Irma Forum Contributions
Ullucus tuberosus - Hi Cesar, Ulluco is other of the Andean tubers. As far as I know is not available in Aust. The only Andean root found in Aust. are Canna edulis, Smallanthus sonchifolius/Yaccon, and the tuber Oxalis tuberosum/Oka. Lepidium meyenii/Macca is sold commercial..
5614 days 13hrs
Betel leaf - Piper sarmentosum Roxb. is the correct name. Native to China, Cambodia, India and Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Phillippines and Vietnan. Used for wrapping food or as an ingridient for various kinds of curries. Piper betel L. the leaves are pressed togheter..
5778 days 14hrs
Betel leaf - Hi, is not all year around. Best time April, May; Box Hill shops,and Victoria Rd Vietnamese veg.shops Melbourne...
5778 days 15hrs
Egyptian onions - Thank you Marina...
5875 days 10hrs
Tree onion - Hi,
Does any one knows where can I get Tree onion/Egyptian onion/walking onion (common names for this onion)
6133 days 11hrs