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My new sour sop fruit!

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hk27 starts with ...

My four year sour sop seedlings have produced 7 sets of fruit in the south-western Sydney area.

I am so excited and relieved! We can FINALLY grow sour sop in Sydney!
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11th January 2018 5:28pm
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Waterfall says...
Wow that is exciting!

Is it growing outdoors, can you tell us a little about where its planted, aspect etc. how large is the tree?
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12th January 2018 11:07pm
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hk27 says...
Hi waterfall .
yes I planted it out door about tree years ,first years I keep the in the pot then in the ground after that , the trunk about 2"e; and a bit over 2m tall . First ones I buy is (graft) but dye few month later , so this is my second ones
I did learn something after that , some very important factor please consider ,
sour sop need wind protection , doesn't
like wet feet , heavy clay will kill your plant if you need more information
I can Email you .

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13th January 2018 3:13pm
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Waterfall says...
hk27, our seedling is just turning 3 years old this month, we are also in Sydney but it lives in a greenhouse during winter.
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19th January 2018 9:40am
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hk27 says...
Hi waterfall.
I think is the times to let it go to the ground (let it free). it will go through the winter if you do the ways I do, if you don't mind let me know I will
explain next times. Btw I love your garden
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21st January 2018 9:26pm
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JohnMc1 says...
I recently picked my first Kyogle grafted Soursop after three years, in a pot, and another on the way. It had a very pleasant taste. The fruit was a hit with some Filipino friends that just happened to show up at the right time. The tree lives permanently in a poly house just an hour's drive north of Sydney on the Sunny Central Coast NSW.
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26th January 2018 7:29am
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People who Like this Answer: Markmelb
hk27 says...
How big the fruit , and how long have you been waiting for the fruit to be ripe ?
About the Author
26th January 2018 6:30pm
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David says...
Hi JohnMc1,

Do you know what is the min temp in your poly house during winter night (July-August). Also, how is it going with your Abiu and Rollina? have you tasted them yet?. I have 2 grafted + seedling Soursops in poly house in Melbourne. Thanks.
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27th January 2018 10:44am
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Original Post was last edited: 27th January 2018 11:09am
David says...
Hi hk27,
Do you remember when your soursop tree has the flowers, if it starts in Jan then fruits should be ready by April-May which should be alright as the weather is not too cold at that time. As Soursop takes around 4 months from flower to harvest. Cross your fingers.
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31st January 2018 9:00am
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hk27 says...
Hi David,
Yes, my sour sop tree had flowers in September 2017. Fruit set in November. Please see the attached photo taken today.
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About the Author
4th February 2018 10:22pm
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David says...
Hi hk27,

Wow! It grows very quick and looks very impressive. So you can have 7 ripe Soursops next month. Congratulation. Mine may need a year or two.
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5th February 2018 9:31am
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People who Like this Question Flora17
Fruitylicious1 says...
Hi Dave

Did you plant the mountain soursop which is purportedly more cold tolerant than the standard graviola? Or just the normal one inside a poly house during winter in Melbourne. I'm pretty sure they're a bit shy to flower and let alone fruit in Melbourne. I wish you all the luck.

As Always ....Happy GARDENING :-)
About the Author
7th February 2018 6:46am
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David says...
Hi Fruitylicious1,

No, I have 2 grafted Kyogle and 1 Graviola seedling plus more than 40 other tropical fruit trees, all in the very large poly house. As the temp inside in winter from 5C to 25C and Summer 20C to 40C so I don't plant the moutain Soursop. Only the problem I may need to contruct a separate polyhouse for the Jackfruit in a few years time if it grows too large. Cheers.
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7th February 2018 12:27pm
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Original Post was last edited: 7th February 2018 6:29pm
Fruitylicious1 says...
Hi David

Jackfruit? Wow!!! I am amaze by your perseverance bordering on obsession to grow those tropical fruits in Melbourne. I must see it when it's time to pick up our group order. I'm pretty sure I will learn a lot by actually seeing your I think is an amazing tropical paradise in an unfriendly environment like Melbourne with regards to tropical organisms. I wouldn't be astounded anymore if I am going to see sapodilla, star fruit or even mamey and green sapote inside your poly tunnel.

