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Len's Edible Backyard

Joined: 01/12/13 Updated: 01/12/13 Frost:
Location: qld

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Fruit Tree Forum Contributions

Len Forum Contributions
Growing garlic in qld - thanks brendan i have 2 e/mails in to GH will send another..3297 days 21hrs
Growing garlic in qld - thank you julie, that's great when i get stock i stick 'em in hoping for good season in new bed..3301 days 1hrs
Growing garlic in qld - thank you brendan, all we need do now is source some bulbs i believe they are in scarce supply?..3303 days 2hrs
Growing garlic in qld - what is the best variety have sen mexican and chinese mentioned would like other than small bulbs for ease of pealing. do they need to be sprouting before planting was planning on late feb early march planting tia..3304 days 23hrs
Kale - g'day varuni, going to give kale a miss all failed last year got a bit of scotch kale left and a chou moullier growing not doing much wefound scotch kale to strong on the pallet many thanks we got one called 'old women come gossip' from one place tu..3305 days 1hrs

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Bit lost here red bayberry - Len, please email me at l j o 84 at hush mail dot com thanks s..Liked Answer 3836 days 20hrs

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