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GillianO's Edible Backyard

Joined: 01/12/13 Updated: 01/12/13 Frost:
Location: Brisbane

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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

GillianO Forum Contributions
Identify fruit tree - Thank-you! I'll check out your thread Jason - just need to work out how to pollinate now.....4366 days 21hrs
Identify fruit tree - While we're at it - there's a tree in my new workplace garden with fruit that looks a bit like a nashi - that's what I thought it was but the leaves aren't right. The first crop of fruit I've seen never had a chance to ripen unfortunately as the gard..4373 days 21hrs
Acerola fruit - This is so helpful. Mine has been in a pot for two years, and gets flowers but they always drop. I once saw one fruit on it when I was walking past, but I thought I'd leave it one more day to ripen, and a possum (I presume) got it overnight :( I won'..4865 days 8hrs

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