forum on the interwebs(98% of the time), Xiem. Hang around some more. :)
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28th April 2011 12:59pm
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MaryT says...
I hope Xiem is only leaving this thread and not the Forum. Some discussions get heated so it is a good strategy to stay away if they get nasty. But Xiem, don't go; as J said, 98% of the time it is a good place to be.
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28th April 2011 1:18pm
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kert says...
Me too, Xiem . You can't be all bad if you disagree with A.
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28th April 2011 1:40pm
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kert says...
Oh Ratsus, I'm stunned by your repartee. Nonetheless ,if you go to the top of the page you can make out without too much trouble "Daley's Fruit Tree Forum" PS "Forum" is singular if that is the burden of your sophistry.
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28th April 2011 1:52pm
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BJ says...
Rastus, to satisfy kertrs wish that discussion on this forum, maintained by a company that sells fruiting trees, trees used for spices and herbs, be kept to fruiting trees and the fruits they produce only, I could re-direct you to another website where you might be able to discuss these sorts of matters with folks who know a fair bit more about it http://www.shaman-australis.com/forum/
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28th April 2011 2:10pm
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kert says...
Atta Boy ,Ratsus. I think you've got it. Marijuana is not a fruit and it ain't really about gardening/ It's about getting stoned.
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28th April 2011 3:34pm
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kert says...
Read the thread ,ratsus. You broke into it to say that it was not correct for me to remind people that it was about fruit, not marijuana. You gave the stunning insight that the forum was about gardening.
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28th April 2011 3:57pm
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snottiegobble says...
Xiem, life is too short & emails tend to appear very abrupt ( you cant see the smile at the other end) so I ask you to reconsider. Unlike one certain other poster who also has no user ID) & constantly gets up everybody`s nose you have a wealth of info to offer this forum so please stay with us!
As for dope well I havent smoked anything at all for 30 years & plan to continue that way, but if I find that marijuana cures IBS I will certainly be having some green cookies!
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Bunbury/Busso(smack in the middle)
28th April 2011 4:51pm
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kert says...
It's not about you ,Snott. No one needs to know whether you smoke dope or not. But I do urge you to review your medication.
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28th April 2011 5:03pm
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kert says...
Good point but rather gratuitous ;a bit like me saying to you that you should not trip up people using crutches.
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28th April 2011 5:30pm
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snottiegobble says...
Stay with us Rastus, he can only make more of a fool of himself as always!
OK Smart A-se diskertious. YOU tell me what medical drug cures IBS!
( & dont delete as usual)
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Bunbury/Busso(smack in the middle)
28th April 2011 8:35pm
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amanda says...
Sorry - my fault here. I was just hoping that one of our botanical gurus might know what the plant was. I worry about people/friends using something that the producers state is a "secret" ingredient.
Didn't mean to start an argument - please ignore my original question (or feel free to delete) Xiem - sorry also - I thought u must have been taking the mickey with that link - hence my response.
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Geraldton. Mid West WA
29th April 2011 1:04am
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kert says...
This is my last jab at anyone(unless v. severely provoked ie cancer quacks misusing this site)Truce is a good idea . Most of the phlegm occurs when users decide it is appropriate to let their hobby horse off the leash regardless of its relevance. To show my goodwill I will not share my interpretation of the acronym "IBS" with anyone. Just chortle in private.
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29th April 2011 9:16am
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amanda says...
Let he who is without sin cast the first stone....?
C'mon...I have already apologised and I meant it. I did as much research on the "appropriate" web sites as I could - b4 I came here - they were hopeless with information, surprisingly!? This just made me more curious... it's a character flaw of mine... ;-)
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Geraldton. Mid West WA
29th April 2011 12:36pm
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Xiem says...
My fault there Amanda. I didn't take the time to watch all the video - I thought it was more about the THC-less variety of marijuana. I'll be more careful next time and won't jump in on a thread without doing the homework first.
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29th April 2011 2:31pm
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amanda says...
No dramas (sorry for my knee jerk reaction also..) so - u are going to stay now I hope Xiem? :-)
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Geraldton. Mid West WA
30th April 2011 11:33am
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Xiem says...
Yes it is a good forum. I always take interest in food, including the type that grows on trees. . The Garden Web is okay but I tend not to look at that one so much because it is so general. I also like the Taste.com.au website and no doubt a few of the people on this forum also contribute to that, as well as to the Garden Web.
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30th April 2011 11:55am
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amanda says...
Me 2 Xiem! It's risky -> but I am going to digress here - but the crispy pork belly with caramelised vinegar (using cinnamon, orange and star anise) is my current consuming passion! (happy sigh... :)

