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Fontainea1's Edible Backyard

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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

Fontainea1 Forum Contributions
Blushwood2 - There is something far better than the need to consider Fontainea as a medicine! And that is for all of us to not be sick. Why should we need to search for Good Health! If we consider the causes of cancers, diseases and poor health; these are generally ca..2686 days 10hrs
Blushwood2 - Hi Serena, Details of the EBC-46 trial can be found by accessing the Australian New Zealand Clinical Trial Registry at www.anzctr.org.au and entering “QBiotics” in the search window. If you speak with your mother's oncologist about the EBC-46 trial, the..2688 days 23hrs
Blushwood2 - Hi AdaD, The scientists are saying that they are extracting an alkaloids from the kernels inside the Fontainea picrosperma (Blushwood) fruit and the private company QBiotics is supplying single injection amounts of this alkaloid known as EBC-46 for patie..2719 days 14hrs
Blushwood2 - The Blushwood Fontainea picrosperma basically will not grow outside the Atherton Tablelands. I collected a healthy seedling in a tube and I gave it great care, but in the 18 months I nurtured it, it did not grow and suddenly, for no real reason, it died. ..2720 days 2hrs
Blushwood2 - Hi Jessica, Alkaloids, that we have generally come to consume are mainly produced by plants, fungi and bacteria, and these contain compounds that have nitrogen chains. However, some plants produce alkaloid toxins including Hemlock, Strychnine, Caffeine, ..2734 days 11hrs

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