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Ants Nests in Pot Plants

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Joe starts with ...
With all the recent rain the ants have move to higher ground as well!. But how do I get rid of them out of my pot plants with out harming the plants. They are shifting and the soil from around the root system and building it up around the stems, even placing it ontop of my potted cacti. Is there a liquid ant kill natural or chemical to get them out of the pots.
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26th January 2008 8:54pm
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Tran says...
It is very funny but it is true that my husband and I notice the same thing that if we see ants somewhere in the house we then threaten them then they go away when we come back a week later. We can't explain. Anyway put your pots in a bucket of water for 1 hour and see how you go.

Good luck Joe.
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26th January 2008 9:02pm
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Correy says...
We had exactly the same thing happen 3 weeks ago but instead of an ants nest we had a termite nest in the pot of our panama berry. At the time 50% of the leaves were browning and falling off.

There was about 5cm of sugar mulch on top of the soil so the first thing we did was totally get rid of that and then we started loosing up the soil on top and copmletely soaked the pot in soil.

3 weeks later and the termites are gone 98% of the leaves are a healthy green and we are eating the berries.
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Woolloongabba, QLD
27th January 2008 9:17am
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Correy says...
I think one of the best things to have around the yard would be an echidna.
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Woolloongabba, QLD
27th January 2008 2:04pm
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Joe says...
Good idea soaking the pots in water, but the pots are huge. I would have to put them in the swimming pool, don't think hubby would be to pleased. And I have threatened them many times with no luck. Joe
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27th January 2008 9:35pm
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Diane says...
Hi Guys. I've been battling the 'ants in the pot' problem for years. I have coastal brown ants and black ants, all which have multiple queens. The workers need to check in on the queen for a chemical. Without the queen, the colony dies.

Previously I've been repotting my plants, but of late I've come across pyrethum powder from Bunnings. I mix some powder with water, then water my pot plants with it. The smaller pots I soak in the solution, but the larger pots get big doses of this solution which I repeat every couple of days. I also put a plant sorcer underneath the pots so the ants have no where to run. So far so good.

Pyrethum is a natural bug killer and I haven't noticed any adverse affect on all my lizards, which is good.
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24th February 2008 6:43pm
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Diane says...
ps. has anybody noticed that the ants seem to kill the plant if they are allowed to live in the pot for long enough? I've lost serveral precious plants this way.
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24th February 2008 7:02pm
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Dekka says...
Ants in plant pots are a sure sign of an overly dry potting mix. Don't shoot the messenger. The presence of ants is merely a handy indicator telling you that you are under-watering.If you stop allowing your pots to dry out then they won't move in.
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24th February 2008 8:01pm
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People who Like this Answer: life in a retirement village,Red_ms
Diane says...
Hi Dekka,

Thanks for the advice. Makes sense considering the anty pots are the ones that get the most sun, so they dry out really quickly. We don't have much shade around so I might invest in a good shade cloth as well as some good potting mix with wetting agent. Take care.
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25th February 2008 12:54pm
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Joe says...
Hi Dekka.
The ants Iam most concerned with are in my cacti collection, which as you know can't really be kept moist, so I need a "GET OUT OF MY POTS" approach. This Pyrethum, does it harm the plants in any way?.
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26th February 2008 1:01pm
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Dekka says...
Joe, I don't really know... but my question is do the ants harm the cactus in any way?
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26th February 2008 4:45pm
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Diane says...
Hi Joe. The pyrethum I have is a white powder that you would normally use dry. But I've been mixing it with water. Pyrethum comes from the crysanthimum flower (excuse spelling). My liquid solution hasn't harmed my plants in anyway as such. I've also contacted The Garden Gurus and approached them with the same problem. Their solution: ant killer powder. I've used it dry on a small lavender of mine, directly on the root system and the ants just poured out.

Depending on how big your cacti are, perhaps you could carefully lift them out of the pot and powderise the nest directly, otherwise poke down with a stick to quirt some powder down. If you don't want to kill the ants repot them then put a protective circle of ant powder around the pot. Another forum I came across spoke about a Borax/Sugar solution. Borax is also used in the Pest industry. It all depends on what ants you have and how many queens you have. But as Dekka asks, do the ants harm the cacti? If they don't you could leave them. If they've been nesting in your cacti for months on end now and the plants still look healthy, you shouldn't have much to worry about. Unfortunately for me, I've lost some good plants due to these little buggers. It's a love/ hate relationship. I've taken Dekka's advise to keep my pots moist, which shouldn't be a problem now with all the rain we are having.
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28th February 2008 12:20pm
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Joe says...
Thanks Diane & Dekka. I will give the powder a go. And yes the ants seem to upset the cacti a little and they really distroy the succulents.They remove the soil from around the root system and the plant slowly dies. I will try it and report back to you both. Thankyou for your help.
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1st March 2008 7:59pm
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bekstar says...
I have heard that talcom (spelling?) powder annoys ants, sprinkling some around the pots might do the trick.
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WA girl
3rd March 2008 5:26pm
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DAVID says...




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4th March 2008 9:00am
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john says...
i went into bunnings looking for pyrethrum powder but they couldnt help me.is there a brand name i should ask for?also where can i get boric acid powder?is there a brand name there also? thank you.
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15th March 2008 4:07pm
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peter says...
i got my borax powder from
the hardware store.
it is sold as a laundry aid.
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15th March 2008 4:20pm
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Dekka says...
Borax can indeed be used for killing ants, however, around plants I would use caution as Boron is a micro-nutrient and its addition to soil can then create an imbalance in the ratios of other micro-nutrients.
in my previous postings I neglected to suggest the use of ant deterrent plants such as the herbs "Pennyroyal" and "Tansy" (although Tansy can be disagreeable to some plants.)
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16th March 2008 6:26pm
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Diane says...
Hi John. The brand name I have is Chemspray: Home Pest Control - ANT KILLER DUST. The active constituent is 20g/kg Permethrin 40:60 which is a synthetic pyrethrum.

Comes in a yellow, plastic bottle 300g net. Also has a web address www.amgrowgardenking.com.au

Hope that helps.
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19th March 2008 7:46pm
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john says...
thanks peter,dekka,diane.
pyrethrum and borax are low toxic antkillers
i dont like the idea of putting any chemical on my plants.
i try to keep it as nontoxic as possible.
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21st March 2008 11:32am
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Dekka says...
I would sincerely urge anyone who believes that Pyrethrum is a low-toxic insecticide to look at this article:-

Pyrethroids: Not as safe as you think.