There can't be many passionate food growers who are not also dead keen on cooking and eating their efforts surely?
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Geraldton. Mid West WA
1st May 2011 11:23pm
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amanda says...
PS... I actually got to smell that 'stuff' today..it took me ages to put my finger on the smell - but it was pineapple sage. So I just googled it and it's a member of the Salvia family also...? mmnnnn...
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Gerladton. Mid West WA
1st May 2011 11:41pm
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amanda says...
Are YOU growing drugs in your backyard?

(lol - I apologise in advance for my sense of humour...) ;)

The acacias were a surprise...??
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Gerladton. Mid West WA
2nd May 2011 12:06am
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snottiegobble says...
Amanda, my daughter & friends used to pick the blooms from our pineapple sage & suck the sweet nectar from their bases. They are one of the flowers along with borage, nasturtium, calendula & 'johnny jump ups' that you can add to salads to make them more interesting.
Re porkbelly recipes, I hope you saw IRON CHEF this weekend as that was the required ingredient.? 10 amazing recipes & 2 of them in carved out pumkins! It was a draw ( I was waiting for rockwiz)!
As for the psychedelic site well, my Lions ears grew really well in Vic. & there were a number of clowns in the district who would have gladly smoked them had they known!
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Bunbury/Busso(smack in the middle)
2nd May 2011 8:29pm
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Laisla says...
Today I spotted Betel Leaf branches galore at a Thai grocer. They look fairly easy to propagate. I remember them growing in the flower beds at Cairns Central when I lived up north. Does anyone have experience growing them in a cool subtropical/warm temperate climate like Sydney?
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Leichhardt Sydney
15th June 2011 8:30pm
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Laisla says...
Today I spotted Betel Leaf branches galore at a Thai grocer. They look fairly easy to propagate. I remember them growing in the flower beds at Cairns Central when I lived up north. Does anyone have experience growing them in a cool subtropical/warm temperate climate like Sydney?
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Leichhardt Sydney
15th June 2011 8:31pm
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df says...
betal leaf
Pictures - Click to enlarge

Picture: 1
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26th June 2011 8:08pm
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recher says...
I'm questioning whether its true Piper betle.
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27th June 2011 3:16am
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Mike says...
I think some of the other pipers look very similar but are not the real deal.I know people who have a yard full of the genuine piper for betel nut chewing with mustard sticks or lime.They do pretty well out of them and are way more vigorous than my common standard kitchen pepper.
I think the Mhong people sell a slightly different variety of betel nut piper from the NG people.
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28th June 2011 11:35pm
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Recher says...
It is not betel leaf in that picture.

What is in that picture I bought as P.longum and its not that either

Here its gone rampant.. a 150mm pot planted errrr 15 years ago has spread to 7m x 7m
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2nd July 2011 10:13am
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Recher says...
there was a scraggly struggling betle in sydney royal bot > 20 years or so ago.

it was a sub-shrub...regretably cuttings didnt strike

plant long gone.. since native plant freaks took over SBG admin
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2nd July 2011 10:16am
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Mike says...
There is another common piper looking plant that many asian people have in their gardens to use the leaves in cooking.It has larger leaves and is more of a ground scrambler than a dedicated climber.I don't know its name.
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2nd July 2011 10:22am
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BJ says...
P. sarmentosum?
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2nd July 2011 9:03pm
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Mike says...
Bj I see it as the start of the thread now and that must be it.It is often planted under peoples' steps in high set homes and needs to be contained.
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2nd July 2011 9:11pm
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Kat says...
I'm trying to find a grocer who stocks Betel leaf in Sydney (Inner West, Eastern Suburbs or City). Does anyone know one who stocks it? I want to make tea from it as an Indonesian health therapist recommended it for menopausal symptoms.

