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Mike8's Edible Backyard

Joined: 01/12/13 Updated: 01/12/13 Frost:
Location: albany WA.

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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

Mike8 Forum Contributions
Olive barnea for cool climate - As you say they grow a lot in Israel which is both hot and cold.They are an upright tree,almost columnar and i would think hard to harvest the fruit and keep the tree to a small size.I think the fruit is mainly for oil not table olives.Picholine(a french ..4891 days 14hrs
Olive tree identification - Hi Carlton,Your tree might be a variety of Verdale which is a dual purpose olive tree.Good for pickling when yellow/green or you can crush for oil but their oil content is not as high as other varieties. Regards Mike...5225 days 15hrs
Grass roots invading my orange tree - Putting a garden bed around any citrus tree is not a good idea as Julie says they have a lot of surface roots which have to compete with the plants in the garden bed for nutrition and any cultivation in the bed is not good for citrus.Glyphosate will kill..5304 days 4hrs
Hazelnuts1 - hello jenny,according to glowinski Cosford is pollinated by kentish cob,halls giant,gunslebert or maybe red aveline.A strange quirk according to glowinski is that cosford will pollinate white american but not the other way around.Hope this info is usefull..5430 days 1hrs
Olive trees5 - You can grow Kalamatas from cuttings but the success rate is very low,that is why commercial growers prefer grafting.Cheers Mike..5436 days 15hrs

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