Goretti's Edible Backyard
01/12/13 Updated:
01/12/13 Frost: Location: Brisbane * You need your own My Edibles Page to contribute Quick & Easy
Goretti Forum Contributions
Paw paw - I'm growing my paw paw from seed, it all started when I through paw paw seeds in the compost !!!
By the way, in order to let them grow only to a certain height, every little while I remove 3 of the top new leaves. Is that a known practice for you too ?.. 5538 days 3hrs
Paw paw - Thanx for all the info on Paw Paw trees.
While living in Africa, we all used crushed paw paw leaves as a meat tenderizer ... hopefully it was'nt too unhealthy !!.. 5640 days 2hrs
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