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Grafted mango
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BUSTERiver's Edible Backyard

Joined: 01/12/13 Updated: 01/12/13 Frost:
Location: Wash St.

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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

BUSTERiver Forum Contributions
I have a cherry tree - If it is too cold, for honey bees, (when it blossoms).Check into Mason bees.They are the first bees out in Wash. State. I wouldn't have any cherries if not for mason Bees. (well I would have a lot less)..4871 days 6hrs
I have a cherry tree - I've cut my cherry tree way back (more than 50%) and it comes back just fine. Just make sure you trim it back after the leaves have fallen off and winter is approaching. NOT in springtime when buds are ready to pop.New shoots will form in the spring and ..4871 days 6hrs
I have a cherry tree - Depending on where you live might be the problem. I live next to Tacoma WA. and my trees bloom way before the honey bees are out,thus, NO FERTALIZATION. Answer: "MASON BEES". They are the first bees out in the spring. They nest in paper straws [plastic..5626 days 19hrs

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