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Brendan8's Edible Backyard

Joined: 01/12/13 Updated: 01/12/13 Frost:
Location: Melbourne

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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

Brendan8 Forum Contributions
Common myrtle myrtus communis - Nice one Violet, would you be able to take some photos? Mine are still in the pots as above, just trying to figure where to put them .....also was waiting for the autumn temps to arrive, they should have chance then, very nice and green at the moment, go..5434 days 7hrs
Veggie garden - Ana - it probably depends on what you want it to look like. Besser blocks I found a bit easier and lighter, it depends on the masonary blocks available though. Either way you have to seal them so they dont suck all the water out of the dirt beside them. L..5448 days 8hrs
Veggie garden - Sorry couldnt find camera cable...still looking...5457 days 6hrs
Veggie garden - Violet_Cactus: Yep I will take one tonight. ..5461 days 0hrs
Veggie garden - Hi, I have built out garden out of besser blocks (after hunting round trying to find out what to call them!!). The original idea was a simple rectangle which was one level high, so no fully raised but didnt need it that high yet. Had originally planned to..5467 days 7hrs

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