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DaddyC's Edible Backyard

Joined: 01/12/13 Updated: 01/12/13 Frost:
Location: Illawarra

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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

DaddyC Forum Contributions
Blueberry - My mix of blueberries (biloxi, sharpe and another type) are ending a fruitful season here in the Illawarra. Kids loved them straight off the plants. The sharpes are having a little bloom again - nothing prolific. Was wondering if I should trim them b..4812 days 14hrs
Blueberry - Six blueberries in pots over summer - azaelea mix, coir, and other good stuff. Five going well - one going yellow. All in same sunny spot, all equally watered. Any tips on what's gone wrong or how to remedy? Any companion planting issues perhaps? Cl..5112 days 10hrs
Blueberries14 - I live in the Illawarra, NSW - just south of Sydney (temperate climate)and was wondering what three varieties of blueberries to grow that will optimise fruiting season for me. Soils are clayey-loam, a tad acidic but on a coastal flat with groundwater 400m..5482 days 14hrs
Blueberry - Wow. Such a depth of info on blueberries. Here's a query: I live in the Illawarra, NSW - just south of Sydney (temperate climate)and was wondering what three varieties of blueberries to grow that will optimise fruiting season for me. Soils are clay..5496 days 8hrs

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