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Paul21's Edible Backyard

Joined: 01/12/13 Updated: 01/12/13 Frost:
Location: Perth

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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

Paul21 Forum Contributions
Even my bottlebrush is turning yellow - Hi all, I'm not having much luck with my fruit trees, but I continue to try. But now even my bottlebrush (or whatever they are - you can tell i'm a pro) are looking horrible. The fuzzy bush has been patchy-yellow for a while now, and the bottle bru..5269 days 14hrs
Advise on dealilng with the heat problems - Hi, I'd like to start this thread again as its just gotten hot in Perth and most of my veges got blitzed. I've mulched, soil improved and I was hand watering in the morning/evening of the hot days. But the veges (even the pumpkin) really struggle..5532 days 22hrs
Veggie garden - Wayne, whats with the shadecloth covers? What plants do you plan to put in there?..5584 days 5hrs
Veggie garden - Sap-suckers eh? I have noticed a lot of flies and bugs recently, including fruit-flies even though I have no fruiting trees (yet)... I would still like to investigate preventing/repairing the damage (for the experience)... Would it be worthwhile try..5594 days 18hrs
Veggie garden - Hi, I have planted spinach, but it now has white spots on the leaves... is this a fungus infection? See second photo - this is a pic of leaves from the neighbours tree which is near our fence, about 10m away from the spinach... could this be relate..5594 days 19hrs

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