Thanks in advance for anyone who can help me out.
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19th July 2011 3:25pm
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ringelstrumpf says...
I accidentally found that:
(the palm)
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19th July 2011 8:45pm
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Sony says...
Hello Pls any one can tell me where can i get betel leaf in perth .
Thank you
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26th July 2011 9:53pm
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lizzie says...
Can you tell me where I can buy a betel leaf plant to grow near Sydney. I have tried twice with cuttings with know success.
thanks Liz
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2nd August 2011 5:28pm
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redroseaus says...
Hi, i'm in melbourne. can anyone tell me where i can get betel plant pls,.. as i have tried to grow the stem after buying from shops, but hopeless... thanks
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5th August 2011 4:54pm
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Aru says...
Hello Sir, we are start to grow betel leafy plants n after few months we can get the leafs for marketing. So in advance I would like to know can you buy betel leaf from our farm. kindly reply me.
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6th September 2011 2:35pm
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rhonda says...
Thank you. I've noticed my teeth are stained red as are my gums . Not so long ago I was diagnosed with throat cancer . Could any of these things be related to my use of betel nut?
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6th September 2011 3:40pm
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Recher says...
only if chewed with tobacco
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8th September 2011 11:57am
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nikhil says...
i'm looking for betel leaf vine plant.
i'm interested in purchasing it.can anybody help me where to get hold of this plant.
i live in toronto.
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16th September 2011 4:51am
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Hi Nikhil,

You can get Lolot, BBQ Leaf
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16th September 2011 11:30am
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nikhil says...
Thankyou so much for the immediate response.I ordered the vine plant today .Thanks once again.
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16th September 2011 10:26pm
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Linton says...
Hi Redroseaus
Did you get some Betel Leaf yet? I'm growing one which I got from Queensland but it's still very small. If it speeds up enough this summer I can take some cuttings for you.
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25th September 2011 11:11am
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marty says...
I have b/nut leaf and trees for sale if anyone is interested email me at msth@live.com.au
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28th September 2011 4:58pm
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jaksi says...
do you post abroad?
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30th September 2011 10:38pm
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homer says...
heavenlyproducts.com have rooted plants for around $20.00 each. You can catch them on sale from time to time. I received 2 plants from them yesterday and they were in good condition. Check them out.
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22nd October 2011 12:08pm
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raju says...
i have 100 acra of betel leaf crop ane one interested buy our betel leaf please send your requrement our e mail indialaces@hotmail.com
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22nd November 2011 12:31am
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dan says...
hi there
i am a chef use it all the time
try ringing the local veg supplier to buy at the sydney markets
come from darwin
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23rd November 2011 9:42pm
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Redroseaus says...
Hi Linton, sorry about late reply. Could I have the betel plant please??? Are You in Vic??
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1st December 2011 12:57pm
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Recher says...
I am maintaining there is a lot of betel leaf that is not betel leaf. For example this blog

i am a chef use it all the time
try ringing the local veg supplier to buy at the sydney markets
come from darwin
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8th December 2011 6:05am
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Recher says...
p longum and p sarmentosa are not synonyms, but distinct species
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8th December 2011 6:10am
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Recher says...
Areca catechu, betel nut, is a legal import
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8th December 2011 6:12am
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Recher says...
yes it makes a good ground cover. I have a patch that got to 6 meters by 6 meters before i started to control it with glyphosate
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8th December 2011 6:14am
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Dodi says...
Hi everyone,

