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Steph2's Edible Backyard

Joined: 01/12/13 Updated: 01/12/13 Frost:
Location: Sydney

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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

Steph2 Forum Contributions
Blueberry - Hi Trudy, You say that you "..ordered 2 BlueRose Blueberry plants from EBAY FOR $16 total including post.(CULTURED in a lab in Bango N.S.W.)-(10 week wait)"... Have you received your plants?!? I ordered Blueberries from the same seller (shanesma..5562 days 7hrs
Apple tree for sydney - Hi Elizabeth How were your Apples this year? You are growing just about all of the varieties I am considering buying - the yummy crunchy ones! :) Based on your experience with the Sydney climate, can you please help me to choose which ones to get..5686 days 0hrs

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