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Brendan6's Edible Backyard

Joined: 01/12/13 Updated: 01/12/13 Frost:
Location: Mackay, Q

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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

Brendan6 Forum Contributions
Mango29 - What you are doing is spot on. Are you using the Wetting Agent? That could be the problem. I know it's hard, but try to spray both sides of the leaves...2091 days 0hrs
Mango29 - What spray are you using? Have you used this from Yates? https://www.yates.com.au/archives/2012/august/product-of-the-month-yates-liquid-copper-fungicide/ Try adding a small amount of Spreadmax, https://www.bunnings.com.au/searles-200ml-herbicide-addit..2093 days 14hrs
Avocado type b - Shepard is a type B, and I class it as a semi-dwarf (with pruning). Funny thing, where I live, my Lamb Hass (A) and the Shepard (B), flower and fruit at the same time :-)..2109 days 14hrs
Dwarf avocado for tropics - Lamb Hass is a semi dwarf Karen. 'Most' avo trees can be kept small-ish by pruning now and then. I also class my Sheppard as a semi dwaft, with pruning...2148 days 13hrs
Huge avocado - These got lost somewhere? (For above)..2446 days 9hrs

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