Just happen to see betal leaf plant for sale on ebay... ID: 150721281757. I grow mine from cuttings, hope they'll multiply this summer. Good luck.
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19th December 2011 8:26pm
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Pappinbarra says...
Betel nut is NOT illegal in Australia. Actually it is mustard leaf that the nut is chewed with (& lime of course). None of that has anything to do with the leaf that you are talking about. Just clearing that up.
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2nd January 2012 9:51pm
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jakfruit etiquette says...
The fruit of the Piper, is often called "mustard stick"
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2nd January 2012 10:04pm
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Grasshopper says...
I found betel leaves (La-Lot) at Asian grocery store in Northbridge-Ton Sian crn Palmerston and Myrtle St. I called ahead and lady had leaves for me next day :) Made Longrains smoked trout in betel leaves - yum! Hope cuttings take!
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8th January 2012 8:02pm
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Dei says...
searched many asian food shops in hobart and launceston. Still could not find any La-lot. Can any 1 help ?
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28th January 2012 2:32pm
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Sarah says...
You can find betel leaf plant to buy at this website: http://www.tropicalsusa.com/piper_betel.html
Pictures - Click to enlarge

Picture: 1
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26th February 2012 7:02am
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indika says...
Dear sir
i live in sri lanka we are betel planters so we have lot of betel leaf to sell i f you need them we can export here is my mail number 99unduka@gmail.com and my phone number is 00940786267628
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sri lanka
2nd March 2012 2:37pm
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snottiegobble says...
Do you have a red tongue & gums as well indika ??
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Bunno &amp; Busso ( smack in the middle)
3rd March 2012 3:53pm
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kbn says...
just bought betel leaf plant (3 in a pot) for $5 at Woodridge market (produce market near railway station, not thieves market at shopping centre). Some stalls selling same plants but a little bigger for $20!
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11th March 2012 1:39pm
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Tissa J. says...
Betel leaves are easily available in
Sri Lanka.People ready give it without
any charge.If one of your friends comes
please ask him make arrangements to
collect a plant with roots.

The picture of Sarah of Texas is
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Tissa J1
Colombo,Sri Lanka
16th March 2012 4:48am
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Nitin says...

I am ready to give you Betel Leave plant with root without any charge. I am manufacturer of Betel leave. My address is MR Nitin P Patil, Kelva Kochirbhat , Tal : Palghar, Dist :Thane Pin 401401
Cell : 91=9923754205
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17th March 2012 7:25pm
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snottiegobble says...
Thank you Nitin, but can you guarantee I will get red teeth, red tongue, & red gums??
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Bunno &amp; Busso ( smack in the middle)
17th March 2012 10:48pm
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recher says...
the red is from the betel nut not the Piper
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20th March 2012 8:03am
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recher says...
i doubt its P. betle..picture?
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20th March 2012 8:05am
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recher says...
not P. betle
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20th March 2012 8:05am
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recher says...
not P. betle...there is serious taxonomic confusion going on here
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20th March 2012 8:06am
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Mahesh K.P says...
I ready, we send you betel leave daily basis

Please contact for betel Leaves
Mr.Mahesh K.P
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Mahesh KP1
14th April 2012 11:56pm
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Original Post was last edited: 14th April 2012 11:58pm
Mahesh K.P says...
I ready, we send you betel leave daily basis
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Mahesh KP1
14th April 2012 11:56pm
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jamie says...
hi there,could anyone please tell me where i can get the betel leaf and does any1 sell it and can send it to me in new zealand?please reply me asap.
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auckland nz
25th May 2012 9:36pm
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jaksi says...
hello Nitin
I would like a betel piper plant. I will pay for carriage costs. Thanks
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9th June 2012 6:45pm
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Laisla says...
lol no need to send money to Nigeria or India, Betel is available in most Thai groceries - fresh. Take some home and root them. They grow well in Sydney, mine is spreading and didn't even blink during winter
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11th December 2012 1:10pm
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Recher says...
I did not believe you had Piper betle and then when you wrote did not even blink during winter in Sydney I knew you did not have P. betle.

There is lots of confusion with Piper in Australia.
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18th December 2012 12:36pm
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Laisla says...