As Always....Happy gardening :-)
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8th February 2018 1:29pm
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Original Post was last edited: 8th February 2018 3:38pm
David says...

You will be disappointed as I don't have Mamey and Green Sapote but Abiu, Rollinia, Star fruit, Mango, Longan, Lychee, Sapodilla, Paw Paw etc. plus others. They grow very fast, especially Mango, Star fruit, and Rollinia. Cheers
About the Author
12th February 2018 8:56am
#UserID: 16671
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Original Post was last edited: 12th February 2018 9:41am
Markmelb says...
Hi David - was wondering if you have been able to fruit you Carambolas here and to a yellow ripened state? ive had a Jak cutting for 4 years and comes inside over winter - have a brindsmead in the ground and is only really just putting on growth near our summers end so may pot it up soon and replace with a Lucuma.I need a poly tunnel or similar?
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13th February 2018 10:24am
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David says...
Hi Markmelb,
My grafted Kary has not fruit yet as I want it grows stable first before fruits, the same for Hog Plum and Rollinia. May be I can tell you next year. However, in my opinion if you can grow it in the poly house with the temp is around 15c above the outdoor in Melbourne then you already know the answer. For the Jackfruit I read a lot of articles said tropical fruit trees usually grow under the shades or under the canopy of rain forest but they did not know that those trees even grow very tall and look very healthy but never fruited or only have few fruits for their entire life. In my opinion Jack needs at least 8 months with temp around 25-30c and full sun in order to grow fast and fruit within 3-5 years. Otherwise, you just have it for vegetative growth like indoor plant.
Lucuma. Interesting! How its tastes compared with Canistel. I am still watting for Aurea from Daley.
I have one grafted Jack, Litlle Jewel which suitably to grow in pot and 6 seedlings, different varieties. The liitle Jewel is in 90l fabric pot and put out a lot of shoots and grow fast. In 3 year time I may need to put it in 500l pot and a separate poly house if it is ready to bear fruits. Poly house Yes or No. In Melbourne with poly house you can extend the summer from say 5 months (Nov to Mar) to 9 months (Sept to May). The other factor is wind as most fruit trees don't like our gusty wind at all, especially Carambola and the second factor is fruit fly. You don't have that problem if they grow in the green house. Last but not least is you can control the wet/dry climate during flowering for Longan, Lychee and Custard apple etc. and no antharcnose for Mango. Cheers
About the Author
14th February 2018 1:01pm
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Original Post was last edited: 15th February 2018 12:39pm
David01 says...

How is it going with your sour sop? can you update the progress and photos? Thanks.
About the Author
26th March 2018 3:50pm
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hk27 says...
Hi David01,

Sorry I have been away for two weeks and my garden looks terrible. The soursop tree has a lot of scaling - need to get rid of that. On the bright side, the tree has so much fruit setting that I had to prune some off to get some decent sized fruit. I have found that soursops are fruiting easier than custard apples.

Please see the attached photos, I hope they're clear enough.

While I was away, I came across an orange mango shaped fruit as well as an avocado like fruit that was about 200mm in size. I was wondering if you knew what variety these were?

If there are any other questions in regards to the soursop, please ask away! I will be asking for your expertise in the near future!

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About the Author
8th April 2018 12:03am
#UserID: 7289
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hk27 says...
Hi David01 .
I just cut my first fruit this afternoon, as you can see the picture. The fruit has slightly turn yellow some part and the skin start cracks around the stern may be it ready in couple days. . Don’t you think ? I may need your advice later, Btw thanks
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About the Author
8th April 2018 7:21pm
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David01 says...
Hi hk27,
Thanks for the photos. Your Soursop looks awesome. Hope it will be ready before June-July. Pic5 looks like Russell Avocado to me, which is common in Forida, however, I could be wrong. The orange Mango where did you take the photo? I have seen Mangos similar shape and color in Japan and Taiwan but have no idea about name or variety. Cheers
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8th April 2018 10:20pm
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Original Post was last edited: 8th April 2018 11:15pm
Waterfall says...
Yesterday I found some flowers on my soursop tree too, we are also in Sydney.