People can easily confuse 'natural' with 'safe' especially when chemical manufacturers infer it in their marketing.
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21st March 2008 12:59pm
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john says...
thanks dekka.you are right about pyrethroids having some toxicity,but they are still a lot less toxic than the heavy duty chemicals-the organophosphates etc.
the problem with things like garlic and the herbs is they dont work well enough.they have a mild repellant effect but thats all.
the least toxic insecticides that actually kill ants are the pyrethroids.
i am looking at trying something called diatomaceous earth.this is used for insect control in wheat silos, so it should be fairly safe.i cant find it anywhere-tried bunnings etc. any ideas on where i can get this?
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24th March 2008 1:15pm
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peter says...
a swimming pool supply store
should have it.

what do you plan on doing with it.
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24th March 2008 4:03pm
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Dekka says...
John, Before you go and inhale a lungful of silica, consider trying the most low-risk options.
1. What has made your garden attractive to ants, e.g, food and habitat? Can it be reduced?
2.Does your garden provide habitat for ant carnivores such as skinks and ant-lions.
3.Have you tried disturbing the ants on an ongoing basis 'til they move on?
4. You could use an agricultural glue around the entry point?
5.If you want to kill them, have you considered boiling water down the hole?
I become a little dismayed when gardening programs (or forums for that matter) become more like poisoning promos.
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24th March 2008 8:43pm
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john says...
dekka,i am not a proponent of heavy duty pesticides like lindane,malathion etc.
these things are definately toxic.
what i do want however is a result.where i live, ants are not only affecting my pot plants,but they get inside my house and attack electric sockets and wiring.i have a real problem with ants.
i considered all of your suggestions,but in some locations{i live in darwin},it is trench warfare.
which brings me to diatomaceous earth.
diatomaceous earth is a "mechanical" insecticide-it is like a microscopic razor which cuts insects as they crawl over it.they back off very quickly.it has no effect on people or animals-only tiny insects.dekka, i wont get a lungful of silica because i will wear a mask.
if i can get some,i intend to use it as a physical barrier around the pots,and other places.
peter,the swimming pool stuff doesnt work because it has been pulverised,and there is no razor effect.i need the "food" grade.
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25th March 2008 3:38pm
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Dekka says...
Sorry, John, just trying to help. I thought you only had ants in your plants!
Green Harvest sell diatomaceous earth as "Absorbicide" for $40.oo per 5kg. It is used as insecticide for siloed/stored grains. Best of luck.
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25th March 2008 8:14pm
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Diane says...
Hi John, Looks like you have the same problem that I do with ants in the house. In our office, right behind the wall I'm sitting next to, is a happy trail of ants. But we can't find where they are coming from. Initially we tried the granula stuff like antsand, and even the liquid ant rid. Useless to say the least. As we don't own the house we can't pull the wall down either so I've masked up the socket around the plugs and switch so they don't come in. Our bathroom is the same, right behind the wall where the bathtub sits.

I've never heard of diatomaceous earth. I'll look into that for inside the house. I'm happy with pyrethrum for my plants and they are happy too. I have a rose bush whoes roots I've literally and liberally coated with the powder, and the bush is coming along quite well now.

Joe - how are your cacti coming along? Have you had any success yet?
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26th March 2008 10:52am
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john says...
thanks dekka.this stuff should be easier to get than it is.if it works in wheat silos,then it should be more widely used in the gardening and pest control world.it has a lot of advantages.
the 5kg bag is a bit much.if someone is looking for a business idea,they should buy it of the bulk suppliers to the silos,put it in 1kg bags,and sell it to the public thru garden suppliers.
hello diane.this stuff should do the trick for your house,and as a bonus,it will also work for your pot plants.it is ok about pets.make sure you dont get the swimming pool stuff-get it from where dekka said.
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26th March 2008 6:32pm
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Joe says...
Hi Diane, Boy haven't I created an ants nest with this question hey!. So far so good. Most of the ants have moved out with just the use of the pyrethrum powder. And I got it from Bunnings. I apply it once a fortnight and it seems to be shifting them. And it has not hurt my cacti. When I was at Bunnings the Ladies in the nursery section told me that the ant Liquid was the best for in the house, all thought not a good idea if you have a 1 year old like mine..(Or pets in the house)As long as it is out of reach it has been working well. Thanks again for everyone's imput it has been very intresting and usefull.

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28th March 2008 9:49am
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Diane says...
Thanks for that John. I like the idea of your business idea. Thought of doing that yourself?
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31st March 2008 6:36pm
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Diane says...
Hi Joe, Glad the powder is working for you. I've tried Ant Rid inside the house. I've actually put it on the power point rim. All it did was get the ants stuck and what seeped behind the socket at the wall eventually ate through the wiring. My hubby had to do a bit of work to replace everything, socket and all.

I'm going to give that stuff Dekka mentioned a go for inside the wall. It's working for John. I don't have kids, but do have an animal inside the house with hundreds of lizards outside, including a family of blue tongues with their own new born. I was wondering what my cat was looking at in the pumpkin patch. Cheers.
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31st March 2008 6:45pm
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john says...
Hello Diane.Hard to do business things from darwin.Its like living on the moon up here.
The thing with laying D.E. in the house is that the ants will back off,but then look for another way,so you lay it whenever you see a new trail.They soon get the message.
With the pot plants,just lay it in a circle around the pots.You should be able to lay it around the plants themselves.After all,it is fossilised seaweed so there should be a fertiliser effect.
The only downside is to wear a mask[get one from the chemist] as dekka said.D.E. is safe to ingest but not to inhale.It is fed to pets as an internal parasitic but dont get any in your lungs.
Some of the alternative pet food suppliers should have it.I have sourced a 1kg bag in QLD and its "in the mail"
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1st April 2008 4:19pm
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Diane says...
Hi John,

Darwin... I don't envy you. No offence intended. Thanks for the tip on laying D.E.

Best of luck.
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1st April 2008 8:20pm
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Anonymous says...
well i can say dont use flyspray i did it with a 150$ blue cycad and killed the plant by disturbing the roots.there is ant sand sprinkle it in the plant soil and the saucer if it has one perhaps.any othe chemicals will kill all microbugs ,making the soil void of goodies and nutrients andworms etc.
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14th June 2008 9:59pm
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Anonymous says...
one thing i can suggest to stop ants invading new pots is to put some fly screen over the holes in the bottom of the pot. Just cut up a few squares and overlay them. This stops the bugs getting in but still allows drainage. it also stops your soil from coming out the bottom. You can buy fly screen mesh from bunnings by the metre.
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8th July 2008 1:59pm
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GrosieJosie says...
I don't have any gardening experiences what-so-ever! Is Pyrethum okay for all kinds of plants? I have a Jade at the door which is suppose to bring you luck except the only luck it's having is an ant problem.
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4th November 2008 7:45am
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David says...
I would like to know if any one tried the diotemacious earth an if it worked?
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28th November 2008 11:41am
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denise says...
We put out flat stones such as slate on the surface of the ground. in hot weather put them in the shade or paint top white.the ants will put all thier eggs and babies under the stone. Just lift it up and spray them. It is very efficient and works well for us.
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auckland kiwiland
6th March 2009 6:17am
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andro says...
I have the same problem, but with a potted pepper plant, if I use any of the above will it effect my peppers taste/toxicity in any way?
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auckland NZ
24th March 2009 6:01am
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russ says...
I am trying the borax option. A mix of 1 tbs borax powder, 2 tbs sugar, 2 tbs honey diluted in 1 ltr of boiling water. Allow to cool and serve in lids of jam and coffee jars. For bigger colonies i am serving in old chinese take-away containers.
So far so good, i am getting a large number of dead ants around the mixture so it may be a little to strong. However i am confident that they are taking enough back to the nest. After rain i find that the ants are not attracted (which i am putting down to dilution of the mixture) so have to replace. This is not a problem in the garage where the little suckers are loving it.
I would definately recommend this.
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perth NOR
24th March 2009 11:51am
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Macca says...
Hey Russ.. you can put a plastic flower pot upside down over the bait trap to keep rain out of the mix and keep other creatures out. Ants still find way in..
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30th March 2009 2:14pm
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russ says...
Great idea. I have some ants in the back garden that i have been wanting to get too, but didn't want to put the borax down becuase it would also poison the dog. I will try it with a large terracotta (sp) pot which should be to much for the dog to move.
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perth NOR
31st March 2009 11:46am
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Jose L. says...
Here you can maybe find ideas against ants:


