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Raj's Edible Backyard

Joined: 01/12/13 Updated: 01/12/13 Frost:
Location: Sydney

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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

Raj Forum Contributions
Mango and lychee tree leaf burn - Hi I have these two trees, Lychee - around 1.5 year old, about 3 feet, very slow growing and mango - around 4 years old, 6 feet, both have some leaf burn, as seen in pictures What could this be from, and what do i need to do The Mango trunk has a LOT O..4560 days 23hrs
Cherimoya3 - Hi Vanessa, I was after a grafted Tropic sun custard apple, do you still have them available, if not, by when. I am particularly interested in the grafted variety, as I have a bit of a space limitation and 3M seems right for me. How is the fruit ..5013 days 4hrs
Growing lychees and custard apples in sydney - forgot to ask, are there dwarf varieties we should consider?..5015 days 20hrs
Growing lychees and custard apples in sydney - HI, I am looking to plant a Lychee - Bosworth 3 and Custard apple in the backyard. We are in Sydney and the backyard isnt too large. Is Bosworth 3 a suitable variety for sydney. And what would be the best Custard apple species to go with. Pink Ma..5015 days 20hrs

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