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Life In A Retirement Village's Edible Backyard

Joined: 13/08/15 Updated: 31/07/16 Frost:
Location: WARRAGUL

About My Edible Backyard

Why Life In A Retirement Village Love's Edible Plants

freshness, variety and something special for the grandkids 


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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

Life In A Retirement Village Forum Contributions
Persimmon new leaf curl1 - thanks, I didnt know persimmon could be grown in a pot.They are in the garden but if I can't ressurect the fuyu this year I'll definitely try an astringent variety in a pot. I will be looking for one that does ok in a cooler climate though. ..3018 days 10hrs
Persimmon new leaf curl1 - The leaves on my Fuyu are later emerging , stunted and curled and some of the branches have died over winter but the leaves on my ichikikijiro are healthy and the plant looks robust. Both plants were planted about 15 months ago. The Fuyu was an older tree..3026 days 20hrs
Fruit trees for high rise terrace - By keeping in pots the plants will stay limited in their size. Some fast growing fruits like strawberries, especially the ones with pink flowers would be nice. Enquirer into companion plants, some herbs are nice around the base of plants . Would you have ..3189 days 1hrs
Feijoa trees not flowering - Try pruning them a bit. ..3468 days 7hrs

Fruit Tree Forum Likes

Life In A Retirement Village has LIKED the following:
Ants nests in pot plants - Diane, Ants in plant pots are a sure sign of an overly dry potting mix. Don't shoot the messenger. The presence of ants is merely a handy indicator telling you that you are under-watering.If you stop allowing your pots to dry out then they won't move..Liked Answer 3018 days 7hrs
Persimmon new leaf curl1 - Perhaps the fuyu exhausted itself fruiting especially as it is a small tree. Is the fuyu in a pot or just the ichiki? I have had that problem with one of my persimmon trees, branches that fruited died back. All I can suggest is keep them well watered and ..Liked Answer 3018 days 10hrs

Dwarf Persimmon - Ichikikijiro (NA) (Grafted)

Life In A Retirement Village's Edible Fruits
Update: 3116 days 18hrs

Comments: - I only recieved it a couple of days ago and planted it out the same day. We live in Baw baw in Gippsland so we get frosts in winter . Spring is very near and I wanted to get it in before the sap  starts to run. I have seen many persimmon fruit in opportunity shops here but they never ripened. I dug a hole twice the depth and width of the pot and put a generous handfull of dynamic lifter beneath the osmocote potting mix I brought to hole up to correct size. It just looks like a twig at the moment. Retirement villages have small back yards so the dwarf seems like agood option for me. I hope it does well.

Planted: 2015

Growing: In the Ground

First Fruited: 1 Years from purchase in pot

Sun/Shade: Medium Sun

Question: I'm not sure how to add comments on the growing process, I thought this had died because the other deciduous trees in my yard leafed up much more quickly  but left it in the ground and the buds are now showing movement.

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Homegrownsbest says... [3347 days 9hrs ago]

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