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Glen's Edible Backyard

Joined: 01/12/13 Updated: 01/12/13 Frost:
Location: Blue Mountains

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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

Glen Forum Contributions
Blueberry - If you keep blueberries in pots they need quite a lot of attention, and I: notice that most WA members of this blog seem to do that - is this because of the sandy soil there? But yes, I'd repot into Azalea mix, give a good drink of Seasol for the sho..5112 days 7hrs
When to transplant blueberry - Can someone who is really in the know advise if now - mid-winter - is the time to move blueberry plants. many thanks gleng..5348 days 7hrs
Blueberry - Hi Brad and Brendan - thanks for the replies and suggestions - from the site of the plant, and the very mixed soil I have here, I reckon the gypsum will be the thing to try first - it's very possible there's clay under the cultivated top bit, from o..5589 days 7hrs
Blueberry - I've just found this forum - and need some advice, if someone would be kind enough to help. I'm trying to grow blueberries for the first time, and I've attached a photo of the browning leaves - all the same shape of browning. We;ve had rather a lot..5590 days 6hrs

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