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Bobbles's Edible Backyard

Joined: 01/12/13 Updated: 01/12/13 Frost:

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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

Bobbles Forum Contributions
Selling our growing land - Amanda, your arguments are not coherent and thus it is very difficult to understand if you are seeking knowledge, or just frustrated. It almost seems that once your initial concerns are rebutted you move onto other issues. Ownership or investment of a b..4472 days 18hrs
Selling our growing land - Thanks Mike, I guess I’m being a bit of a hypocrite and inciting drama about the “urban sprawl” whilst trying to temper the “foreign ownership fears”! To be honest I can see the patches of bush become brand new estates and the big trees disappear (what wi..4473 days 12hrs
Selling our growing land - I’m aware of the constitutional requirement relating to the government seizing assets – that is why I said it was a big deal. (The government does regularly seize assets ... thing of all the highways and roads that are put in each year). However I include..4473 days 13hrs
Selling our growing land - If a foreign entity (individual, or a company) wishes to purchase land or assets in Australia, it needs to be approved by the FIRB (Foreign Investment Review Board). Yup, even if someone is here for a few years on a working visa and wants to buy their own..4473 days 18hrs
Black mulberry question - Hi db, I cannot speak for Brisbane but the black English has a rich sweet flavour whilst the red shahtoot has a more tart flavour. Both very nice. Many a great childhood memory involves me covered head to toe in sticky mulberry juice. They are very toug..4477 days 14hrs

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