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Jose L1
10th April 2009 7:46pm
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Mike says...
Hi- where did you buy the borax from Russ- I live in Perth as well- phoned Bunnings and they dont have it.
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17th April 2009 12:19pm
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Julie says...
Mike, you should be able to buy it in any supermarket - look in the aisles with cleaning materials. It was used in the past as a water softener.
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rRoleystone WA
17th April 2009 7:22pm
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Ruth says...
I'm doing a butterfly garden and there are ants in one of the plants I intend to set out. I can't use anything that kills insects because it would kill butterflies as well. Does that leave only the water soak, and how long lasting is it?

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Austin, TX
23rd April 2009 3:06am
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amanda says...
Wetta soil kills ants in pots - just make sure u soak overnite - good 4 your pot plants too.
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geraldton WA
14th May 2009 9:26pm
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A says...
I am glad I am not the only one to have the ant problem. I have found pyrethum powder hard to come by (brand names need to be given) even from Bunnings but I can easily get the concentrated liquid. I don't make it as strong and soak the soil and it forces the bug(ger)s out but it can also kill all the good ones like worms that have set up home. May need regular treatment. Dillegence is the main thing and I have taken to getting pots and saucers that have lips to them. I spray surface-spray under the rims (or use something like chemspray). Cake it on and let it dry make sure the ants don't like it as not all brands work as they say. The rims stops the substance being washed off in the rain. Avoid leaves touching surfaces where ants can walk into them. I have found ant sand useless on some ants, so I dont' bother also I move my plants alot and my partner hates to see the mess it leaves. Usually a repot and then maintenaince is the way to go. Spray Eco-oil or similar to keep away scale and the like as this attracts to ants and then they think its a place to set up. Though I like to set things up all nice, I am a lazy gardener and found that the ignore and it might go away policy never works with ants. Alway interested in hearing more tips as I never knew the one about keeping to soil wet but this does not suit plants that like it dry and even with moist soil I have found the blighters in it.
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Sunshine Coast
1st August 2009 2:31pm
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amanda says...
Hi A - ant sand is only a deterrent - that's why is not much good.

Something like ant-kill is better. I have to use this sometimes on my block perimeter to kill the Bull-ants that are starting to invade the property (30acres). Unfortunate but nothing else works on these guys (except pouring deisel down their holes!). Ant kill can be sprinkled on the soil of pot-plants and watered in. Some ants take meat baits and some take sugar baits - they are all different!
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Geraldton. WA
1st August 2009 8:08pm
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amanda says...
PS on ants - it's mainly the brown coastal ant that invades pot plants here - they are also called "big headed ants" (u will see a soldier ant with a big fat head now n then) they are very small and they DON'T have a formaldehyde smell when u crush them.

They are not Australian ants and the only sure way to get rid of them is Amdro or Max Force - both fairly safe (expensive but u don't need to use much) They are invasive (I had them in the toilet cistern at last house - drinking the water!) and well worth the expense to get rid of them or keep them away.
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Geraldton. WA
1st August 2009 8:33pm
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Julie says...
amanda, is ant kill a brand name? We have huge problems with meat ants here in the hills - they swarm all over you and they BITE!
I could hardly get to my mail at one point, as they were all over the drive. They disappear in winter, but I know they will be back soon!
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Roleystone WA
2nd August 2009 6:41pm
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amanda says...
Hi Julie - yes Antkill is a brand - I get it in a big yellow container from Bunnings - just pour it straight down the hole (lots) If the nest is too big to get near I sprinkle the night b4 - this usually subdues them enuf' to get close to the holes. They are awful hey...I don't want them here because the swarmed and bit my girl when she was only 2yrs - it was terrible! They are quite destructive too.
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Geraldton. WA
2nd August 2009 7:13pm
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Linda says...
Hi there, I too have been battling with the ants in the pot plants for the last few years. And repotting was my solution until I just read your blurb about the pyrethrum. Duh! Wish I'd thought of that ages ago! Our house is infested with ants as it is and the plants indoors make it that much worse. To top it all off now that the warmer weather is coming the ants are multiplying like crazy. So it's off to Bunnings for me tomorrow!! THankyou.
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13th August 2009 6:53pm
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au0rey says...
Hi all, recently yes ants have been living in two of my large pots and some small pots for what reason I am not sure...maybe the cold winter?

I had to repot a large chilli plant becos it looks like it is going to die..thousands of ants came crawling out and shocked me!

Pyrethrum certainly kills them and is very low in toxicity for humans and degrades very rapidly after application.

I soak my oregano's roots in pyrethrum solution to curb fungal issue and it worked.

I use Yates brand of Pyrethrum which I will dilute with water. Got it from bunnings...Kmart sells too...

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13th August 2009 7:08pm
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A says...
I have looked for the products Amdro or Max Force (that have been suggested above) but have had little luck in finding them (I am on the Sunshine Coast). Does any one know if these items can be purchased locally through chains like Bunnings? Most of the links I have found while searching the net are for exterminator companies, blogs/forums or just product information (or are out of date)
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Sunshine Coast
15th August 2009 10:26am
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amanda says...
Hi A, Amdro is available at our Bunnings (expensive there tho') I got mine at IGA supermarket for a lot less. I got the MaxForce (Bayer) from my local rural supplier (do u have City Farmers or such?)
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Geraldton. WA
15th August 2009 11:14am
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Fi says...
Hi, I have just read with interest all the information that everyone has on ants (in potplants)and everywhere else as well. I have just been outside repotting, trimming, feeding and watering all my very large potplants. I have had a Marginata full of ants for quite some time and it is not looking well. I am off to Bunnings for pyrethrum powder and I will also try all the other hints for keeping them out of my house. We do live in Australia and there are ants everywhere, but when they invade my precious plants and house - I get very upset. They got into my dogs food the other day (I thought the container was sealed enough , obviously not !!) abd ruined a large container of very expensive Eukanuba ,, I fed it to the fish !!
Anyway - thanks for all the hints !!
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Gold Coast QLD
17th August 2009 1:19pm
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amanda says...
It's a good idea to have a chat with your local pest controller about your ants.. they are the experts and know a hell of a lot!

Some ants take sugar baits.

Some ants take meat baits.

Some invasive ants take neither and need "chemicals" for long term control.

Ant problems get worse in dry weather.

