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Persimmon new leaf curl

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life in a retirement village starts with ...
The leaves on my Fuyu are later emerging , stunted and curled and some of the branches have died over winter but the leaves on my ichikikijiro are healthy and the plant looks robust. Both plants were planted about 15 months ago. The Fuyu was an older tree which bore fruit the first season while the ichikikijiro was a younger tree which slowly established itself . The trees are about 10 metres apart. Any ideas please?
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life in a retirement village
29th October 2016 7:50am
#UserID: 12198
Posts: 6
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allybanana says...
Perhaps the fuyu exhausted itself fruiting especially as it is a small tree. Is the fuyu in a pot or just the ichiki? I have had that problem with one of my persimmon trees, branches that fruited died back. All I can suggest is keep them well watered and fertilised and give a regular high nitrogen liquid feed when they are sending out leaf and even mulch on the top of the pots to stop them drying out in the heat of the year. Persimmons can go great in small pots as they make incredible bonzi but the size of the pot will limit the size of the tree it can contain. Good luck with them they would have to be the worlds most beautiful fruit tree in my opinion.
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4th November 2016 9:23pm
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People who Like this Answer: life in a retirement village
life in a retirement village says...
thanks, I didnt know persimmon could be grown in a pot.They are in the garden but if I can't ressurect the fuyu this year I'll definitely try an astringent variety in a pot. I will be looking for one that does ok in a cooler climate though.
About the Author
life in a retirement village
6th November 2016 6:10pm
#UserID: 12198
Posts: 6
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