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Daisyetta1's Edible Backyard

Joined: 01/12/13 Updated: 01/12/13 Frost:
Location: Wallacia, NSW

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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

Daisyetta1 Forum Contributions
Apostrophe - G'Day Corey, I wonder if you could fix the errant apostrophe that appears on the My Edibles page in the heading Why Daisyetta Love's Edible Plants. Probably says something unkind about my personality, but it really annoys me!..4639 days 6hrs
Beginner needs help soil preparation - You shouldn't feed chicken crumbles to layers because there is more protein than they need in it (the most expensive part of the food), so costs too much. That's why chicken crumbles cost more than layer pellets. It is also lower in calcium that the lay..4651 days 12hrs
Beginner needs help soil preparation - You shouldn't feed chicken crumbles to layers because there is more protein than they need in it (the most expensive part of the food), so costs too much. That's why chicken crumbles cost more than layer pellets. It is also lower in calcium that the lay..4651 days 12hrs
Weed mat around fruit trees - Or just one female. Odds on she'll be pregnant...4654 days 10hrs

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