Many of the 'baits' are very low toxicity eg: Amdro, MaxForce - because u use so little, so infrequently.

Your pets won't eat it. Nor will anything else. The bait is gone by the morning.

It is practically the only real solution for coastal brown ants.

The idea is that the ants take the bait down into the nest (which is stunningly extensive) and thereby kill ALL of the queens.

Pyrethrum powder will kill of your "good" bugs in your soil/pot plants too. It will also kill your worms and goo bugs in the ground-soil.

I look after my good ants - but had an invasion of nasty, biting aliens that were driving off my good ants - one hit with Maxforce and they are gone... no more of any kind of chemicals (natural or otherwise) out there.

You will need to put the pyrethrum everywhere the ants are ... very ineffective - whereas the "bait" is carried to where the nest is...Good luck! :)

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Geraldton. WA
17th August 2009 10:27pm
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Original Post was last edited: 17th August 2009 10:37pm
Fi says...
Thanks for the info Amanda ( by the way I have been to Geraldton - a lovely part of the country , I had a friend living in Carnarvon but she has since moved to Dunsborough, so I have spent a fair bit of time in WA !)

Regarding my ants in potplants , my Mother told me that my Grandmother used to fill a bucket with dishwashing detergent and water, and water the plant with it. I have tried this - and keeping the plant wet and I have had lots of luck. The plant is looking well and the ants appear to be gone (for the moment).

I am going to get a pest man in because the ants are entering my house on a daily basis and driving me insane. I will try and get someting natural but effective !!
Have a good day ..
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Gold Coast QLD
25th August 2009 10:24am
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Original Post was last edited: 25th August 2009 10:24am
snottiegobble says...
Try experimenting with eucalyptus oil or peppermint oil. A tiny ammount of each should send them packing. They both work in the house when wiped along windowsills, doorsteps etc. I think they makes ants multiple eyes water,ha,ha.
Remember though if it wasnt for ants & spiders, we humans would have been starved out of existance long ago!!
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29th September 2009 1:59pm
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au0rey says...
wow what a long forum on ants :). Recently I had ant infestations in my kaffir lime pot and I drenched the whole pot with pyrethrum dilutions. Sadly, the earthworms in the mix were murdered by me...Make sure yours have no earthworms if you use this method.
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30th September 2009 5:10pm
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Dekka says...
At the risk of repeating myself, everyone should investigate how 'safe' Pyrethrum is before using it near a food crop. There is no doubting that it has been marketed as "natural" & "safe" for a long time but five minutes of research on the net and you'll probably think again.
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30th September 2009 7:39pm
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amanda says...
Hey Dekka - maybe drop a couple of links as some people don't look? (and i mean that in the nicest possible way...)

Personally - I avoid drenching soil at all costs.. it kills everything and mostly the good bugs - and the outcome is no different whether it's "natural" or not - except for residual issues.

Also - I know I have blown my net-access bill way out from researching stuff 4 people on the forum (but including myself also..)

I also think that there are way too many paranoid people out there with regard to "chemical" control..do your homework and assess the risk vs the destruction etc. For example: coastal brown ants are NOT indigenous...I have no qualms about baiting the sods! :)

I probly have one of the few B.C.Ant free properties in Gero...but I have lots of "good" ants...and my worms etc ...still alive...
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Geraldton. WA
30th September 2009 10:09pm
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Original Post was last edited: 30th September 2009 10:19pm
Dekka says...
In a nutshell.... Most Pyrethrum products in the garden are no longer made from the natural Chrysanthemum but are the synthesised Permethrin which lasts for thirty days instead of twelve hours or so. In commercially marketed insecticides Pyrethrins are usually combined with other chemicals to give a broader spectrum of effect(kill more critters); attacking the nervous systems of insects. They are known to be highly toxic to most fish and aquatic creatures and are moderately toxic(whatever that means) to birds. The main reason they suggest that it is "safe" for people is that we tend to have a lot of lag time from farm to marketplace with produce, however in a home garden this is not the case. It is also said that we often process our food and therefore the Pyrethrum is decays before consumption but this is not always the case at home. If ingested, Pyrethrum is extremely fat soluble but can be partly broken down internally and then passed without obvious effect however studies are starting to see a link between Pyrethrum insecticides and glucose related issues in the human body. I'm sure the more looking they do, the more they will find.
Garlic spray, chilli spray and coffee spray are excellent insecticides. Also the herb Tansy is an good ant deterrent so a concoction made from this may be just the thing to interrupt the ants walking trails.
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1st October 2009 1:48pm
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au0rey says...
Oh dear I am very ignorant on these facts about pyrethrum...thanks for the information.
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1st October 2009 9:06pm
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amanda says...
Good info Dekka. Nicotine sprays are also a great alternative? I am told that this was the pretty much used exclusively b4 synthetic stuff came on the scene?
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Geraldton. WA
2nd October 2009 9:50am
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Brendan says...
Hi amanda,
Here's an 'old' Nicotine Spray recipe I have.

Boil 125g of cigarette buts or 250g filter tips in 4
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Mackay, Q
4th October 2009 6:13am
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amanda says...
Thanks Brendan! That's good recycling of the ashtray contents!! I am reading a (fiction) book at the moment and they talked about using bellows and tobacco to make a smoke fumigant!? (it's set in the early 1900's) I wonder if it would work....
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Geraldton. WA
4th October 2009 9:37am
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Brendan says...
Hi amanda,
I don't think the Lux flakes will work in that nicotine spray. I'd use a 'good' wetting agent instead :-)
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Mackay, Q
5th October 2009 6:35am
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Katrina says...
Hi, I've just been having a killing spree in the backyard! We have green ants everywhere and they are a living hell! They bite my poor dog, so I've got him tied up for the moment with the chemicals I've been using, and my neice (3) didn't quite take to being bitten by one of the little nasties.

I wanted to know if the pyrethrum solution that you water the pot with, will kill the ants or just get them to move on? I have a lot of pots in my garden and most are heavy cement ones, so I really don't want to have to keep repotting to get rid of the ants. I just emptied 4 fairly large pots and they all had nests in them. It's driving me mad!!!
I'm not looking to move them on, I want to KILL them!!!
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Gunnedah NSW
4th November 2009 4:12pm
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Tiggerbow says...
I understand your frustration.
I had an ant problem last summer but they weren't green ants and were too small to do much biting.
With my ant problem I brought 'Ant Killa' (yes that is the correct spelling), from Bunnings. It comes in a large red container. This was the only thing that helped.
Good luck.
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Perth WA
4th November 2009 7:44pm
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Brad says...
I potted up a tahitian lime in a ~100L cement pot less than a month ago in fresh commercial grade potting mix. I watered in with soil wetter and have been keeping it well watered as it establishes itself.

I was really surprised to find today that ants have moved in. This implies to me that you need to overwater to keep ants out of larger pots??? The only other factor I can think of is the pot is slightly under mulched as I haven't added to the mulch from the original smaller pot.

Has anyone tried coffee grounds as an ant deterrent?