Is this the plant you refer to? because this is what I am growing


Yes, it survived sydney winter fine. In fact it is spreading everywhere
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18th December 2012 12:50pm
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Grace10 says...
Hi everyone, I
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24th May 2013 7:01pm
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Izzi Dole says...
If you move to tropical North Queensland later on you can grow almost anything that grows in India and Sri Lanka.I just returned from Cairns last week and I tasted all the tropical fruits at the Rusty markets including young coconut water, rambuttan, mangoosteen, durian, dragon fruit, mangoes,papaws etc.I also remember seeing betel leaf. It's a tropical paradise. Your chances of growing betel in the cold Melbourne climate would be very difficuilt and would need lots of patience. Anyway try Daleysnursery.com in NSW.
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Izzi Dole
Georges Hall
25th May 2013 12:03am
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Original Post was last edited: 25th May 2013 10:43pm
Izzi Dole says...
Beware the betel leaf looks very similar to the leaf of the pepper vine and has a thin and shiny surface whereas the pepper vine has pods of green and red pepper hanging in clusters which is dried and used for cooking as black pepper.There are also some other weeds that look very similar to the betel leaf.
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Izzi Dole
Georges Hall
27th May 2013 2:35pm
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Nitin Patil says...
Mr Nivesh

I have own betel leaf farm. My village main businees is bete leaf cultivation. we are selling 02mton leaf every day.
Please contact 09923754205 for further details


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Nitin Patil
30th May 2013 4:01pm
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Sundrop says...
Hey guys, I've been reading this forum but I can't keep my head around the numerous varieties of betel leaf, or nut or etc...

All I know is that I want the wild betel leaf - the kind that is used in Malaysian cooking, Malay name is "Daun Kaduk". I believe it is the rounder, more heart shaped one rather than oval shaped.

Does anyone know how I can:
1. Buy the leaves here in Sydney?
2. Buy the plant and grow it in my garden?

Thanks so much for your help!

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11th August 2013 9:46pm
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Ellen says...

if you're looking for the kind that the Vietnamese folks for BBQ with beef or stir fry, and if you're in sydney area, then I have it, contact me at emmanuel19972000@yahoo.com
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2nd December 2013 6:31pm
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SelvaLakshmi says...
Dear friends,
My father doing a betel leaf business for the past 30years in chennai(Tamil Nadu,India). If anyone of you needs leaf you can send your request to my,
mail id: selvalakshmi30691@gmail.com

at anytime your's mail are invited..
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29th December 2013 4:19am
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Original Post was last edited: 29th December 2013 4:18am
paraklesin says...
They are in currently stock at greenharvest.com.au
I just bought one.
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28th February 2014 4:30pm
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JohnMc1 says...
You must have bought the last one, not available now till Sep.
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Warnervale NSW
28th February 2014 8:34pm
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Bhoomi says...
I have been to many nurseries in Sydney but couldn't find betel leave vine. Last month I found the place in Sydney. The Parklea Market in Blacktown has a fruits and vegetable stalls. I found an Asian vegetable stall. They are selling betel leaves vine in 20cm pots. Healthy plant with well developed roots. I bought a plant for 20$. Very happy with the size of plant and I have started using few leaves every week.it is worth spending a little but I am enjoying paan bida every weekend.
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25th April 2014 2:01pm
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AnnK says...
Hello Everyone

I live in Perth. Does anyone know where I can buy betel leaf in Perth?

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28th April 2014 2:46pm
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Tony Pang says...
Hi Saliva Kumar.

I am interested to export your Betel Leaf, pls advise which part of Malaysia are your farm located.
Looking forward to hearing from you soon.


Tony Pang
Cell 6010 883 1951

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Tony Pang
Singapore / johor
29th July 2014 3:34pm
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Linton says...
The Betel Leaf makes an attractive indoor plant for growing in a pot inside in Melbourne.
Pictures - Click to enlarge

Picture: 1

Picture: 2
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Springvale, Vic
2nd August 2014 6:05pm
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SiewK says...
Hi Tom,

I too am from Western Australia. I read your email and you said you were able to purchase some Betel Leaves in WA. Where can I buy some of those leaves so that I can also cultivate a plant? Or will you be able to give me a cutting of your plant?

I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you.

