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Mike's Edible Backyard

Joined: 01/12/13 Updated: 01/12/13 Frost:

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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

Mike Forum Contributions
Avocado woes - Hi guys, Well, it's been a while, but finally, after almost a decade, we've got a decent crop of fruit on our long-suffering avocado tree. The key (I think) was to keep possums out of the tree. Last year, ringtails got into the tree as the new shoot..2770 days 13hrs
Budding avocado tree possums disaster - Hi Guys, Well, just as the weather started to warm-up, a minor miracle seems to have occurred - the tree has budded and now a fairly complete set of leaves (along with flowers)seems to have sprung from nowhere. I didn't bother to feed, apart from a..3720 days 21hrs
Budding avocado tree possums disaster - Hi Guys, I'm not sure if I'm looking for advice, or just a shoulder or two to cry on... Down here in Melbourne, avocado trees are rare and getting them to stay alive during the baking Melbourne summers is a battle. My tree (almost 20 years old..3776 days 19hrs
Avocado woes1 - Hi Phil, Thanks for the reply! I'm glad you think the tree looks good! We have a had a very wet spring, which I think is part of the reason it's looking so good... I'm keeping a close watch on the flowers... As I was out there this morning, any s..5516 days 20hrs
Avocado woes2 - Hi All, (Apologies in advance for the extremely long post!) I have a 15 year old avocado tree which has been in the wars over the past few years. Being down in Melbourne hasn't helped it much either! :-) It's growing in the garden of an old hou..5517 days 8hrs

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