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Radium Weed aka Milkweed

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KathK starts with ...
A friend has some skin cancers & is searching for Radium Weed
Have found places that sell the seeds & the plants -but of course, not to W.A.
Does anybody (hopefully Perth/Mandurah area) have some growing they would be prepared to part with?
It would be really appreciated & I can give you plants & farm fresh eggs in return. We have what we call 'milkweed' growing all over the place but it's nothing like this.
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Picture: 1
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Karnup W.A.
25th November 2013 7:35pm
#UserID: 1744
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sternus1 says...
Erm I would be very careful about using bloodroot for the treatment of malignant skin cancers. What you have to understand is that this only reduces the cosmetic appearance of the mole, it does not remove or otherwise stymy cancerous cells. Bloodroot is ok to use for simple naevi and sun tags, but as an application for something like a kerastosis or melanoma it will do nothing at all.
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25th November 2013 7:59pm
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KathK says...
ps after doing more research & looking at dozens of photos I had a search around my property & found some!
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Karnup W.A.
25th November 2013 10:53pm
#UserID: 1744
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KathK says...
Thanks for that info. He isn't intending to use bloodroot (hadn't heard of that so looked it up & it's a very different plant which as far as I can tell doesn't grow in Australia)
He is using Euphorbia peplus (not Euphorbia peplis as that's completey different also) This grows wild here in W.A.
A good article to read if you're interested-
Doctors are now prescribing a very expensive gel called 'Picato -the active ingredient is 'Ingenol Mebutate' which is a derivative of the plant Euphorbia peplus.
Have done quite a bit of searching & many people are getting excellent results.
Also purchased this book for $4.50 in PDF format-it has a lot more info & references- http://www.beautanicals.com.au/booksales.html
My friend has sun spots not malignant skin cancers-sorry, should have been more specific.

About the Author
Karnup W.A.
26th November 2013 11:37am
#UserID: 1744
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Original Post was last edited: 26th November 2013 11:36am
denise1 says...
I used the milk from euphorbia peplus on some warts on my hand and they never returned.
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auckland NZ
26th November 2013 4:09pm
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Julie says...
Kath, welcome back - haven't heard from you for a long time!

I have this weed everywhere, it's very persistent, but easy to pull up. Do you have enough to be of use to your friend? I don't know how easy it might be to transplant.
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Roleystone WA
26th November 2013 9:10pm
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KathK says...
Hi Julie,
yep I have plenty thanks. A couple of months ago I was pulling it out! Did your neighbour's plum tree transplanted from here ever fruit?
About the Author
Karnup W.A.
27th November 2013 3:50pm
#UserID: 1744
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Julie says...
I don't know Kath. I think they split up - they have definitely moved. I have now lost touch with them. But it did well when planted.
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Roleystone WA
27th November 2013 8:29pm
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alicemk says...
Hi Julie and KathK
I was wondering if either of you had any radium plant (Euphorbia Peplus) growing at the moment, please? I believe it is an annual that grows during the wetter months, but with all this rain we have been having, am wondering if anyone has any growing, or knows of a source where I can get some now, please?
Any information would be greatly appreciated.
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2nd March 2017 10:30am
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Julie says...
I do have more of this weed in winter, but I think I saw one the other day. Not really the weather for transplanting something as tender as this - seed would probably be a better idea. I'll try and get back to you (you are not too far away!).
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Roleystone WA
6th March 2017 9:59pm
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People who Like this Answer: alicemk
alicemk says...
Thanks Julie. Really appreciate. Please don't try to transplant in this heat, but please if possible can you water it to try and keep it alive for now as I realise it is probably out of season at the moment and it is a miracle if you have found some. I have asked Daley's to send you my details and hope to hear from you soon.
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7th March 2017 2:10pm
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