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6th September 2014 6:59pm
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Dara says...
I am looking for fresh betel leaves here in Melbourne. Please help me.
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Glen Huntly
14th September 2014 1:41pm
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Linton says...
Attention Dara - Betel Leaves

Parkmore Fruit and Vegetables often have them. I got some there last week for cooking. Chow!
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Springvale, Vic
14th September 2014 4:06pm
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AnnK says...
Hi Pav

I too am from WA and am finding it impossible to obtain a betel leaf plant. Can you tell me where I can buy one?

I look forward to your reply.

Kind regards
Ann Kay
0417 985 918
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16th September 2014 6:53pm
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paresh says...
please can you tel me know how much will it cost to me at perth
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27th September 2014 4:17pm
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paresh says...
please i need piperbetal leaf plant but not from thailand i will prefar from india or bangladesh if u can than ineed at perth naranparesh@gmail.com
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27th September 2014 4:23pm
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Original Post was last edited: 27th September 2014 4:28pm
Phyo Koko Lwin says...
Just tell me how many vine do you want and how can i send to you?I'm from Myanmar and I'm working at betel leaf plantation bussiness.My email is "jimcarrey.mufl@gmail.com"...cheers :)
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Phyo Koko Lwin
Suburb Jin
23rd February 2015 6:24pm
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Betel Leaf Sale says...
We are Srilanka based company which export betel leaf. This is our online Store - 1st Online Betel Leaf Shopping experience.
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Betel Leaf Sale
8th July 2015 7:47am
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Original Post was last edited: 8th July 2015 7:47am
19david70 says...
hi Helen, you still have the Betel nut, Dakka growing for sale?. get in touch please I'm really interested... david_bllstrs@yahoo.com.au
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17th August 2015 10:13pm
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19david70 says...
Hi Everyone, Ive been reading all the recent post, and i see that alot of questions was asked about the Piper Betel leaf, which is used for chewing in India (Paan) can any one advise if they have found a grower in Australia where they have fresh leaves. I checked the Australia customs requirements to bring some in and let me say too much red tape. If anyone knows of anyone that is growing this plant in Australia please contact me. david_bllstrs@yahoo.com.au

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25th August 2015 9:08pm
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monifa13 says...
I buy betel leaves from Indian shops and betel nut is also sold in most of the Indian shops in Sydney and I am sure they must be selling it in the indian shops in other Australian cities too. Indians use it as an offering while worshipping God along with betel leaves. But I have never seen a betel leaf plant anywhere here in Sydney.
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24th October 2015 11:40pm
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Original Post was last edited: 24th October 2015 11:37pm
19david70 says...
Hi Monifa, yes I've located 1 person down Sydney way that does grow this plant, but he wasn't able to supply any as he sells/supply most of his leaves to the Indian shops down Sydney. I have obtained 2 plants from Brisbane myself but the are a long way off from being able to be harvested. This is a real hard produce to obtain in Australia.
Thank you for the reply.
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25th October 2015 11:46pm
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Jhez says...
Hi Guyz, If you have information of farm here in the Philippines about BETEL LEAF / IKMO / BUYO / NGANGA. Please inform me you can reach me at jestoniemalonzo18@gmail.com / 7440935 / 09396087201
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6th September 2016 5:04pm
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gsk exports says...
i am ready to supply betel leaves from India to any destination on daily basis through air.
please contact me mail gskexportsandimports@gmail.com
whatapp. +917373880077
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gsk exports
betel leaves
23rd October 2016 6:39pm
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BenW says...
I wish these scammers would knock it off...

I got some from a fruit and veg shop and started cuttings in water. Many of them rooted and I'll grow them as house plants.

Try a fruit and veg shop in a Vietnamese area, or even ask at at a Vietnamese restaurant.
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27th October 2016 1:33pm
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19david70 says...
Hi Ben,

Yes i know exactly what your saying with people stating they cab supply from over sea. Ive actually located both plants the Vietnamese and the PNG betel plant. The Vietnamese betel grows very easy but the png is very slow but once its established the fruit will be worth the wait.

Cheers and good cooking
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29th October 2016 11:38am
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abbey says...
I am selling this plant.
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18th October 2019 9:37am
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