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Como, Perth
15th January 2010 12:37pm
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Original Post was last edited: 15th January 2010 12:37pm
amanda says...
Hi Brad - garden section in weekend paper says you can drench with neem.
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Geraldton. WA
17th January 2010 10:59pm
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Lou says...
Termites have infested the pots of my fig, myer lemon and Persian lime trees. I eat thefruit from these potted trees so chemicals are not an option. The pots are pretty large too. Can someone please help me get these bastard out of my fruit tree pots? I have no idea whatgo do!!!! Thanks so much
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8th March 2010 2:42pm
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amanda says...
Hi Lou - what about a nicotine drench? It's safe enuf'. I don't know how you make it - maybe google a recipe?
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Geraldton. WA
8th March 2010 7:45pm
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Grub says...
nicotine spray is horrible toxic muck, will bowl ants over on contact,

Why not try putting your pots in a saucer then in a another slightly shallower larger saucer and fill with water,instant moat.

have had an ongoing battle with meat ants, borax just makes them happy, have found the best solution to get rid of the nests close to the house is to constantly piss on the nest, believe me it works,it takes the occasional party to beef up the pee volume, but it works.

On an ant positive , heard on the radio the other day that meat ants absolutely massacre young cane toad toadlets so am delighted with some big meat ant nests down by the dam.
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Taunton Qld
8th March 2010 8:31pm
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amanda says...
Yes - nicotine is toxic - but it's not residual. Infact it was the most widely used pesticide in the world prior to chemical nasties. It's also a natural chemical like pyrethrum.
Anyway - I smoke it and I aint dead.. yet...(it's not the nicotine that will kill me either...it's the rest of the crap in the fag)
Borax can be more toxic to plants...? :-)
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Geraldton. WA
8th March 2010 9:48pm
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Brad says...
Ants got to me so off I went to City Farmers for some Amdro - Amanda wasn't kidding when she said its expensive. $75 for a small container, but I probably only needed 10g. I baulked at spending that and was recommended coopex - powedered permetrhin that you disolve into water and then soak where the ants are. Anyone interested should take a read of this. Now I've done some reading to decide that I'll use it, but the packaging and sale information is lacking. (I'd still prefer a small quantity of amdro to be available for purchase)

In short: half life of permethrin is 28 days or less in soil, but it is rapidly destroyed if exposed to sunlight. It binds tightly to soil - so I'll use it between seasons before planting out beds. It is toxic to bees, fish and reptiles. This is bad - but manageable by ensuring it goes straight into the soil and no reticulation or rain for a while after application. I won't use it near any stationary water
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Como, Perth
20th March 2010 10:11pm
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Original Post was last edited: 20th March 2010 10:13pm
amanda says...
Interesting info Brad. I was able to share costs of Amdro with my folks - they have coastal brown ants - bad news. I had white ant guy inspect recently and he tested this new gel on my problem ants - fantastic stuff. But only licenced p.controller can use :-( Ant-kill can be watered in as well.
I am going to try the neem drench method - I will let u know how it goes.

What we really need is rain....lots!
We are hoping for some 2morrow - fingers crossed.
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Geraldton. WA
21st March 2010 11:26am
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Original Post was last edited: 21st March 2010 11:30am
Rhys says...
I never liked them either until I heard that Bob Dylan song - "The Ants are my Friend"...
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21st March 2010 1:17pm
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Louis says...
Do we know if the nicotine drench will effect the plant and enter the fruit crop? Would hate to feed that to my family and I. Thanks
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28th March 2010 1:13am
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amanda says...
Louis - like anything you use there are with holding times. Even with organic pyrethrum, nicotine etc. The beauty of organic remedies is that they break down rapidly into harmless substances.

Chemical agents can not only take a long time to break down - sometimes these synthetic agents break down into less than desirable compounds also.

It's all a matter of choice and using things wisely and with commonsense. For ants in pots with edibles - my personal choice would be to try to drown them first. My next choice would be wetta-soil. Then neem, pyrethrum and nicotine. I would use chemical control as a last resort - in that situation. Out on the driveway - I would use a different method.

Tread you own path! :-)
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Geraldton. WA
28th March 2010 10:49am
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Julie says...
One thing you could try (to prevent ants getting in)is fine shadecloth or flywire at the bottom of the pot. Cut a circle a little larger than the base and insert before filling the pot. It works for slaters (aargh!) so it may work for ants. Good luck.

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Roleystone WA
29th March 2010 8:00pm
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Julie says...
Sorry, just reread the posts, and I see someone has already suggested this.
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Roleystone WA
29th March 2010 8:04pm
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nancyjane says...
I planted penny royal around my clothes umbrella to deter the meat ants from feasting on my toes as I hung the laundry. They pour up through the penny royal plants every time i arrive...doesn't deter them at all.
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7th April 2010 7:57pm
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lewis says...
i was told that just tip the pot over and get all the soil out of it and the ants will just leave.
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england, nofolk
13th April 2010 6:09pm
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snottiegobble says...
Hi everyone dont forget that the termites greatest enemy is the ant so far better to have ants under your pavers by the back door & in your pots.
Having said that thankfully we dont seem to have the Argentine ants in WA that where in coastal Vic. Due to their vast networking habits & being able to spray formic acid without abdominal contact, Argentine ants have decimated native ants that need to grapple to overcome a foe. Spiders, beetles,lizards & even nestlings are fair game & there is no way you can leave pet food outside S.E of Melbourne. Probably far worse since i lived there ( Mordialloc) 25 years ago & powdered them willy nilly with CHLORDANE!!! Yep I am still alive!
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14th April 2010 1:27pm
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Angela says...
I have ant nests even in my potted plants that have continually moist soil in them, so i dont think the overly dry potting mix is always the problem.
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1st May 2010 5:38pm
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ive had enough says...
Thats not possible. I flood my habiscus trees 1 to 2 times daily. only 1 seems to have this major problem. It is the bigger tree and I water it extra. I also have placed them in the mosture control soil for extra resistance over drying out. they are different types and I believe this one attracts them more for some reason. they are in sun most of the day. I still have the ant problem. now I flood them majorly.
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ive had enough
long island
25th June 2010 10:01pm
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snottiegobble says...
Dont forget that if your plant is in a flooded tray all the time the ants cant leave even if they wanted to so place a stick from the top of potting mix to the ground & see what happens! never seen an ant yet doing the breaststroke & theyre not crash hot at the crawl
( in water) either!
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27th June 2010 4:10pm
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Little_Fox says...
So glad I found this. I have noticed our backyard is being taken over by ants. Found large bugs and beetles eaten out by them, as well as having my pots taken over.
We see that the granules (like tiny pieces of coloured glass) are all around the edge of our rented house, and I saw it in the pool shop when I was in there "dreaming" one day. The ants dig it out from where ever it is, and make piles of it next to our front door. Hubby has blown it away across the lawn, and the next day there is another pile at the door.

We've tried ant sand, ant rid, boiling water. But there are just too many ants.

