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Zacintosh131's Edible Backyard

Joined: 00/00/00 Updated: 00/00/00 Frost:
Location: GRANGE

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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

Zacintosh131 Forum Contributions
What is wrong with my mango seedlings3 - Hi, the seedling have grown quite a bit. Some have died, but they're pretty resiliant. One of my stronger looking seedlings appears to have scales, or some other bug. There is also a nasty looking hole about halfway up the same plant. Not sure if that ..2233 days 22hrs
What is wrong with my mango seedlings3 - Hi, I lost some too, I have 5 or so strong ones, and the rest seem to be just holding on, but they're all just showing signs of new growth now (pics 1 and 2). My main issue thus far has been that the new growth isn't surviving (pics 1 and 3) it looks ..2803 days 21hrs
What is wrong with my mango seedlings3 - I don't think there was frost, I wasn't in Adelaide all winter. they're just starting to shoot now, hopefully in a few weeks they'll have some new leaves...2805 days 14hrs
What is wrong with my mango seedlings3 - Hi all, Just checking in for an update and some advice. So, quite a few of my mangoes have survived a pretty miserable Adelaide winter. However, they do look a little worse for it. They're around 6 - 9 months and there are little shoots forming - ev..2812 days 14hrs
What is wrong with my mango seedlings3 - It seems like the plants are now flushing, but a lot of new growth is dying at early stages. One plant had a significant amount of growth in about 2 weeks, you can see where it was before the flush, but now it is wilting and I don't want to lose it....fi..2962 days 17hrs

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