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SeaLady's Edible Backyard

Joined: 01/12/13 Updated: 01/12/13 Frost:
Location: Florida

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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

SeaLady Forum Contributions
Cinnamon how to harvest - Hi I have a nice large cinnamon tree - about 15 feet tall (Melbourne Beach Florida) does anyone know how I can harvest to get the cinnamon??..5611 days 5hrs
Passiflora varieties - I live in Melbourne Beach Florida and have about 5 kinds of passion fruit, having trouble getting some of them to flower. Someone above mentioned borax - how much and how often and on the roots or sprayed on the leaves? I also bought a sweet calabas..5611 days 5hrs
Passiflora varieties - Phil what variety of passion fruit did you post - picture from March I think? Is it as pink as it shows in the picture or red?? ..5611 days 5hrs
Mango tree not fruiting - Hi All, I wanted to comment of several different issues I read here, we are taught here in Melbourne - Florida that is never to fertilize your mango once it flowers becaus..5611 days 5hrs
Red dwarfmulberry tree - Mulberry does stain - I have 4 trees, at first I tried bleach to get it off my fingers - barely touched it. However peroxide takes it right out - and will take it off clothing, just let it sit for a few minutes and it works like magic. I have Tice M..5611 days 7hrs

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