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SM's Edible Backyard

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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

SM Forum Contributions
Apricot tree11 - Noticed yesterday my Glengarry apricot had some bark missing right down to the woody part of the trunk. Have no idea what would cause this, if it can be stopped from progressing and if there is something I can put on the bare timber or is the tree doomed...2672 days 20hrs
Large olives - HI Markmelb, Thorneside is in Redlands just east of Brisbane. Tree in question is in Reservoir and overhangs my mum's back fence. Have been down a couple of times at the right time to see the fruit. Not able to take cuttings at the right time as I live a ..2941 days 19hrs
Large olives - This is probably a long shot but here goes. I have come across an olive tree, in burbs of Melb, that bears quite large olives, 30 of them weigh 450gms and are between 27 & 28mm in diameter. This size is typical of the rest of the fruit on the tree and the..2944 days 12hrs
Grapes1 - Can anybody give me a clue as to why my grape which I believe is a muscadeine variety, it is about 3 years old and grown from a cutting and is in a pot, had heaps of fruit last year (for a young plant) and this year it grew enormous leaves and no fruit. L..3412 days 23hrs
Identify avocado - Hi Julie, this one was almost too late, another day and it would have been. Now have some more to try and get wrong...3634 days 13hrs

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