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Cuong's Edible Backyard

Joined: 01/12/13 Updated: 01/12/13 Frost:
Location: Perth

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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

Cuong Forum Contributions
Lychee tree - Went looking for FZS but none available, can get wai chi and Sah keng. Any opinions on these two?..4469 days 19hrs
Lychee tree - Thank you Mike for your reply. Yes you are right they don't need cross pollination. I will try and get hold of a FZS just out of curiosity. So the way I read your answer Tai so needs more chill hrs than FSZ? Or is it the other way around. Also wh..4470 days 15hrs
Lychee tree - Mike, since you are amongst the commercial lychee world of Australia I would like to ask you a couple of questions. What do the commercial growers of lychee in your area do in terms of fertilizing lychee trees, when and what ? Lychees seem to be extrea..4470 days 23hrs
Sorry but i need a leek - Hi Amanda, I am still around. Just not as much time these days as I have a 5 month old :)..5258 days 15hrs
Sorry but i need a leek - Hi Brad, looks like maybe you didnt plant them deep enough to get a long white part? ..5260 days 16hrs

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