I will be planting this in the ground next spring.
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About the Author
11th April 2018 1:42pm
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David01 says...
No doubt, the weather gets warmer every year. Soursop and Rollinia now can grow and bear fruits in Sydney. May be next time are Abiu, Star Apple. The question is how does it tastes, good or below ave?
hk27 Please update your Soursop taste like. Cheers.
About the Author
12th April 2018 9:47am
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Original Post was last edited: 12th April 2018 9:57am
Ruth01 says...
Hi hk27,
Just curious, are you selling some of your soursop leaves or know where I can specifically get some?
I have been previously using it for medicinal purposes (Cancer) and would love to retrieve more if possible.

Kind Regards,
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Currans Hill
17th April 2018 5:16pm
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hk27 says...
Hi David01
Sorry a bit late , anyway fruit taste beautiful a bit
Sour , sweet and creamy it worth to wait for 5 year
Now I’m waiting for my next Mt soursop to set fruit
(I hope) . Btw (Russell avo) please let me know
Where I can buy it . Thank
About the Author
24th April 2018 6:56pm
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hk27 says...
Hi Ruth01 .
I’m very sorry i can’t help you , I got only one so
Hope you understand , maybe someone can help

Cheers .
About the Author
24th April 2018 7:07pm
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David01 says...
Hi hk27,

Congratulation on your Soursop fruit success. I don't think Russell Avocado is for sale in Aust. Cheers
About the Author
26th April 2018 1:51pm
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David01 says...
Hi Ruth01,

I was wondering if you do need Soursop leaves for your own treatment. The best way is to order few seedling trees from Daleys and grow them in door in pot likes any decoration in door plants. You will get plenty fresh leaves when ever required but no fruits and that is what you need. If you buy more than 2 trees it only $7.75 each. Cheers

About the Author
27th April 2018 4:11pm
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Original Post was last edited: 27th April 2018 4:16pm
hk27 says...
Hi David:01 .
Thank , just update j another 2 fruit today it not big
Just a handful size not much seed as you can see
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About the Author
29th April 2018 1:19pm
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David01 says...
Hi hk27,

Thanks for the update. It looks delicious. YUMMY. Well Done
About the Author
30th April 2018 9:50am
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Ruth01 says...

hi david01
thank you for getting bak to me where im still on a mission for leaves for NOW cause its gonna take ages to grow the plant itself, which ive already have lol but fanks anyways xx
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Currans Hill
17th May 2018 3:41pm
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Waterfall says...
Hi hk27, how is your soursop tree doing now that it is mid winter and a cold one too?

I'm still a little nervous about planting mine outside in the ground next spring.
About the Author
11th July 2018 9:09am
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hk27 says...
Hi Waterfall .
Thank, my sour sop still good growing strong it's ok , I think you don't have
to worry planting it outside because the cold weather in SYDNEY will not kill your tree (but it will kill if it cold and get wet feed special in winter) so
waterlogged must be avoid .BTW I see a sour sop tree grow about 8 to 9m tall
at JOHN st Cabramatta , so don't have to
worry to planting outside ,

About the Author
12th July 2018 8:38pm
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David01 says...
Hi hk27,

I checked the weather in Bonnyrigg, tonight and tomorrow night it is 3c and 1c. I was wondering does your sour sop tree drop any leaves during winter? Thanks
About the Author
13th July 2018 9:35am
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hk27 says...
Hi Davido1 ,

leaves all looking good , only few older
leaves been tear of by strong wind , and
some older leaves been drop of and tiny leaves star to form (it happen last few years some times it drop to 1 to 0 still
ok .

About the Author
13th July 2018 6:40pm
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IanW says...
I just bought a Kyogle soursop that will have its first winter in Inner West Sydney, so I'm glad to hear it doesn't need a greenhouse in winter! My garden is tiny, so space is a premium, and I already have too many trees!
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1st May 2019 4:30pm
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David01 says...
Hi IanW ,

If you have a grafted Kyogle then the first few winters you need to bring it inside as Kyogle is not as hardy as the seedling Graviola. Cheers
About the Author
2nd May 2019 11:26am
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Original Post was last edited: 2nd May 2019 2:47pm

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