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SproutMeKate1's Edible Backyard

Joined: 00/00/00 Updated: 07/07/17 Frost:
Location: WITHCOTT

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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

SproutMeKate1 Forum Contributions
Newly planted mulberry tree dropping leaves - it could just be a bit of transplant shock, or an issue with not being fully sun-hardened when planted out. how hot has it been where you are, how much shade is the plant getting, and how much water is it getting? I can see you've got it nicely mulched ..2378 days 23hrs
Garlic problems - basal rot in garlic is caused by a fungus in the soil, and that fungus can be transferred via water runoff, gardening implements, shoes - all sorts of things. if you're using garlic you've grown as your planting stock - then it's also possible you're per..2378 days 23hrs
Paw paw trees2 - that's a nice paw paw tree and some nice fruit coming on. it should be possible to transplant it out into the garden - however moving such a large specimen will pose you some challenges and it doesn't come without risk. there is always the risk of killi..2378 days 23hrs
Peach tree fruit not maturing - there could be a number of reasons for fruit drop at that size. it could be an issue of too much/little fertilizer, incorrect timing of fertilizer, too much/little water, high winds, or some sort of infestation. sometimes fruit also drops if the tree do..2378 days 23hrs
Whats that tree - super photo Stevie - thanks for posting it! now that I can see the leaves better, it certainly isn't an apple - but you'll still have fun working out what variety of pear it is ;-) the fruit development is coming along very nicely too! looks like you..2395 days 8hrs

Fruit Tree Forum Likes

SproutMeKate1 has LIKED the following:
Mislabeled brown turkey fig id - Considering Daley's sells Violette de Bordeaux, I'd say that is the most likely option, and it does resemble that cultivar very closely. However, it should also be noted that while fig cultivars may have specific leaf shapes, they can be very variable..Liked Answer 2398 days 11hrs

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