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Number81's Edible Backyard

Joined: 01/12/13 Updated: 12/01/22 Frost:
Location: BALWYN

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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

Number81 Forum Contributions
Creature eating my apricots5 - Hi everyone. Can you please identify the creature that's been eating my unriped apricots by the teeth mark? Possums? Rats? Bats? The suburb is Balwyn, Victoria. Thanks..1228 days 20hrs
Blueberry11 - Thanks Markmelb and Figbarron I have been inconsistent in watering the blueberry and I will decrease the ph...2688 days 11hrs
Blueberry11 - I planted a blue berry about seven years and it has not grown. Some of the new growth(and old) turns brown and dies off. The plant is now smaller than when it was planted, We tested ph of the soil and it is about 5.5. In the past we got about ten or s..2691 days 11hrs
Tomato disease - Thanks Julie I will look for the russet mites in the weekend, hoever its too late to save my plants..3326 days 11hrs
Tomato disease - Hi everyone Can anyone identify the disease that causes stunted growth of my tomatoes? The plant starts off well and fruits but by mid January the bottom leaves start to die as shown in photo. From then on it produces no more tomatoes. I was told by..3327 days 11hrs

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