Should I ring the real estate and ask them if the landlord wants to have the yard sprayed or something?
I have 3 small children who I can't let out, as even a small black ant bite turns into a large welt.
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Ipswich Queensland
28th September 2010 3:10pm
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snottiegobble says...
So many species of ants in Australia & of course argentine & fire ants are imports. Amanda has her " good guys" & her imported coastal ants & Little fox has black ants whos bite have bad reaction. I know we dont all have mini focus on our cameras, but visually lets tru to identify the good, the bad & the
" sh-t, that hurt" by a snap shot. I dont want to kill the "good guys" either. So please Photos tomorrow everyone!

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29th September 2010 12:17am
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Wayne says...
At last count I had 25,646,552 ants in four different sizes [that I have noticed], from teeny ones that you can hardle see but bite like crazy to giants who threaten me if I go near them
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Mackay QLD
29th September 2010 6:53am
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snottiegobble says...
Aw geez Wayne, for all your hard work you forgot the shy ones under the brick by the cape gooseberries so start again. :(
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29th September 2010 1:36pm
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Jantina says...
snottie you're a funny bugger (am I allowed to use that word on here?)
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Mt. Gambier S.A.
29th September 2010 3:03pm
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amanda says...
Yea Jantina - it's part of the Aussie Dictionary mate! :)
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Geraldton Mid West WA
29th September 2010 7:16pm
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nthnbchsmelissa says...
Hey Amanda and others; I've got ants using my passionfruit vine as a super highway...:-)

I'm not sure if they are causing trouble, if I should leave them alone.

I have used ant sand along the brick fence the vine is growing against but there is still lots of ants. I've been spot spraying with residual spray on the pergola posts and beams but doesn't seem to be getting rid of the ants.

The ant sand doesn't work on the vine as it doesn't have enough surface area to settle. I went to bunnings and got a pyrethrum based spray and have been using this. I appears to have stunted the growth on the areas of vine that I have used it on (only on the areas of new or young growth) the leaves have curled and the vine stopped growing although the tip hasn't been removed. This appears to be localised so I've put this down to the spray - it may or may not be related.

So should I be worried about the ants? Should I be doing something different to get rid of the nests? I think they may even be coming from the neighbours yard as they have trees growing all along the boundary fence and whilst we prune them from our side; when we prune them they seem to have loads of ants in the trees.

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North Curl Curl
20th November 2010 8:32pm
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Pauline says...
Right, firstly, ants often farm scale. Scale could also explain the stunted growth. Have you had a close look at the leaves (often the underside) and the actual vine for any scale??

There are ant poison things you can get that they carry off to the nest and it kills them from the nest out. might be worth trying that?
Also, if you DO have scale, then treat that as that could be what they are coming for.

Good luck
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21st November 2010 10:47am
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nthnbchsmelissa says...
what does scale look like?

Hey Amanda: Where did you get MaxForce? I tried Bunnings today but they didn't have any; I have though made up a sugar/water/borax solution.... this doesn't seem to me attracting many ants yet.

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North Curl Curl
21st November 2010 7:57pm
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amanda says...
Hi melissa, I got at a rural supplier. Amdro is another one which works well too - it's expensive though.
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Geraldton Mid West WA
22nd November 2010 10:03am
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nthnbchsmelissa says...
Hey Amanda

I contacted Bayer direct and the guy I spoke to was very helpful. He asked me to do a protein/sugar test to see which bait I need, and as yet neither is appearing as attractive to the ants as the vine appears to be :-(

Did you use the gel (sugar) or the bait (protein) based??

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North Curl Curl
22nd November 2010 5:24pm
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Pauline says...

There is a pic and some info on scale.
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22nd November 2010 8:05pm
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nthnbchsmelissa says...
Thanks Pauline,

I've taken and attached some photos; I can't find alot of scale, I looked under many leaves and only could find these two.

Could scale be causing the curling in the third picture although there wasn't any evidence of scale on these curled leaves?

I've posted a similar request on the passionfruit thread as this is occuring on my passionfruit vine.

Sorry to take this thread of topic - as it is about ants but I'm hoping that the ants are after the "honeydew" rather than the pollen of the flowers:-)

Pictures - Click to enlarge

Picture: 1

Picture: 2

Picture: 3
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North Curl Curl
22nd November 2010 8:27pm
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amanda says...
Hi again Melissa - some ant treatments are actually only designed to deter ants - not actually kill them. Ant Sand is one of those "deterrent only" treatments.

Richgro produce "Ant Killa" - which is bifenthrin - and will actually kill ants.
Some ants are 'meat ants' and will respond to Max Force and Amdro. Others are sugar ants and will repond to a borax/sugar treatment (the little bottles of "Ant Rid" at the supermarket is great for these guys)

Have a talk to your local pest controller if you keep having problems (maybe take some of your ants in too)

They wil also be able to tell you about withholding periods for a food crop...

(sometimes just boiling water or Wetta soil will kill off the nest too...)

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Geraldton Mid West WA
22nd November 2010 10:09pm
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Macropodmum says...
Hi, I saw on another forum (from someone in the states) that someone found vinegar to be an effective repellant, I've just tried spraying some on my patio (I have a meat ant problem)and it seems to have deterred some but not all. I'm not sure whether it just isn't effective or I havent used enough.

Also we have had so much rain for weeks but the ants are worse than ever.
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Coleyville, QLD
10th December 2010 5:09pm
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Original Post was last edited: 10th December 2010 5:29pm
Amber says...
I know this sounds crazy but it's has worked for me. We have alot of native plants in our backyard which attract ants, which are close to my vegie patch.

Talcum powder or baby powder scattered around the area tends to keep ants away as they don't like to walk on it!.
Works everytime!

