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Denise4's Edible Backyard

Joined: 01/12/13 Updated: 01/12/13 Frost:
Location: auckland nz

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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

Denise4 Forum Contributions
Ants nests in pot plants - When ants are around and causing a niusance I put out some flat tile or slates in suitable places. The ants will put much of their eggs and babies under it and I then lift up the slate and spray them with a quick acting poison...4931 days 9hrs
What are your favourite fruit trees in - Earlier in this column I noted my three choices from all the fruit I have ever tasted. From those I have never tried i have three wannabes. ACAI, Red bayberry, and Salak. I have almost got these and hope to get some nice land to grow them. ..4934 days 12hrs
Red bayberry - Two weeks ago I went north to visit tropical fruit gardens and took packets of dried bayberry as gifts. One recipient cut a seed and found it to be alive whereas previously all packets had dead seeds. I have already sown them, but if you want to try your ..5001 days 16hrs
Papaya2 - Hi Snottiegobble, Auckland is similar to sydney but not extra hot or dry air. We are moderated by sea on both sides. Frost is closer to non existent due to infill housing and the sheltering trees and bush where I live. We now have no frost in the garden.a..5023 days 13hrs
Papaya2 - You can buy fancy hybrid papaya seed from alohaseed.com online. Their Red Queen variety grows extremely fast and tolerates some cool and shade.Sow in September, plant in February and put some temporary overhead shelter in winter.It is not a dwarf but the ..5028 days 7hrs

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