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Kegbrewer's Edible Backyard

Joined: 00/00/00 Updated: 00/00/00 Frost:
Location: HILTON

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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

Kegbrewer Forum Contributions
Finger lime varieties1 - Hmmm, as I mentioned initially, mine had sprouted a few flowers rice grain size which I removed. I omitted to say there was one fruit hiding, obviously there a long time, dried hard, about 30mm long 5mm dia. Cut it and tried to eat but almost rock hard.....3007 days 4hrs
Finger lime varieties1 - Hi Brain, thanks for the post, it backs up my Collette experience so far and what appears in the PDF I mentioned earlier. Had considered ditching it a month ago but am glad I didn't. "Slower growth" is NO exaggeration, haha...3011 days 3hrs
Finger lime varieties1 - Hi Peter, did mention Collette and that's the only finger lime I have. The only other fruit tree is a ~30 year old Tahitian Lime which is still cropping very well. Tired of the bird battle with peaches and apricots so no longer have. See you have Red T..3014 days 5hrs
Finger lime varieties1 - This thread seems to have been quiet for a while so here goes... Planted my grafted Collette from Daleys 01Mar15 sunny position in the ground and NOTHING happened until a few days ago. Finally some new leaves and stems and a few tiny flowers. There was..3018 days 5hrs

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