It may look ugly, but trust me it works. Especially if we have cat food left out and the cats don't eat it, because the ants are there in no time.
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10th January 2011 5:36pm
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Amber says...
Definitely use talcum powder, it won't harm the plant in any way unlike harsh pesticides. I use it all the time as a wall to stop the ants getting into my vegie patch. They hate walking on the stuff and it smells nice. It's also ALOT cheaper than the ant kill.
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10th January 2011 5:38pm
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Julie says...
Do the ants just slip on the talc and break their legs? :)
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Roleystone WA
11th January 2011 5:39pm
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Original Post was last edited: 13th January 2011 8:21pm
amanda says...
Ha ha! funny thought Julie! :))
A friend of mine just mentioned this method the other day actually. But as she said - it only deters them and now she has 3x more nests - as it doesn't stop them spreading.
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Geraldton Mid West WA
11th January 2011 10:05pm
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bluetoo says...
RE: Coffee grounds. Ants are infesting our palm pot that we throw coffee grounds in, so I think that's a no to coffee as ant deterrent. I read elsewhere than pepper or chilli powder could work. Pepper seems to have scared off the big black ants on the footpath living around the power pole. At least they are relatively harmless and "organic".
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27th February 2011 7:14pm
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Sony says...
I have found ant nests in some of my potted plants and, boy I was mad!! I've used coffee grounds in the past and it had worked some but the ants keep coming back! So, I think I'm buying some of that Pyrethium (not sure of spelling)to get rid of them. It's been raining everyday for the last 6 weeks and grass, insects are getting out of control!
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Puerto Rico
9th June 2011 6:55am
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snottiegobble says...
Sony, if you can find some trays to put your pots in & water your plants thoroughly the ants will get the message, but remember once you have the "moat round the castle" the ants in the pot cannot escape so it will take time for them to die off! Make sure none of your plants leaves are touching anything that will allow the ants to invade or escape!
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Bunbury/Busso (smackin the middle)
9th June 2011 8:50pm
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Sony says...
Good suggestion. I think that could work. But, will it harm my plant to leave it in water for many days?
At least is worth to give it a shot. I'll try first with one of my plants to see how it works.
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Puerto Rico
14th June 2011 11:21pm
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lydia says...
i try it, they r kill my plants
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14th July 2011 4:15am
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lydia says...
i try it, they r kill my plants
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14th July 2011 4:16am
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lydia says...
i try it, they r kill my plants
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14th July 2011 4:16am
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denise says...
When ants are around and causing a niusance I put out some flat tile or slates in suitable places. The ants will put much of their eggs and babies under it and I then lift up the slate and spray them with a quick acting poison.
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auckland nz
16th July 2011 2:20pm
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snottiegobble says...
Ants are a nuisance in Australia specially imported species from cold countries such as Argentina ( Argentine ants) & tropical species ( Fire Ants). Both adapt very well & in the case of A.Ants their metabolism allows them to be very active during our so called winters while our own species are either hibernating or at least very sluggish. This puts them at great risk of being annihilated & if you google Argentine Ants you will see that not only our native ants & other ground insects are at great risk, but also many of our reptiles, amphibians & small mammals! Many areas of Melbourne suburbs are now
totally Argentine ants territory & its very sad. So to Lydia & others who care it may be of great benefit to our environment for you to familiarise yourself with these insects & decide if it is these formidable foes in your plant pot ( & likely all round your garden) or comparatively harmless native ants then act accordingly!!
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Bunbury/Busso (smackin the middle)
21st July 2011 12:53am
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liz says...
I got food grade diatomaceous earth at Ebay. It was very inexpensive and i use it on my plants as nothing else gets rid of the fungus gnats.
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29th November 2011 8:08am
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Pest Control says...
For those of you interested in DIY and natural solutions for pest control you can check out www.pestexterminator.com
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Pest Control
atlanta, ga
7th December 2011 8:10am
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pixiepqueen says...
ants are killing some precious palms that I grew from date seeds. I bought the dates as a treat for my husband when we first moved in together and I planted the seeds.. Ive had the palms for 20 years..the ants are killing them.. I feel dreadful about it.
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16th January 2012 7:58pm
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snottiegobble says...
Pixiepqueen, are your palms in pots or planted out?
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Bunbury/Busso (smackin the middle)
17th January 2012 3:47pm
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pixiepqueen says...
My palms are in a big pot.. they are not planted out..
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18th January 2012 12:56pm
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Terry says...
We had a serious red ant problem. I got Borax from my local Mitre 10. They recommended it. Bunning don't have it. I mix canned cat or dog food with it (1 borax to about 4 food). Cover with pot for animal safety. Ants are significantly reduced in 24 hours and gone in 48.
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29th January 2012 5:52pm
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snottiegobble says...
pixiepqueen, Terry may well have the answer, but be prepared for a bad smell & possible dead neighbours cats!
I suggest then first spread wetting agent granules all over the potting mix & then soak pot thoroughly every day for 2 weeks. The wetting agent allows the PM to take in moisture evenly rather than it finding channels to run through which may not have included the ants nest with previous waterings!
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Bunbury/Busso (smackin the middle)
30th January 2012 7:27pm
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pixiepqueen says...
thanks I will try your suggestions... might be a bit late however... I'm afraid my palms have turned brown and are most probably now dead.. discovered the ants far too late..
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17th February 2012 3:18am
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Attunga Garden Products says...
Why don't you try David Gray Antex liquid it's available at all Mitre 10 if they don't have it they can get it in for you. It's a liquid pyrethroid
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Attunga Garden Products
21st February 2012 10:45am
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ayeshaaakter says...
What is an Insect Pest?
For purposes of this Fact Sheet, we classify insects and mites as pests based on their ability to damage vegetable plants and reduce your harvest from the home garden. Many insects, and all spiders, found in home vegetable gardens are beneficial and control of these insects is not recommended.

Monitoring Pest Insects in the Home Garden
Insects and mites can move into your garden and then rapidly increase in numbers. You should examine plants in and around the garden throughout the season at least twice weekly. Use magnification to aid in identifying insects and mites. Examine a few plants of each cultivar thoroughly, searching under leaves, inside developing fruit, along stems and at the plant crown. Note feeding damage signs such as insect excrement, holes in leaves or fruit and/or twisted or deformed leaves. Make notes indicating the number or extent of damage from week to week to aid in determining whether insects and/or damage is increasing.

Identify the Insect
Color photos of the most common insect pests and descriptions of others are included in this fact sheet. You should be able to develop a general classification of the pest based on this information. Once you have identified the pest, you should classify the type and amount of damage it is causing.

Controlling Pests
The best control is prevention. Pest problems can often be prevented by developing and maintaining a healthy crop through soil fertility, proper irrigation, choosing crops suited to the climate and soil, and by removing small infestations before they become a problem. Once you have identified a pest problem based on the type and amount of damage and made a decision to control the pest, you should consider the following. There are numerous methods of controlling pests; the most effective control often is achieved by combining control techniques.
For more information, click here,
http://www.pestcontrol.co>pest control
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22nd February 2012 9:13pm
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Original Post was last edited: 22nd February 2012 9:14pm
Anna Heather says...
Guys, kindly assist what is the most effective ant killer now? I have red ant in my yard! >.<

I want to include it in my site, to help people kill those ants..

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Anna Heather
28th February 2012 1:29am
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snottiegobble says...
Anna heather, it may come as a surprise to you, but most of us only kill ants if they have direct irritating influences on our daily lives. Personally I believe that ants in all their thousands of species must play a vital part in this world, by either controlling more damaging pests
such as termites, pollinating certain flowers, or burying seeds that can occasionally germinate! yes I do kill ants on occasion, but basically loath to use indiscriminent poisons!
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Bunno &amp; Busso ( smack in the middle)
28th February 2012 2:22am
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Dory says...
Try this, diatomaceous earth works, and it is totally organic. It does not harm earth worms or bees, it kills insects that have the hard waxy layer protecting them, like ants, fleas, silverfish etc. It is not a pesticide, it kills them mechanically by dessicating. The one I use is food grade. I bought it from Greenharvest online.

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27th March 2012 9:47am
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Amegafrog says...
Help, I don't know what type of ants I have. I live in FNQ and have a mini nursery in my backyard. Everything is in pots and I have thousands of ants. I have tried soapy water and ant rid, but by the time I get to all the pots I'm back at the beginning. Or its rained. They are eating the soil and do so very quickly, leaving me with sawdust. Ithe time I need to spend repotting into bigger pots is replaced with the never ending circle of the ants eating all the soil. I get half the yard done and then they are back, millions of ants carrying their eggs onto the next one. I didn't want to use chemicals because of the frogs but I am at my wits end financially and time. I work 5 days a wk and have a 5yr old so my weekends are pretty well it in the garden and limited time to water wkdays and as they r in pots with good soil turned to dust my time is spent watering as they r so dry. Circle starts again with ant rid applied to what i can Which I can't get to them all till the next wkend And hence the circle starts again. Can anyone help me with something that will suit my circumstances. I use to love my garden but I'm over it and ready to dump the lot.
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23rd December 2012 4:04pm
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Mike says...
Amegafrog are trhge ants very small and reddish brown with a nasty bite? Are you in a crazy ant area? Are the pots directly on the ground? Are the frogs white lipped,green tree,Dainty tree and sedge frogs?

