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Leona's Edible Backyard

Joined: 01/12/13 Updated: 01/12/13 Frost:
Location: Perth

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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

Leona Forum Contributions
Blueberry - Hi Shaun, I got my nelly kellys from Lena Nurserys but they do also sell them at Waldecks. I got my Sharpeblue and Misty from Dawsons. They are in stock at the moment but you must be quick as they only get them in once a year, so I believe and they sell..6008 days 9hrs
Bonsai bag vs pot - Generally speaking, a pot looks nicer but a bag usually has better drainage and is easier to move and easier to plant out (as you can simply cut the bag prior to planting) plus it isnt prone to harbouring spiders as pots often do. Bags are usually cheaper..6010 days 5hrs
Fruit trees in shady garden perth - Is it in full shade all day or part shade? The only ones I know of that can fruit in full shade are the monsterio deliciosa and the ugni (otherwise known as the Chilean guava)...6010 days 5hrs
Pomegranate in a pot - Yes you can. I have a semi-dwarf variety, which grows to around 2 metres in the ground. It is growing beautifully in a pot...6018 days 13hrs
Pomegranate in a pot - Yes you can. I have a semi-dwarf variety, which grows to around 2 metres in the ground. It is growing beautifully in a pot...6018 days 13hrs

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