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Guillermo's Edible Backyard

Joined: 00/00/00 Updated: 00/00/00 Frost:

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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

Guillermo Forum Contributions
Chilean guava ugni molinae - The plant at Mount thoma, was at full sun on the side of the slope very close to another plant I,m trying to grow at Leura.(gunnera manicata) Chilean rhubarb ..2607 days 9hrs
Chilean guava ugni molinae - I have to move my plant for home repair. I could not move too far because the amount of soil i left to protect the roots. was at full sun with plenty of water, but this kill it. Was a huge healthy plant of 1 meter high, never flower or fruit in almost 8 y..2609 days 7hrs
Chilean guava ugni molinae - If you try once the fruit. I,m sure you will try to grow it. I got a plant for more than 5 years and never had a flower.Is possible too hot in my area.I will plant some on the blue mountains this year to see if I can taste some fruits. you will find one w..3096 days 1hrs

Fruit Tree Forum Likes

Guillermo has LIKED the following:
Chilean guava ugni molinae - pH is approx 6.5-7 Not sure if it's like this further down but it was this at the surface (the ground is heavily mulched with newspaper & bark chips, so not sure if that has an effect on pH or not). They have finished flowering now & the fruits are st..Liked Answer 2607 days 8hrs
Chilean guava ugni molinae - That's very funny. Perhaps we should tell my plants that full sun is really bad for them. I have since checked on the internet and found that indeed these plants like full sun, though some commented that part shade is also OK. As for transplanting th..Liked Answer 2607 days 9hrs
Chilean guava ugni molinae - Hi I planted several bushes about 3 or 4 years ago. Those which are in part shade have grown to about 60 cm high, but look a bit straggly and show no sign of flowers. Those in full sun look more healthy and have just, finally, produced a lot of flowers a..Liked Answer 2609 days 8hrs

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