Some insecticides are quite mild and target insects pretty well.
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23rd December 2012 8:53pm
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Amegafrog says...
Hi mike, I'm pretty sure they aren't crazy ants. They are very small black ants that don't bite. My pots are on the ground and because of dengue I don't have them in saucers etc. the frogs range from white tip to green tree, dainty green tree, eastern dwarf, water frog. I've grown palms, etc in my yard for over 8 yrs and the invasion has been for about a year or so. I'm using good soil, which in no time is like dust, that has nothing left in it. Any suggestions. Could I safely get my yard sprayed?
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23rd December 2012 11:01pm
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Mike says...
I get the black ants as well as the little red/brown ones in pots.I am near rainforest and get those species and a few others like the stony creek frog,orange thighed and ornate burrowing frog in spite of mild use of insecticides.
They will keep coming back unless you reduce their access like a plastic sheet under them or elevating pots off the ground.
You have a few options.Find their nests and pour boiling water down them.Use ant baits and take out a whole lot at once.Borax kills them but you can't put it on plants.Pyrethrin is mild and kills ants but I wouldn't put it in potted plants.Neonicotenoids like Imidacloprid target insects pretty well and are not as toxic to most vertebrates.
To get them out of a pot you might need to submerge it for a few minutes.
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23rd December 2012 11:29pm
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Gabe says...
The ants have relationships with sugary pests like aphids and mealy too so I am not very hospitable toward them.
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30th January 2015 1:19pm
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Kimberline says...
Try cinnamon. Sprinkle it generously around your pot plant inside and out. Ants can't stand it! Good luck. Kim
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23rd May 2015 3:47am
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Kimberline says...
Try cinnamon. Sprinkle it generously around your pot plant inside and out. Ants can't stand it! Good luck. Kim
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23rd May 2015 3:47am
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Bangkok says...
Did any of you here try Tanglefoot on their tree's? If so then did it work well?

I'm still thinking of ordering that online since my tree's also have antnests.
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30th May 2015 12:45am
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vickie says...
I use petroleum jelly around the bottom of my pots and at the base of my hummingbird feeder. They can't climb over it to slick!
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29th June 2015 4:01am
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Bangkok says...
Yes petroleum jelly works well but not so long. A week later i saw the ants running over it again.

If tanglefoot really can stop them for a year or so that would be great.
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29th June 2015 10:16am
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Bangkok says...
I ordered tanglefoot from internet and put it on tape which is wrapped around my tree-stems.

So far it works perfect, the ants are gone after a day.

It should work for a year or so, well that would be perfect!

I ordered one tube only but need more because i'll do all my tree's.
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19th August 2015 11:53am
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Julie says...
Is Tanglefoot available in Australia? If not, where best to buy it?

I'm wondering if it would be effective against small lizards which wreck my strawberries. They do more damage than birds!

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Roleystone WA
19th August 2015 4:23pm
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Bangkok says...
Julie i bought it from ebay, it came from the USA.

There also is another one against bigger animals.

It is just a very sticky paste which doesn't dry out.

I have a lot of squirrels here which i still like but if they start stealing my fruit i will put it everywhere they like to walk on.

just let ebay find it for you, shipping costs more then the tanglefoot so maybe you can share it with somebody.
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19th August 2015 5:56pm
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Julie says...
Thanks Bangkok. Yikes, that's expensive. I could buy a lot of organic strawberries for that price!
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Roleystone WA
20th August 2015 12:44pm
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Bangkok says...
I agree that it's too expensive but that's because of the EMS shipping.

A product like this can also be shipped much cheaper by normal mail but unfortunately you can't opt for that.

I wanted to buy more tubes from the vendor but then i would have to pay the same shippingcosts for every extra tube.

But maybe you're lucky and a trader in Australia will start selling it locally. I have seen a video of an Aussie grower promoting it so it must be available somewhere i guess.

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20th August 2015 1:12pm
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ivepeters says...


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20th August 2015 2:30pm
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Julie says...
Thanks ivepeters, that's a little more reasonable! I didn't check postage cost, but sure to be better than eBay.

As I said, I wanted to try it for small lizards. Does anyone have any idea if it will work? I have dealt with slaters, snails and Portugese millipedes, but the lizards have me beat!
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Roleystone WA
20th August 2015 8:49pm
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janis austin says...
Diatomaceous (sp?) earth for pools is NOT the same as for gardens. Check carefully
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janis austin
san diego
11th October 2015 5:22am
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Bangkok says...
Update on the Tanglefoot.

It works well but can't stand rain, it washes off. My ants are back.

I found Thai tanglefoot, will try that soon.

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16th October 2015 6:33pm
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janis austin says...
Swimming pool diatomaceaus earth is not the same as you use in the garden.
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janis austin
san diego
30th October 2015 5:28am
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Gypsie says...
I have flyscreen in all my pots as the holes in the bottom are way too big. In my case, definately doesn't stop the ants from entering
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10th November 2015 10:40am
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Gypsie says...
Green ant problem is an easy solution. Tie an oil soaked rag (used cooking oil) around the bottom of the tree. Green ants will not walk across it, if the don't touch the ground they die. Renew the oil on the rag every month or so.
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10th November 2015 10:51am
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Debra Jean says...
if you have trouble getting help or things to use in garden for pests etc, Go to your local Mitre10 we have a great one here and lady knows her stuff. also try plant nursery as they are experts too.
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Debra Jean
Murray Bridge SA
1st February 2017 7:08pm
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prize gardener says...
Try some boiled cirtus peel in water. It's fast and it worked on my plants. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qqr9Lyb1KZs
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prize gardener
2nd May 2017 3:29pm
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Nelly10 says...
My mate used a tobacco spray years ago in his greenhouse, killed all bugs including a snake overnight. He won't use it again.
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29th July 2017 9:08am
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Darren says...
Amdro only thing thatt works for CBA but they quickly reinvade.
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Blackbutt nsw
1st February 2018 6:25pm
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Carolyne says...
I had a type of red stinging ant. My body was eaten alive with terrible weeping swollen sores.
The only solution is to remove the plant very carefully and soak the roots in a garbage can filled with water. Take the pot and put it in a heavy duty plastic bag. Knot the top of the bag securely. Leave in the hot sun for three days. Then take the bag to the dump. No Mercy!! I didn’t care about losing my beautiful pot as well.
About the Author
Chilliwack, BC
20th April 2018 8:35am
#UserID: 18322
Posts: 1
View All Carolyne's Edible Fruit Trees
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