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Mic1's Edible Backyard

Joined: 00/00/00 Updated: 00/00/00 Frost:
Location: SYDNEY

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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

Mic1 Forum Contributions
Fig panache tiger - Hello Farouk, it is a long time and I would have expected it to grow already, but there is still a chance it will make it...2366 days 15hrs
Fig cut or keep suckers - What Mike Tr advises is true especially for plants grafted on to a root stock. Figs are generally grown on their own roots so it is not as important for them. You will want to remove the sucker as complete as possible, as close as possible to where it ..2378 days 21hrs
Fig cut or keep suckers - Hi Steve, Cut them or keep them, the choice is yours, depending on what type of growth habit you want. I remove them on mine because I want a tree with a single main trunk. With a single trunk, it's easier to stop the ants when they come after the fru..2381 days 9hrs
Lemon not blooming for years - The shoots look like they might be growing below a graft and so are from the root stock. If so, you don't want them, so cut them off. It won't solve your problem, but they will just waste the trees energy and eventually take over if left alone...2554 days 5hrs
Pomegranate tree beginner questions - Hi Shazam, I'm new to pomegranate too. Your plant looks good. If you're in doubt, then wait til it is dormant next winter to repot. Perlite isn't necessary if you use a good quality potting mix. Perlite lightens the mix and helps with drainage. ..2554 days 5hrs

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